The Canonical List of Punny Book Titles

Compiled by Harold Reynolds.

Below are listed a large number of book title puns, sorted according to author's last name. Please send suggestions to the above address. Many of these are pretty lame, so if you have any improvements, send them along! Those given to me may be altered to some degree to, IMHO, "improve" them, but all submissions will be duly credited. Please try to keep them relatively clean--"Mystery in the Barnyard" by Hu Flung Dung is about as far as I'm willing to go.

Feel free to inflict the list on your friends, but like others, I like to be credited for the work I did to assemble this list.

Many thanks to John Gregory, who provided more than half of the entries from his collection of related puns. He practically owns it!

This list has had a major infusion of names which begin with 2 initials, based on a joint effort between John Gregory and myself. To better present the names which are being punned on, the list has been reorganized in alphabetical order of the first names and initials. Car Talk maintains a long list of "Staff Credits", which are more puns on names. Well worth the reading!

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A Titles

1. Ouch!: A. B. Stung 51. Dirty Harry is... : Amanda B. Reckondwithz
2. Electrical Wiring Made Easy: A. C. Deesey JG 52. Not a Guitar!: Amanda Line
3. In Year One: A. D. Calendar JG 53. This is Not Optional: Amanda Tory
4. My Boring Career: A. Drillerp 54. A Tale of German Capital: Amber Lynn Cash
5. Vowel Promissory Notes : A. E. I. O'You 55. What is dinner?: Amelia Eatt
6. Robotics Handbook: A. I. Expert JG 56. Not Very Expensive: Amir Pittance JG
7. Singing Without An Orchestra: A. K. Pella JG 57. My Life With Annette: Amos Kateer JG
8. Dull Pain: A. KingA 58. Mountain Climbing: Andover Hand
9. Morning Radio: A. M. Effem JG 59. What Anne Did with Her Pencils: Andrew Pictures
10. The Unknown Rodent: A. Nonny Mouse 60. Artificial Weightlessness: Andy Gravity
11. Roger Wilco: A. O. Kaye JG 61. Theft and Robbery: Andy Tover4
12. Bee Stings Are in the Hand of the Bee Holder: A. P. Airy JG 62. The Irish Heart Surgeon: Angie O'Plasty JG
13. Let's Play Billiards: A. Q. Ball JG 63. Unemployed: Anita Jobb
14. The Old Codger: A. T. Yearsold JG 64. I Like Fish: Ann Chovie
15. How To Get Attention: A. U. Overthere JG 65. Pain Relief: Ann L. Gesick6
16. Bird Brains: A. V. Airy JG 66. Keeping Old Furniture Looking Good: Ann Teakn
17. Who Cares?: A. Y. Nott JG 67. National Songs: Ann Them
18. Summer in the South: A. Z. N. Hott JG 68. Animal Illnesses: Ann Thrax3
19. Rhythm & Blues for Wasps: Aaron Bee 69. Unwanted Babies: Anna Bortion8
20. How I Win Races: Aaron Quigley 70. Snakes of the World: Anna Conda
21. One Hundred Years Old: Abbie Birthday JG 71. Modern Tree Watches: Anna Log
22. Say The Magic Word: Abby Cadabra JG 72. Eating Disorders: Anna Rexia JG
23. Where Monks Get Honey: Abbey Hive 73. I Shoot Arrows: Anne Archer
24. How to Say Goodbye to the Flower Girl: Abbey Zinnia 74. Robots: Anne Droid
25. My Career As A Clown: Abe Ozo JG 75. Pull Yourself Together!: Annette Curtain f
26. Drafted!: Abel Boddeed JG 76. Masterpieces Of Fox TV: Annette Work JG
27. I Want to Help: Abel N. Willina 77. Home Alone III, The Sequel: Annie Buddyhome JG
28. I'm not a Mutant: Abner Mallety JG 78. Is that it?: Annie MooreA
29. Large Pig Brassieres: Abraham D. Cupp 79. Uncle Buck: Ant Lerzn
30. Nuclear Explosives: Adam Baumo 80. Bit on the Leg: Anton Marnies
31. Ambulance Driving: Adam Muhway JG 81. My Frequently-Mended Garment: Apache Dress
32. The Wall Failed and Caused a Flood: Adam Shame 82. Oh, God, I'm Sorry: Apollo Jize
33. I Love Mathematics: Adam Up 83. May Flowers: April Showers
34. Angry Commuters: Adelaide Train 84. Where to Find Islands: Archie Pelago
35. Cry Wolf: Al Armist6 85. Keep it Clean!: Armand Hammer
36. Sea Birds: Al Batross6 86. The Bird Collection: Arnie Thologiei
37. Cooking Spaghetti: Al Dente 87. Misunderstood: Art Tistic JG
38. Oh What A Relief It Is: Al Kaseltzer JG 88. The Empty Cookie Jar: Arthur Anymoreu
39. New Mexico Tour Book: Albie Kerky JG 89. Inflammation, Please!: Arthur Itis JG
40. It's a Shocker: Alec Tricity 90. It's a Fake!: Artie Fishul C
41. You Don't Understand?: Alex Plain 91. Vegetable Arrangements: Arty Chokep
42. Luxury Automobile: Alexis Carr 92. Turkish Minerals: Asa Minerl
43. Outdoor Activities: Alf Resco6 93. Light Brown Hair: Audrey Mauve Jeannies
44. Crocodile Dundee: Ali Gator 94. It Blew Off My Hat!: Augusta Wind
45. Soak Your Ex-Husband: Ali Money6 95. How to Annoy: Aunt Agonize
46. Lewis Carroll: Alison Wonderland JG 96. Life Before The Civil War: Aunty Bellum JG
47. And the Other People: Allan Sundry 97. Glitz and Bling: Austin Tay-Shuss
48. I Love You!: Alma Hart 98. What the Butler Saw: Ava Nutherluku
49. Funny Astronomy Texts: Alma Jest 99. The Paper Route: Avery Daye JG
50. I Wuz Robbed!: Alma Money JG 100. Car Repairs: Axel Grease JG

