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Error 2042


  1. (The) Fonz [Character on the TV show Happy Days]: I'm thinking about creating a TV show called "Happy Days". It'll be about a family of printers, but its real star will be the fonts. It will be a drama, so Comic Sans.
  2. A Lower: I burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night. I should have put the oven on aloha setting.
  3. A Nap: Is your iPad preventing you from falling asleep? Don't worry, there's a nap for that.
  4. A Sure: Making a bet on what colour something will be is risky. It's not azure thing.
  5. Abbot and Costello: "I hear that Elvis Costello and Abba will be touring this year." "Abba and Costello? Who's on first?"
  6. About: I'm finally going to sit and read that Stephen Hawking book. It's about time.
  7. Accent: I accidentally sprayed some deodorant in my mouth. Now I speak with a weird Axe scent.
  8. Acoustics: The sound from a musician on stage bounces off the auditorium walls to surround the audience. The sound from a pigeon on stage does not, because a coo sticks.
  9. Acquire: "How much would it cost to buy a singing ensemble?" "You mean 'a choir'?" "Fine, how much to acquire a singing ensemble?"
  10. Adverse: Test audiences always hate advertisements with poetry. They have adverse reactions to them.
  11. Ahead: I have a deep admiration for busts. They're really ahead of their time.
  12. Amazement: When I learned what a labyrinth was, I was astonished. It's what a maze meant.
  13. An Ear: We just bought an authentic Van Gogh coffee table. We know it's authentic because there's a bit of veneer missing.
  14. Angrier: My girlfriend doesn’t like it when I mess with her red wine. So I added fruit and lemonade to it, and she's sangria than ever.
  15. Anxiety: Brontophobia is the fear of thunder. Maybe we should call it bang-ziety?
  16. Apocalypse: Hockey Night in Canada has been suspended for the pandemic. It's really the end of the world - the Apuckalypse!
  17. Ardent: To promote Valentine's Day passion, make a letter R out of something and press it into a soft spot of your amour. It will make him/her R-dent.
  18. Are, Son: "Dad, are we pyromaniacs?" "Yes, we arson."
  19. Arson: "You two are pyromaniacs, and it looks like your boy is too!" "Well, he is our son Orson."
  20. Ask You: "Why is everything crooked?" "I was going to askew the same thing."
  21. Assembling Cabinet: The CEO of IKEA was elected Prime Minister of Sweden. He's currently assembling his cabinet.
  22. At Large: A shipment of weight loss pills was stolen this morning. The suspects are still at
  23. Available: "Ring this chime when you are ready. It's the availa-bell."
  24. B Positive: My dad died when we couldn't remember his blood type. He kept insisting we "Be Positive", but it's hard without him.
  25. Battered: Did you hear about the big fight at the seafood restaurant? Battered fish were everywhere!
  26. Be Heading: I got a job as an executioner. I'll beheading there shortly.
  27. Bear Arms: The U.S. 2nd Amendment legalizes T-Shirts. Americans have the "right" to bare arms.
  28. Billionaire: I've started investing in stocks: beef, chicken, and vegetable. Someday I hope to be a bouillonaire.
  29. Bills to Pay: "Have you got bills to pay? If you do, please give it back. He looks silly bald." (Stolen from Laugh-In)
  30. Blocks: The LEGO stores are reopening. People are lined up for blocks!
  31. Blow Job: There exists a reporting application called Tableau. In a business environment, one should say "This is a job for Tableau!", not "This is a Tableau job!"
  32. Blow Up: An unsuccessful demolition engineer can only blow up balloons.
  33. Bolt: I bought a dog from a blacksmith. As soon as we got home, he made a bolt for the door.
  34. Booked: I heard that there's a hot new restaurant in town called The Library. I tried to get reservations, but it was fully booked.
  35. Bred: At the zoo, I saw some toast in one of the enclosures. It was bread in captivity.
  36. Cabaret: I could make a big production out of putting a cool hat on a crow. I could call it a caw-beret.
  37. Called Ron: Harry Potter can't tell the difference between his best friend and his cooking pot. They're both cauldron.
