Produced by Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287
(Sometimes I Feel Like) FLETCHER CHRISTIAN: 1999Cgh013, Colonia VIIb Diplomacy
Fall 1756
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): f SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN-tahiti, f ADRIATIC SEA C a trieste-jerusalem, a BAVARIA S a rhine, a BOSNIA S a bulgaria, a MATTO GROSSO S f ricefe, a trieste-JERUSALEM, f CORAL SEA S f samoa-south pacific ocean, f RICEFE h, f IONIAN SEA C a trieste-jerusalem, a BOLIVIA h, a TOULON S a burgundy-paris, a BULGARIA h, f SAMOA-south pacific, a RHINE h, f EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN C a trieste-jerusalem, a AMAZON h, f tasman sea-MELBOURNE, a savoy-PAPAL STATES, a burgundy-PARIS, a VENEZUELA h, f LIGURIAN SEA S a toulon, f GULF OF PANAMA h.
CHINA (Acheson): f AMOY-east china sea, f EAST CHINA SEA-taiwan, f SOUTH CHINA SEA-gulf of siam, a MAHRATTA S OTTOMAN a punjab-khandesh (nso), a tibet-BHUTAN, f SEA OF JAPAN S f amoy-east china sea, a LAOS-burma, f JAPAN S f amoy-east china sea, a SZECHUAN S a laos-burma, a cambodia-SIAM, a NEPAL S PORTUGUESE a bhutan-bengal, a siberia-MONGOLIA, f SEA OF OKHOTSK S f japan.
ENGLAND (Power): a togo-ASHANTI, f north atlantic ocean-GRAND BANKS, f malaya-ANDAMAN SEA, f MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN-ricefe, a BURMA S f bengal, f east atlantic ocean-WEST ATLANTIC OCEAN, f HUDSON BAY S f grand banks-quebec, f MALAY SEA-gulf of siam, a ghana-VOLTA, a flanders-ANTWERP, a FEZAN S a nubia-sudan, a brazil-BAHIA, f bengal S a burma (d r:circars,otb), f grand banks-QUEBEC, f CENTRAL ATLANTIC OCEAN S f mid-atlantic ocean-ricefe, f english channel-EAST ATLANTIC OCEAN, f SW ATLANTIC OCEAN S a argentina-brazil, a CONGO-angola, a argentina-BRAZIL, a DAKAR S a ghana-volta, f BAY OF BENGAL S a burma, f helgoland-ENGLISH CHANNEL, f surinam-BELEM.
FRANCE (Alme): a ONTARIO S a quebec, a volta S a sahara-timbuktu (d ann), f BRITTANY S a paris-bordeaux, a quebec S ENGLISH f grand banks-massachusetts (d ann), a SAHARA-timbuktu, a MANITOBA S a ontario, a paris-bordeaux (d r:flanders,otb).
OTTOMAN (Johnson): RESIGNS WITH THESE ORDERS, REPLACED BY ART SCHLEINKOFER; f yemen-GULF OF ADEN, a armenia-IZMIR, a EGYPT-libya, f arabian sea S f yemen-gulf of aden (d r:yemen,somali sea,persian gulf,persia,otb), f BLACK SEA S f istanbul-bulgaria, a PUNJAB S CHINESE a kashmir-mahratta (nsu), a sudan-ethiopia (d ann), f RED SEA S a sudan-ethiopia, f ISTANBUL-bulgaria, a KAZAKSTAN S a omsk, a OMSK h, f wake-south pacific ocean (d ann).
PORTUGAL (Stimmel): f CANARIES S f azores, f KHANDESH h, f SE ATLANTIC OCEAN-angola, f AZORES S f canaries, a VANCOUVER S a oregon, a OREGON S a vancouver, a bhutan-BENGAL, f IFNI S f canaries.
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): a MOSCOW S f st.petersburg(nc)-ural, f SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN-se atlantic ocean, f natal-CAPE COLONY, f west pacific ocean-NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, a LITHUANIA-crimea, a crimea-ROMANIA, a HANOVER S a hague, f WEST INDIAN OCEAN S f nizam, f north pacific ocean-GULF OF ALASKA, f NIZAM S SPANISH f gulf of aden-arabian sea, f finland(nc)-ST.PETERSBURG(NC), a ural-KIEV, a CAUCASUS-crimea, a romania-GALICIA, a HAGUE S ENGLISH a flanders-antwerp, a mozambique-KALAHARI, f st.petersburg(nc)-URAL.
