A Merry Mixup Spring 1751

Produced 06/19/2003

Moves Summary

Moves in [] fail, others succeed

Austria (Konrad Baumeister: konradbaumeister of hotmail.com):
A Bavaria H, A Belem -> Surinam, [A Budapest -> Galicia], [A Rumania -> Galicia], A Vienna -> Venice, F Naples -> Ionian Sea, F Surinam -> West Indies, F Tahiti -> South Pacific Ocean, F Tarawa -> Central Pacific Ocean, F Trieste -> Adriatic Sea

China (David Hood: dhood of PHD-LAW.com):
A Nanking -> Szechuan, A Nepal -> Bengal, A Peking -> Amoy, A Tibet -> Bhutan, A Wuhan -> Tibet, A Xian -> Chinghai, F Amoy -> East China Sea, F Taiwan -> South China Sea

England (Dave Partridge: rebhuhn of rocketmail.com):
A Bolivia -> Peru, A Congo -> Gabon, A Ecuador -> Colombia, A Malaya -> Siam, A Nigeria -> Fezan, F Edinburgh -> North Sea, F Ireland -> North Atlantic Ocean, F Java -> Malay Sea, F London -> English Channel, [F Norway -> Helgoland Bight]

France (John Power: jrpower of bechtel.com):
[A Aragon S Portuguese A Lisbon -> Leon], A Bordeaux S A Aragon, A Dakar -> Sahara, A Ontario -> Missouri, A Quebec -> Massachusetts, A Savoy -> Burgundy, A Taureg -> Morocco, F Papal States(wc) H, F Toulon -> Ligurian Sea

Netherlands (Stephen Koehler: sdk of koehlercordes.com):
[A Antwerp -> Hague], A Florida -> Virginia, [A Hanover -> Denmark], A Louisiana H, A Zambia -> Mozambique, [F Angola -> SE Atlantic Ocean], F Denmark -> Sweden, [F Hague -> Helgoland Bight], F Melbourne -> Tasman Sea, F Samoa -> Coral Sea

Ottoman (Paul Rauterberg: trauterberg of wi.rr.com):
[A Afghanistan -> Sinkiang], A Egypt -> Sudan, A Istanbul -> Armenia, A Izmir -> Baghdad, A Jerusalem -> Suez, A Persia -> Uzbekistan, F Baghdad -> Persian Gulf, F Bulgaria(ec) -> Black Sea, F Hawaii -> Polynesia, F Iwo Jima -> West Pacific Ocean

Portugal (Jim Burgess: burgess of TheWorld.com):
A Alaska -> Vancouver, A Bahia H, A Brazil -> Argentina, A Goa -> Circars, A Lagos -> Huelvas, [A Lisbon -> Leon], A Mahratta -> Nepal, A Oregon S French A Ontario -> Missouri, F Azores -> Mid-Atlantic Ocean

Russia (Rick Desper: rick_desper of yahoo.com):
A Crimea S A Kiev -> Lithuania, A Kiev -> Lithuania, [A Mongolia -> Sinkiang], A Natal -> Kalahari, A Omsk -> Turkestan, A Poland -> Prussia, A St Petersburg -> Finland, [F Baltic Sea -> Denmark], [F Cape Colony -> SE Atlantic Ocean], F Korea -> Sea of Japan, F Vladivostok -> Sea of Okhotsk

Spain (Robert Paquin: robert.paquin2 of sympatico.ca):
A Ethiopia -> Nubia, [A Madrid -> Leon], A Mexico -> California, A Somalia -> Kenya, A Texas S A Mexico -> California, [A Valencia -> Aragon], F Borneo -> Arafura Sea, F Manila -> Philippine Sea, F Morocco -> Canaries

Positions Summary

Austria: F Adriatic Sea, A Bavaria, A Budapest, F Central Pacific Ocean, F Ionian Sea, A Rumania, F South Pacific Ocean, A Surinam, A Venice, F West Indies.