  38. Can: Does a match box? No, but a tin can.
  39. Cannabis: The legalized marijuana industry needs a new name. I suggest cannabusiness.
  40. Cast: A doctor broke his leg while auditioning for a play. Luckily he was still able to make the cast.
  41. Catastrophe: The taxidermist mounted the wrong end of the lion that the big game hunter had killed. It was a cat ass trophy.
  42. Catch [fish]: There's no such thing as free fishing lessons. There's always a catch.
  43. Catch and Release: Catch and release works well for fishermen. Too bad it doesn't work for viruses and the like.
  44. Centre for Disease Control: In Greek mythology, Chiron was not only half-human and half-horse, but also a doctor of medicine. This made him a Centaur of Disease Control.
  45. Changing of the Guard: For Halloween, I will put on a military uniform and march around the yard swapping pumpkins. I call it the Changing of the Gourd.
  46. Check One Two: I have a Polish friend who's a sound engineer. I have a Czech one too.
  47. Cheech and Chong: Much is known about the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza. Less is known of one of its suburbs, Chichen Chong, which produced charcoal and blew a lot of smoke.
  48. Clean: I used to be addicted to soap. I'm clean now.
  49. Clear the Table: After dinner, my wife asked me to clear the table. I needed a running start, but I made it.
  50. Clog Dance: Even plumbers are getting into "alternative therapies". To clear blocked sinks or toilets, an "alternative" plumber will don wooden shoes and dance a two-minute jig around the offending item, which will then miraculously start to work again. They call it the "clog dance".
  51. Coach: People who work for passenger bus and train companies should be great at sports. Look at all the coaches they have to work with!
  52. Collection: "Lignite, bituminous and anthracite? Wow, what a coallection!"
  53. Combing: The local hairdresser got robbed. The police are combing the area.
  54. Come Forth: And the Lord said unto John: ‘Come forth and you will receive eternal life’. But John came fifth, and won a toaster.
  55. Company: Corporate raiders are a little too friendly. They want to keep you company.
  56. Complex: I have a phobia of over-engineered buildings. It's a complex complex complex.
  57. Con Artist: My friend works at a police station drawing sketches of suspects. She's a con artist.
  58. Contacts [Lenses]: To the thief who took my glasses: I will find you. I have contacts.
  59. Convenient: Someone asked me the most convenient time for them to contact me, and I said "7:11".
  60. Crime Fighters: I don't understand why DC and Marvel haven't licensed superhero house-cleaning products. After all, they are grime fighters.
  61. Criticizing: I was tossed out of my local park for arranging squirrels by height. They didn't like my critter sizing.
  62. Cry On: Whenever my girlfriend is sad, I let her draw things on my body. I gave her a shoulder to crayon.
  63. Damn: I watched a documentary about beavers yesterday. It was the best dam show ever!
  64. Day Off: I can't believe that I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.
  65. Decoy: I bought a fake koi fish for my pond. It's a dekoi.
  66. Die Late: Did you know that the pupils are the last thing to stop moving when you cease living? Yes, they dilate.
  67. Died: Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food colouring. The doctor says I'm OK, but I feel like I've dyed a little inside.
  68. Dirty: Some people stole my soap. The dirty bastards.
  69. Dry Run: To practice for the marathon, I jogged in the desert. It was a dry run.
  70. E-I-E-I-O: "Old MacDonald in the 'hood. E-I-E-I-Yo-Mama."
  71. Elephant: I want a beer stein shaped like a pachyderm. I'd call it an alephant.
  72. Episodes: I told my therapist that I sometimes feel like my life is a TV show. He told me to let him know if I have any more episodes.
  73. Escargot: A snail got himself a fast car with the letter S on its side. He wanted to drive really quickly so that people would say "Look at that S car go!"
  74. Exercise: Priests who rid the world of evil spirits are always fit and healthy. It shows that exorcise is good for you.