B Titles

1. How to Make Honey: B. A. Beaman p 24. I Love Wills: Benny Fishery
2. Good for a Placemat: B. A. Degree JG 25. Celebrate the End of Your Mortgage!: Bernadette Party
3. Who Killed Cock Robin: B. B. Gunn JG 26. The Pullman Sleeper: Bertha Buv JG
4. The Disco Craze: B. G. Singers JG 27. Aircraft Maneuvers: Beryl Roll
5. Golfer's Sandwich: B. L. Tee JG 28. Lotsa Luck: Bess Twishes JG
6. Not a Moment to Spare: B. N. Time JG 29. Uninteresting Road Signs: Bill Bored
7. Why Do People Avoid Me?: B. O. Problem JG 30. Houses, Offices, and Apartments: Bill Ding
8. Red Vegetables: B. Troot6 31. Where to Put Your Money: Bill Fold k
9. How to Go Broke Fast: B. X. Travagant JG 32. House Construction: Bill Jerome Holme 6
10. A Stroll to First Base: Balfour Walker 33. Monarch of the Swindlers: Bill King
11. Keep Out!: Barb Dwyer JG 34. Stories About Very Rich People: Billie O'Nair JA
12. Songs for Children: Barbara Blacksheep JG 35. What a Big Fire Does: Blaise Burns
13. Outdoor Cookery: Barbie Cue JG 36. Monkey Shines: Bob Boone
14. Drink This Before the X-Ray: Barry Um 37. Things To Do At Parties: Bob Frapples JG
15. We Won 20-1!: Barry Um JG 38. Teenagers Of The '50's: Bobbie Sox JG
16. Guide To Mixology: Bart Ender JG 39. I Hate Fighting: Boris Hell
17. The Criminals Of Watergate: Barton Mee JG 40. The Last Roundup: Brandon Irons JG
18. Kindergarten Kop II: Bea Hayve JG 41. French Wine for Sex Symbols: Brigitte Bordeaux
19. Archery: Beau N. Arrowb 42. Smart Beer Making: Bud Wiser
20. Ringing Wet: Belinda WaterA 43. Prevent Drowning: Buddy System JG
21. The Life of Quasimodo: Belle Ringer 44. The Smorgasbord: Buffy Dinner JG
22. Rich People: Belle Yenere i 45. Smash His Lobster!: Buster Crabbe
23. Good Works: Ben Evolent6 46. Trim Those Sideburns Too?: Buzz Cutt JG

C Titles

1. Joe Wins at a Track Meet: C. Howie Runns m 28. What's For Dinner?: Chuck Roast JG
2. The Peeping Tom: C. K. Undress JG 29. When is Christmas?: Cindy Sember
3. French Cheeses: Cam M. Bert 30. I Read You Like A Book: Claire Voyant JG
4. Feelings: Cara Lott JG 31. Explaining it Better: Clara Fie
5. Chocolate Treat Revolution!: Cara Melinda Barr 32. Back Row of The Orchestra: Clara Nett JG
6. Ecclesiastical Infractions: Cardinal Sin 33. Shoes For Farm And Ranch: Claude Hopper JG
7. How To Tune Up Your Auto: Carl Humm JG 34. Destructive Cats: Claude Sofa
8. Dinner's Ready!: Carmen Gettit A 35. The Lion Attacked: Claudia Armoff
9. The Men Who Dig For Cars: Carmine Carment 36. House Plants: Clay Potts JG
10. Meat Eaters: Carney Vore JG 37. Shaky Knees: Cliff Diver JG
11. Singing Solo: Carrie O'Kee B 38. Rocket Launch: Cliff Toff
12. Adding Flaming Decals to Vehicles: Carson Fire 39. Boring Midwestern Cities: Cole Lumbus JG
13. Handsome, Charming, and... : Cary Smattic JG 40. Sixteen Tons: Cole Minor
14. Boy Scout's Handbook: Casey Needzit JG 41. Take a Break!: Colin Sick
15. We Take Credit Cards, But...: Cassius Better I 42. Retirement: Collette Quits
16. Jewish Egotists: Chaim Wonderful 43. Military Fast: Colonel O'Corn l
17. Equine Leg Cramps: Charlie Horse 44. Pentagon Press Release: Colonel O'Truth and Lotta Lies l
18. Obscure Cooking Aids: Che Fingdish JG 45. The Sheet She Wore to the Party: Connie Stoga JG
19. Can He Do It?: Cherie Khan 46. East Coast Universities: Cora Nell l
20. I Am Very Helpful: Cheryl DeWitt 47. Flogging in the Army: Corporal Punishment
21. Sofa So Good: Chester Field 48. That Night in the Ritzy Hotel: Costas Plenty
22. Classical Grocery Shopping: Chopin Liszt l 49. Foretelling the Future of Formal Dances: Crystal Ball
23. The Greasy Spoon: Chris Coe JG 50. Vegetable Paintings: Currier Endives
24. Perfect Cooking: Chris P. Bacon A 51. Interior Decorating: Curt Enrod JG
25. Fried Rodents: Chris Pratt 52. Nuts about You!: Cy Cosis
26. Mineralogy for Giants: Chris Tall 53. Exercise on Wheels: Cy Kling
27. A Fortune-Teller's Disaster: Christobal Broken 54. Wooden Percussion: Cy L'Phone A

