June 27, 2000

Produced by Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287

(Sometimes I Feel Like) FLETCHER CHRISTIAN: 1999Cgh013, Colonia VIIb Diplomacy



Spring 1754

AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): f TAHITI S f fiji-south pacific, f SURINAM-west indies, f NAPLES S OTTOMAN f greece-ionian, a amazon-PERU, a BAVARIA-rhine, a galicia-BOSNIA, f fiji-SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, a SILESIA-bavaria, f adriatic sea-GREECE, a MANAUS-amazon, f new zealand-BISMARCK SEA, a SAVOY S f papal states(wc), a SWISSE S a savoy, a colombia-VENEZUELA, f PAPAL STATES(WC) S a savoy, f ECUADOR S a amazon-peru.

CHINA (Acheson): f peking-YELLOW SEA, a SINKIANG-kashmir, a TIBET S a bhutan, f east china sea-KOREA, a jehol-PEKING, f MANCHURIA S f east china sea-korea, a GOBI DESERT S f manchuria, a SZECHUAN-burma, a BHUTAN S a szechuan-burma, a MONGOLIA-siberia, f JAPAN-sea of japan.

ENGLAND (Power): f malaya-MALAY SEA, a nigeria-TOGO, a london-ANTWERP, a kameron-FEZAN, a peru-ecuador (d r:chile,otb), f ANDAMAN SEA-burma, f WEST ATLANTIC OCEAN-west indies, f ENGLISH CHANNEL C a london-antwerp, f NORTH SEA-helgoland, f antarctic ocean-SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, a CONGO-uganda, a BOLIVIA S PORTUGUESE a matto grosso-amazon, a GABON-angola, f EAST INDIAN OCEAN-ceylon, f HAGUE S a london-antwerp, f east atlantic ocean-CENTRAL ATLANTIC OCEAN.

FRANCE (Alme): a FLANDERS S a burgundy-rhine, a BURGUNDY-rhine, f hudson bay-ALASKA, f BRITTANY S a flanders, f LIGURIAN SEA S a toulon, a massachusetts-VIRGINIA, f GHANA-dakar, a TOULON S a paris-burgundy, a SAHARA-dakar, a alaska-YUKON, a PARIS-burgundy.

NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): f CORAL SEA-tarawa, a KATANGA S a uganda, f TASMAN SEA-coral sea, a antwerp h (d ann), a UGANDA h, f SAMOA h.

OTTOMAN (Johnson): f baghdad-ARABIA(EC), f HAWAII-north pacific ocean, a izmir-ARMENIA, a SUEZ h, f PERSIAN GULF-arabian sea, f BLACK SEA S a izmir-armenia, f SIBERIA-vladivostok, a uzbek-AFGHANISTAN, a EGYPT S a sudan, f RED SEA S a sudan, f BULGARIA(EC)-romania, f TARAWA-solomon sea, a KAZAKSTAN-ural, a SUDAN h, a OMSK S a kazakstan-ural, f greece-IONIAN SEA, f solomon sea-philippine sea (d r:wpo,iwo,poly,guam,cpo,new guinea,otb).

PORTUGAL (Stimmel): f CANARIES S f mid-atlantic ocean-ifni, a matto grosso-AMAZON, f BAY OF BENGAL-ceylon, a mahratta-KASHMIR, f ricefe-MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN, f AZORES S f ricefe-mid-atlantic ocean, a VANCOUVER S a missouri-oregon, a missouri-OREGON, a BENGAL S ENGLISH f andaman sea-burma, a ARGENTINA h, f mid-atlantic ocean-IFNI.

RUSSIA (Rauterberg): f cape colony-NATAL, f VLADIVOSTOK S f sea of japan-sea of okhotsk, a ST.PETERSBURG S a ural, a CRIMEA S a romania, a lithuania-POLAND, f angola-SE ATLANTIC OCEAN, f sea of japan-SEA OF OKHOTSK, f WEST INDIAN OCEAN-arabian sea, f poland-BALTIC SEA, f korea-sea of japan (d ann), a URAL h, a CAUCASUS-armenia, a ROMANIA h, a HANOVER S AUSTRIAN a bavaria-rhine, a NEPAL S PORTUGUESE a mahratta-kashmir, a ZAMBIA-angola, f DENMARK-helgoland.