  75. Exhaust: Last night I dreamed that I was a car muffler. I woke up exhausted.
  76. Expensive: It isn't cheap to quit being a philosopher and a thinker. In fact, it's ex-pensive.
  77. FaceTime (Apple iPhones): There's a guy around town stealing iPhones. When he's caught, he will FaceTime in prison.
  78. Fall: Humpty Dumpty had a terrible summer, but he had a great
  79. Falling Out: Some might call a balding guy's disagreement with his hair an argument, but it was more like a falling-out.
  80. False Prophet: My seismologist friend got a job predicting earthquakes. He's a real faults prophet.
  81. Faux Pas: I tell Dad jokes, but I have no kids. Does this make me a faux pa?
  82. Feel Awful: I ate too much Middle Eastern food. Now I falafel.
  83. Fentanyl: The soft drink Fanta is an opiod. When I run out, it's a Fanta-nil situation.
  84. Figment: "I have created a new colour called groozle!" "There is no such colour! It's a pigment of your imagination!"
  85. Final Frontier: It's hard to tell in the pictures, but Mr. Spock of Star Trek has three ears: the left ear, the right ear, and the final front ear.
  86. Finish Him: Did you know that the video game Mortal Kombat was based on Scandinavian church music? It was a Finnish hymn.
  87. Flash: My grocery store presents flash offers to me. Will the local camera shop as well?
  88. Flattery: "Your steam roller will not persuade me. Flattery will get you nowhere!"
  89. Frankenstein: We all know Albert Einstein was a genius, but his brother Frank made a monster.
  90. Free Bee: A man walks into a pet store and asks for a dozen bees. The clerk carefully counts 13 bees out onto the counter. 'That’s one too many!' says the customer. The clerk replies 'It’s a freebie.
  91. Fresh Ground: "Waiter, this coffee tastes like mud!" "Yes, it's fresh ground."
  92. Gathering Dirt: Don't be worried about your TV and smart phone spying on you. Your vacuum cleaner has been gathering dirt on you for years.
  93. Gesture: Yesterday a clown held the door for me. It was a nice jester.
  94. Get It: "Your dog is so dumb, he doesn't even understand the concept of fetch." "Yeah, he just doesn't get it."
  95. Give It: The Historical Society was unable to sell the old prison gallows. They couldn't even gibbet away.
  96. Goodyear [brand of tire]: I had a happy childhood. My dad used to put me in tires and roll me downhill. Those were Goodyears.
  97. Grosser: A vegan once told me that people who sell meat are disgusting. I told him that people who sell fruit and vegetables are grocer.
  98. Ground: "Why does my coffee taste like mud?" "I don't know. It was ground a few minutes ago."
  99. Growing: I don't understand why there aren't more farmers. Isn't it supposed to be a growing industry?
  100. Half Off: You can always get good discounts at topless clubs. Everything is half-off.
  101. Handy Man: Our maintenance man lost his legs on the job. Now he's a handyman.
  102. Head Lines: Did you hear about the new corduroy pillows? They're making headlines everywhere!
  103. Heart Felt: I cut a heart shape out of red felt and glued it into a greeting card so that it would be a heart-felt expression of love.
  104. Hellmans [brand of mayonnaise]: Someone threw a jar of mayonnaise at me. I said, "What the Hellman?" I wonder if he was from the Mayo Clinic.
  105. Hemmorhoid: I wanted my rapper name to be M.C. Hammerhoid, but it made me the butt of piles of jokes and it didn't sit well.
  106. I Know a: Need an Ark? I Noah guy.
  107. I Was Right: Someone asked me what the ninth letter of the alphabet is. It was a total guess, but I was right.
  108. IKEA (company): Apple will make its car in Korea. It will fold flat and require some assembly and will be called iKia.
  109. Illuminati: Some people refer to those who refuse to change incandescent lightbulbs to fluorescents as wicked. I say they belong to a secret society - the Illumi-naughty.
  110. In Cahoots: I've been secretly plotting with Peruvian owls. We're Inca hoots.
  111. In the Pen: One ink spot walked up to another ink spot and said "Why are you crying?" The other ink spot replied "because my dad is in the pen and I don't know how long the sentence will be!"