D Titles

1. Perry Mason's Last Case: D. A. Zoffuss JG 20. Racketeering: Dennis Court
2. Garlic Gone Bad: D. K. Stinky 21. Maple Molars: Dennis Tree
3. The World's Last Days: D. N. Izneer 22. Baby Mess-Trappers: Di Perrs A
4. Didn't Make it to the Hospital: D. O. Way 23. Webster's Words: Dick Shunnary 3
5. We're All Flakes: Dan Druff JG 24. I'm Not Just Whistling: Dick See
6. Shhh!: Danielle Soloud JG 25. Tyrant of the Potatoes: Dick Tater
7. Oddly-Behaving Waterfowl: Daphne Duck 26. Clean Clothes Repel Men: Dieter Gents
8. Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin Rescue JG 27. Where I Got the Steaks: Dmitri Outside
9. Tape Another Channel: David E. O. Recorder A 28. Fistfights: Donny Brooke JG
10. Great Tennis Matches: Davis Skupp JG 29. Come on in!: Doris Open
11. A Boxing Cornerman's Story: Dawson DeTowel JG 30. Life Six Feet Under: Doug Graves JG
12. What Was Left After the Tornado: Deb Reese 31. En Garde!: Drew Blood JG
13. Fixing Computer Programs: Dee Bugger JG 32. Poisonous Plants: Dudley Nightshade JG
14. The Realm of the Dead: Dee Seized C 33. I Like Coffee: Duncan Doughnuts
15. The Twelfth Month: Dee Sember JG 34. Housework: Dustin Cook n
16. Make Up Your Mind: Dee Side A 35. Highway Travel: Dusty Rhodes
17. Banned Pesticides: Dee-Dee Tee 36. Where's the Water?: Dwayne Dwight Out
18. Good King Wenceslas: Deepan Crispin Even 37. Plumb Good: Dwayne Pipe JG
19. Suntanned Legs: Denise R Brown A  

E Titles

1. Cheer for Your Team!: E. A. Hoo 16. I'm Scared!: Emma Fraid JG
2. How to Handle Nitroglycerine: E. C. Duzzit JG 17. What I Do When I Get More Work: Emmet A. Groan
3. Hard Cheese!: E. Dam A 18. Columbus, Vespucci, And Me: Enzo DiUrth JG
4. Rodent in the House!: E. K. Mouse 19. Why Tires aren't Flat: Erin Side
5. A Great Plenty: E. Nuff 20. Employment Handbook: Ernie Living JG
6. How to be a Con Artist: E. Z. Money JG 21. She Saw Him: Esau Her E
7. Christmas Dinner is Over at Last: Ed Anuff A 22. I Like Liquor: Ethel Alcohol
8. And so on and so forth: Ed Nauseum x 23. Turtle Racing: Eubie Quick
9. I Lost My Balance: Eileen Dover and Phil Down 24. Prepare To Meet Your Maker: Eva DeStruction JG
10. Joe's a Politician: Eli Always 25. Assault with Battery: Eva Ready
11. Vertical Takeoff!: Ella Vator and Ella Copter 26. Jello Proselytizing: Evan Jellist
12. Fat Lady In The Sideshow: Ellie Funt JG 27. Boiled Dry: Eve Aporate A
13. How to Draw: Ellis Strait n 28. Pull with All You've Got!: Eve Ho
14. At Last, Thanksgiving Dinner Is Over!: Emile Eden 29. Fastest Gun In The West: Everett DeReady JG
15. Confessions Of A Gold Digger: Emile Ticket JG  

F Titles

1. Animal Scents: Farrah Mones JG 7. Rangers In The Night: Forrest Fyar JG
2. Not Near: Farrah Way 8. French Overpopulation: Francis Crowded
3. Look Younger: Fay Slift JG 9. Hot Dog!: Frank Furter
4. The Most Well-Known Rodent: Fay Mouse 10. To Be Honest: Frank Lee a
5. How My Cat Keeps Himself Clean: Felix Himself 11. I Say So!: Frank O. Pinion 2
6. Raising Flowers By Hand: Flo Wrist JG 12. The Great Escape: Freida Convict

