- A Shanty: Ashanti is a crude shack usually found in a slum.
- Ad Lib: Do people who can speak extemporaneously come from ad-Libya?
- As One: When the Egyptians spoke in unison, they spoke Aswan.
- Banjo: From a Geography song: "...I've come from Alabama with my Banjul on my knee."
- Barbary: Are hair salons part of the Barbary States?
- Been Gassy: "Why did you eat all that Beano?" "I've Benghazi."
- Been In: I have Benin Africa for quite a while.
- Call Harry: Harry's wife is sick? I'll Kalahari right away to tell him.
- Camp Allah: A summer camp for Moslems could be called Kampala.
- Can Go: Our visas are here! This means we Congo to Africa!
- Can Ya: Bum in Africa: "Hey buddy, Kenya spare some change?"
- Cartoon: Where to go in Africa to see "Tom and Jerry": Khartoum.
- Chiropractor: I tried to walk like an Egyptian, but now I need to see a Cairo practor.
- Gab On: The Geography students were asked to shut up, but they continued to Gabon.
- Gonna: I studied really hard for this test and I know I'm Ghana get a good mark.
- Guinea: I do not want to be a Guinea pig for your experiments.
- He Gypped: "He short-changed me!" "Yes, Egypt you all right."
- High Road: The sore mummy needed a Cairo-practor.
- Hooray (2): "Let's hear it for Zimbabwe! Hip, hip, Harare!"
- I Hear: "Language in Geography class is filthy!" "Yes, Zaire too much cussing around here too."
- I'll Be Seein' Ya Later: A farewell from a traveller: "Abyssinia later."
- I'll Cheer Ya: When you run the race I'll stand at the side and Algeria on to victory.
- Jib Bootie: A person who makes footwear from sailcloth could be from Djibouti.
- Libby A: "Libby wants a book." "Okay, give Libya Geography text."
- Maulee: A person who mauls is a mauler. A person who is mauled is a Mali.
- More Obtain: To obtain more of something, go to Mauretania.
- More Rocco: "My husband Rocco is getting fat!" "I guess there's Morocco to love."
- Neither: He got Niger a good mark nor a bad mark in Geography.
- Nile: The Egyptians weren't destroyed, they were a-Nile-ated.
- Noob: The part of Africa that supplies novice gamers is Nubia.
- Ra Bat: Does the Egyptian god Ra play baseball with a Rabat?
- Sea Shells: She sells Seychelles by the sea shore.
- Sommelier: What do you call a wine professional from the horn of Africa? A Somalier.
- Sudden: All of a Sudan the dust storm struck.
- Sue Is: "I don't like Sue." "Yeah, Suez not a nice girl at all."
- Tan Jeer: "Haw! Is that a suntan or did you fall in the mud?" This nasty comment could be called a Tangier.
- The Car: I want to drive Dakar to work today.
- Tim Buck Too: Fred and Tim are two horses. If Fred bucks, will Timbuktoo?
- Toe Go: "My big toe fell off and now it's lost! Where did my Togo?"
- Triple E: The cattle ranch with a brand like EEE is the Tripoli Ranch.
- Tune This: I don't know how to Tunis piano. I'll get a pro to do it.
- Turban: Sikh men are required by their religion to wear a Durban on their heads.
- Victoria Falls: What happens when Victoria trips? Victoria Falls.
- Volt: You'll get a charge out of rafting the Volta River.
- You Can't: You dented my car! Uganda get away with this!
- Voss Talk: "Miss Voss has a really high, squeaky voice." "Yes, it can sometimes be really painful to hear Miss Vostok."
- Abu Dhabi: In the Harry Potterverse, would a house elf from the Middle East be called Abu Dobby?
- Alma Ate A: "What did Alma eat?" "Alma Ata whole pizza all by herself!"
- Amour: The French geographer's Asian river of romance is the Amur.
- Ask Us: We've studied hard for this test. If you Oxus a question, we'll get the answer right away.
- Buy Cal: "What shall we get Cal for Christmas?" "Let's Baikal an atlas."
- Curse: The witch's evil Kursk made it impossible to pass Geography.
- Damascus: When an idiot swears, he's in Syria because it's a dumb-ass cuss.
- Go Bee: In the bee races, geographers shout "Gobi, go!"
- Him A Lay A: Himalaya down to sleep, he pray the Lord his soul to keep.
- Man to Lay: "He wants to know where to lay the floor tiles." "Tell the Mandalay them in the hall."
- Me and My Shadow: Do Geographers in Southeast Asia sing "Myanmar Shadow"?
- Of: Ob course I hab a cold. Why else would I tog this way?
Asia: China
- Can Sue: Lawyer: "I can litigate." Geographer: "I Kansu!"
- China: Geographers prefer to eat on fine China.
- Cow-loon: If you're in Hong Kong and cross a bull with a waterfowl, would you get a Kowloon?
- Hi, Nan: How to greet Nan in China. "Hainan!"
- McCow: McDonald's gets its McBurgers from Macau.
- Peeking: This is a Geography test! No Peking at another's paper!
- Sinking: Rats are always the first to leave a Sinkiang ship.
- Tie Bet: Any wager made that a game will be a draw is a Tibet.
Asia: East
- For Most Of My Life: I have been studying Geography Formosa my life.
- Tie One: Efficient Boy and Girl Scouts in Taipei will not tie two knots, just Taiwan.
- Type A: I met a guy from Taiwan recently. He was really high-strung, definitely a Taipei personality.
Asia: Japan
- Hawn Shoe: Goldie Hawn buys her footwear in Honshu.
- Nip and Tuck: A name for a Japanese plastic surgery clinic could be Nippon Tuck.
- Oh Say Can: How the Japanese begin the American national anthem: "Osaka you see..."
- Ya Pan: "So, oldtimer, how did Japan for gold during the Great Far East gold rush?"