  112. In the Pendant: "When I moved out, I got a locket with my picture in it." "You were independent?"
  113. Inaction: Welcome to the Lazy Olympics! Stay tuned to see the athletes inaction!
  114. Increasing: I'm looking at taking up origami as a hobby. My interest in it is in creasing.
  115. Incubus: A person once bought a used school bus and turned it into a mobile tattoo shop. He called it the "Ink You Bus" and gave demon-strations.
  116. Intend To: I hate auto-correct. It always makes me say things I don't Nintendo.
  117. Irate: I took the P out of a pirate. He got really angry.
  118. It Don't Mean a Thing… (Song): Some kids only like playgrounds if they have swings. Their theme song could be "It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't Got that Swing."
  119. It's Warm: My son asked me, "Daddy, why do bees stay in the hive in the winter?" I smiled and answered… "Swarm."
  120. Jamming: Why is there music coming from the printer? The paper is jamming again.
  121. Jean-Claude van Damme: A major martial arts actor in Waterworld is Jean-Claude van Damp. He made quite a splash in Hollywood!
  122. Joint [marijuana]: Marijuana Osteopathic Surgeons, Inc. is a joint operation.
  123. Keeper: I met my boyfriend while visiting the zoo. There he was, in his uniform...straightaway, I knew he was a keeper.
  124. Kiss and Make Up: Did you hear about the beauty salon that offers marriage counseling? It's called the Kiss and Make-Up.
  125. Laced: I bought some shoes off a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.
  126. Laughing Stock: The head honchos of Komedy Klub wanted to issues shares and go public, but were advised against it. Nobody wants to be associated with a laughing stock.
  127. Lay Of the Land: Surveyors like Star Wars. They're always looking at the Leia the land.
  128. Legendary: Did you know that the Roman Army sold milk wherever it went? It was Legion-Dairy.
  129. Let Out: A tailor let out my pants. I had to chase them all over the yard before I caught them.
  130. Letters: I haven't kept my subscription to Scrabble Club. Now they're sending me threatening letters.
  131. Little Company: I was feeling lonely, so I started a small business. Now I have a little company.
  132. Little Patient: "Doctor, I'm shrinking!" "Well, you'll have to be a little patient."
  133. Looked Surprised: I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
  134. Looking Into: I've never owned a telescope. It's something worth looking into.
  135. Love: Never date a tennis player. Love means nothing to them.
  136. Lumberjack: I dreamed that I was running around a forest cutting down trees. Does this mean that I'm a slumberjack?
  137. Make Up: Cosmeticians are liars. They makeup everything.
  138. Mass: Imagine if Americans switched from pounds to kilograms overnight. There would be mass confusion.
  139. Matches: Google is terrible. I searched for lighters and got 145,000 matches.
  140. Means Well: My friend keeps saying, "Cheer up man it could be worse, you could be stuck underground in a hole full of water." I know he means well.
  141. Minors: C, E flat and G walk into a bar. The bartender says "Sorry, no minors".
  142. Minute or: "Hey, Theseus, how long will it take you to get out of the labyrinth?" "Oh, a minotaur so."
  143. Moving [emotional]: "Officer, why are you crying while writing my ticket?" "It's a … moving violation."
  144. Mug Shots: Someone stole my coffee cup. Now I have to go to the police station to look at mug shots.
  145. Mulan: I wrote a book about my life installing computer networks on cattle farms. I wanted to call it MooLAN, but the Disney lawyers objected.
  146. New Faces: Welcome to Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous. I see some new faces today, and I am really disappointed.
  147. Nicholas Cage [actor]: I have a bird cage made out of aluminum, not nickel. It's a nickeless cage.
  148. Night Shifts: I have to work late at the museum, moving suits of armour. I hate knight shifts.
  149. Ninety Degrees (F): If you feel cold, stand in a corner. They're usually around 90 degrees.
  150. No Purchase Necessary: I am giving away my legless parrot. No perches necessary.
  151. No Words to Describe: I just bought a thesaurus, and when I looked, I saw that all the pages were blank. I have no words to describe how angry I am.