G Titles

1. Good Gracious!: G. Whiz 11. Hiya Fella: Gladys Eeya JG
2. I Hate Monday Mornings: Gaetan Upp 12. I Hate the Sun: Gladys Knight
3. Strong Winds: Gail Force JG 13. Scottish Kilt Patterns: Glen Pladd JG
4. How to Introduce Yourself in French: Gemma Pelle 14. We Do Theft Cases: Grabbitt & Run A
5. Mensa Man: Gene Yuss 15. The National Science Foundation: Grant Money JG
6. How to be a Vague Soldier: General Lee A 16. Genie in a Bottle: Grant Wishes
7. Gone With The Wind: George Uh JG 17. Put'er There, Pal!: Greg Garious JG
8. Try, Try Again: Getty Trite s 18. Lawyers of Suffering: Grin and Barrett
9. I Wuz Framed!: Gil Tee JG 19. The World's Best Recipes: Gus Tatorial JG
10. Soda Pop History: Ginger Aile a 20. Laid Off!: Gwen Home JG

H Titles

1. The Good Breakfast: Hammond Deggs JG 21. Hunger In America: Heywood Jafeedme JG
2. Jewish Holidays: Hannah Kuhh JG 22. Funny Women: Hillary Uss.
3. Lazy Employees: Hans Doolittle o 23. Human Resources Manager: Hiram N. Firem JG
4. No Germans Here: Hans Frei 24. Stunned Over Christmas: Holly Daze
5. The German Bank Robbery: Hans Zupp JG 25. Raptor-Shaped Flowers: Holly Hawks
6. Get Moving, Slowpoke!: Harriet Upp 26. Tinseltown Tales: Holly Wood JG
7. Rapunzel, Rapunzel!: Harris Long 27. Poetry in Baseball: Homer
8. Toupee Embarrassment: Harrison Backwards 28. Jockeying for Position: Horace Rider
9. The Beach Bully: Harry Ayp JG 29. Who Killed Cock Robin?: Howard I. Know
10. At The Bottom Of The Can: Hazel Nutt JG 30. I'm Fine: Howard Yu 2
11. Gangway!: Hedda Steam JG 31. Chinese Apathy: Hu Cares
12. Cab Calloway's Garden: Heidi Ho JG 32. Mystery in the Barnyard: Hu Flung Dung
13. I Lived in Detroit: Helen Earth 33. I Laugh at the Gods!: Hugh Briss
14. Where the World is Going: Helena Handbasket 34. Big Fart!: Hugh Jass
15. In The Trenches: Helmut Wearer JG 35. Lots of Excitement: Hugh N. Cry
16. Greek Unbeliever!: Hera Tick d 36. Greeting Sheep Strangers: Hugh R. Ewe a
17. A Bestiary of Plant Eaters: Herb Avore JG 37. Parachuting: Hugo First
18. The Posterior of a Woman: Herbie Hind 38. Midnight Patrol: Hugo Sair A
19. His Girl Thursday: Herman Friday 39. No Camels Here!: Humphrey Zoo
20. German Barbershops: Herr Kutt AJ 40. Sure, I'm Crazy!: Hussein Anyway

I Titles

1. Rusty Bedsprings: I. P. Nightly 11. No More Circuit Breakers!: Ira Fuse
2. Desert Crossing: I. Rhoda Camel 12. Cloning: Irma Dubble II
3. Teach Me!: I. Wanda Know 13. What I Took: Irv Erginity JG
4. The Garden State: Ida Hoe JG 14. In the Arctic Ocean: Isa Berg
5. Let's Do it Now!: Igor Beaver 15. I Hit the Wall: Isadore There
6. Take This Job And Shove It: Ike Witt JG 16. I'm a Chatterbox!: Isaiah Lott
7. I'm Someone Else: Ima Nonymous 17. Why We Fall in Winter: Isis Slippery
8. The Phillipine Post Office: Imelda Letter JG 18. I Didn't Do It!: Ivan Alibi
9. Fred Can Philosophize!: Immanuel Kant 19. My Seventh Husband: Ivana Newhouse JG
10. What I Need for the Chocolate Bugs Recipe: Ingrid E. Ants 20. Cheating on His Wife: Izzy Backyet JG

J Titles

1. Fingerplay: Jacob Sladder JG 21. The Monkey Cage: Jim Panzee JG
2. Split Personalities: Jacqueline Hyde JG 22. How to Break In: Jimmy De Lock JG
3. Don't Do Anything Rash: Jacques Itch JG 23. The Rowdy Crowd: Jocelyn Shove
4. Athletic Supporter: Jacques Strap l 24. When to Apply the Heimlich Maneuver: Joe King
5. The Dead Of Winter: Jan Yuary JG 25. Those Funny Dogs: Joe Kur
6. I Cleaned Up this Town!: Janet Orr 26. How To Make Cornmeal Pancakes: Johnny Cake JG
7. Renowned Chefs: Janice Cooks w 27. Star Spangled Barrio: Jose Canusee JG
8. Not Bogged Down In Reality: Jason Rainbows JG 28. Where Wolves: Juan F. Deepak
9. What Makes Airplanes Go: Jeff Fuel JG 29. The Hitchhiker: Juan Nalift JG
10. The Source of Electricity: Jenny Rator A 30. Two Thousand Pounds!: Juan Ton
11. Hockey for Grandparents: Jerry Hattrick s 31. Personal Tutoring: Juan Touwan A
12. I Can Fix It: Jerry Rigg JG 32. The Friendly Bartender: Juana Beer s
13. The History of the Nike Slogan: Jess DeWitt 33. Life is a Trial: Judd Gement JG
14. I Beat Bobby Fischer: Jess Player JG 34. The Chuck Berry Story: Judy Frudy JG
15. Birdwatching for Beginners: Jesse the Parrot E 35. I Work with Diamonds: Jules Sparkle
16. From the Great White North: Jessica Nadian JG 36. Measuring Musical Aptitude: Julie Yard
17. Scattered Small Carpets: Jethro Rugg 37. Look Ma, No Thumbs!: Justice Fingers A
18. Party On, Dude: Jill Out JG 38. I Need Insurance: Justin Case
19. The Scent Of A Man: Jim Nasium JG 39. Almost Missed the Bus: Justin Time
20. Flips and Tumbles: Jim Nastics g 40. Poultry Farmers: Justus Chickens JG

