A Merry Mixup Winter 1753

Produced December 1, 2003

Moves Summary

Moves in [] fail, others succeed

Austria (Konrad Baumeister: konradbaumeister of hotmail.com):
A Rhine R Bavaria
Remove A Cuba

China (David Hood: dhood of PHD-LAW.com):
Build F Amoy

England (Dave Partridge: rebhuhn of rocketmail.com):
Build A London, A Nigeria, A Ecuador

France (John Power: jrpower of bechtel.com):
Build A Bordeaux, F Toulon, A Dakar

Netherlands (Stephen Koehler: sdk of koehlercordes.com):
Remove F Caribbean Sea, F Iwo Jima, F Tasman Sea

Ottoman (Paul Rauterberg: trauterberg of wi.rr.com):
F Philippine Sea R Solomon Sea, F West Pacific Ocean R Rabaul
Build F Hawaii, A Istanbul, A Baghdad

Portugal (Jim Burgess: burgess of TheWorld.com):
Build F Goa, F Alaska

Russia (Rick Desper: rick_desper of yahoo.com):
Build A Cape Colony, F Vladivostok

Spain (Robert Paquin: robert.paquin2 of sympatico.ca):
Remove A Katanga, F Somali Sea

Positions Summary

Austria: F Adriatic Sea, A Bavaria, F Bismarck Sea, A Galicia, A Hesse, F Ionian Sea, A Manaus, F New Zealand, A Poland, A Savoy, A Silesia, F South Pacific Ocean, F Tarawa, F Venezuela, A Venice, A Vienna, F West Indies.

China: A Afghanistan, F Amoy, A Bengal, A Burma, A Cambodia, F East China Sea, A Kasmir, A Mahratta, A Punjab, F South China Sea, F Subic Bay, F Taiwan, A Tibet, F West Pacific Ocean.

England: A Angola, A Antwerp, A Benin, F Borneo, A Colombia, F Denmark, F East Atlantic Ocean, A Ecuador, F English Channel, A Gabon, F Gulf of Guinea, F Gulf of Panama, F Hague, A Kamerun, A London, F Malay Sea, F Malaya, A Mexico, A Nigeria, A Peru, F Sargasso Sea, F West Atlantic Ocean.

France: A Aragon, A Bordeaux, A Burgundy, A Dakar, A Flanders, A Florida, F Ligurian Sea, A Louisiana, A Massachusetts, F Naples, A Numidia, A Papal States, A Paris, A Rhine, F Sahara, A Timbuktu, F Toulon, A Tunis, A Valencia, F Virginia, F West Mediterranean Sea.

Netherlands: F Western Desert, A Zambia.

Ottoman: F Arabian Sea, A Armenia, A Baghdad, F Black Sea, A Crimea, F East Pacific Ocean, A Ethiopia, A Fezan, F Hawaii, A Istanbul, A Nubia, A Persia, F Polynesia, F Rabaul, F Solomon Sea, F Somalia.

Portugal: F Alaska, A Belem, A California, F Canaries, F Central Atlantic Ocean, F Ceylon, F Goa, A Khandesh, A Lisbon, A Madrid, A Matto Grosso, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Missouri, A Nizam, F North Pacific Ocean, F Ricefe, F SW Atlantic Ocean, A Vancouver, F West Indian Ocean.

Russia: A Cape Colony, A Caucasus, F Diego Garcia, F Hanover(ec), F Japan, A Kazakhstan, A Kiev, A Lithuania, F Malagasy, A Manchuria, A Mozambique, F Natal, A Rumania, F Sea of Okhotsk, A Sinkiang, A Ural, A Uzbekistan, F Vladivostok.

Spain: F Arafura Sea, F Manila, F Melbourne, F Philippine Sea, A Tanganyika, A Uganda.

Supply Centre Ownership Summary

Owner may build in SCs that are in CAPS. Those in [CAPS] are occupied by a unit and aren't available.

Austria: Units: 17 SCs: 17:: BUD, TRI, [VIE], SUR, TAH, bav, cub, fij, gre, nwz, pol, sam, sav, tar, vza, ven, wak

China: Units: 14 SCs: 14:: [AMO], NAN, PEK, WUH, XIA, afg, ben, bma, cam, mah, nep, sia, tai, tib

England: Units: 22 SCs: 22:: EDI, [LON], ant, hag, [ANG], [ECU], [MLA], [MEX], [NIG], bol, bor, col, den, gab, hon, ire, jav, kam, nwy, pru, sum, tog

France: Units: 21 SCs: 22:: [BDX], [PAR], [TOU], val, nap, [DAK], [FLO], QUE, gha, lou, mas, mor, num, ohi, ont, pps, tau, tex, tbk, tun, vir, vol

Netherlands: Units: 2 SCs: 2:: iwo, zam

Ottoman: Units: 16 SCs: 16:: [BAG], [IST], IZM, JEM, cri, [HAW], [SOM], bul, egy, eth, fez, gua, per, rab, sud, yem

Portugal: Units: 19 SCs: 19:: LAG, [LIS], mad, [ALA], BRA, [GOA], arg, azo, bah, bel, cal, cey, ifn, kha, mba, niz, ore, ric, van

Russia: Units: 18 SCs: 18:: [KIE], MOS, OMS, STP, [VLA], [CAP], die, han, jap, kor, mal, man, mon, moz, nat, rum, sin, swe

Spain: Units: 6 SCs: 6:: [MNL], [MEL], con, ken, nwg, uga

Neutral SCs: 0

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