Pun Dictionary: Misc Category


  1. Agree With: Cannibals don't like argumentative people. The flavour doesn't agree with them.
  2. Anybody: Cannibals aren't picky when it comes to getting volunteers. Any body will do.
  3. Arm and a Leg: How about the cannibal who complained about the price of gas, saying it cost an arm and a leg to fill the tank?
  4. Arr, Matey: What does a cannibal pirate say? "Arrrrmmm atey"
  5. Batter: Cannibals should avoid mixing cake-baking with baseball, since they might put the wrong batter in the oven.
  6. Butter Up [expression]: Beware the flattering cannibal. He's trying to butter you up.
  7. Can Nibble: They're called cannibals because they can nibble on us.
  8. Cannibal: Do headhunters get dressed up for the Canni-Ball?
  9. Chewed out: Don't get your boss angry if s/he is a cannibal. You might get chewed out.
  10. Cobbler: Is cobbler the preferred dessert at the Cannibal Shoe and Bootmaker's Convention?
  11. Commander-in-Chief: The head of the cannibal tribe's "army" was seen going into the Chief's hut for a meeting. He then left in a hurry, ran off into the forest and was never seen again. Apparently he was told that he was going to become the Commander-in-Chief.
  12. Cracker: In the US Deep South, do cannibals eat their soup with crackers?
  13. Delegate: If a cannibal were to attend a political convention, would it be as a del-leg-ate?
  14. Eat, Drink and Be Merry: Do cannibals toast each other with "Eat, Drink and be Mary?"
  15. Everyone's Eaten: When do cannibals leave the table? When everyone's eaten.
  16. Fed Up: You can feel safe around an annoyed cannibal because he's already fed up.
  17. Finger Food: I suspect that cannibals have different ideas about finger food than we do.
  18. Full of Himself: An egotistical cannibal is full of himself.
  19. Garden of Eden: If a good cannibal dies, does s/he go to the Garden of Eaten?
  20. Glad He Ate Her: Are cannibals who like extreme sports gladiators?
  21. Good Taste: Cannibals only eat fully-dressed fashion designers because of their great taste in clothes.
  22. Got Your Back: If a cannibal says he's got your back, would you feel reassured?
  23. Hail Mary: Does the phrase "Hail Mary full of Grace" take on extra meaning in cannibal country?
  24. Hand (of Cards): When cannibals play cards, they deal hands.
  25. Hand-Off: When playing football with cannibals, be wary of any play that involves hand-offs.
  26. Handout: Do cannibals on welfare want hand-outs?
  27. Hannibal Lecter: Do cannibals deliver lectures from a Hannibal Lectern?
  28. Head Them Off at the Pass: Would "Head them off at the pass!" mean something different in a cannibal Western movie?
  29. Heartwarming: Do cannibals think that "The History of the Microwave" is a heartwarming story?
  30. I'm Good: Be careful with your grammar in cannibal country. When asked how you are feeling, say "I'm fine", and not "I'm good".
  31. Leg Up: The competitive cannibal is said to have a leg up on the competition.
  32. Lend a Hand: Cannibals are good friends. They're always ready to lend a hand when you need help.
  33. Lip [disrespect]: Don't sass cannibals. They don't take lip from anybody.
  34. Make Something of Yourself: A cannibal went to chef school so she could make something of herself.
  35. Me and You: Who's on the menu at the Cannibal Restaurant? Me-n-u.
  36. Meet: Cannibals are very friendly. They like to meat people.
  37. Passed [bowel movement]: A cannibal passed his brother in the woods.
  38. Plate [baseball]: Cannibals and baseball make an interesting mix. You never know who'll wind up on home plate!
  39. Roast: When a cannibal's life is celebrated with comedy, is s/he being roasted?
  40. Saucy: It isn't a good idea to be saucy while in cannibal country.
  41. Taken Aback: If a kleptomaniac cannibal gets surprised, does that mean he's taken aback?
  42. Taste Funny [strange]: Would a clown taste funny to a cannibal?
  43. Taste of: When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.
  44. Tasteless: Cannibals won't eat [name of comedian] because of his/her tasteless jokes.
  45. Throw up Your Hands: Did you hear about the cannibal who threw up his hands in frustration?
  46. To Have Guts: Is a courageous cannibal said to have guts?
  47. Tofu: We have tofu. In cannibal country, they have toefood.
  48. You Can't Keep a Good Man Down: A tribe of cannibals caught a saint sent to them as a missionary and ate him. He was very tender and tasty, yet they were all violently sick afterwards. It shows that you can't keep a good man down.