K Titles

1. The LA Lakers' Breakfast: Kareem O'Wheat JG 11. Breaking the Law: Kermit A. Krime
2. Serving Food and Drink at Parties: Kate Turing 12. Don't Let Me Stop You: Kerry Onn A
3. Chirpin' and Jumpin': Katie Didd JG 13. Yoko's Robe: Kim Ono JG
4. After The Corned Beef And Cabbage: Kay O'Pectate JG 14. I Used Bad Language: Kirsten Swore
5. Measles Collision!: Kay Rash 15. A Whole Lot of Cats: Kitt N. Caboodle
6. Nuclear Power Bafflement: Ken Fusion JG 16. The Economy is Recovering!: Knott Quite l
7. Barbie's Companion: Kendall Husband 17. The Annoying Santa: Knut Nick Claus
8. Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny Bunkport JG 18. Pressure Relief: Korsetsov p
9. A Stuntman To The End: Kenny Doitt JG 19. No: Kurt Reply JG
10. Woulda Been A Great Shortstop: Kent Hitt JG  

L Titles

1. Get Off Your Butt and Work!: Lacey Bones 22. Volunteer's Guidebook: Linda Hand JG
2. Here's Pus In Your Eye: Lance Boyle JG 23. Meals On Safari: Lionel Eecha JG
3. Not a Lasso!: Larry Ett 24. Hertz, Don't It?: Lisa Carr JG
4. Honest Citizen: Laura Byder A 25. Italian Delicacies: Liz Onya JG
5. Crackdown: Lauren Order JG 26. I Love Fractions: Lois Denominator
6. Nobel Prize Cannibals: Laurie Ate JG 27. How to Cut Grass: Lon Moore n
7. I Guide Large Vehicles in England: Laurie Driver 28. What He Will Do to the Grass: Lonnie Mowat
8. Music of the Sea: Lawrence Whelk 29. Scots in the Desert: Lorna Dune
9. Tight Situation: Leah Tard JG 30. Good Housekeeping: Lotta Dust
10. More Mindless Violence: Lee Fullweapon A 31. Punk Rock Rulez!: Lotta Noyze JG
11. You Drip!: Lee K. Fawcette b 32. Mardi Gras Time: Lou Isiana JG
12. The Palace Roof has a Hole: Lee King 33. Hawaiian Parties are Amazing!: Lou Wow
13. Nordic Groundskeepers: Leif Raker JG 34. Tear Up Those Betting Slips: Lou Zerr JG
14. Gay Vegetables: Les Bean 35. The Ham Radio Primer: Loudon Clear JG
15. The Shrinking Society: Les Ismoor JG 36. He's Contagious!: Lucas Measles
16. Bad Investment: Les Riches j 37. Fallen Underwear: Lucy Lastic JG
17. James Fenimore Cooper: Lester Moe Hickens s 38. Tabletop Occultism: Luigi Board
18. Jewish Mysticism: Lev Itation l 39. Danger!: Luke Out
19. A Dictionary of Swindles: Lexi Kahn 40. Not So Hot: Luke Warm JG
20. Heat Makes Me Rise: Libby Dough 41. Irish Flooring: Lynn O'Leum
21. Joys of Cowardice: Lily Livard JG  