Asia: Korea
- Career: I start a new job in Seoul next week. I thought it was a good Korea move.
- Inch On: All they could do was Inchon, step by step, until the ice was crossed.
- Soul: I love this city, heart and Seoul.
- Yellow: The sun in North Korea is not orange, it's Yalu.
Asia: Philippines
- Battin': "Janet hit .675 in baseball today!" "That's a high Bataan average."
- Losing: The team has been defeated 18 times in a row. They're on a real Luzon streak.
- Manila: Is mail in the Philippines often delivered in Manila envelopes?
- Minden Now: "Can't we go to Minden later?" "No! I want to go to Mindenao!"
Asia: South
- Boot Tan: When a boot (or a ghost) turns brown in the sun, it has a Bhutan.
- Burn A: To Burma house down on purpose is considered a crime.
- Cobblestones: Are the streets of the capital of Afghanistan paved with Kabul-stones? Are they able to watch Kabul TV?
- Mall Dive: "Where on earth would people put a diving board in a shopping mall?" "In the Maldive Islands, of course."
- Nipple: One can find a Nepal on a woman's breast.
- See Lawn: When the geographer looked at the grass in his yard, he exclaimed "I Ceylon!"
Asia: Southeast
- An M: When writing the alphabet, one must put Annam after the letter "l".
- Annoy: The Vietnam War used to Hanoi the Americans.
- Cracked Toe: A broken foot appendage: Krakatoa.
- Floors: Geography classrooms have ceilings, walls and Flores.
- Have A: Java 'nother cup of coffee, matey.
- Hi, Fong: How to greet Fong in Vietnam: "Haiphong!"
- Hue: Corruption in the Vietnam government raised a great Hue and cry.
- I Am (2): "Are you going to Thailand?" "Yes, Siam."
- Indo Needs Ya: "Your friend 'Indo' is trouble! Indonesia right away!"
- Lay Us: "Now we Laos down to sleep; we pray the Lord our souls to keep."
- Me Kong: What the "gorilla your dreams" might say: "Mekong, you Fay Wray."
- Pen: What does a Cambodian write with? A Phnom Penh.
- Sarah Awake: Is Sarawak? She has to catch the school bus in 20 minutes.
- Sigh Gone: The city of departed sighs is Saigon.
- Tea More: "You haven't invited me to tea for a month!" "I really should invite you to Timor often."
- Tie Land: The best country to buy men's neckwear is Thailand.
Asia: Turkey
- Anchor A: It is generally not a good idea to Ankara boat until the engine is turned off.
- Anna Told Ya: "What did Anna tell me?" "Anatolia to meet her at two o'clock."
- Boss Pour Us: During "Role Reversal Day", the boss can be ordered around. For example: "Bosporous all a cup of coffee."
- Is Mir: "What Izmir doing?" "Mir is going to kill the guy who writes these puns."
- Turkey: Do people in Istanbul eat Turkey sandwiches?
- Ada Laid: "Where did Ada put the book?" "Adelaide the book on the table."
- Alice Springs: Alice may seem dormant now, but when she has a cause, Alice Springs into action.
- Appear: I hate surprise Geography tests. They just Apia out of nowhere.
- Can Bear A: "Is she strong?" "Yes, she Canberra heavier load than I can."
- Darling: The Australian river of love is the Darling.
- Done Eating: After finishing a meal, a geographer says "I'm Dunedin."
- Gone (1): When a typhoon hits, the residents of this island read the book Guam With the Wind.
- Ho, Bart: How does Santa Claus greet Bart Simpson? "Ho, ho, Hobart, you've been a naughty boy this year!"
- Loyalty: Friends from the Loyalty Islands will always stand by you.
- Mel Born: You and your brother Mel were born in different hospitals. In which was Melbourne?
- Purse: A Geography student turned into a petty crook-- a Perth snatcher.
- Rabble: A disorderly mob of people in the South Pacific is a Rabaul.
- Sandwich: A very edible island chain is called the Sandwich Islands.
- Smores [snack]: Where in Papua New Guinea does one go for campfire snacks? Port Smoresby, of course.
- Some More: Oliver Twist in Geography class: "Please, sir, I want Samoa."
- Tahi Tea: This is not Earl Grey tea, it's Tahiti.
- Tass Mania: The Geography Pun Test craze that hit the Soviet TASS reporters was called Tasmania.
- Tongue: Doctors in the South Seas use lots of Tonga depressors.
- Truck: Transporting things on the island of Truk comes naturally.
- Acting: One can expect to find an active drama society in Acton.
- Albert A: "What should we give Albert?" "If we give Alberta pun test, he'll kill us."
- Alert: One must be Alert to drive a car safely at high speed.
- Algonquin (Provincial Park): While camping at an Ontario provincial park, we ran out of beer. I turned to my friend Quinn and said "Algonquin!"
- All My Children: The Lac St. Jean (Quebec) region's favourite soap opera is "Alma Children".
- Am Herst: You are himst, I Amherst.
- An Apple Is: "Mommy, what's an apple?" "Annapolis a large, red fruit."
- Attic Coke Can: An empty can of Coca-Cola in an attic is an Atikokan.
- Beaver Ton: What do you call 2000 pounds of beavers? A Beaverton.
- Burn A Bee: "I like to burn wasp nests!" "You must be from Burnaby."
- Bury (1): Let us make peace, Barrie the hatchet and get on with life.
- Calendar: People always know what date it is in the town of Callendar.
- Call Gary: Ellen: "How can I ask Gary out for a date?" Helen: "Just pick up the phone and Calgary."
- Calling Wood: The best place to buy a phone made of maple is Collingwood.
- Can So: "You cannot!" "I Canso!"
- Candiac [Québec): You may never find a candy muskox or candy moose in Montréal's South Shore, but you will always find a Candiac.
- Dawson Said He'd: If Dawson City'd do it then he will; his word is as good as gold.
