A Merry Mixup Winter 1759

Produced 11/14/2004

Moves Summary

Moves in [] fail, others succeed

Austria (Konrad Baumeister: konradbaumeister of hotmail.com):
Remove A Galicia

China (David Hood: dhood of PHD-LAW.com):
A Mahratta R OTB, F Philippine Sea R OTB, Remove A Punjab

England (Dave Partridge: rebhuhn of rocketmail.com):
F Massachusetts R Grand Banks; Build F Edinburgh, F Tahiti, F Quebec, A Nigeria, A Angola, A Malaya, A London, A Ecuador, Plays 1 short.

France (John Power: jrpower of bechtel.com):
F Solomon Sea R Iwo Jima, A Numidia R Tauridia, Remove A Venice.

Ottoman (Paul Rauterberg: trauterberg of wi.rr.com):
Does not build, plays 1 short.

Portugal (Jim Burgess: burgess of TheWorld.com):
Build F Alaska, A Surinam, A Brazil, F Lisbon, F Melbourne, A Goa

Russia (Rick Desper: rick_desper of yahoo.com):
Build Army Cape Colony, Army Kiev, Army St Petersburg, Army Omsk, Fleet Vladivostok

Spain (Robert Paquin: robert.paquin2 of sympatico.ca):
Remove F Tasman Sea

Positions Summary

Austria: A Budapest, F Greece, A Rumania, A Vienna.

China: A Afghanistan, A Nepal, A Szechuan, A Wuhan.

England: A Amazon, A Angola, A Bavaria, A Burma, F Caribbean Sea, A Ecuador, F Edinburgh, F English Channel, A Fezan, A Ghana, F Grand Banks, F Gulf of Guinea, F Gulf of Panama, F Hague, A Hanover, F Helgoland Bight, F Java, A London, F Malay Sea, A Malaya, F Manila, A Mexico, F New Guinea, A Nigeria, A Numidia, F Philippine Sea, F Quebec, A Saxony, A Silesia, F South Pacific Ocean, A Sudan, F Tahiti, F Taiwan, A Tarawa, A Tibet, A Togo, A Uganda, A Venezuela, F West Atlantic Ocean.

France: F Algeria, A Burgundy, F Cuba, A Egypt, A Flanders, F Ionian Sea, F Istanbul, F Iwo Jima, A Libya, F Ligurian Sea, A Massachusetts, A Rhine, A Savoy, A Switzerland, A Taureg, A Timbuktu, A Toulon, F Trieste, A Virginia, F West Mediterranean Sea.

Ottoman: F Arabian Sea, F Baghdad, F Hawaii, F Jerusalem, F Khandesh, A Persia, F Polynesia, F Suez(nc).

Portugal: F Alaska, A Aragon, F Bay of Bengal, A Belem, A Bengal, A Brazil, F California, F Central Pacific Ocean, F Circars, F Coral Sea, A Dakar, F East Pacific Ocean, F Gibraltar, A Goa, F Gulf of California, F Lisbon, A Louisiana, A Mahratta, F Melbourne, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Missouri, F Morocco, F New Zealand, A Nizam, F North Pacific Ocean, A Ontario, F Solomon Sea, A Surinam, F Timor Sea, A Valencia, F West Indian Ocean.

Russia: F Amoy, A Armenia, A Cape Colony, A Caucasus, A Chinghai, A Crimea, F Ethiopia, F Gulf of Aden, A Kazakhstan, A Kiev, A Omsk, A Peking, A Poland, A Sinkiang, F Somali Sea, F South Indian Ocean, A St Petersburg, F Sumatra, F Sweden, A Tanganyika, A Turkestan, F Vladivostok, F West Pacific Ocean, A Xian, F Yellow Sea, A Yemen.

Spain: A Kenya, A Somalia.

Supply Centre Ownership Summary

Owner may build in SCs that are in CAPS. Those in [CAPS] are occupied by a unit and aren't available.

Austria: Units: 4 SCs: 4:: [BUD],[VIE],gre,rum

China: Units: 4 SCs: 4:: NAN,[WUH],afg,nep

England: Units: 39 SCs: 40:: [EDI],[LON],ant,hag,[ANG],[ECU],[MLA],[MNL], [MEX],[NIG],[QUE],[TAH],bav,bol,bor,bma,cam,col,con,fez,gab,gha,han,hon,ire,jav, kam,nwg,nwy,num,pru,sam,sia,sud,tai,tar,tib,tog,uga,vza

France: Units: 20 SCs: 20:: tri,BDX,PAR,[TOU],ist,nap,FLO,cub,egy,iwo, mas,ohi,pps,sav,tau,tbk,tun,ven,vir,vol

Netherlands: Units: 0 SCs: 0::

Ottoman: Units: 8 SCs: 9:: [BAG],IZM,[JEM],[HAW],bul,gua,kha,per,rab

Portugal: Units: 31 SCs: 31:: LAG,[LIS],mad,val,[ALA],[BRA],[DAK],[GOA], [MEL],[SUR],arg,azo,bah,bel,ben,cal,cey,fij,ifn,lou,mah,mba,mor,nwz,niz,ont,ore, ric,tex,van,wak

Russia: Units: 26 SCs: 26:: amo,pek,xia,[KIE],MOS,[OMS],[STP],[VLA],cri, [CAP],den,die,eth,jap,kor,mal,man,mon,moz,nat,pol,sin,sum,swe,yem,zam

Spain: Units: 2 SCs: 2:: [SOM],ken

Neutral SCs: 0

Press and Commentary

Somalia-Russia: Had I asked first would you have agreed and let me have MY home center back?

Moscow - Somalia: If you'd asked, I might have given Somalia back. You didn't ask. At the time I was planning to build in Somalia. But you took it and stopped me from building. What really gets my goat is the fact that you had an unusable build when you did this. I hope you've had the sense to keep your fleet.

Return to Game page. ve had the sense to keep your fleet.
Return to Game page. tml>