  49. You Have a Friend in Me: Would the Toy Story song "You Have a Friend in Me" be different if it were sung by cannibals?


  1. Elephant Light: How do you make an elephant light? Have him hold a light bulb with his trunk and plug his tail into the electric socket.
  2. Irrelevant: What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter? Irrelephant.
  3. Trump it: Never play cards with an elephant. If you lead an ace, he'll want to trumpet.
  4. Two Left Feet: Why is it so hard to teach elephants to dance? They have two left feet.

Hot Cross Puns

  1. Alarm Clock: What do you get when you cross a chicken with a bell? An alarm cluck.
  2. Babe Ruth: What do you get when you cross a tree with a baseball player? Babe Root.
  3. Bambi: What do you get when you cross a fawn with a hornet? Bambee.
  4. Billiard Ball: What do you get when you cross Telly Sevalas with a pool table? A billiard bald.
  5. Brick Layer: What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cement truck? A brick layer.
  6. Cauliflower: What do you get when you cross a dog with a daisy? A collie-flower.
  7. Coca-Cola: What do you get when you cross a soft drink with a car? Coca-Corolla.
  8. Copper Wire: What do you get when you cross a policeman with a telegram? Copper wire.
  9. Cross (1): What do you get when you cross the Atlantic Ocean with the Titanic? Half way.
  10. Daffodil: What do you get when you cross a flower with a pickle? A daffodill.
  11. Drive-In Theatre: What do you get when you cross a movie with a swimming pool? A dive-in theater.
  12. Frostbite: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.
  13. Geronimo: What do you get when you cross an Indian with a cow? Geronimoo.
  14. Hair Net: What do you get when you cross a spider with a rabbit? A hare net.
  15. Hell if I know: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros? Elephino!
  16. His and Hers: When a make snake charmer married a female mortician, their bath towels read Hiss and Hearse.
  17. Hobo (1): What do you get when you cross the Green Giant with Robin Hood? A Hoe-Bow.
  18. Hootenanny: What do you get when you cross an owl with a goat? A hootenanny.
  19. Hop Scotch: What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a kilt? Hopscotch.
  20. Humdinger: What do you get when you cross a hummingbird with a doorbell? A humdinger.
  21. Let 'Er Rip: What do you get when you cross alphabet soup with a laxative? Letter Rip.
  22. Melancholy Baby: What do you get when you cross a dog with a cantaloupe? A melon-collie baby. (d)
  23. Mynah Bird: What do you get when you cross a canary with a mole? A miner bird.
  24. Nip and Tuck: What do you get when you cross a tuxedo rental shop with a plastic surgery clinic? A store called called "Nips and Tux".
  25. Pink Slip [for getting fired]: What do you get when you cross a banana with a red silk dress? A pink slip.
  26. Poached Eggs: What do you get when you cross a dog with a chicken? A hen that lays pooched eggs.
  27. Polar Bear: What do you get when you cross an Eskimo with a pig? A polar boar.
  28. Porcupine: What do you get when you cross a pig with a cactus? A porkerpine.
  29. Pork Chops: What do you get when you cross a ham with a karate expert? Pork chops.
  30. Scavenger Hunt: What do you get when you cross a vulture with a small grass house? A scavenger hut.
  31. Slow Poke: What do you get when you cross a snail with a porcupine? A slowpoke.
  32. Sour Puss: What do you get when you cross a cat with a lemon? A sourpuss.
  33. Stool Pigeon: What do you get when you cross a dove with a high chair? A stool pigeon.
  34. Swimming Trunks: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish? Swimming trunks.
  35. Walkie-Talkie: What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede? A walkie-talkie.
  36. Woolly Jumper [sweater]: What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? A woolly jumper.