- Don: The Don river is the place to be at sunrise.
- Dry Den: All other things being equal, a bear prefers a Dryden to a wet den.
- Dunkin': The act of dipping a doughnut into one's coffee is defined by geographers as Duncan.
- Elmer: A nemesis of Bugs Bunny was Aylmer Fudd, the hunter.
- Ern Prior: "Did you visit Ern before you left?" "Yes, I saw Arnprior to my departure."
- Err (1): To Ayr is human, to forgive (especially punsters) divine.
- Exiter: A person using an exit is an Exeter.
- Gander: What's good for the goose is good for the Gander.
- Golden: The town of Golden, British Columbia must be pretty quiet, since "Silence is Golden".
- Hamilton: The place to go to hear pigs recite Paradise Lost is Ham-Milton.
- Hell Fax: A fax from Beelzebub could be called a Halifax.
- Hem Low: I'll never understand women's fashions. Some years they have the Hemlo, other years the hem is high.
- Hers: The male snake hissed, the female snake Hearst.
- Hope: A familiar cliché of interior British Columbia: "Where there's life, there's Hope."
- Horn Pain: A headache caused by awful trumpet playing is called a Hornpayne.
- Kam Loops: Canned ham cut in rings: Kamloops.
- Kitchen-er: A professional cook could be called a Kitchener.
- La Bra Door: In order to get into Victoria's Secret, one must walk through Labrador.
- Lost Her: I found the love of my life, I Gloucester and I found her again.
- Lou Can: "But can Lou survive all those Pun Tests?" "If anybody can do it, Lucan."
- Marathon: People in Marathon (Ontario) love to run to work.
- Mark 'em: I've been marking students too lightly. I have to Markham harder.
- Milton: One can always find a copy of "Paradise Lost" in Milton, Ontario.
- Minus: A good place to do subtraction is Minas Basin.
- Monk Ton: The new monastery should be built in Moncton.
- Nana, I Mow: Grandma: "Who was the good kid who cut the grass?" Grandkid: "Nanaimo!"
- Nippy Gone: When Mr. Nippy finally left, we said "Nipigon!"
- Or Will Ya: Will ya do dis Orillia do dat?
- Owen Sound: "I have a tape of Owen and myself singing. I sound great." "Yes, but how does Owen Sound?"
- Pam Broke: "Did Pam break the window?" "Yes, Pembroke it with a baseball."
- Pick Too: Freddy got to pick apples! I want to Pictou!
- Razor: One can have many a close shave while white-water rafting in the Fraser River.
- Red Dear: "Do you want the sofa in blue, sweetheart?" "No, I want it in Red, Deer."
- Sass Tune: A song to sing while being sassy: Saskatoon.
- Shar-pei [dog breed]: Which Canadian province has totally gone to the dogs? Shar-PEI.
- Single: There is a little town in southwestern Ontario that isn't called Married, because it is Fingal.
- Sis Catch One: "Did Saskatchewan rabbit?" "No, Sis caught two of them."
- Swift Current: When a river is in flood, it has a Swift Current.
- Thor Old: "The god Thor is more than 1000 years old." "Boy, is Thorold!"
- Water: From a geographer parent: "Baby want a dwink of Wawa?"
- Well Land: The opposite of Sickland is Welland.
- White Horse: It wasn't a black stallion, it was a Whitehorse.
- Win A Pig: First prize is a hog! How'd you like to Winnipeg?
- Winds Are: In a hurricane, the Windsor very strong.
- Winnipeg: The best place to hear a horse talking is Whinny-peg.
- Would Stock: "What could convince you to stock the Amazing Wonder Widget?" "I Woodstock it if I knew it would sell."
- Yellow Knife: "Is that a red knife?" "No, it's a Yellowknife".
- You Can: Fred: "Can I do it?" Ned: "Of course Yukon."
- You Reek (1): Fred: "As a geographer, what would you say if I were sprayed by a skunk?" Nell: "Eureka!"
- Your Mouth: "If you can't say anything nice, keep Yarmouth shut!"
- Ball Tick: "That ball is a clock!" "Yes, I hear the Baltic too."
- Cert Sea: If the makers of Certs wanted to name a body of water, they'd call it the Surtsey.
- Cypress: The Cyprus tree can be found in the swamps of Florida.
- Help: "Do you need assistance?" "Yes, I need Alp to climb this mountain."
- Monte Carlo: The place to go to gamble with fruit is del Monte Carlo.
- Our Mania: We are the Caucasus Maniac Society. Armenia for today is puns.
- Pole [North]: If a person really likes the song "Top of the World", does it mean s/he has Polish ancestry?
- Pyra Knees: A group of mountaineers has three sets of knees, their left knees, their right knees and their Pyranees.
- Russel's: "That map of Belgium belongs to Russel?" "Yes, it's Brussels map."
- You're Up: Geography meets baseball: "Hey, you! Europe next at bat!"
Europe - Eastern
- Checkmate: I married a chess grandmaster from Prague and got a Czech mate.
Europe: Balkans
- Agrees: I don't want an argument. I'll be much happier if he a-Greece with me.
- Bell Grade: Where are chimes rated? Belgrade.
- Book Arrest: Reading an illegal book can lead to the so-called "Bucharest" by the Thought Police.
- Boss Need A: "Does the Bosnia Tylenol?" "Yes, the boss has a big headache after that meeting."
- Crete: The "Greek Cement Swindle" soon became known as the "con-Crete".
- Crow Ate Ya: If a crow were to eat me, would you say to me "A Croatia"?
- Diss Crete: "Crete is boring" + "Crete is ugly" = 2, at least in discrete mathematics.
- Rodes: The island of Rhodes is known for its scenic highways.
- Romania: The country that grows the most lettuce per capita is Romania.
- Row Mania: When people go nuts about rowing, it's called Romania.
- Salon: Nicky asked: "Where do Greeks get their hair done?" My response: "At Thessaloniki."
