Produced by Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA,
June 9, 2002
(Sometimes I Feel Like) FLETCHER CHRISTIAN: 1999Cgh013,
Colonia VIIb Diplomacy
Fall 1759
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz):
a BURGUNDY S a savoy-toulon, f bismarck sea-NEW ZEALAND, f western
mediterranean sea h (d r:papal states,naples,otb), a PARIS S a
savoy-toulon, a BULGARIA S a istanbul, a ecuador-peru (d ann), a
ISTANBUL S a izmir, f coral sea-FIJI, f IONIAN SEA S f western mediterranean
sea, a PERU-bolivia, a ANTWERP h, a IZMIR S RUSSIAN a armenia-baghdad,
f SAMOA-coral sea, a RHINE S a antwerp, f EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN
SEA-jerusalem, f TASMAN SEA S f bismarck sea-new zealand, a savoy-TOULON, f
LIGURIAN SEA S a savoy-toulon, f TAHITI s RUSSIAN f east pacific ocean-south
pacific ocean (nso).
CHINA (Reynolds):
f yellow sea-EAST CHINA SEA, f east china sea-SEA OF JAPAN, f
korea-VLADIVOSTOK, f taiwan-SUBIC BAY, a chinghai-SINKIANG, a
sinkiang-AFGHANISTAN, f SOUTH CHINA SEA S f taiwan-subic bay, f subic bay-GULF
OF SIAM, f MALAYA S f subic bay-gulf of siam, a MAHRATTA S a bengal-circars, a
KASMIR S a sinkiang-afghanistan, f vladivostok-SIBERIA, a siam-BURMA, f west
pacific ocean-IWO JIMA, a burma-BENGAL, a borneo-WESTERN DESERT, a
bengal-CIRCARS, a OMSK s f vladivostok-siberia, f JAPAN S f east china
sea-sea of japan.
ENGLAND (Power):
a brazil-MATTO GROSSO, f NORTH SEA S f norwegian sea-norway, f norwegian
sea-NORWAY, a manaus-AMAZON, a SUMATRA h, f GULF OF GUINEA C a ghana-angola, a
togo-NIGERIA, f mid-atlantic ocean-SE ATLANTIC OCEAN, f ANDAMAN SEA-east
indian ocean, f central atlantic ocean-MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN, f VENEZUELA h, f
yukon-ALASKA, f new zealand-coral sea (d ann), a ifni-MOROCCO, a GABON S
a ghana-angola, a ricefe-BAHIA, f HUDSON BAY S f yukon-alaska, f bahia-BRAZIL,
mid-atlantic ocean-se atlantic ocean, a UGANDA S SPANISH a kenya-tanganyika,
a ARGENTINA-bolivia, a ghana-ANGOLA, f MALAY SEA-andaman sea, f
HELGOLAND S f norwegian sea-norway, f belem-RICEFE.
OTTOMAN (Schleinkofer):
a baghdad-izmir (d r:arabia,otb), f persian gulf-YEMEN,
a JERUSALEM s a baghdad-izmir, a persia-kazakstan (d r:uzbek,otb).
RUSSIA (Rauterberg):
f west indian ocean-EAST INDIAN OCEAN, a natal-MOZAMBIQUE, a
angola-KATANGA, f BAY OF BENGAL-andaman sea, f south indian
ocean-MALAGASY, f BARENTS SEA-norwegian sea, f BLACK SEA C a
crimea-armenia, a URAL-omsk, f EAST PACIFIC OCEAN C a hawaii-wake, f
khandesh-NIZAM, a armenia-BAGHDAD, a hawaii-WAKE, f arabian sea-PERSIAN GULF, f
se atlantic ocean-SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN, f oregon-NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, a
crimea-ARMENIA, a ROMANIA h, a DENMARK-sweden, f JAVA S f west indian
ocean-east indian ocean, f VANCOUVER s f alaska, f PUNJAB S a
afghanistan-persia, f norway-sweden (d r:finland(nc),otb), a
KAZAKSTAN s a ural-omsk, a afghanistan-PERSIA, a HANOVER S a hague, a HAGUE
S a hanover, a tanganyika s a angola-katanga (d r:zambia,otb), f
alaska s f vancouver (d r:bering strait,gulf of alaska,otb).