  1. A Bomb in a Bull: What do you call it when a bull eats a bomb? Abominable!
  2. A Dress: What does a house wear? Address.
  3. A Jar: When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.
  4. A Light: When does a bird become a light bulb? When it alights on a branch.
  5. A Parent: When does a joke become a "dad" joke? When it becomes apparent.
  6. A Salt Water: What's the most aggressive type of fish? Assault water fish.
  7. A Tire: What's the difference between a well-dressed man on a bicycle and a poorly-dressed man on a tricycle? Attire!
  8. A Wagon: When can a dog be used to move stuff around? When its tail is a-waggin'.
  9. Achoo [sneeze]: What sounds like a sneeze and is made of leather? A shoe.
  10. Adele [singer]: Did you know that my computer sings? It's a Dell.
  11. All Over the Web: Have you seen the picture of Spiderman getting blown up? It's all over the Web.
  12. All right: Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? He's all right now.
  13. Alley: What kind of cats like to go bowling? Alley cats.
  14. Allowed: Why isn't whispering permitted in class? Because it's not aloud.
  15. Alone: What kind of time isn't free? A loan time.
  16. Ambassa Door: What's the best way to get into an embassy? Through the ambassador!
  17. Anakin Skywalker: Who wears the Darth Vader costume in the stores? Manikin Skywalker.
  18. Archives: Where did Noah keep his bees? In the ark hives.
  19. Area 51: What do aliens sing in operas? Aria 51.
  20. Around: Balls have got to be one of the oldest toys. They've been around for a long time.
  21. Ass Ass: What has two butts and kills people? An assassin.
  22. Assist Her: How do you help your female sibling? A sister.
  23. Attract Her: How do you get a country girl's attention? A tractor.
  24. Aussie [Australian] Food: What do you call Australian fish? Aussie food.
  25. Avenue: When is a street like a meeting place? When it's a venue.
  26. Avocado: What do you get when you cross a fruit with an extinct bird? An avocadodo.
  27. Away For: Why did the cookie cry? Because his father was a wafer so long.
  28. Baby Buggy: What is a newly hatched beetle? A baby buggy.
  29. Bagel: If a seagull flies over the sea, what flies over the bay? A bagel.
  30. Baking: Why did the pig quit sunbathing? He was bacon in the heat.
  31. Banks: Why are rivers always rich? Because they have two banks.
  32. Barbecue: What do you call a group of men waiting in line for a haircut? A barberqueue.
  33. Barber: Where do sheep get sheared? At the baa-baa shop.
  34. Bark: How can you tell it's a dogwood tree? By its bark, which is worse than its bite.
  35. Bats: Why did the witches' team lose the baseball game? Their bats flew away.
  36. Beef Jerky: What do you call a cow with a bad twitch? Beef jerky.
  37. Big Metal Fan: What did one wind turbine say to the other? "I don't know your taste in music, but I'm a big metal fan."
  38. Bill: What did the duck say when she bought lipstick? "Put it on my bill."
  39. Blasphemers: What do you call two leg bones that deny the existence of God? Blasfemurs.
  40. Blue: What colour was the wind? Blew.
  41. Bolder: Did you hear about the shy pebble? It wanted to be a little boulder.
  42. Booby [breast]: How do you catch a bra? With a booby trap.
  43. Bugs: What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny.
  44. Bugs: Why are frogs so happy? They eat whatever bugs them.
  45. Bugs [computer]: Why do programmers hate nature? It has too many bugs.
  46. Buoyant: How can you tell if an ant is male or female? Drop it in water. If it sinks, it's a girl ant. If it floats, it's a boy ant.