- Serve Yourself: Sign at the salad bar: "Serbia self."
- Split: My Geography prof has gone crazy. He has a Split personality.
- Tyrannosaurus: What kind of dinosaur can you find in Albania? A Tiranasaurus Rex.
Europe: Eastern
- Bouncing Cheques: Should a trampoline team from Prague call themselves the Bouncing Czechs?
- Bud A Pest: "Budapest? Not at all! He's the nicest guy I know!"
- Bug: The Bug River is known for its variety of insects.
- Check: Robert keeps going on and on about his vacation to Prague. I wish that he would keep his enthusiasm in Czech."
- He Stone Ya: "Did Estonia?" "Yes, bad boy Johnny threw rocks at me again."
- Hungry: I haven't eaten for a day! I'm really Hungary!
- Live Only A: My downtown apartment is great! I Livonia few minutes from work!
- Lots: People in Poland have Lodz of problems to deal with now.
- More of Ya: "I hate gaining weight!" "Don't worry. It just means there's Moravia to love."
- Oder: A geographer who writes odes is an Oder.
- Prognosis: "The Czech capital's economy will grow this year" is a good Prague-nosis.
- Purple: I wonder if the favourite colour of Polish cat lovers is pur-Pole?
- Rig An: What is the best way to Riga election?
- Slow Vakia: The opposite of Fastvakia is Slovakia.
- Uke Rain: A downpour of ukeleles could only occur in Ukraine.
- When A: Vienna you going to finish this Geography test?
- Worse: The Polish Pun Situation went from badda to Warsaw.
Europe: France
- All Sass: "I cannot sass you for even one second?" "No! Alsace is forbidden!
- Breast: It is difficult to keep a-Brest of all the new developments in Geography.
- Cal Lay: "Tell Cal to install the carpet here." "Calais the rug in the study."
- Cans: Do you prefer drinking from Cannes or from bottles?
- Course He Can: Can a general become world-famous? Of Corsican.
- Hardens: As concrete dries, it Ardennes.
- Merci Beaucoup: Do you thank people in the south of France with "Marseilles beaucoup"?
- Niece: A French girl can be a Nice, but never a nephew.
- Paris: In poker, a Paris two of a kind.
- Pick Hardy: Hardy wanted to be selected for the trip to northern France, so he shouted "Picardy!"
- Ruin: Was the city of Rouen left in a shambles after World War II?
- Sedan: A geographer's favourite type of car is a Sedan.
- Some (2): "Somme Like it Hot" is a classic movie starring Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe.
- To Lose: Go on, take the Geography of France course. What have you got Toulouse?
- Too Long: "Your Citroen will be ready next week." "No, that is Toulon to wait!"
- Wise Guy: A French smartass is a Oise guy.
Europe: Germany
- Aching: "Do you hurt real bad?" "Yeah, I'm Aachen all over."
- Danzig: A Cole Porter favourite of geographers is "Danzig in the Dark".
- Keel (1): The Kiel keeps a sailing ship from tipping over.
- Posing: It seems that all politicians are doing these days is Posen for pictures.
- Pots Dam: Where would you be if you blocked a river with three huge turkey roasters? Potsdam.
- Rhyme: Geographers make lousy poets: they have neither Rhine nor reason.
- S and M: Kinky German geographers go for Essen M.
- Sarcasm: It would be cruelly ironic if the Saar River had cut a really deep gorge in its path. Said gorge would be the Saar chasm.
- Spree: After winning the lottery, the German geography prof went on a spending Spree.
- Swabia: German Q-Tips are made in Swabia.
- You, Nick: When selecting Charles and Nick, the prof said, "You, Charles and Munich."
Europe: Iberia
- Caddies: The best place for golfers in Spain to find an assistant is Cádiz.
- Civil: The Spanish Seville War was a nasty affair.
- Hair-a Gone: What the Geographer said when he woke up bald. "Aragon!"
- I Bury Ya: Do this homework now, lest Iberia under tons later.
- Lead On: If Macbeth had been in Spain, his final challenge would have been: "Leon Macduff! ..."
- Liz Bun: Liz opened a Portuguese bread shop, calling it the "Lisbon".
- Never: James Bond movie set in Spain: "Never say Navarre again".
- Pain: "Where does Fred hurt?" "Fred's Spain is in his lower back."
Europe: Ireland
- Cork: The Irish city of Cork is really "into" making wine bottles.
- Dairy: This Irish city has the best milk, cheese and butter: Derry.
- Doubling: The Irish economy should always be in good shape, since its capital is always Dublin.
- Higher Land: Ireland is the geographical opposite of Lowerland.
- Kill Kenny: "Somebody shot at Ken? Who would want to Kilkenny?"
Europe: Italy
- Happening: "Hey, dude, what's Apennine?"
- I'll Pull You: If you get stuck in the Italian Mud, Apulia out.
- My Land: Woody Guthrie in Italy would sing "This land is your land, this land is Milan…"
- Piece Of (2): All I want is a Pisa the action.
- Roam: Is the capital of Italy a good place to Rome around?
- Ruby Con: The "great red gem swindle" became known as the Rubicon.
- Sardine: Where to find the best sardines. Sardinia.
- Sis Silly: My sister wants to balance an atlas on her nose while juggling three globes? Boy, is Sicily!
- Tie Burr: "We caught Mr. Burr here stealing our Geography texts." "Well, Tiber up until the police get here."
- Turn: One goes to Turin to change direction.
- When Is (2): Fred is ten minutes late! Venice he going to show up?
Europe: Netherlands
- Amsterdam: A good city to buy gerbils, mice and guinea pigs is Hamsterdam.
- You Trekked: "I walked 10 km to meet you!" "Wow, Utrecht a long way!"
Europe: Russia
- As Of: "Because you students have been getting bad grades, Azov now you will be getting more homework!"