SPAIN (Partridge):
f manila-PHILIPPINE SEA, f california-OREGON, f somalia-KENYA, f GULF OF
CALIFORNIA-east pacific ocean, f north pacific ocean-HAWAII, f sargasso
sea-WEST ATLANTIC OCEAN, f toulon-ligurian sea (d r:aragon,otb), f
philippine sea-NEW GUINEA, a HUELVA h, a MANITOBA-vancouver, a
panama-ECUADOR, f GIBRALTAR S f valencia-western mediterranean sea, a TUNIS h,
f sea of japan-east china sea (d r:korea,sea of okhotsk,otb), f
CARIBBEAN SEA h, f gulf of aden-ARABIAN SEA, a aragon-BORDEAUX, a
bordeaux-BRITTANY, f SOMALI SEA S f gulf of aden-arabian sea, f SOLOMON
SEA-coral sea, a NUMIDIA S a tunis, f GULF OF PANAMA C a panama-ecuador, a
egypt-SUEZ, f POLYNESIA S f north pacific ocean-hawaii, f SOUTH PACIFIC
OCEAN-peru, a LEON S a aragon-bordeaux, f ALGERIA S f valencia-western
mediterranean sea, f ARAFURA SEA C CHINESE a borneo-western desert, a
kenya-TANGANYIKA, a COLOMBIA S a panama-ecuador, a CONGO S ENGLISH a
ghana-angola, a LIBYA S a sudan-egypt, a MISSOURI S f california-oregon, a
sudan-EGYPT, f valencia-WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA, f central pacific
Supply Center Chart
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): (has 18, bld 3) ant bav bol BUD bul fij gre ist izm MEL NAP nwz par pps pru sam sav TAH tou TRI VIE ven
CHINA (Reynolds): (has 19, bld 3) afg AMO ben bor bur cam iwo jap mah man MLA mon NAN nep oms PEK sia sin tib vla WUH XIA
ENGLAND (Power): (has 25, bld 3) ALA ANG arg azo bah bel BRA DAK EDI gab gha ifn ire kam LON mor NIG nwy ont QUE ric sum SUR tog uga ven vol vza
OTTOMAN (Schleinkofer): (has 2 or 3 or 4, rem # not r:otb)
jer, yem
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): (has 25 or 26 or 27 or 28, rem # not r:otb) bag CAP cey CRI den die GOA hag han jav kha KIE mal MOS moz nat, niz per pol rom STP swe van wak zam
SPAIN (Partridge): (has 34 or 35 or 36, bld 4 or 3 or 2) bdx cal col con cub ecu egy eth fez FLO gua HAW hon ken kor lag lis lou MAD mas mba MEX MNL num nwg ohi ore rab SOM sud tai tar tau tex tim tun VAL vir Neutral: none (Total=136)
Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Gene Prosnitz, 2600 Netherland Ave., Apt. 1116, Riverdale, NY 10463, (718) 601-8131 ($5) ProsnitzE at
CHINA: Harold Reynolds, 3025 Bridletowne Circle, Scarborough, Ontario, M1W 2C9, (416) 773-0943 hjreynolds1 at
ENGLAND: John Power, 18 Tilton Court, Baltimore, MD 21236, (410) 933-8827 ($4) natjohn2 at or jrpower at
FRANCE: Hank Alme, 506 Paige Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 almehj at
OTTOMAN: Art Schleinkofer, 3120 Holly Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154-1708 Krolart at
PORTUGAL: Robert Stimmel, unfortunately deceased, we're sorry to lose Robert!
RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W.American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221, (414) 281-2339 (E-Mail) trauterberg at
SPAIN: Dave Partridge, 15 Woodland Drive, Brookline, NH 03033 rebhuhn at
Game Notes:
1) Mega-mucho-magnified-stupendous thanks to Harold Reynolds for the new map. Let us know if you see any errors in the map, but I think the observers of the game should really be able to follow it now, ever though the dimensions of the continents are much more distorted in this version.
(BEIJING, SEPT 5, 1759): After the early retirement of Emperor Gordo Acheswang due to illness, his successor Harro Reynowong has successfully installed himself and his new administration in the Forbidden Palace. At a press conference today, the Emperor was asked about changes in foreign policy that have become evident over the past couple of weeks.
"Emperor Acheswang was known for his anti-English and anti-Spanish sentiments, as his direction our our military forces, economic embargos, etc, in the current global war have shown,'' said Emperor Reynowong. "My military advisors and I have been studying the current situation very carefully, and believe that the writing is on the wall for the Russian/Austrian alliance. Their possessions in North and South America and Africa appear to be doomed, and there's nothing that we can do about it. Although we have had cooperative relations with them in the past, a continued alliance will not be in the best interests of Greater China, as the Anglo-Spanish alliance will control the world outside of Eurasia and would, in the end, be able to overwhelm us by sheer weight of numbers.''
In a bizarre incident, a reporter asked "Is it true that Confucious says that 'man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day'? Or that 'man standing on toilet is high on pot'?" The man was quickly hustled out of the room by security personnel, cursing in Russian the whole way. The Russian Embassy had no comment on this incident, but was "Studying the situation closely".