M Titles

1. Perverted Mushrooms: M. Morel 39. Pilgrim Settlers: May Flower JG
2. Enforcing Discipline in the Army: M. P. Copps 40. Continental Recipes: May O'Nez C
3. Kingdom of the Flames: M. Pyre C 41. Riel Ambush!: May T. Surprise
4. Why Cars Stop: M. T. Tank 42. Computer Memories: Meg Abight 7
5. Do as I Do, Not as I Say: M. U. Late JG 43. It Won't Work!: Mel Function JG
6. Makeup for Thin People: Mabel Leen B 44. Irish Soap Operas: Mel O'Drama A
7. You're So Sweet: Mable Syrup JG 45. Caught in a Cyclone: Mel Strom s
8. Italian Cooking: Mac Aroni p 46. Why I Like Cantaloupe: Melanie Flavour
9. Round the World: Madge Ellen 7 47. Specialty Winemaker: Merle O. Vintner
10. It's All In Your Head: Madge Ination JG 48. Overcoming Nervousness On Radio: Mike Fright JG
11. Shamans and Witch Doctors: Madison Menn 49. Geez, It's Hot!: Mike Hammeldyed j
12. I Was a Cloakroom Attendant: Mahatma Coate 1 50. Clothes for Germ Kings: Mike Robes
13. Military Defeats: Major Disaster and General Mayhem 51. Why I Can Open the Lock: Mikey Fitz
14. I'm not a happy camper!: Malcolm Tent 52. Daddy are We There Yet?: Miles Away
15. I Like Weeding Gardens: Manuel Labour 53. Stories About Rich People: Millie O'Nair JA
16. Personal Best: Marco DeStinction JG 54. When's The Revolution?: Millie Tant JG
17. The Truancy Problem: Marcus Absent JG 55. Life in the Army: Millie Terry and Reggie Mantle
18. Kangaroo Illnesses: Marcus Wallaby, M.D. 56. Why I Failed Math: Milo Grades
19. Don't Cry for Me: Marge and Tina 57. Between Ohio and Illinois: Mindy Anna Borders
20. Ship Mysteries: Marie Celeste 58. Decorating your Mousehole: Minnie Blinds l
21. Where to park your boat: Marina Dock 59. Many Are Cold, But Few Are Frozen: Minnie Sota JG
22. Repent At Leisure: Marion Hayste JG 60. When You Find Mr. Right: Miriam Quick
23. Scuffed Floors: Mark Tupp JG 61. Long Walk: Miss D. Bus j
24. The Letter Z: Marko Zorro 62. Errors and Accidents: Miss Takes and Miss Haps
25. Care For A Chop?: Marsha Larts JG 63. Car Capital Of The World: Mitch Egan JG
26. Military Rule: Marshall Law 64. Cut the Grass!: Moe Lawn
27. Quips For The Young At Heart: Marty Pants JG 65. Ohh, the Pain, the Pain!: Moe N. Groan
28. Happy New Year!: Mary Christmas 66. The Porn Queen: Mona Lott JG
29. Nice Hotels: Mary Ott i 67. My French Lover: Mona Moore
30. How to Type Squiggles: Matilda Key 68. Gambling: Monty Carlos
31. I Love Bullfighting: Matt Adore JG 69. Mexican Revenge: Monty Zuma
32. Fire Me Up!: Matt Chez t 70. No More Rifles!: Morgan Control JG
33. Home Decorating: Matt Emulsion v 71. The Gift of Life: Morgan Donation
34. Scandinavian Photography: Matt Finnish JG 72. I Love Crowds: Morris Merrier
35. Very Precise: Matt Iculous A 73. A Reaction to Your Absence: Mrs. Yu
36. Weepy Movie: Maud Lynn Story 74. Cut the Grass!: Moses Lawn b
37. The TV News Anchorman: Maury Ports JG 75. Wouldn't You Know It: Murphy Slaw JG
38. More for Your Money: Max Amize 3 76. French Cars: Myra Neault k

N Titles

1. I Disagree With That!: N. A. Sayer 11. I Make Hands Pretty: Nell Polish
2. Hypnotism: N. Tranced 12. Smoker's Cough: Nick O'Teen JG
3. Noise is Forbidden!: Nada Loud 13. It's a Holdup!: Nick R. Elastic
4. Santa's Checking His List: Nadia Nice 14. Dull Razor: Nick Shaving JG
5. East Coast Resorts: Nan Tuckett JG 15. Political Correctness: Noah Fence s
6. American College Athletics: Nancy Dubblelay JG 16. My Lost Causes: Noah Veil
7. Date on a Beach: Nash Carr 17. The Great Flood: Noah Zark JG
8. Ready to Party: Natalie Dressed 18. I'm an Atheist: Noel Noheaven
9. The Spiritual Life: Ned Itation l 19. Neither a Borrower: Nora Lender Bee
10. Ready for Knighthood: Neil Downe JG  

O Titles

1. I'm Always Hungry: O. B. City JG 10. Season Tickets: Oprah Maven l
2. Overweight Vegetables: O. Beets 11. Singin' and Shakin': Oprah Tic Tenor l
3. How to Yodel: O. Lea LeahyJA 12. Life Before Cars: Orson Buggy JG
4. Swedish Perfumeries: Ole Factory l 13. Pain in My Body: Otis Leghurts
5. The Peace Mission: Olive Branch JG 14. I Must Fix the Car!: Otto Doit
6. Without Warning: Oliver Sudden 15. The Industrial Revolution: Otto Mattick
7. Handel's Messiah: Ollie Luyah JG 16. He Disappeared!: Otto Sight
8. Surprised!: Omar Gosh 17. Money Management: Owen Cash o
9. The Empath: Ophelia Sadness JG  