- Cry Me A: Sarcastic reaction to a sob story: "Crimea river!"
- Merman: The Russian port city with lots of male sea folk is Murmansk.
- Moss Cow: A bovine sculpture made from entirely from moss is a Moscow.
- Rush In: Don't be hasty! Fools Russian where angels fear to tread!
- Rush Ya: I don't want to Russia, but your essay is due tomorrow.
Europe: Scandinavia
- As Low: Stealing candy from a baby? I never thought he'd sink Oslo as that.
- Faroe Islands: Egypt and Denmark have something in common. In Egypt, the Pharaoh ruled for as far as his eye could see - the Pharaoh Eye-Lands. Denmark controls the Faroe Islands.
- Finish: Did you manage to Finnish your geography homework?
- He'll Sink Ye: Don't challenge a geographer to a boat battle. Helsinki for sure.
- No Way: There's Norway I can do 100 geography questions for tomorrow.
- Scan Da Navy In: Why do Swedish navy ships have big bar codes on the side? When they get into port, the Admiral can Scandinavian.
- Scanned an Avian: The Norwegian robot analyzed a bird, i.e. It Scandinavian.
- Sweeten: Sugar is added to Sweden your coffee.
- Then Mark: First mark all these Geography tests, Denmark the labs.
Europe: Switzerland
- Basil: Does the city of Basel have a lot of men named Herb?
- Burn: If I make one more pun about Switzerland, they'll Bern me alive.
- Plus: What's great about living in Switzerland? Well, the flag is a big plus.
Europe: United Kingdom
- Bath: In Bath, everything comes out in the wash.
- Bill Fast: "Bill wants the report now!" "OK, I'll get it to Belfast."
- Bucking Ham: The best place for a pig rodeo is Buckingham.
- Can't: I Kent do any more of these geography tests.
- Card Again: "Hold it! The Ace of Spades has already been played! Let's see that Cardigan!"
- Card If: I'll only take a Cardiff I know it will give me better than three of a kind.
- Corn Wall: When one makes a barrier from sacks of corn, one makes a Cornwall.
- Dee: The Dee River in Scotland is letter-perfect.
- Done Dee: "Ask Dee if she's finished." "Are you Dundee?"
- Five: Scottish Geographer counting: "... two, three, four, Fife,..."
- Glam Organ: Where in Wales will you find a church organ all decked out in sequins, ruffles and feathers? In the Vale of Glam-organ.
- Glass Cow: A transparent silica bovine: Glasgow.
- Have A Long: We may have come a long way, but we still Avalon way to go.
- Hay Stings: "Does it hurt to poke hay in your eye?" "Yes, Hastings a lot."
- I'll Stir: We can paint the room together. You stir the white paint and Ulster the red paint.
- Jersey: On the island of Jersey, one may see cows wearing shirts.
- Knotting Ham: Are macramé pigs made in Nottingham?
- Leads: My Geography prof Leeds a double life.
- Leads: A British city has gone missing. Police are currently looking for Leeds.
- Lid: To close the jar, tighten the Lydd.
- Liver Pool: England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.
- Lund: When finished a lecture, Professor Lund says "London."
- Mercy: Please, have Mersey! No more Geography puns!
- My Darling Clementine: Filmmakers in Newcastle, UK, decided to make a Western-style movie about the discovery of shellfish in the local river. It will be called "My Darling Clam-in-Tyne".
- Ork Knees: The most important leg joints of orcs are Orkneys.
- Our Guile: We will have to use all our cunning and all Argyll to get around the Scottish tax laws.
- Over (2): "I dropped my Geography textbook!" "Well, bend Dover and pick it up!"
- Reading: One way to find out the news is by Reading the newspaper.
- Silly: Punsters like the Scilly Isles best of all.
- Sky (2): A tart in the Hebrides is a pie in the Skye.
- Some Were Set: Describing the placement of objects: Somerset here and the rest were put over there.
- Surreal (2): A weird painting of the English countryside might be described as Surrey-al.
- Wails: The boy cried so much he was called the Prince of Wales.
- Worster: An example of bad geography grammar: worse, Worcester, worstest.
- Your: York kids are d-doing well in speech c-class.
- Arm Dale: "Is it wise to give Dale a gun?" "If we don't Armdale, how can he fight in the war?"
- Bears: Fairytale popular in the Halifax area: Goldilocks and the Three Bayers.
- Can Not: I can eat the Mackay Bridge!" "No, you Connaught! How would people get to Dartmouth?"
- Haul This: "You want me to haul that stuff away?" "Yes, I want you to Hollis to the dump."
- Kempt: After coming in from the windy outdoors, her hair was messy, out of place and un-Kempt.
- Prince: Snow White at the photo shop: "Some day my Prince will come."
- Quinn Pool: Where does Mr. Quinn do his swimming? In the Quinpool.
- Rainy: Cold, damp, Rainnie weather can get very depressing.
- Row Bee: When Mr. Bee was competing at the rowing regatta, his fans cheered him on by saying "Robie, row!"
- Spring Garden: Haligonians grow their springs in a Spring Garden.
- Tight As: "Is he sober?" "No, he's Titus a drum."
- Tons: Why is an elephant like a Halifax university? Because both weigh TUNS.
- Wise: It is not a Wyse idea to try crossing a bridge without paying the toll!
- Bang Galore: At an Indian fireworks show, there are Bangalore.
- Cal Cut A: "Cal is a great lumberjack!" "Oh? Can Calcutta redwood tree down in 10 minutes?"
- Deli: This city might be a good place to find cheese and cold cuts: Delhi.
- Go A: How to tell a pesky geographer to get lost: "Goa way."
- In The A: India, er, event of a power failure, the geography exam will be, um, postponed.
- Luck Now: I need to throw ten sixes to win. Boy, do I need Lucknow.
- Mom, Buy: Do Indian children say "Mumbai me a toy!" at the store?