  152. Novel: Someone told me that I should write a book. That's a novel concept.
  153. O+ [positive][blood type]: "How would you rate the movie 'Book of Blood'?" "Oh, positively."
  154. Oar Deal: Did you hear about the huge paddle sale? It was quite an ordeal.
  155. Opened: I used to be in a band called The Hinges. We opened for The Doors.
  156. Opinion: Apparently, crows have 16 pinion feathers and ravens have 17. So the difference between the two is a matter of a pinion.
  157. Overreact: Her: "I have ovaries." Him: "Is that why you ovary act?"
  158. Pandemic: Punning is a disease. Were it to become contagious, it would be a pundemic.
  159. Past Tense: You can't run through a camp site. You can only ran, because it's past tents.
  160. Penchant: I walked into a stationery store saying my mantra "Pens, pens, pens." I must have a pen-chant for office supplies.
  161. Person: The sexton and the vicar have disappeared! Should we file a missing parsons report?
  162. Philosopher: Cleaning your teeth makes you wise. A floss-opher.
  163. Physical: A man hit another on the head with a pop bottle, killing him. In court, the defendant claimed he was influenced by the song "Let's Get Fizzy-Kill".
  164. Pick On: The various anti-bullying initiatives are great, but not totally inclusive. Let's stop picking on fruit trees!
  165. Pick Up: When at the pharmacy collecting some pills, I held the little bag and said to it, "Hey, baby, what's your sign?" To the pharmacy person, I asked "Is this the way to pick up my prescription?"
  166. Pig Meant: "I loved my stuffed pig so much that I dyed it purple!" "I didn't know that pigment so much to you."
  167. Pile It: People who fly airplanes are great at flattery. They really know how to pilot on.
  168. Pilot (First TV Episode): We're making a TV show on people who fly airplanes. We're currently filming the pilot.
  169. Plagiarize: Don't name a song "Jar-Eyes". In English, they teach you to never play Jar-Eyes.
  170. Poor: My daughter is deciding between being a bartender and a barista for her career. I think they're both pour choices.
  171. Posted: "What's the status of the mail?" "I'll keep you posted."
  172. Pressing: Dry cleaners are always busy. They have pressing business.
  173. Pressure: I had to quite my job as a deep-sea diving instructor. The pressure was too much.
  174. Pretty Nuts [expression]: Police have reported a man going into local craft stores and dipping his testicles in glitter. It's pretty nuts.
  175. Profits Through the Roof: I started a company selling land mines disguised as prayer mats. Prophets are going through the roof.
  176. Pub Crawl: Jazz singer Diana Krall once played at the Fox & Fiddle, the Bear & Firkin, and the Moose & Mansion. She called the mini-tour the "Pub Krall".
  177. Pun Intended: Pun enters a room and kills 10 people. Pun in, ten dead.
  178. Queen of Sheba: At an Agricultural Fair, I passed by a farmer who was proudly standing next to his prize-winning ewe named Princess. My suggestion of calling her the Queen of She-baa was not well received, as the farmer tried to ram his fist into my head.
  179. Rate of Return: I invested in boomerangs. They have a high rate of return.
  180. Receding Hairline: I'm thinking of starting an a flight company exclusively for balding people. I will call it 'Receding Airline'.
  181. Reflection: New Year's Eve is a time for reflection. So is a visit to a mirror shop.
  182. Rehearsal: One of the things funeral home trainees have to practice is loading and unloading a casket from the transportation vehicle. Except it isn't called "practice", it's "re-hearsal".
  183. Returns: I had to close my store that sold boomerangs. There were too many returns.
  184. Right: I got a new pair of gloves today, but they're both "lefts". On the one hand, this is great, but on the other hand, it's just not right.
  185. Road Rage: A woman slammed her boat into the boat of the man who cut her off. It’s a clear case of rowed rage.
  186. Rock and Roll: Dwayne Johnson and Dave Grohl should run for the US Presidency in 2020. Who wouldn't vote for The Rock and Grohl?