  47. Butter Fly: Why did Silly Billy throw butter out a window? He wanted to see a butterfly.
  48. C4 (explosive): If A is for Apple and B is for Banana then what is C for? A Plastic Explosive.
  49. Camera: With what does Godzilla take photographs? A Gammera.
  50. Canoed: If you were to disrobe while in a canoe, would you be ca-nude?
  51. Canoodle: If you were to bring pasta into a canoe, would that be for canoodling?
  52. Card: What did the fisherman say to the magician? Pick a cod, any cod.
  53. Cast: Why do people in a play say "Break a leg"? Because they're part of a cast.
  54. Catalog: How does a farmer shop for new cows? With a cattleog.
  55. Cell: What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones.
  56. Centre: For the Halloween party, I dressed as a half-man, half-horse so that I would be the centaur of attention.
  57. Centrifuge: What is a centrifuge? A place where people hide from a bad smell.
  58. Change: Why did the traffic light turn red? You would too if you had to change in the middle of the street.
  59. Chewy [Chewbacca]: "Dad, what's for dinner?" "Wookiee steaks." "Are they good?" "Well, they are a little Chewy."
  60. Children: What do snowmen call their kids? Chill-dren.
  61. Choo Choo: What kind of train eats too much? A chew-chew train.
  62. Christian Bail: What do you call it when Batman skips church? Christian Bale.
  63. Christmas Eve: What did Adam say on December 24th? "It's Christmas, Eve!"
  64. Cinnamon Roll: What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll.
  65. Class: Guidance Counselor: What classes are you struggling with? Student: Bourgeoisie 101. I can't get decent Marx in it.
  66. Classified: "Can you tell me about your advertisement?" "Sorry, it's classified."
  67. Close It: What do you do to an open wardrobe? You closet.
  68. Cocktail: What's a rooster's favourite alcoholic drink? A cocktail.
  69. Collecting Dust: Why did the man sell his vacuum cleaner? Because it was just collecting dust.
  70. Common Sense: Why are piggy banks so wise? Because they are filled with common cents.
  71. Conan the Barbarian: Once there was a girl named Anne who buried a bar of soap every time she got an ice cream cone. She was called Cone-Anne the Bar-Bury-Anne.
  72. Condescending: What do you call a snobby criminal going downstairs? A condescending con descending.
  73. Conditioning: How did Pavlov keep his hair so nice? He conditioned it.
  74. Conduct: Why does lightning shock people? Because it doesn't know how to conduct itself.
  75. Consecutive Sentences: What happened when the semi-colon broke grammar laws? It was given two consecutive sentences.
  76. Crack: What did the painter say to the wall? "One more crack and I'll plaster you!"
  77. Crack: What is the preferred mind-altering substance of trades people? Plumber's crack.
  78. Crack Up: Why shouldn't you tell an egg a joke? Because it might crack up.
  79. Croc(odile): What's the best way to cook an alligator? In a crock pot.
  80. Crocodile: What do you call a thieving alligator? A crook-odile.
  81. Currants: Where does a jellyfish get its jelly? From ocean currents.
  82. Dada: What does a baby computer call its father? "Data!"
  83. Daily Bread: Deli shops buy bread from a bakery called the Deli Bread.
  84. Dalai Lama: What is the most famous Buddhist sandwich shop? The Deli Lama.
  85. Damn (1): What did the fish say when he hit a concrete wall? "Dam!"
  86. Dancing: What's even better than Ted Danson? Ted singing and Danson.
  87. Darth Mall: Where do Sith Lords do their shopping? The Darth Maul.
  88. Database: Where do I store all my Dad jokes? In a Dadabase.
  89. Dehydrated: When does Dr. Jekyll get thirsty? When he's de-Hyde-rated.
  90. Devil: What kind of eggs do evil chickens lay? Deviled eggs.
  91. Die a Log: A lumberjack went into a magic forest to cut a tree. Upon arrival, he started to swing at the tree, when it shouted "Wait! I'm a talking tree!" The lumberjack grinned and replied "And you will dialogue."