- Pun Jab: If someone hits me after I tell a Geography joke, I would call it a Punjab.
- Shania Twain: Should an Indian country/pop singer call herself Chennai-a Twain?
- Sik Him: How to set a dog upon someone in India: say "Sikkim!"
- Thar: Upon spotting the (mythological) Indian Desert Whale, you are supposed to say "Thar she blows!"
Middle East
- A Den: Where does Geography Bear sleep? In Aden.
- A Man: Geography prof: "I need Amman and a woman to do a report on Jordan."
- Adding: He's so dumb that if he tried Aden two and two together, he'd get 22.
- Babble On: "The Geography prof is a real windbag." "Yes, he really likes to Babylon."
- Bag Dad: "Ask your father what he brought home from the store." "What's in the Baghdad?"
- Bah, Rain: What the campers say when the weather gets wet. "Bahrain!"
- Bay Root: That which keeps the bay plant from blowing away: Beirut.
- Do Buy: "Should I get a new atlas?" "Oh yes, Dubai one. Yours is 20 years old!"
- I Ran: Iran the Boston Marathon in ten hours. I guess I lost.
- Is Real: "Is it fake?" "No, it Israel."
- Kotter: A popular TV sitcom featuring the "sweathogs" was "Welcome Back Qatar."
- Make a: Are people in Saudi Arabia neat, or do they Mecca mess?
- Me Dinner: A geographer learned to cook because "I wanted to learn to make Medina."
- Oh Man: You broke the window? Oman are you ever in big trouble!
- Saudi Arabia: Would a lawn care company succeed in Soddy Arabia?
- Syria: Israeli government's policy: one Syria, two/too serious.
- They Ran: "Officer, they smashed the windows, grabbed the jewels and then Tehran off!"
- Tiger Is: News today is from the zoo's big cat house where a Tigris still at large.
- Tired (2): Exhausted people in Lebanon are Tyred out.
- Tyrannosaurus: What kind of dinosaur can you find in Iran? A Tehrannosaurus Rex.
- Ye Men: Oh come all Yemen to Bethlehem so ye may rejoice.
- Accident: I didn't mean to break the atlas! It was an Occident!
- Accident: When the ox charged and rammed the wall, it left a big Occident.
- Ark Tick: "How can you tell that this ark is a clock?" "I can hear the Arctic."
- At Last: There you are! Atlas I have found you!
- Bering: He looked at the map to get a Bering on his direction.
- Eaten: "Would you like a slice of my pizza?" "No thanks, I've already Eden."
- Orient: I hate taking the subway. It always takes a while to Orient myself after I get off.
- Where It's At: Geology rocks, but Geography is where it's at.
North America
- Cube Of: I'd like a Cuba sugar for my coffee, please.
- Do You Wanna: Mexican bums say "Tijuana give me some money?"
- Eerie: This is a very spooky lake: Erie.
- Green Land: Watching Mr. Green fly isn't as scary as watching Greenland.
- Hate Tea: "Do you like coffee?" "Yes, but I Haiti."
- Have a Nacho: Nachos were Mr. Cho's favourite snack. When he moved to Cuba, he became known as Havana Cho.
- Hey, Man: "Hey, dude! What's happening?" "Cayman, I'm doing Geography Pun Tests!"
- Ya Make A: "Did Jamaica cake for dessert?" "No, I made a pie."
- Yucca Tan: If a yucca plant turns brown in the sun, the result could be called a Yucatan.
- Abysmal: To oceanographers, things are never bad, they're Abyss-mal.
- Ask Her: If you esker no questions, she'll tell you no lies.
- Bay: Do oceanographers prefer Bay windows?
- Bite (2): The oceanographer's bark is worse than his bight.
- Brook: The jealous physical geography prof would brook no rivals.
- Buy You: Geographer bar talk: "Hello handsome. Let me bayou a drink."
- Can Al: "Mom, canal come over for dinner tonight?" "Of course. Al is always welcome to eat here."
- Cape: Superman must have been a geographer, since he wore a cape.
- Chanel: The preferred perfume of oceanographers is Channel No. 5.
- Continent (1): Geographer babies need diapers because they're in-continent.
- Creak: The geographer's floor squeaks and creeks.
- Dessert: The evil Geography department head was overthrown and exiled to the Sahara. It was considered his just Desert.
- Eye Land: The best place to find an optometrist is an Island.
- Fault: Don't blame me for the earthquake! It's not my fault!
- Flattery: A plateau is a high form of flattery.
- Golf: The favourite sport of Geography profs is gulf.
- Hilarious: Mountains are funny because they are hill areas.
- La Goon: Pseudo-French for "the thug" is Lagoon.
- Mary-Anna: When Anne and Mary dug a ditch, it was dubbed the Mariana Trench.
- More Rain: When physical geographers complain about drought, they say "We need Moraine."
- Plain: The flat grasslands are not fancy, they're plain.
- Sentimental Journey: The favourite song of a geographer who studies rivers is "Sedimental Journey".
- Sound: Audiophile geographers don't have stereos, they have "sound systems".
- Step: Geographers like to dance the Two-Steppe.
- Stream: Uttering a stream of curses, the raving Professor of Rivers was hauled off.
- Tolls: "For Whom the Bell Atolls", a novel by Ernest Hemingway.
- Weld: In Geography Shop class we learned how to Veldt metal together.
South America
- Amazing: Favourite hymn of Brazil: "Amazon Grace".
- Andy's: The classic TV show for mountaineers was Amos and Andes.
- Believe Ya: How to accuse a geographer of lying: "I don't Bolivia."
- Bra's Ill: You have a sick brassiere? Yes, my Brazil.
- Chilly: Argentina is a bit cold this time of year. It's borderline Chile.
- Equa-door: Is the gateway to South America through the Ecuador?
- Far Away (2): Get lost! Go Paraguay from me!
- Guy And A: A Guyana girl may become husband and wife.