PQ Titles

1. The Well-Appointed Irish Veranda: Paddy O'FurnitureJA 23. The Bog: Pete Maas JG
2. What We Need to Play Bridge: Paco Cards 24. In Farmer MacGregor's Garden: Peter Abbott JG
3. How to Read a Book: Paige Turner n 25. A Trail in the Sand: Peter Dragon JG
4. The Hidden Surprise: Pam Perz JG 26. Slowly Fades: Peter Out A
5. Preaching to Hell's Angels: Pastor Redlight 1 27. Home of the Liberty Bell: Phil A. Delphia l
6. What's Your Invention?: Pat Tent JG 28. The History Of Exxon: Phil Errup JG
7. Green Lawn Chairs: Patty O'Furniture JG 29. All About Orchestras: Phil Harmonic
8. Grave Mistakes: Paul Bearer 30. Exotic Irish Plants: Phil O'Dendron
9. Foot Problems of Big Lumberjacks: Paul Bunion 31. The Polarization Process: Phil Terrout A
10. Tug of War: Paul Hard 32. Unclean!: Phil Thee
11. Corporate Regulations: Paula C. Maker 33. We Have No Use for the Fine Arts: Phyllis Stein
12. Maritime Rules: Paula See i 34. Hollywood Gossip: Phyllis Zinn JG
13. The Lady Pirate: Peg Legg JG 35. Artificial Clothing: Polly Ester
14. Save Your Money!: Peggy Bank 36. Laughing In The White House: Polly Tickle
15. The Miracle Drug: Penny Cillin JG 37. How to Cook a Steak: Porter House n
16. Girl On a Budget: Penny Pincher k 38. Neat Shirts: Preston Ironed
17. Herbally Yours: Penny Royal w 39. Keep 'Em That Way: Private Parts l
18. Mexican/Italian Food: Pepe Roney JG 40. Long, Green Vegetables, Vol 1: Q. Cumber
19. The Candy Store: Pepper Mintz JG 41. Find Another Lonely Heart: Q. Pid A
20. Oppression of the Masses: Percy Kyution A 42. Chance Encounter at the Ball: Quincy Dance
21. Irish Dentistry: Perry O'Dontal JG 43. The Very Model of a Modern Major General: Quinn Tessence JG
22. Events In The Soviet Union: Perry Stroika JG 44. Third of Five: Quinn Tuplet

R Titles

1. Nail in the Bannister: R. Stornoff 23. How to Succeed in School: Rita Book n
2. Bigotry: Rachel Intolerance 24. Charlie and the Chocolate EXTERMINATE!: Roald Dahlek
3. How I Won The Marathon: Randy Hoelway JG 25. Uncooked Proto-Soup: Rob Roth
4. Indian, Italian and Spanish Cuisine: Ravi Oley JG 26. Armed Heists: Robin Banks
5. Nobly Radioactive: Ray Don Gas 27. How to Tour the Prison: Robin Steele
6. Lawn Care: Ray King JG 28. As Solid as...: Rocco Gibraltar b
7. How to Overcome Stress: Ray Lachs k 29. Gone Fishing: Rod Annette 8
8. Fundraising: Ray Samani 30. Fish Story: Rod Enreel JG
9. Lewd Novels: Ray See C 31. Okee Dokee: Roger Wilco JG
10. Some Like It Hot: Red Pepper p 32. World of Bread: Roland Loaf
11. About Army Units: Reggie Mantle 33. Meeting Places: Ron DeVoo r
12. Formal List: Reggie Stirr A 34. Go Away!: Ron Onhome JG
13. The Fortuneteller: Reid Palms JG 35. Baby Lions: Rory Kubbs
14. The Auto Salvage Business: Rex Toad JG 36. Gardening With The Ex-President: Rose Bush JG
15. Well-Spoken Predictions: Rhett Oracle 37. Cosmetology: Rosie Cheeks JG
16. Flowering Bushes: Rhoda Dendron 38. What Geologists Study: Roxanne Minerals
17. Get to the Point!: Rhonda Bout s 39. Wish I'd Never Been Born: Rudy Daye JG
18. I'm Exhausted!: Rhonda Marathon 40. The Housing Problem: Rufus Quick
19. I Was A Son Of A Buccaneer: Rich Kidd JG 41. Wind In The Maple Trees: Russell Ingleaves JG
20. Deflections: Rick O'Shea v 42. Small Vegetables: Russell Sprout JG
21. Weekend In Hong Kong: Rick Shaw JG 43. The Squeaking Gate: Rusty Hinges JG
22. Long Way Down: Rip Cord Broke l 44. Sandwich Making: Ryan Mayo JG

S Titles

1. Ready...Set...: Sadie Word JG 32. The King of Russian Entertainment: Sid C Czar
2. Wake Up!: Sal Ammoniac 33. ...And Shut Up!: Sid Downe JG
3. Get Out There!: Sally Forth 34. Circle Perimeter: Sir Cumference h
4. Lizards of Fire: Sally Mander JA 35. Smooth Operator: Sir John Cutter
5. Songs from 'South Pacific': Sam and Janet Evening 36. The Effects of Alcohol: Sir Osis of Liver
6. Latin Dances for Sheep: Sam Baa 37. Cough Medicine: Sir Upp C
7. Still Looking For My Heart: Sam Francisco JG 38. Children's Songbook: Skip Tumalu JG
8. Imitating Mozart: Sam Phony l 39. Deceleration: Sloane Down
9. I Can't See The Difference: Sam Ting JG 40. Defunct Nations: Sophie Etunion JG
10. A Warrior's Whiskey: Sam U. Rye 41. Too Rough: Soren Redd JG
11. Dan Quayle's Englush Skils: Sammy Literate 42. The Senior Prom: Spike Drink JG
12. Summer Vacation: Sandy and Shelley Beach B 43. Make your Marriage Work: Stan Byerman z
13. Southern California Waffles: Sandy Eggo JG 44. Life As A Comic: Stan Dupp JG
14. Brane Surjery Maid Simpel: Sarah Bellum JG 45. West Coast Universities: Stan Ford JG
15. All Alone: Saul E. Terry 46. Making Explosives: Stan Wellback o
16. Peeping Tom: Sawyer Scanties JG 47. NHL Hockey: Stanley Kupp JG
17. Let's see That Again!: Schlomo Replay 48. The Telltale Heart: Stefi Scope JG
18. How To Beat A Murder Rap: Scott Free JG 49. Working on the Docks: Steve Door
19. Holmes Does It Again: Scott Linyard JG 50. Manana: Stew Layt JG
20. Fancy Light Fixtures: Sean D'Olier v 51. Things to Cook Meat In: Stu Potts
21. Keeping Electronics Safe: Serge Protector 52. Fake Names in the Fabric Industry: Sue Denim
22. Tailoring: Serge Soote JG 53. The French Chef: Sue Flay JG
23. Guarding the Door: Sergeant Atarms l 54. Long, Green Vegetables, Vol 2: Sue Keeny
24. Joys of Septic Tanks: Seth Poole JG 55. The Big Wave: Sue Nami c
25. Full Moon: Seymour Buns 56. April Fool!: Sue Prize
26. Under the Bleachers: Seymour Butts l 57. Waste Water: Sue Ridgepipe v
27. The Optician's Guide: Seymour Clearly A 58. Some Like it Sweet: Sugar Kane a
28. Rules For Living: Sharon Sharalike JG 59. Foot Coverings: Susan Socks JG
29. Get Moving!: Sheik Aleg 60. It's Magic!: Sven Gali
30. What's Going to be Happening Around the Mountain?: Shelby Coming 61. Sectarian Conflicts: Sybil War
31. You're Kidding!: Shirley U. Jest  