  92. Diplomatic Immunity: Why do ambassadors never get sick? Diplomatic immunity.
  93. Disbarred: What happened to the lawyer who was thrown out of a saloon? He was disbarred.
  94. Dizzy Spell: What happens when you spin around while playing Scrabble? You get dizzy spells.
  95. Doc(tor): Where do you take your boat when it gets sick? The boat dock.
  96. Docked: If you make the wrong decision bringing your ship into port, your salary will be docked.
  97. Double-07 [James Bond's ID]: What do you call James Bond taking a bath? Bubble 07.
  98. Down (1): What grows up while growing down? A goose.
  99. Draw Blood: Why do nurses like red crayons? Sometimes they have to draw blood.
  100. Dries: What gets wet the more it dries? A towel.
  101. Drill: What rank does a dentist in the army hold? A drill sergeant.
  102. Dumbledore: How do you find the gym at Hogwarts? You look for the dumbbell door.
  103. Dummies: Which book did the ventriloquist read to train himself? Ventriloquism for Dummies.
  104. Elementary: What kind of school is Sherlock Holmes Public School? Elementary, my dear Watson.
  105. Extra Terrestrials: What’s it called when you have too many aliens? Extraterrestrials.
  106. Fans: How so celebrities remain cool? They have lots of fans.
  107. Fast: What do sprinters eat before a race? Nothing. They fast.
  108. Fast Asleep: Why could the runner only win races while snoozing soundly? Because she was only fast asleep.
  109. Fatigues: What are tired Army clothes? Fatigues.
  110. Feelings: Be kind to your dentist. S/he has fillings too.
  111. Feet: How do you measure the length of a snake? In inches, since they don't have feet.
  112. Figment: What kind of candy should remain in your imagination? A fig mint.
  113. Fired: How did the human cannonball lose his job? He got fired.
  114. Fish and Chips: What do sea monsters eat for lunch? Fish and ships.
  115. Fish and Chips: What do nuclear scientists like to eat? Fission chips.
  116. Flies (1): What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck.
  117. Flood: With what did Noah illuminate the Ark? Flood lights.
  118. Flu: What's a chimney sweep's most common ailment? The flue.
  119. Flush [poker hand]: Why are toilets so good at poker? They always get a flush.
  120. Forgery: What's the similarity between a blacksmith and a counterfeiter? They're into forgery.
  121. Fortune Teller: What do you call an overweight psychic? A four-chin teller.
  122. Fourth: How many golfers does it take to change a light bulb? Fore!
  123. Framed: Why did the picture go to jail? Because it was framed.
  124. Frontier: How many ears do Star Trek fans have? Three: the left ear, the right ear, and the final front ear.
  125. Frostbite: Why did the snowman call his dog Frost? Because Frost bites.
  126. Gallup Poll: How can one do a survey of jockeys? With a Gallop Poll.
  127. General Grant: I once won a scholarship by writing about the 18th American President. It wasn't much, just a general grant.
  128. Get Over It: How do you overcome a fear of speed bumps? You slowly get over it.
  129. Going Out: What does one candle say to the other? "You going out tonight?"
  130. Gone with the Wind: A company that makes really large wind chimes could be called "Gong with the Wind".
  131. Got: What happened to the man who shoplifted a calendar on New Year's Eve? He got 12 months.
  132. Grand: When does a Dad joke cost $1000? When it's a Granddad joke.
  133. Greg or Ian: Monday: Greg. Tuesday: Ian. Wednesday: Greg. Thursday: Ian. This is a Gregorian calendar.
  134. Grisly: How about the bear that was hit by an 18-wheeler and splattered all over the place? They said it was a grizzly accident.
  135. Ground: What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
  136. Ground-Breaking: What was the most ground-breaking invention? A shovel.
  137. Hardened Criminal: What do you get when you pour cement on a burglar? A hardened criminal.
  138. Head Them Off at the Pass: Why did the French executioner in the Wild West set up his guillotine in the mountains? So he could head them off at the pass.
  139. Heir: What's the difference between Prince William and a tennis ball? Prince William is the heir to the throne, and a tennis ball is thrown in the air.
  140. Hell: How do you get holy water? Boil the hell out of it.
  141. Hello: How do you greet bread? Say "Helloaf".
  142. Hello: How do angels greet each other? They say "Halo there!"
  143. Hick Cups: What do hillbillies drink from? Hiccups.
  144. His Panic: Why did the Mexican take anxiety medication? To help deal with Hispanic attacks.
  145. Honeycomb: Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honey comb.
  146. Horns: Why do cows wear cowbells? Because their horns don't work.
  147. Horse (1): What do you call a veterinarian with laryngitis? A hoarse doctor.
  148. Horsepower: What is the basic unit of measurement for laryngitis? One hoarsepower.
  149. Hot Cross Buns: What do you get when you drop boiling water down a rabbit hole? Hot cross bunnies.
  150. Huge Nose: What's similar between Cyrano de Bergerac and French Protestants? The French Protestants are Huguenots, and Cyrano had a huge nose.