SPAIN (Partridge): a TEXAS-california, a louisiana-VIRGINIA, f GIBRALTAR C a hue-naples, a hue-NAPLES, f SUBIC BAY S f taiwan, f CUBA h, f TAIWAN S f subic bay, f gulf of aden-ARABIAN SEA, a LEON S a bordeaux, a BORDEAUX S FRENCH a par, f SOMALIA S a ethiopia, f SOLOMON SEA-coral sea, a TAUREG S a timbuktu, f CALIFORNIA-gulf of panama (imp), a nubia-SUDAN, f CENTRAL PACIFIC OCEAN S f east pacific ocean-wake, f east pacific ocean-WAKE, a lisbon-LAGOS, f MOROCCO S f western mediterranean, f philippine sea-NEW GUINEA, a ETHIOPIA S a nubia-sudan, a OHIO-ontario, a TIMBUKTU S ENGLISH a ghana-volta, a numidia-TUNIS, a MASSACHUSETTS S a ohio-ontario, a LIBYA-egypt, f WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN C a hue-naples, f TARAWA-south pacific ocean.
Supply Center Chart
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): (has 22, even)
BUD, VIE, TRI, TAH, ven, bav, vza, col, nwz, pps, fij, sav, ecu, peru, gre,
sam, bol, tou, bul, jer, ric, par
CHINA (Acheson): (has 13, bld 1)
PEK, WUH, XIA, AMO, tib, NAN, sin, jap, manch, mon, kor, nep, mah, sia
ENGLAND (Power): (has 22 or 23, bld 4(r:otb) or 3)
NIG, MLA, EDI, LON, kam, ire, jav, gab, sum, con, fez, ant, uga, arg, bur,
cey, togo, sur, que, gha, ang, bel, vol, bah, bra, dak
FRANCE (Alme): (has 4 or 5, rem 1(r:otb) or 2)
ont, ala, manit
NETHERLANDS (O'Donnell): none (out)
OTTOMAN (Johnson): (has 9 or 10, even(r:otb) or rem 1)
IZM, BAG, IST, persia, egy, afg, yem, oms, vla
PORTUGAL (Stimmel): (has 8, rem 2)
azo, kha, ore, ifn, van, ben
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): (has 17, bld 3)
MOS, KIE, CAP, STP, CRI, pol, moz, swe, mal, zam, den, rom, han, die, nwy,
haw, goa, nat, niz, hag
SPAIN (Partridge): (has 28, bld 7)
MAD, MEX, SOM, VAL, MAN, cal, tun, rab, bor, eth, hon, tex, nwg, cam, ken,
lis, lag, FLO, lou, iwo, num, mor, tau, ohi, vir, gua, tar, tim, NAP, cub, tai,
bdx, sud, wak, mas
Neutral: none
Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Gene Prosnitz, 2600 Netherland Ave., Apt. 1116, Riverdale, NY 10463, (718) 601-8131 ($5) ProsnitzE at
CHINA: Bob Acheson, 807-556 Laurier Ave., Ottawa, ONTARIO K1R 7X2, CANADA ($5) racheson at
ENGLAND: John Power, 18 Tilton Court, Baltimore, MD 21236, (410) 933-8827 ($4) natjohn2 at or jrpower at
FRANCE: Hank Alme, 506 Paige Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 almehj at
NETHERLANDS: Sean O'Donnell, 2219 Grafton Road, Grafton, OH 44044 sean_o_donnell at, seanside at
OTTOMAN: Replacement is Art Schleinkofer, 3120 Holly Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154-1708
PORTUGAL: Robert Stimmel, Apt.#57, Casa de Sherry Apts., 2462 North Sycamore Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712-2541, (520) 326-8369 ($5)
RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W.American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221, (414) 281-2339 (E-Mail) trauterberg at
SPAIN: Dave Partridge, 15 Woodland Drive, Brookline, NH 03033 rebhuhn at
Game Notes:
1) Stan Johnson has resigned with these orders. Art Schleinkofer will replace him, I hope. Pretty please, Art??? Let me know if you need anything. Please remind me of your phone and E-Mail address too, thanks. More standbys for this thing are always appreciated.
2) We have our first elimination (Thanks for playing, Sean!!!) and a few other players who don't look too healthy. Dave goes past the "34 center" barrier on the other end. I am trying to place the centers where you can build in caps, but I'm not entirely sure I understand the rules on this point, so if someone could clarify I'd appreciate it. I know that Naples is a special center that is a home center for either Austria (who had it before) and for Spain (who has it now), but obviously Dave can't build there quite yet.
(NETHERLANDS-BOARD): Around the world I go herah! Herah! ((Well, that's it, thanks for playing, Sean.))
(SPAIN - AUSTRIA): Perhaps I do you an injustice, but looking at the map it seemed you must be coming my way very soon, if not now.
(SPAIN - CHINA): I'm happy with the trade, let's keep the truce.
(SPAIN - OTTO): We are back where we started, I've got better things to do, perhaps you do too?
(NETHERLANDS-MEKONS): Yah! It's not in the press in this game. Go GM, it's your birthday! ((Everyone knows when MY birthday is, one month after Don Williams'.))