TU Titles

1. Little Bitty Froggies: Tad Pole JG 19. Falling Trees: Tim Burr
2. What the Sun Does to Your Skin: Tanya Brown 20. My Life on Skid Row: Titus A. Drum JG
3. Preparing Leather: Tanya Hyde JG 21. Off To Market: Tobias A. Pigg
4. Coin Tossing: Taylor Hedd JG 22. Keep them in Suspense: Toby Continued
5. Rapid Hemming and Stitching: Taylor Swift 23. Battle Axes: Tom A. Hawk a
6. Bad Cow Jokes: Terry Bull 8 24. Wind Instruments: Tom Bone and O. Bowe y
7. You Wash, I'll Dry: Terry Cloth JG 25. The Next Day: Tom Morrow
8. Talkative Japanese: Terry Yaki 26. Banquet at McDonalds: Tommy Ayk JG
9. Trial Law: Tess Temoni JG 27. Chicago Gangs Of The '30's: Tommy Gunn JG
10. Sandpapers of the West: Tex Ture l 28. I've Tasted Bad Beverages, But This Is a …: Travis Tea
11. Who is She?: Thad Gurl JG 29. Turkish Cattle: Tristan Bull
12. Theft Among Arthropods: The Lieutenants l 30. Silly Rabbit: Trixie R. Forkids l
13. Musical Gunfighters: The Okay Chorale 31. Monday Solder: Tuesday Weld
14. What Mephistopheles Did: Thelma Soul 32. Ah, Thor!: Ty Till 7
15. How We Used to Shorten Trouser Legs: Theo Hemingway 33. Do It Yourself: Tyrone Shoelaces JG
16. The World's Deadliest Joke: Theophilus Punoval JG 34. Great Jazz Pianists: U. B. Blake
17. It's Springtime!: Theresa Green JG 35. I Win!: U. Lose
18. Whatchamacallit!: Thingum Bob  

VZ Titles

1. Why Clothing is Required in India: Vanessa Sari 21. Promises for Peace: Will Shake and Mae Kupp A
2. You're a Bundle of Laughs: Vera Funny 22. Fifty Yards to the Outhouse: Willy Makit and Betty Woant
3. Avoid that Pedestrian!: Vera Way A 23. Social Insecurity: Wilma Moneylast JG
4. Winning the Race: Vic Tree 24. Bad Gardeners: Wilt Plant
5. Sour Drinks Make Me Growl: Vinnie Grrr 25. Mobile Homes: Winnie Bago b
6. String Instruments: Viola Player 26. How to Succeed at Craps: Winona Seven
7. New Computer Games: Virgil Reality JG 27. If I Invited Him...: Woody Kum 3
8. Blowout!: Vlad Tire JG 28. Gunslingers with Gas: Wyatt Urp
9. The Cloning Service: W. Today 29. Engineering Instructor: Wyatt Works JG
10. Down the Drain: W.C. Flush 30. Stop Arguing: Xavier Breath
11. Positive Reinforcement: Wade Ago JG 31. That Woman Gives Me Deja-Vu: Xena Before A
12. Carpet Fitting: Walter Wall h 32. It's Unfair!: Y. Me
13. Woman in Danger!: Warner Quick 33. A Trip to the Dentist: Yin Pain
14. Judging Fast Food: Warren Berger 3 34. I Fly Da Plane: Yolanda Plane
15. Leo Tolstoy: Warren Peace 35. Playing with the Christmas Fire: Yule B. Sari m
16. Downpour!: Wayne Dwops 36. Christmas for Baldies: Yule Brynner
17. Life in Chicago: Wendy City 37. My Life in the Gutter: Yves Trough
18. That was Quick!: Wendy Dothat A 38. I Frighten Your Pets: Yvettes Office
19. Exploring The Dutch Frontier: Will Der Ness JG 39. Why is the Elephant on the Chair?: Zeke Amos
20. Just Say No: Will Power JG 40. It was Him!: Zoe Didit A

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