  151. Hullabaloo: What is the noisiest colour? Hulla-blue.
  152. Hurts a Lot [ursa = bear]: What did the man say after he was swatted by a bear? "It ursa lot."
  153. I See Dead People: What do the movies Titanic and The Sixth Sense have in common? Icy dead people.
  154. I Sing: What part of a cake reminds one of a karaoke bar? The icing.
  155. Iceberg: How do you think the unthinkable? With an itheberg.
  156. I'm Eighty: What did the pirate say when he turned 80? "Aye Matey!"
  157. Impostor: What do you call a strand of spaghetti in a bowl of linguini? An impasta.
  158. In Sync: Why do people who are washing dishes work so well together? Because they are in sink with each other.
  159. Infidel: Which brand of computer is least favoured by ISIS? The Infi-Dell.
  160. Innocent: Which American president was the least guilty? Abraham Lincoln. He's in a cent.
  161. Inside Joke: What's the best kind of joke to tell during isolation? An inside joke.
  162. Investigator: What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator!
  163. Investments: How are a priest and a financial advisor similar? A financial advisor works with investments, while a priest works in vestments. And both pray to their chosen Deity that they're doing it right...
  164. Irrelevant: What's big and gray and doesn't matter? Irrelephant.
  165. Jam: Speaking of making preserves, I tried making door jamb once, but it wasn't very good. People kept slamming it.
  166. Jam: When is a gun like a sandwich? When it is jammed.
  167. Jump Higher: Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course. Houses can't jump.
  168. Kermit the Frog: Which Muppet was the Whiskey King? Kermit Laphroaig.
  169. Kit: How do you assemble a fox? Well, you start with a kit…
  170. Knotsies: How did Hitler tie his laces? In little Nazis.
  171. Kootchie: How do you tickle a rich girl? Say "Gucci Gucci Gucci!"
  172. Lack Toes: Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose.
  173. Landslide: What do you call a flock of sheep tumbling down a hill? A lambslide.
  174. Law Suits: What do lawyers wear to court? Lawsuits.
  175. Least Spoken: What's the least spoken language? Sign language.
  176. Leviathan: How can skinny jeans also be huge? If they're Levi-a-thins.
  177. Lies: How does a politician / lawyer sleep? First he lies on one side, then he lies on the other side.
  178. Light Sleeper: Why did the little fella sleep on the chandelier? Because he was a light sleeper.
  179. Lighter [that ignites something]: What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? The hippo is heavy and the Zippo is a little lighter.
  180. Loafer: What kind of shoes do lazy people prefer? Loafers.
  181. Loco Motives: Did you hear about the Mexican train killer? He had locomotives.
  182. Logger: What is the preferred beer of lumberjacks? Lager.
  183. Lost at Sea: Why can't pirates recite the alphabet? They get lost at C.
  184. Low: Why are there no floods in Paris? Because the water is always l'eau.
  185. Make [a bed]: Have you heard the joke about the bed? No? That's because it hasn't been made yet.
  186. Man Ager: What make a man age? A manager.
  187. Many Levels: Why are elevator jokes always so good? Because they work on many levels.
  188. March Forth: What day of the year is a command to go forward? March 4th.
  189. Maroon [colour]: What happened when a purple ship collided with a rusty red ship? The survivors were marooned.
  190. Matter: With what are anti-racism marches constructed? Black lives matter.
  191. Mislaid: Why couldn't the chicken find her eggs? Because she mislaid them.
  192. Motorbike: What cruises down the riverbed at 60 mph? A motorpike with two side carps.
  193. Mow Them: How should we deal with the electronic dandelions? Modem.
  194. Much Room: How much room does a fungus need to grow? As mushroom as possible.
  195. Mug: What did the coffee pot report to the police? A mugging.
  196. Nails: What do nervous carpenters do? They bite their nails.
  197. Narcissist: What do you call a Viking that is full of himself? A Norse-icisst.
  198. Nervous Wreck: What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A nervous wreck.
  199. Neverland: Why is Peter Pan always flying? Because he never lands.
  200. Nights: Why was King Arther always tired? All those sleepless knights.
  201. No Bell: Knock-knock. Who's there? Nobel. Noble who? Nobel, so I knock-knocked.
  202. No Body Nose: What do you call a person with no body and a nose? Nobody knows!
  203. None Work: Why is it so hard to tell jokes about retired people? None of them work.
  204. Novel: Why is Covid-19 called "Novel corona virus"? It's a long story.
  205. Ointment & Treatment: What's the difference between bird flu and swine flu? One requires tweetment, the other requires oinkment.
