February 13, 2001

Produced by Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287

(Sometimes I Feel Like) FLETCHER CHRISTIAN: 1999Cgh013, Colonia VIIb Diplomacy



Spring 1756

AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): f tahiti-SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, f naples-ADRIATIC SEA, a vienna-BAVARIA, a trieste-BOSNIA, a MATTO GROSSO S f bahia-ricefe, a venice-TRIESTE, f CORAL SEA S f new zealand-tasman sea, f bahia-RICEFE, f IONIAN SEA S f greece-eastern mediterranean, a BOLIVIA h, a TOULON S SPANISH a aragon-bordeaux, a BULGARIA S a trieste-bosnia, f SAMOA S f tahiti-south pacific ocean, a RHINE S a swisse-burgundy, f greece-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, a AMAZON S a bolivia, f new zealand-TASMAN SEA, a SAVOY S a swisse-burgundy, a swisse-BURGUNDY, a VENEZUELA h, f LIGURIAN SEA S a toulon, f ecuador-GULF OF PANAMA.

CHINA (Acheson): f AMOY-east china sea, f EAST CHINA SEA-south china sea, f SOUTH CHINA SEA-gulf of siam, a kashmir-MAHRATTA, a TIBET S a nepal, f SEA OF JAPAN S f amoy-east china sea, a szechuan-LAOS, f JAPAN S f amoy-east china sea, a wuhan-SZECHUAN, a laos-CAMBODIA, a NEPAL S a kashmir-mahratta, a manchuria-SIBERIA, f SEA OF OKHOTSK-north pacific ocean.

ENGLAND (Power): a nigeria-TOGO, f edinburgh-NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, f MALAYA-gulf of siam, f gulf of guinea-MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN, a BURMA S a bay of bengal-bengal, f EAST ATLANTIC OCEAN-azores, f HUDSON BAY-massachusetts (imp), f andaman sea-MALAY SEA, a ashanti-GHANA, a FLANDERS-paris, a FEZAN S SPANISH a nubia-sudan, a argentina-BRAZIL, f bay of bengal-BENGAL, f quebec S f hudson bay-massachusetts (d r:grand banks,otb), f CENTRAL ATLANTIC OCEAN S f gulf of guinea-mid-atlantic ocean, f ENGLISH CHANNEL-east atlantic ocean, f SW ATLANTIC OCEAN S a argentina-brazil, a angola-CONGO, a chile-ARGENTINA, a ghana-DAKAR, f ceylon-BAY OF BENGAL, f hague-HELGOLAND, f SURINAM S f central atlantic ocean.

FRANCE (Alme): a ONTARIO S a massachusetts-quebec, a VOLTA-dakar, a burgundy-toulon (d ann), f BRITTANY-bordeaux, a massachusetts-QUEBEC, a SAHARA-dakar, a MANITOBA h, a PARIS S a burgundy-toulon.

NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): f tasman sea-ANTARCTIC OCEAN.

OTTOMAN (Johnson): f gulf of aden-ethiopia (d r:yemen,otb), a ARMENIA-caucasus, a EGYPT S a sudan, f ARABIAN SEA-somali sea, f BLACK SEA-istanbul, a PUNJAB S CHINESE a kashmir-mahratta, a SUDAN S f gulf of aden-ethiopia, f RED SEA S a sudan, f ISTANBUL-eastern mediterranean, a persia-KAZAKSTAN, a ural h (d r:omsk,otb), f WAKE-south pacific ocean.

PORTUGAL (Stimmel): f CANARIES S f azores, f nizam-goa (d r:khandesh,otb), a mahratta S a bhutan-nepal (d r:circars,khandesh,otb), f mid-atlantic ocean-ricefe (d r:se atlantic,bahia,otb), f AZORES S f canaries, a VANCOUVER S a oregon, a OREGON S a vancouver, a BHUTAN-nepal, f IFNI S f canaries.

RUSSIA (Rauterberg): a MOSCOW S a kiev-ural, f cape colony-SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN, f NATAL-somali sea, f WEST PACIFIC OCEAN S SPANISH f philippine sea-east china sea, a st.petersburg-LITHUANIA, a CRIMEA S a caucasus, a prussia-HANOVER, f WEST INDIAN OCEAN S f goa-nizam, f hawaii-NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, f goa-NIZAM, f norway-FINLAND(NC), a kiev-URAL, a CAUCASUS h, a ROMANIA S AUSTRIAN a bulgaria, a hanover-HAGUE, a bengal-mahratta (d r:circars,otb), a MOZAMBIQUE-natal, f barents sea-ST.PETERSBURG(NC).