  187. Rock Man Enough: Classical musicians would support Dwayne Johnson for President. They think the Rachmaninoff for the job.
  188. Round Up [Math]: My farmer friend asked me to help him round up his 37 sheep. I said "40!"
  189. Ruins: Archeology is really just a career in ruins. (Sorry, I had to dig deep for that one.)
  190. Sanskrit: My daughter scribbled her name on the ground at the beach. I didn't know she knew sandscript.
  191. Satellite: In the old days, people used to tie lanterns to their horses to help them see at night. It was the first form of saddle light navigation.
  192. Save [religious]: I hate those people who knock on your door and say you need to get 'saved' or you'll 'burn'. Stupid firefighters.
  193. Saw It: I can cut a tree in half just by looking at it. I saw it with my own eyes!
  194. Seem Stressed: My wife was getting annoyed by her job sewing things. I said to her, "You seamstressed." She replied "It's because I feel hemmed in."
  195. Self Esteem: My friend is obsessed with taking blurry pictures of himself while taking a shower. He has serious selfie steam issues.
  196. Seller: I have written a book called "First-Rate Basement Makeovers". It just made the best cellar list.
  197. Sentences: A twin in prison called his brother. He asked "Remember when we were little and used to finish each other's sentences?"
  198. Shady [untrustworthy]: I don't trust those trees. They seem rather shady.
  199. Shift Work: I've found a job helping a one-armed typist with capital letters. It's shift work.
  200. Shin Dig: The party to celebrate the unearthing of the world's largest dinosaur leg bone was quite the shindig.
  201. Shit Zoo: A man walked into a zoo, but the only animal there was a dog. It was a shitzu.
  202. Soap Opera: Singing in the shower is all fun and games until you get shampoo in your mouth. Then it becomes a soap opera.
  203. Song is Finished But the Malady Lingers On: A warrior went to the tribe's shaman complaining of a headache, and the shaman gave him a leather thong to chew on, promising that he would be better when it was finished. A few days later, the warrior returned and complained that he was still feeling sick. "The thong is finished, but the malady lingers on."
  204. Sore: A conversation in Valhalla: "I am Thor!" "Here, have thome athpirin."
  205. Sound: Friend: "For this appointment, how does two o'clock sound?" Me: "Bong, bong."
  206. Spectacle: Did you hear about the optician at the party? Two glasses and he made a spectacle of himself.
  207. Step [Parent]: I have a step ladder. I never knew my real ladder.
  208. Stereotype: "Whenever I think of the 80's, I think of a boom box." "That's just a stereo type!"
  209. Stick: You can trust a glue salesman. He tends to stick to his word.
  210. Stiff [dead person]: A small town had two funeral homes. Competition was stiff.
  211. Stink: Skunks know naturally that they have a potent weapon under their tails. This makes me wonder if they put the stink in instinct.
  212. Stop any Time: I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time.
  213. Strained: How about the man who ran through a screen door? He strained himself.
  214. Streaking: If you feel like running naked, spray yourself with Windex. It prevents streaking.
  215. Stunning: I went out with a girl who had a Taser. She was stunning.
  216. Superficial: Somebody threw a bottle of Omega3 pills at me. Fortunately, the injury was only super fish oil.
  217. Supervision: Clark Kent lost a custody battle for his kids. Now he can only see them with super vision.
  218. Surcharge: My boss doesn’t like formal titles and said he’d fine us a quarter if we used a title on him. It’s going to be a Sir charge.
  219. Sure Can: Can I make more bad Jungle Books jokes? I Shere Khan!
  220. Sweeping: Have you heard of the new broom craze? It's sweeping the nation!
  221. Tank: Two fish are in a tank. One turns to the other and asks "How do you drive this thing?"
  222. Tattooine Weenie: Luke Skywalker had a tattoo of a hotdog on his arm. He called it his Tattooweenie.
  223. Telling: I love telling Dad jokes. Sometimes he even laughs.
  224. Ten Ants: I just saw 10 ants frantically running around my kitchen. I felt bad, so I built them a small house. Now I’m their landlord and I collect rent from my tenants.