  206. OK: Did you hear about the man who was cooled to absolute zero? He's 0K now.
  207. Omlette: What did the egg say when it was set on fire? "Om lit!"
  208. On Bikes: A cop just knocked on my door and told me that my dogs were chasing people on bikes. I told her "That's impossible. My dogs don't own bikes."
  209. Open Windows: Why do astronauts' computers use the Linux operating system? You can't open Windows in space.
  210. Pair of Dice: What is the gambler's heaven? Paradise.
  211. Paramedics: Why did the EMTs travel in sets of two? They wanted to be pair-a-medics.
  212. Parasites: What's similar between a tick and the Eiffel Tower? One is a parasite, the other is a Paris site.
  213. Past Your Eyes: Why is milk the fastest liquid on earth? Because it's pasteurized before you see it.
  214. Patience: Why do doctors tend to be calm? Because they have lots of patients.
  215. Pea Soup: What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
  216. Pee is Silent: Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the "P" is silent.
  217. Pew or Pee-Yew: What happens when you fart in church? You have to sit in your own pew.
  218. Pig's Tie: Where does one go to get neckwear that looks like bacon? A pigsty!
  219. Pikachu: How do Pokémon sneeze? They say Pikachoo!
  220. Pirate: What do you call 3.14 rats? One pirate.
  221. Plaster: What did the painter say to the wall? "One more crack and I'll plaster you!"
  222. Playing: Why did Willie Nelson get hit by a car? He was playing On The Road Again.
  223. Pole Vault: Where do track and field athletes keep their valuables? In a pole vault.
  224. Pot Calls the Kettle Black: Why did the cows return to the marijuana field? It was the pot calling the cattle back.
  225. Pretty Light: How much does a rainbow weigh? Not much. It's pretty light.
  226. Prison: Where do bad rainbows go? Prism. It's a light sentence.
  227. Psoriasis: What's the link between a skin condition and eye drops? The skin condition is psoriasis and eye drops are a sore eye assist.
  228. Psychopath: How do crazy people go through the forest? They take the psycho path.
  229. Pumpkin Pie: What do you get when you divide the diameter of a jack-o-lantern by its circumference? Pumpkin Pi.
  230. Railway Station: Where are whales weighed? At a whale weigh station.
  231. Receding Hairline: What do you call 100 rabbits walking backwards? A receding hare line.
  232. Reception: Two antennae fell in love and got married. The wedding wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.
  233. Reese Witherspoon: Which celebrity is always ready for cereal? Reese, with her spoon.
  234. Remains: Will glass coffins be a success? Remains to be seen.
  235. Repossessed: What happened to the guy who couldn't keep up payments to his exorcist? He was repossessed.
  236. Reservations: Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations.
  237. Re-Tail: Where is the best place to buy Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey party games? A retail store.
  238. Revolutionary: Why do rebels like revolving doors? Because they're revolutionary.
  239. Robot: What do you call an unhappy android? A woe-bot.
  240. Rock Group: What rock group has four men that don’t sing? Mount Rushmore.
  241. Rocket Launcher: In what does an artillery officer like to sit when in the garden? A rocket lawn chair.
  242. Room: Why couldn’t the dead car drive into the cluttered garage? Lack of vroom.
  243. Sat In: What fabric should pants be made from? Satin.
  244. Satis-Factory: Where are averages made? In the satisfactory.
  245. Scoop: Why did the reporter interview a tub of ice cream? She was looking for the next big scoop.
  246. Second Hand: Where did Captain Hook buy his hook? From the second-hand store.
  247. Second-Hand: Where does a clock maker buy spare parts? From the second-hand store.
  248. See: Why is dark spelled with a K and not a C? Because you can't see in the dark.
  249. See Well: Why did the old man fall in the well? He couldn't see that well.
  250. Serial killer: What do you call a person who puts poison in a person's corn flakes? A cereal killer.
  251. Seven Up: My wife asked me to go get 6 cans of Sprite from the grocery store. I realized when I got home that I had picked 7 up.
  252. Sex Offender: Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven was a well known six offender.
  253. Shadow: What did the French groundhog see on February 2nd? His chateau.
  254. Shots Ring Out: Whenever a customer asked a bartender for a shooter, he rang a bell. When asked why, he said "And suddenly, a shot rang out."
