Produced by Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287
(Sometimes I Feel Like) FLETCHER CHRISTIAN: 1999Cgh013, Colonia VIIb Diplomacy
Fall 1755
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): a manaus-MATTO GROSSO, a vienna-VENICE, f south pacific ocean-CORAL SEA, f ricefe-BAHIA, f IONIAN-eastern mediterranean, a peru-BOLIVIA, a burgundy-TOULON, a bosnia-BULGARIA, f SAMOA h, a bavaria-RHINE, f GREECE S a bosnia-bulgaria, a AMAZON S a peru-bolivia, f NEW ZEALAND-tasman sea, a papal states-SAVOY, a SWISSE S a papal states-savoy, a VENEZUELA h, f LIGURIAN SEA S a burgundy-toulon, f ECUADOR h.
CHINA (Acheson): f amoy-EAST CHINA SEA, f taiwan-SOUTH CHINA SEA, a KASHMIR-mahratta, a TIBET S a nepal, f SEA OF JAPAN S f east china sea-japan, a nanking-SZECHUAN, f east china sea-JAPAN, a chinghai-WUHAN, a burma-bengal (d r:laos,otb), a NEPAL S a kashmir-mahratta, a siberia-MANCHURIA, f SEA OF OKHOTSK S f east china sea-japan.
ENGLAND (Power): f GULF OF GUINEA C a angola-ghana, a siam-BURMA, f irish sea-EAST ATLANTIC OCEAN, f north atlantic ocean-HUDSON BAY, f ANDAMAN SEA S a siam-burma, a ASHANTI S a angola-ghana, a antwerp-FLANDERS, a benin-FEZAN, a paraguay-brazil (d r:argentina,otb), f BAY OF BENGAL S RUSSIAN f west indian ocean-goa, f grand banks-QUEBEC, f east atlantic ocean-CENTRAL ATLANTIC OCEAN, f ENGLISH CHANNEL S a antwerp-flanders, f SW ATLANTIC OCEAN S a paraguay-brazil a congo-ANGOLA, a bolivia-CHILE, a angola-GHANA, f CEYLON S RUSSIAN f south indian ocean-west indian ocean, f HAGUE h, f central atlantic ocean-SURINAM.
FRANCE (Alme): a ONTARIO S a yukon-manitoba, a VOLTA-dakar, a flanders S a savoy-burgundy (d ann), a savoy-BURGUNDY, f vancouver-oregon (d r:gulf of alaska,alaska,otb), f BRITTANY-bordeaux, a ohio S a yukon-manitoba (imp; d r:missouri,massachusetts,otb), f ghana-dakar (d ann), a toulon-bordeaux (d ann), a SAHARA-timbuktu, a yukon-MANITOBA, a PARIS S a savoy-burgundy, a alaska-yukon (nsu).
OTTOMAN (Johnson): f GULF OF ADEN-ethiopia, f guam-central pacific ocean (d ann), a ARMENIA-caucasus, a suez-EGYPT, f ARABIAN SEA-somali sea, f BLACK SEA S f bulgaria(ec), f VLADIVOSTOK h, a afghanistan-PUNJAB, a egypt-SUDAN, f RED SEA S a egypt-sudan, f bulgaria(ec) h (d r:istanbul,otb), a kazakstan-PERSIA, a URAL-kiev, f libya-eastern mediterranean (d ann), f WAKE-central pacific ocean.
PORTUGAL (Stimmel): f CANARIES S f azores, a matto grosso-PARAGUAY, f goa S RUSSIAN f west indian ocean (d r:nizam,circars,otb), a MAHRATTA-kashmir, f MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN-sw atlantic ocean, f AZORES S f canaries, a manitoba-VANCOUVER, a OREGON S a manitoba-vancouver, a BHUTAN-nepal, a BRAZIL S a matto grosso-paraguay, f IFNI S f canaries.
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): f mozambique-NATAL, f japan-WEST PACIFIC OCEAN, a ST.PETERSBURG-moscow, a CRIMEA S a romania, a PRUSSIA S a hanover, f south indian ocean-WEST INDIAN OCEAN, f north pacific ocean-HAWAII, f west indian ocean-GOA, f sweden-NORWAY, a KIEV-moscow, a CAUCASUS-armenia, a ROMANIA S AUSTRIAN a bosnia-bulgaria, a HANOVER h, a BENGAL S PORTUGUESE a bhutan-nepal, a kalahari-MOZAMBIQUE, f norway-BARENTS SEA.
SPAIN (Partridge): f florida-SARGASSO SEA, f manila-SUBIC BAY, f SOMALI SEA S f somalia-gulf of aden, a LEON-bordeaux, a ARAGON S AUSTRIAN f ligurian sea-toulon (nso), f SOMALIA-gulf of aden, f SOLOMON SEA S f polynesia-guam, a TAUREG S a numidia-timbuktu, f CALIFORNIA S PORTUGUESE f oregon, a kenya-NUBIA, f polynesia-GUAM, f EAST PACIFIC OCEAN-wake, a lagos-LISBON, f MOROCCO S f western mediterranean, f PHILIPPINE SEA S f manila-subic bay, a ETHIOPIA-sudan, a louisiana-OHIO, a numidia-TIMBUKTU, a TUNIS S a sudan-libya, a VIRGINIA S a louisiana-ohio, a sudan-LIBYA, f WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN S f morocco, f TARAWA h.