- Leave Me: "Go away! Get lost! Scram! Lima alone!"
- Pampers (2): South American prairie diapers are Pampas.
- Parana: Denizens of the Parana river can have a big bite.
- Peruse: "One Peru two peruse" is the motto of a South American book club.
- Rio de Janeiro: The official mustard of southern Brazil is Rio Dijon-eiro.
- Venezuela: Are orcas, humpbacks and blues found near Venez-whale-a?
- You're A Way Off: "The answer is 45, not 2! Uruguay off!"
- All In: Allen the Family was a TV sitcom featuring Archie Bunker.
- All Ness: Elliot Ness' job seemed simple. Alness had to do was put Al Capone in jail.
- Bluer: As the sun rises, the sky gets Bloor; as it sets, the sky gets blacker.
- Cabbagetown: The place to shop for green leafy vegetables is Cabbagetown.
- Call Edge: "Mr. Edge telephoned while you were out." "OK, I'll College right now."
- Car Law: The Highway Traffic Act in Toronto is known as the Carlaw.
- Dan Fourth: The son of Dan III and grandson of Dan II was called Danforth.
- Don Lands: I have a cat named Don. Donlands on his feet when he falls.
- Don Mills: Tom mills barley, but Don Mills wheat.
- Done Das: "Ask Mr. Das if he's finished yet." "Are you Dundas?"
- Duff Fur In: "Where should I put the fur of these duffs?" "Put the Dufferin the box so that nobody will steal it."
- Fay Would: What about Fay? Do you think Faywood fall for a gorilla like him?
- Front (2): Why travel the back streets, when we have Front Street?
- Gardener: A Gardiner is a person who maintains flowerbeds and vegetable gardens.
- Harbour: One would expect to find docked ships on Harbord Street.
- I'll Be On: "Where are you going?" "Albion the roof putting on new shingles."
- Keel (2): A sailboat has a Keele to keep it from tipping over.
- Kipling: Best-selling old postcard: "Do you like Kipling? I don't know, you naughty boy. I've never Kippled!"
- Kneel Son: "Are you going to knight me now, Dad?" "Nielson, so that I may dub thee Sir Roderick."
- L Is: Ellis the twelfth letter of the alphabet.
- Len's Down: "Hey Fred, where's Len?" "Lansdowne by the creek, fishing."
- Lorentz: "No, no! Lorentz studied human behavior. Lawrence wrote poetry!"
- Mc Call: A McTelephone at McDonald's is used to make a McCaul.
- Mrs Auga: Mr. Auga is married to Mississauga.
- Oak Wood: The tree which gives acorns to squirrels gives Oakwood to us.
- Overly: This test is not fair! The questions are Overlea difficult!
- Oz Good: What was Dorothy's opinion of the place where she met the Tin Woodman and Cowardly Lion? "Osgoode."
- Parliament: By all rights, the legislature buildings should be on Parliament Street.
- Runny Mead: "Do you like your mead jellied?" "No, I like Runnymede."
- Scar Borrow: The scar lending service for makeup artists is in Scarborough.
- Scarlet: There is no Red Road in Toronto, but there is a Scarlett Road.
- Scholar: A lot of people with Ph.D. degrees live on Scollard St.
- Sentinel: Lookouts and security guards live on Sentinel Road.
- Shooter: Gunslingers from the Wild West buy their ammo on Shuter St.
- Steals: Shakespeare in Toronto: "He who Steeles my work steals trash."
- Sunny Side: "The Sunnyside of the Street" has long been a favourite song.
- Temperance: The best place to be in a downpour is Temperance St., because it is always dry.
- Universe Tea: The favourite tea of astronomers who study the cosmos is University.
- Von: Herbert Vaughan Karajan was a famous conductor of classical music.
- Warden: "When can I get out of jail?" "Ask the Warden."
- Wells-ly: The opposite of Sickly Street is Wellesley Street.
- Wood Buyin': A good street for purchasing lumber is Woodbine Ave.
- Wrecks Dale: "I named my car Dale and it got run over by a steamroller." "I guess that Rexdale, doesn't it?"
- Yonge: "I'm just not as Yonge as I used to be."
- Your Mills: My mills are turning a nice profit. How are York Mills doing?
- You're Crazy: "When I become Emperor of Toronto, I'll ban sitting!" "York crazy! Nobody will stand for it!"
- A Harbour: A port city will always be found where there is Ann Arbor.
- Achoo [sneeze]: In which American state do people sneeze a lot? Mass-achu-setts.
- Anchorage: An Anchorage is a place ships can stop out in the ocean.
- And Over: A task is repetitive if you have to do it over Andover.
- As We Go: We think that the best way to pay for a vacation in New York's Finger Lakes region is to pay Oswego.
- Bakers Field: After the Great Open-Air Baking Competition, the meadow became known as the Bakersfield.
- Ban Gore: "I refuse to allow slasher movies in my town!" "You mean you'll Bangor?"
- Billings: Billings is known as the "Invoice Capital of the U.S.A."
- Biz Mark: The grade of a Montanan school of business administration is a Bismarck.
- Bolder: I wonder if people who study rocks in Colorado are Boulder and others more timid?
- Bowled Over: When Jack met Jill, he Boulder over with his charm and wit.
- Boys: Me and the Boise went out for a beer.
- Burb Bank: The 'Burbs Savings and Loan Company is located in Burbank.
- Can I: The question is, Kenai do any more geography tests without going berserk?
- Cape Fear: This is a scary part of the world to be in: Cape Fear
- Carmel: Those in California with a sweet tooth often go to Carmel.
- Casper: "If dogs bark and sheep bleat, what do cats do?" "Casper."
- Cat Skills: Purring, catching mice and meowing are all considered Catskills.
- Charge Ya: That place is expensive! They'll Georgia arm and a leg!
- Color: To which American state do crayons go for a vacation? Color-ado.