  255. Soft: Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.
  256. Spelling Bee: What's more amazing than a talking dog? A spelling bee!
  257. Spoiled: What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk.
  258. Spots: How can a leopard change his spots? By moving.
  259. Spotted: Why does Waldo wear stripes? He doesn't want to be spotted.
  260. Spotted: Leopards are seldom seen, but usually spotted.
  261. Spread: Did you hear the rumor about butter? Well, I'm not going to spread it.
  262. Spring: What's a three-season bed? One without a spring.
  263. Spring: How do you make a water bed bouncier? Add spring water.
  264. St. Francis of Assisi: Who is the patron saint of copying people on emails? St. Francis of A CC.
  265. St. Francis of Assisi: Who is the patron saint of weaklings? St. Francis of A Sissy.
  266. Stakes: What’s it called when you put a cow in an elevator? Raising the steaks.
  267. Still and Shot [alcohol]: What does a photographer say to a twitchy moonshiner? "Hold still while I take this shot!"
  268. Storeys: What's the tallest building in the world? A library, because it has the most stories.
  269. Stream: What's the best way to watch a fly fishing tournament? Live stream.
  270. Strident: Which brand of gum is loud and annoying? S-trident.
  271. Succeed: What superlative did Robert E Lee win at high school? Most likely to secede.
  272. Sure He Can: Can David cause mischief with Japanese throwing knives? Shuriken.
  273. Tae Kwon-do: What do martial artists use to make bread? Tae Kwan-dough.
  274. Take Personally: Why was the burglar so sensitive? He took things personally.
  275. Take The Words Out [expression]: How do you stop a dog from eating your books? Take the words out of his mouth.
  276. Taliban: Why can’t you take inventory in Afghanistan? Because of the tally ban.
  277. Tap: What do you give a person with water on the brain? A tap on the head.
  278. Tears: I went to a really emotional wedding the other day. Even the cake was in tiers.
  279. Thesaurus: What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
  280. Thrown: What happens to deposed kings? They get throne away.
  281. To Wales: How do you get two whales in a car? Start in England and drive west.
  282. Toasty Toes: Which brand of chips keeps your feet warm? Tostitoes!
  283. Too Scared: Why is 4 afraid of 5? Because it's 22.
  284. Too Tense: Why did the fraction 1/5 go to the masseur? Because it was two tenths.
  285. Too Tense: Why did 1/5 get a massage? Because it was two tenths.
  286. Toothpicks: What do dentists call their X-rays? Tooth pics.
  287. Towed: What happens to illegally parked frogs? They get toad away.
  288. Trained: Why do railway cars travel in straight lines? That is what they are trained to do.
  289. Turn Out the Light: I want to found a company that makes light switches and call it Turnout. I want it to be so successful that Deloitte will buy me out so that I can call it Turnout-Deloitte.
  290. Turn Pike: What kind of road makes a good shield during a medieval re-enactment battle? A turnpike.
  291. Type O Negative: What's an editor's blood type? Typo negative.
  292. Undercover: What does a spy do when he gets cold? She goes undercover.
  293. Up in the Air: Why are meteorologists always nervous? Their future is always up in the air.
  294. Venetian Blind: How do you make a Venetian blind? Poke him in the eyes.
  295. Wash Up: Why don't pirates bathe before walking the plank? Because they wash up on shore.
  296. Waste: Why are fitness instructors like garbage collectors? They do waist management.
  297. Wave: What did the ocean say to the boat? Nothing, it just waved.
  298. Weakened: I woke up on Saturday morning feeling listless, unmotivated and barely able to get out of bed. I was in a weekend condition.
  299. Well-Balanced: Why did the lion eat the tightrope walker? He wanted a well-balanced meal!
  300. Whole: Why did Silly Billy quit his job in the doughnut factory? He was tired of the hole business.
  301. Wishy-Washy: I rubbed a bottle of bath salts, and a genie appeared. "You may have either the best bath ever or the best shower ever. Choose!" He said. "Uhh… uhh…" I said, confused. "Don't be wishee-washee!" said the genie.
  302. Wolf: What is the opposite of a wolf in sheep's clothing? A sheep in woolf's clothing.
  303. Work Out: Why don't more couples go to the gym? Because some relationships don't work out.

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