SPAIN (Partridge): f somalia-GULF OF ADEN, f manila-PHILIPPINE SEA, a valencia-TUNIS, f mexico(wc)-GULF OF CALIFORNIA, a KENYA-ethiopia, f philippine sea-SOLOMON SEA, f CALIFORNIA-north pacific ocean, a LISBON h, f GIBRALTAR C a lagos-morocco, f cambodia-GULF OF SIAM, a ETHIOPIA-sudan, a TEXAS S a florida-louisiana, a LIBYA S a ethiopia-sudan, a lagos-MOROCCO, a florida-LOUISIANA, a NUBIA S a ethiopia-sudan, f WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN C a valencia-tunis, f RABOUL S f philippine sea-solomon sea.

Supply Center Chart

AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): (has 16) BUD,VIE,SUR,TRI,TAH,ven,bav,bel,NAP,vza,col,nwz,pps,fij,sav,ecu

CHINA (Acheson): (has 11) PEK,WUH,XIA,AMO,tib,tai,NAN,sin,jap,manch,mon

ENGLAND (Power): (has 16) NIG,MLA,EDI,LON,kam,peru,sia,nwy,ire,jav,gab,sum,bol,con,hag,fez?(SPAIN r)

FRANCE (Alme): (has 11) PAR,DAK,TOU,QUE,BDX,tau,ohi,gha,mas,ont,ala

NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): (has 5) ANT,MEL,lou,vir,uga,sam

OTTOMAN (Johnson): (has 17) IZM,JER,BAG,IST,HAW,persia,egy,afg,bul,gua,yem,wak,gre,iwo,tar,sud,oms

PORTUGAL (Stimmel): (has 11) GOA,BRA,manit,mah,arg,azo,kha,bah,van,ben,ric

RUSSIA (Rauterberg): (has 16) MOS,KIE,CAP,STP,VLA,CRI,pol,moz,swe,mal,kor,zam,den,ang,rom,han,nep

SPAIN (Partridge): (has 18) MAD,MEX,SOM,VAL,MAN,cal,tun,rab,bor,eth,hon,tex,nwg,cam,ken,lis,lag,flo,fez?

Neutral: bur,cey,cub,die,ifn,mor,nat,niz,num,ore,tim,togo,vol


Addresses of the Participants

AUSTRIA: Gene Prosnitz, 2600 Netherland Ave., Apt. 1116, Riverdale, NY 10463, (718) 601-8131 ($5) ProsnitzE at

CHINA: Bob Acheson, 807-556 Laurier Ave., Ottawa, ONTARIO K1R 7X2, CANADA ($5) racheson at

ENGLAND: John Power, 5043 Lymbar Dr., Houston, TX 77096, (713) 283-8962 ($5) nat-john at

FRANCE: Hank Alme, 506 Paige Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 almehj at

NETHERLANDS: Sean O'Donnell, 2219 Grafton Road, Grafton, OH 44044 sean_o_donnell at, seanside at

OTTOMAN: Stan Johnson, 2401 W. Southern Ave. #56, Tempe, AZ 85282, (602) 454-9356 ($5)

PORTUGAL: Robert Stimmel, Apt.#57, Casa de Sherry Apts., 2462 North Sycamore Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712-2541, (520) 326-8369 ($5)

RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W.American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221, (414) 281-2339 (E-Mail) prosit at

SPAIN: Dave Partridge, 15 Woodland Drive, Brookline, NH 03033 rebhuhn at

Game Notes:

1) I like the new map better, so I am going to use it for awhile. There are a few small errors in it, so players are reminded that this is NOT the official game map. Please confirm your orders against the regular one. Dave Partridge is trying to help me edit the map, but does anyone have Harold's E-Mail? I'd like to see if I can get him to assist us. Even though they are hard to read, having the place names on the map helps immensely. You guys will let me know if you see mapping errors....