- Con Cord: The Great Rope Swindle soon became known as the Concord.
- Dell Aware: "Mr. Dell does not know of that either." "Is Delaware of anything anymore?"
- Dodge City: It's very hard to hit people in Dodge City.
- Fair Banks: The instant teller machines at the Geography Fair quickly became known as the Fairbanks.
- Far Go: Is Fargo the place from which long journeys start?
- Flint: Flint, Michigan is the "Sparks from Rocks Capital of the World".
- Florida: An American state that produces both fluoride and flooring is Florida.
- Hat Her Ass: Stella put a cap on her butt and said it came from Cape Hatteras.
- Hell In A: Archaic expression: "Going to Helena hand-cart."
- Hello: A typical Hawaiian greeting: "Hilo there."
- Holy Oak: The Church of the Sacred Acorn can be found in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
- Houston: The American city of colours is Hueston.
- How Are Ye?: "I'm fine thanks, Hawaii?"
- Hugh's Ton: The 2000-pound weight belonging to Hugh was called Houston.
- I Can Saw: "Arkansas a tree down in ten minutes!" boasted the lumberjack.
- I Owe A: "Iowa loan shark $10 000 and he's out to get me!"
- I'd A Hoe: If Idaho I'd go over this garden right now.
- I'll Ask Her: Alaska no questions and she'll tell me no lies.
- Ill In Noise: "You got sick at the loud rock concert?" "Yes, I got Illinois."
- Illusion: I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it was just an optical Aleutian.
- I'm A Real Old: "I'm 84 years old! Amarillo man with a lot to say, so sit down and listen!"
- Just a Peek!: "Aw, c'mon! Chesapeake?" "No! Not until Christmas!"
- Ken Says: "What is Ken's opinion?" "Kansas it's fine by him."
- Knocks Ville: There are no doorbells in Knoxville.
- Know Him: As Bob's wife of 20 years, I think I Nome very well.
- Len Sing: "Len is a terrific musician." "Yes, but can Lansing?"
- Little Rock: A piece of gravel in Arkansas is a Little Rock.
- Main: The water Maine broke and flooded the street.
- Makin': "Where's Dad?" "He's in the kitchen Macon dinner."
- Manta Ray: This fish is a manta ray, not a Monterrey!
- Marry Land: The best place to get married is Maryland.
- Mini Apple Is: Everyone knows where the Big Apple is, but who knows where the Minneapolis?
- Mini Soda: The opposite of a huge soda is a Minnesota.
- Minute: "Come on, we have to go!" "Just a Minot! I have to put away my atlas!"
- Misery: I founded a company in St. Louis that makes Valentines Day cards. I named it the Missouri Loves Company.
- Mitch Again: "Oh, no! It's Michigan!" "Why does Mitch keep bothering you?"
- Mobile: Is Alabama the place to be if you're young and upwardly Mobile?
- Moe Have: "Does Mohave a headache?" "Moe should, after getting beaned by that baseball."
- Mrs Zippy: Mr. Zippy is married to Mississippi.
- Nan Tuck It: "Nan doesn't know how to put the sheet on the bed." "Nantucket under the corners like in the hospitals."
- New Ark: If Noah were reincarnated, he could go to New Jersey to build a Newark.
- Oh's Ark: Ying Oh's Floating Menagerie was dubbed the "Ozark" by a clever punster.
- Ore Gone: A good reason for a mine to close: Oregon.
- Palm Springs: Are mattresses in the California desert made with Palm Springs?
- Pass The Dinner: "Why is dinner at the far end of the table? Pasadena down here to me!"
- Pencil Vain: Pencils that are pretty and they know it come from Pennsylvania.
- Pits Burg: Because of the big holes in the roads, the city was called Pittsburgh.
- Rainier: The weather in parts of Washington state goes from rainy to Rainier in winter.
- Ralley: A favourite song of geography students: "Raleigh 'Round the Flag, Boys."
- Rapid City: Do people in Rapid City live in the fast lane?
- Raw Chester: Uncooked chester is Rochester.
- Reno[vation]: Reno is the City of Home Improvements.
- Road: Which American State has the most streets? Rhode Island.
- Santa Cruise: If Santa Claus took a trip on the Love Boat, it would be called the Santa Cruz.
- Sarah Soda: Sarah's fondness for cream soda got her the nickname Sarasota.
- Sarah Toga: When Sarah wrapped herself in a bed sheet, it was promptly dubbed the Saratoga.
- Spoken: I haven't Spokane to Mr. Washington for years.
- Spring Field: Farmers grow springs in the Springfield.
- Sue City: Where else to go to litigate but Sioux City?
- Syra Cues: Pool sharks have pool cues, actors have dialogue cues, and geographers have Syracuse.
- Tamper: It is a crime to Tampa with someone else's computer files.
- Tennis See: "I play Tennessee, not dangerous sports like badminton."
- Tex Has: "Why is Tex so grouchy?" "Texas a big headache."
- The Coat A: "Do you want me to wash your jacket?" "Yes, give Dakota good cleaning, please."
- The Hoe: To weed ta Geography garden, use Tahoe.
- Times: Where is the best place in New York City to buy watches and clocks? Times Square.
- To Peek At: Topeka someone's test is considered cheating.
- Two Son: A parent in Arizona with two boys could call them Tucson.
- Wacko: The people in this Texas town are not crazy, just Waco.
- Walkie-Talkie: When phones first came to Milwaukee, were they called Milwaukee-talkies?
- We Know: "You can't fool us! Reno what you're up to!"
- Who's Your Daddy: I'm starting a DNA analysis company for Indiana residents called Hoosier Daddy.
- Why Oming: "I have decided to call the process of writing Geography Puns 'Oming'." "Wyoming? ...Oh, never mind!"
- You Know: Don't Juneau what the capital of Alaska is?
- You May: Yuma think that punsters are crazy, but we're not!