China: A Amoy, A Bengal, A Bhutan, A Chinghai, F East China Sea, F South China Sea, A Szechuan, A Tibet.

England: A Colombia, F English Channel, A Fezan, A Gabon, F Malay Sea, F North Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, F Norway, A Peru, A Siam.

France: A Aragon, A Bordeaux, A Burgundy, F Ligurian Sea, A Massachusetts, A Missouri, A Morocco, F Papal States(wc), A Sahara.

Netherlands: F Angola, A Antwerp, F Coral Sea, F Hague, A Hanover, A Louisiana, A Mozambique, F Sweden, F Tasman Sea, A Virginia.

Ottoman: A Afghanistan, A Armenia, A Baghdad, F Black Sea, F Persian Gulf, F Polynesia, A Sudan, A Suez, A Uzbekistan, F West Pacific Ocean.

Portugal: A Argentina, A Bahia, A Circars, A Huelvas, A Lisbon, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Nepal, A Oregon, A Vancouver.

Russia: F Baltic Sea, F Cape Colony, A Crimea, A Finland, A Kalahari, A Lithuania, A Mongolia, A Prussia, F Sea of Japan, F Sea of Okhotsk, A Turkestan.

Spain: F Arafura Sea, A California, F Canaries, A Kenya, A Madrid, A Nubia, F Philippine Sea, A Texas, A Valencia.

Supply Centre Ownership Summary

Owner may build in SCs that are in CAPS. Those in [CAPS] are occupied by a unit and aren't available.

Austria: Units: 10 SCs: 10:: [BUD],TRI,VIE,NAP,[SUR],TAH,bav,bel,rum,tar

China: Units: 8 SCs: 8:: [AMO],NAN,PEK,WUH,XIA,nep,tai,tib

England: Units: 10 SCs: 10:: EDI,LON,ECU,MLA,NIG,bol,con,ire,jav,nwy

France: Units: 9 SCs: 9:: [BDX],PAR,TOU,DAK,QUE,ont,pps,sav,tau

Netherlands: Units: 10 SCs: 10:: [ANT],[HAG],[ANG],FLO,MEL,den,han,lou, sam,zam

Ottoman: Units: 10 SCs: 10:: [BAG],IST,IZM,JEM,HAW,afg,bul,egy,iwo,per

Portugal: Units: 9 SCs: 9:: LAG,[LIS],ALA,BRA,GOA,azo,bah,mah,ore

Russia: Units: 11 SCs: 11:: KIE,MOS,OMS,STP,VLA,[CRI],[CAP],kor,mon,nat, pol

Spain: Units: 9 SCs: 9:: [MAD],[VAL],MNL,MEX,SOM,bor,eth,mor,tex

Neutral SCs: 50
arg,ben,bma,cal,cam,cey,col,cub,die,fez,fij,gab,gha,gre,gua,hon,ifn,jap,kam,ken, kha,mal,man,mba,mas,moz,nwg,nwz,niz,num,ohi,pru,rab,ric,sia,sin,sud,sum,swe,tbk, tog,tun,uga,van,vza,ven,vir,vol,wak,yem

Press and Commentary

Dave Partridge (England):

Now opening in Sinkiang, the Suleman Ming School of International Diplomacy. Come learn from that masters how to insult ambassadors with gestures and slights so subtle they think they're being complemented. Learn the art of winning through gentle retreat and how the pen can be mightier than the sword.


Sign up now and attend a special lecture by guest despots Hung Lo Hood and Geldemall Rauterberg. This is your once in a lifetime chance to attend Barbarian Diplomacy or Screw the treaty, pass me my battleaxe.

See how the other half lives. See why the sword cuts that stupid little pen into tiny little fragments. Know thy neighbor!

Paul Rauterberg (Ottoman):

LESSON ONE: Don't lecture. Dictate the rules, and announce the latest "Operation So and So" to enforce them.

LESSON TWO: Maintain the largest "peacetime" army in world history, and ignore record deficits in the treasury. Let 'em come and collect....

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