SPAIN (Partridge): a mexico-TEXAS, a florida-LOUISIANA, f valencia-GIBRALTAR, a madrid-HUE, f manila-SUBIC BAY, f sargasso sea-CUBA, f subic bay-TAIWAN, f somali sea-GULF OF ADEN, a LEON S a aragon-bordeaux, a aragon-BORDEAUX, f SOMALIA S f somali sea-gulf of aden, f SOLOMON SEA-philippine sea, a TAUREG S a timbuktu, f CALIFORNIA S RUSSIAN f hawaii-north pacific ocean, a NUBIA-sudan, f guam-CENTRAL PACIFIC OCEAN, f EAST PACIFIC OCEAN S f guam-central pacific ocean, a LISBON h, f MOROCCO S f valencia-gibraltar, f PHILIPPINE SEA-east china sea, a ETHIOPIA S a nubia-sudan, a OHIO S a virginia-massachusetts, a TIMBUKTU S ENGLISH a ghana-dakar, a tunis-NUMIDIA, a virginia-MASSACHUSETTS, a LIBYA-egypt, f WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN S f morocco, f TARAWA-solomon sea.

Supply Center Chart

AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): (has 22)
BUD, VIE, TRI, TAH, ven, bav, bel, NAP, vza, col, nwz, pps, fij, sav, ecu, peru, gre, sam, bah, bol, tou, bul

CHINA (Acheson): (has 13)
PEK, WUH, XIA, AMO, tib, tai, NAN, sin, jap, manch, mon, kor, nep

ENGLAND (Power): (has 23)
NIG, MLA, EDI, LON, kam, sia, ire, jav, gab, sum, con, hag, fez, ant, uga, arg, bur, cey, togo, sur, que, gha, ang

FRANCE (Alme): (has 7)
PAR, DAK, BDX, mas, ont, ala, vol, manit

NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): (has 1)

OTTOMAN (Johnson): (has 12)
IZM, JER, BAG, IST, persia, egy, afg, yem, wak, oms, vla, sud

PORTUGAL (Stimmel): (has 9)
BRA, mah, azo, kha, ric, ore, ifn, van, niz

RUSSIA (Rauterberg): (has 18, PLAYS ONE SHORT)
MOS, KIE, CAP, STP, CRI, pol, moz, swe, mal, zam, den, rom, han, die, nwy, haw, goa, nat, ben

SPAIN (Partridge): (has 28)
MAD, MEX, SOM, VAL, MAN, cal, tun, rab, bor, eth, hon, tex, nwg, cam, ken, lis, lag, FLO, lou, iwo, num, mor, tau, ohi, vir, gua, tar, tim

Neutral: cub

Addresses of the Participants

AUSTRIA: Gene Prosnitz, 2600 Netherland Ave., Apt. 1116, Riverdale, NY 10463, (718) 601-8131 ($5) ProsnitzE at

CHINA: Bob Acheson, 807-556 Laurier Ave., Ottawa, ONTARIO K1R 7X2, CANADA ($5) racheson at

ENGLAND: John Power, 18 Tilton Court, Baltimore, MD 21236, (410) 933-8827 ($4) natjohn2 at or jrpower at

FRANCE: Hank Alme, 506 Paige Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 almehj at

NETHERLANDS: Sean O'Donnell, 2219 Grafton Road, Grafton, OH 44044 sean_o_donnell at, seanside at

OTTOMAN: Stan Johnson, 2401 W. Southern Ave. #56, Tempe, AZ 85282, (602) 454-9356 ($5)

PORTUGAL: Robert Stimmel, Apt.#57, Casa de Sherry Apts., 2462 North Sycamore Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712-2541, (520) 326-8369 ($5)

RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W.American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221, (414) 281-2339 (E-Mail) prosit at

SPAIN: Dave Partridge, 15 Woodland Drive, Brookline, NH 03033 rebhuhn at

Game Notes:

1) Very bloody this time with loads of retreats. Check my adjudication please! But, I am getting the hang of this variant. I pretty much GM the game in my head the same way I GM all the other games now, with a few extra glances at the map, plus careful checking of retreat options. Did I get them right??


(CHINA-SPAIN): My expectations aren't very high for your continued non-aggression.

(CHINA-PORTUGAL): There may be a way out of our current problems. Drop me a note.