October 20, 2000

Produced by Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287

(Sometimes I Feel Like) FLETCHER CHRISTIAN: 1999Cgh013, Colonia VIIb Diplomacy



Spring 1755

AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): a surinam-MANAUS, a trieste-VIENNA, f tahiti-SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, f belem-RICEFE, f naples-IONIAN, a PERU S a manaus-amazon, a rhine-BURGUNDY, a BOSNIA-bulgaria, f south pacific ocean-SAMOA, a silesia-BAVARIA, f GREECE-eastern mediterranean sea, a manaus-AMAZON, f bismarck sea-NEW ZEALAND, a savoy S a rhine-burgundy (d r:papal states,venice,otb), a SWISSE S a rhine-burgundy, a VENEZUELA-colombia, f papal states(wc)-LIGURIAN SEA, f ECUADOR-colombia.

CHINA (Acheson): f peking-AMOY, f east china sea-TAIWAN, a sinkiang-KASHMIR, a TIBET S a bhutan-nepal, f korea-SEA OF JAPAN, a amoy-NANKING, f yellow sea-EAST CHINA SEA, a CHINGHAI S a sinkiang-kashmir, a szechuan-BURMA, a bhutan-NEPAL, a SIBERIA S OTTOMAN a omsk-ural, f SEA OF OKHOTSK S f korea-sea of japan.

ENGLAND (Power): f nigeria-GULF OF GUINEA, a malaya-SIAM, f london-IRISH SEA, f edinburgh-NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, f ANDAMAN SEA S f burma-bay of bengal, a togo-ASHANTI, a ANTWERP S AUSTRIAN a rhine-flanders (nso), a fezan-BENIN, a argentina-PARAGUAY, f burma-BAY OF BENGAL, f west atlantic ocean-GRAND BANKS, f EAST ATLANTIC OCEAN S f central atlantic ocean, f ENGLISH CHANNEL S AUSTRIAN a rhine-flanders (nso), f antarctic ocean-SW ATLANTIC OCEAN, a uganda-CONGO, a BOLIVIA S a argentina-paraguay, a congo-ANGOLA, f CEYLON S RUSSIAN f diego garcia-west indian ocean, f HAGUE S a antwerp, f CENTRAL ATLANTIC OCEAN S AUSTRIAN f belem-ricefe.

FRANCE (Alme): a quebec-ONTARIO, a dakar-VOLTA, a FLANDERS-burgundy, a burgundy-SAVOY, f VANCOUVER S a yukon, f BRITTANY-flanders, f ligurian sea S a burgundy-savoy (d ann), a virginia h (d r:massachusetts,ohio,otb), f GHANA-dakar, a TOULON S a burgundy-savoy, a SAHARA-dakar, a YUKON S f vancouver, a PARIS-brittany.

NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): f coral sea-ARAFURA SEA, f TASMAN SEA h.

OTTOMAN (Johnson): f yemen-GULF OF ADEN, f polynesia-GUAM, a ARMENIA-caucasus, a SUEZ S a egypt, f ARABIAN SEA S f yemen-gulf of aden, f BLACK SEA S f bulgaria(ec), f VLADIVOSTOK h, a AFGHANISTAN S CHINESE a sinkiang-kashmir, a EGYPT h, f RED SEA S f yemen-gulf of aden, f BULGARIA(EC) h, a KAZAKSTAN S a omsk-ural, a omsk-URAL, f LIBYA-eastern mediterranean sea, f WAKE-central pacific ocean.

PORTUGAL (Stimmel): f CANARIES S f azores, a amazon-MATTO GROSSO, f bay of bengal-GOA, a kashmir-MAHRATTA, f MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN-ricefe, f AZORES S f canaries, a MANITOBA S a oregon, a OREGON S a manitoba, a bengal-BHUTAN, a paraguay-BRAZIL, f IFNI S f canaries.