Supply Center Chart
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): (has 18, bld 4) BUD,VIE,TRI,TAH,ven,bav,bel,NAP,vza,col,nwz,pps,fij,sav,ecu,peru,gre,sam,bah,bol,tou,bul
CHINA (Acheson): (has 11 or 12, bld 2(r:otb) or 1) PEK,WUH,XIA,AMO,tib,tai,NAN,sin,jap,manch,mon,kor,nep
ENGLAND (Power): (has 19 or 20, bld 4(r:otb) or 3) NIG,MLA,EDI,LON,kam,sia,ire,jav,gab,sum,con,hag,fez,ant,uga,arg,bur,cey,togo,sur,que,gha,ang
FRANCE (Alme): (has 7 or 8 or 9, bld 1(2r:otb) or rem 1) PAR,DAK,BDX,mas,ont,ala,vol,manit
NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): (has 2, rem 1) MEL
OTTOMAN (Johnson): (has 12 or 13, even(r:otb) or rem 1) IZM,JER,BAG,IST,persia,egy,afg,yem,wak,oms,vla,sud
PORTUGAL (Stimmel): (has 10 or 11, rem 2(r:niz,otb) or 3)) BRA,mah,azo,kha,ric,ore,ifn,van,niz?
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): (has 16, bld 3) MOS,KIE,CAP,STP,CRI,pol,moz,swe,mal,zam,den,rom,han,die,nwy,haw,goa,nat,ben
SPAIN (Partridge): (has 23, bld 5) MAD,MEX,SOM,VAL,MAN,cal,tun,rab,bor,eth,hon,tex,nwg,cam,ken,lis,lag,flo,lou,iwo,num,mor,tau,ohi,vir,gua,tar,tim
Neutral: cub,niz?
Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Gene Prosnitz, 2600 Netherland Ave., Apt. 1116, Riverdale, NY 10463, (718) 601-8131 ($5) ProsnitzE at
CHINA: Bob Acheson, 807-556 Laurier Ave., Ottawa, ONTARIO K1R 7X2, CANADA ($5) racheson at
ENGLAND: John Power, 8201 Featherhill Rd. #301, Perry Hall, MD 21128, (410) 933-8827 ($5) natjohn2 at or jrpower at
FRANCE: Hank Alme, 506 Paige Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 almehj at
NETHERLANDS: Sean O'Donnell, 2219 Grafton Road, Grafton, OH 44044 sean_o_donnell at, seanside at
OTTOMAN: Stan Johnson, 2401 W. Southern Ave. #56, Tempe, AZ 85282, (602) 454-9356 ($5)
PORTUGAL: Robert Stimmel, Apt.#57, Casa de Sherry Apts., 2462 North Sycamore Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712-2541, (520) 326-8369 ($5)
RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W.American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221, (414) 281-2339 (E-Mail) prosit at
SPAIN: Dave Partridge, 15 Woodland Drive, Brookline, NH 03033 rebhuhn at
Game Notes:
1) Just a note: in the Spring, FRANCE tried to have F Vancouver support Army Yukon. That should have failed, since there is no way for a fleet to get to Yukon, but I missed it. Since it was not attacked, there was no effect.
2) It takes me a long time to adjudicate this, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I hope I have everything right. If anyone has trouble with my conditionals on the Supply Center Chart, just ask. If Portugal retreats to Nizam, then Cuba will be the last Neutral Supply Center left and it looks like Spain is a fixin' to nab it next year.
(RUSSIA to OTTOMAN): Are you getting bored with this ridiculous war with me yet? You are due for rapid shrinkage, and I am SO sorry....
(MADRID): Bestowing great honor upon them, the Admiral Siesta of the Manila Fleet and General Snooze of the Kenyan Corp were invited to lead the annual running of the bulls. Unforunately it seems that someone spilled a cask of olive oil on the streets in front of them and both dignitaries were gored and trampled. Meanwhile, in other news, the permanent billets in Manila and Kenya were dismantled today as troops there prepared to move out as their new commanders issued the first movement orders seen this year.
(RUSSIA to CHINA): Are you getting bored with coddling the Sultan yet? He is hardly worth your trouble.
(NETHERLANDS-BOARD): As one of Netherlands' in Melbourne, our last holdings in the Pacific and our only defense of one fleet, we as a people have decided that we would rather be eliminated at peace then at war. Therefore our power has decided surrender. ((Sean, I'll let you do this, but.... you could have made it more exciting. You still have at least one more year to defend Melbourne.))
(SEAN-JIM): Sorry, but I can't find a way around my inevitable collapse. It is time to surrender. I wouldn't call a standby to cover my lone fleet it'll be pointless and a waste unless Austria and him decide to rebuild the Netherlands as a power to deal with the future. The chances of that is slim to none.