  225. Tender is the Night [novel]: I made a video of myself pounding on a tough piece of meat with a mallet after sundown. I'll call it "Tenderize the Night".
  226. Terrible: I know many jokes about toilet paper. They're all tearable.
  227. The Sorest: I ate a dictionary. It gave me thesaurus throat I've ever had.
  228. Theoretical: I just found out that Einstein was real. I thought that he was just a theoretical physicist.
  229. Throwing Matches: Corruption is rife at the Pyromaniac Olympics. People are throwing matches everywhere!
  230. Tie: Two silkworms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
  231. Tireless: A man has been stealing the wheels from police cruisers. The cops are working tirelessly to find him.
  232. Tissue: I tripped over a Kleenex box and hurt my leg. My doctor said it was just tissue damage.
  233. To Scale: "I built a model of Mount Everest." "Is it to scale?" "No, it's to look at."
  234. Too Tense: "Doctor, doctor! Some days I think I'm a teepee, others I think I'm a wigwam! What do I do?" "Relax, you're two tents."
  235. Totally: Kid: "Dad, I can count my toes!" Dad: "Toe-tally!"
  236. Tough Sentence: The tongue-twister champion was just arrested. A tough sentence is expected.
  237. Tow Them: Fire hydrants are tiny totem poles. People park next to them and the cops totem away.
  238. Trail Mix: I made a playlist featuring musing from The Cranberries, Peanuts, and Eminem. I call it my Trail Mix.
  239. Trailer [movies]: There's a movie coming out about a mobile home. I just saw the trailer.
  240. Transparent: After they'd had kids, the Invisible Man and Invisible Woman changed their genders. They became trans parents.
  241. Triceratops: I asked the librarian if there were any authors who wrote dinosaur novels. She said "Try Sarah Topps."
  242. Troubleshooting: I went to the shooting range for the first time, but I couldn’t get my gun to fire. I had to read the trouble shooting section in the manual. Fortunately, it had bullet points.
  243. Turned Into: Matt the Magician did an amazing quick-change trick while driving. He turned into his driveway.
  244. Turns Out: I'm going to try on my reversible jacket. I want to see how it turns out.
  245. U2: Bono and The Edge walk into a bar. The barkeep says "Not you two again!"
  246. Uber [ride-sharing]: Chickens now hire a sheep to ride across the road. They call the service 'ewe'ber.
  247. Undefeated: When a boxer was asked about the secret of his 10-0 record, he replied "I make my socks out of underwear. That way I will always be undie-feeted."
  248. Unfolds: Breaking news: A man claims to have learned how to do origami backwards. More on this story as it unfolds.
  249. Up to Something: I don't like stairs. They're always up to something.
  250. Walk Through: I found out that my wife is a ghost. I had my suspicions from the moment she walked through the door.
  251. Web [World Wide]: My daughter asked me for a pet spider for her birthday, so I went to our local pet shop and they were $70! Forget this, I thought, I can get one cheaper off the web.
  252. Who Let the Dogs Out: The World Health Organization has declared that you cannot get the Coronavirus from dogs, and there is no longer any reason to quarantine them. W.H.O. let the dogs out!
  253. Wholesales: Grandpa used to dig holes for wells as a profession. You could say he was well into holesales.
  254. Wig Warm: To keep your hairpiece from freezing, put it in a teepee. That's a great way to keep a wigwam.
  255. Wigwam: A North American First Nations entrepreneur went to Guam and set up a hairpiece emporium in a large tent. He called it The Wig Guam.
  256. Withdrawal: I'm addicted to having money in my bank account. I suffer from withdrawals.
  257. Without a Trace: A Mexican magician said he'd disappear on the count of three. Uno. Dos. Poof! Without a tres.
  258. Wouldn't You?: I want to go to the Netherlands. Wooden shoe?
  259. You Have My Word: Someone stole my Microsoft Office and they’re gonna pay. You have my Word.

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