RUSSIA (Rauterberg): f MOZAMBIQUE S SPANISH f somalia-somalia sea, f sea of japan-sea of okhotsk (d r:japan,otb), a ST.PETERSBURG S a ural, a CRIMEA S a romania, a poland-PRUSSIA, f SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN S f diego garcia-west indian ocean, f NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN S SPANISH f iwo jima-polynesia, f diego garcia-WEST INDIAN OCEAN, f denmark-SWEDEN, a ural h (d r:moscow,kiev,otb), a CAUCASUS-armenia, a ROMANIA S AUSTRIAN a bosnia-bulgaria, a HANOVER h, a nepal S PORTUGUESE a kashmir (d r:bengal,otb), a zambia-KALAHARI, f helgoland-NORWAY.

SPAIN (Partridge): f FLORIDA S a louisiana-virginia, f MANILA h, f somalia-SOMALI SEA, a madrid-LEON, a valencia-ARAGON, f gulf of aden-arabian sea (d r:somalia,otb), f philippine sea-SOLOMON SEA, a numidia-TAUREG, f CALIFORNIA S RUSSIAN f north pacific ocean, a KENYA h, f iwo jima-POLYNESIA, f EAST PACIFIC OCEAN-central pacific ocean, a LAGOS h, f MOROCCO S f western mediterranean, f subic bay-PHILIPPINE SEA, a ETHIOPIA S a sudan, a texas-LOUISIANA, a benin-NUMIDIA, a TUNIS S a numidea-taureg, a louisiana-VIRGINIA, a SUDAN h, f WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN S AUSTRIAN f papal states(wc)-ligurian sea, f solomon sea-TARAWA.

Supply Center Chart

AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): (has 18) BUD,VIE,SUR,TRI,TAH,ven,bav,bel,NAP,vza,col,nwz,pps,fij,sav,ecu,peru,gre

CHINA (Acheson): (has 12) PEK,WUH,XIA,AMO,tib,tai,NAN,sin,jap,manch,mon,kor

ENGLAND (Power): (has 20) NIG,MLA,EDI,LON,kam,sia,nwy,ire,jav,gab,sum,bol,con,hag,fez,ant,uga,arg,bur,cey,togo

FRANCE (Alme): (has 13) PAR,DAK,TOU,QUE,BDX,tau,ohi,gha,mas,ont,ala,vir,van

NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): (has 2) MEL,sam

OTTOMAN (Johnson): (has 15) IZM,JER,BAG,IST,HAW,persia,egy,afg,bul,gua,yem,wak,tar,oms,vla

PORTUGAL (Stimmel): (has 11) GOA,BRA,manit,mah,azo,kha,bah,ben,ric,ore,ifn

RUSSIA (Rauterberg): (has 16) MOS,KIE,CAP,STP,CRI,pol,moz,swe,mal,zam,den,ang,rom,han,nep,die

SPAIN (Partridge): (has 18) MAD,MEX,SOM,VAL,MAN,cal,tun,rab,bor,eth,hon,tex,nwg,cam,ken,lis,lag,flo,lou,iwo,sud,num,mor

Neutral: cub,nat,niz,tim,vol


Addresses of the Participants

AUSTRIA: Gene Prosnitz, 2600 Netherland Ave., Apt. 1116, Riverdale, NY 10463, (718) 601-8131 ($5) ProsnitzE at

CHINA: Bob Acheson, 807-556 Laurier Ave., Ottawa, ONTARIO K1R 7X2, CANADA ($5) racheson at

ENGLAND: John Power, 8201 Featherhill Rd. #301, Perry Hall, MD 21128, (410) 933-8827 ($5) natjohn2 at or jrpower at

FRANCE: Hank Alme, 506 Paige Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 almehj at

NETHERLANDS: Sean O'Donnell, 2219 Grafton Road, Grafton, OH 44044 sean_o_donnell at, seanside at

OTTOMAN: Stan Johnson, 2401 W. Southern Ave. #56, Tempe, AZ 85282, (602) 454-9356 ($5)

PORTUGAL: Robert Stimmel, Apt.#57, Casa de Sherry Apts., 2462 North Sycamore Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712-2541, (520) 326-8369 ($5)

RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W.American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221, (414) 281-2339 (E-Mail) prosit at

SPAIN: Dave Partridge, 15 Woodland Drive, Brookline, NH 03033 rebhuhn at

Game Notes:

1) I wanted to go to 11x17 paper for the maps, but the place where I do my copying doesn't support that paper size and I have to stay with what is cheap. Comments are still welcome, but I'm not sure what else I can do.