- (A) Cruel: I wanted my accountant to record my business on a cash basis, but he refused, saying that it's accrual world.
- A Dictionary: Heroin, cocaine, morphine, crystal meth and more definitions can be found in your addictionary!
- A King: A person in pain is like a monarch - aching all over!
- A Peel: Do nude banana jokes lack appeal?
- A Real: My font joke was Arial stinker.
- A Roamer: My traveling stinks because I am aroma.
- A Trophy: The person who wastes away the most will win atrophy.
- A Wake: So, if the after-party's for a guy who's permanently asleep, why is it called awake?
- Acceleration: People who peddle ibuprofen and Tylenol keep moving faster because they're into ache-seleration.
- Advice: Someone suggested that I put advertisements on my clamps, but I thought that was bad advice.
- Affirmative: Nodding your head is an example of affirmative action.
- Algorithm: A Vice-President playing the bongos is mathematical because he's an Al Gore Rhythm.
- All the Wrong Places: Star Wars burlesque has me looking for love in Alderaan places.
- Allergies: Wouldn't it be better if we could ah-choose some ergies instead of allergies?
- Aloha: Laughing out loud is forbidden in Hawaii because it's a low ha state.
- Alone: Borrowed money is always by itself because it’s a loan.
- Angry: The colour of rage is angreen.
- Anorexia: A pullover coat will make you thinner because it gives you anorak-sia.
- Antibodies: Ants don't get sick because they have anty bodies.
- Anxiety: Studying hieroglyphics is worrisome and leads to much ankhziety.
- Any Longer: The company that makes yardsticks isn't going to make them any longer.
- Aphrodite: If the Greek goddess of love had had big, poofy hair, would she have been called Afrodite?
- Applaud: When praising a computer program, I app-laud it.
- Applause: The Rules for Clapping are called Applaws.
- Apply: When I want to work hard, I hold an apple to my eye so I can apple-eye myself.
- Apply: I wonder if ballet dancers have to a-plié to join a company, or just audition.
- Arachnid: A Baghdad spider is an Iraqnid.
- Architect: Noah was an engineer and an ark-itect.
- Architect: People who design dog houses are barkitects.
- Are: I wonder if young pirates in love say, "I love you just the way you arrrr."?
- Ask It: A mortician teacher might say "If you have a question, just casket!"
- Aspire: I strive to be a church steeple because its a spire.
- Ass Tear: A move that causes the seat of your pants to rip as you tap-dance is called the Astaire.
- Asshole: Wishing wells are rude because they're a bunch of ask-holes.
- Atmosphere: Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? The food is great, but it has no atmosphere.
- Aunt Eater: Never give your uncle an anteater.
- Bag Here: The location of a plastic bag recycling station can be marked by a character from The Jungle Books: Bagheera.
- Bail: I named my plane "Enola Hay", but when I got into trouble, I had to bale out.
- Bail: I got arrested for stealing hay, but got out of jail after posting bale.
- Bail Out [of a plane]: I wonder if it's wise to refer to financial aid for skydiving schools as a "bailout".
- Bait: When fish swim in schools, they sometimes take debate.
- Balance: I was at an ATM yesterday when a little old lady asked if I could check her balance, so I pushed her over.
- Balance: Does a company that manufactures scales have to maintain a balance sheet?
- Balder: Was Baldur the ancient Norse god of hair loss?
- Balderdash: If I spouted nonsense about foot races of the Norse gods, would you call it Baldurdash?
- Bangs (Hair Style): Do people who work in fireworks factories wear their hair in bangs?
- Banquet: To celebrate the grand re-opening of the First National Bank after the flood, they held a bank-wet.
- Barbarian: An uncivilized hair stylist could be called a barberian.
- Barbels: A ladies' glee club that performs in the lounges of fitness clubs could be called the Bar-Belles.
- Bare Minimum: Is a midget mother in a bikini wearing the bare mini-mum required by decency?
- Baron Net: Is the best way to catch a British Peer with a baronet?
- Bartender: A termite walks into a bar and asks "Is the bar tender here?"
- Bassinet: The best thing with which to catch fish is a baby's bed: a bassinet.
- Bawdy House: A funeral director got busted on a prostitution-related charge - running a common body house.
- Believe: The apiarist left his job, if you can bee leave it.
- Belt and Suspenders: On May 1, I like to be extra cautious and wear suspenders as well as my belt, because I'm a Beltane suspenders guy.
- Berated: Why do all of my hat jokes get beret-ed?
- Billed: For my assembly services, you will be build.
- Birthday: When a ship comes into port, it gets a little older because it's a berthday.
- Blockhead: Is a numbskull who likes Lego a blockhead?
- Blow Out: Would you buy a whoopee cushion from a blow-out sale?
- Blow Out: Would you buy bubble solution from a blow-out sale?
- Blow Out: Think of the effort I could save by buying birthday candles at a blow-out sale.
- Blue Toe: It was when Popeye's nemesis walked barefoot through a tray of indigo dye that he became known as Bluto.
- Boarding: My kid didn't know how to get on an airplane, so we sent him to boarding school.
- Body: Off-colour jokes are, for morticians, bawdy humour.
- Body Building: Dr. Frankenstein was a fitness buff, and was really into body building.
- Bohemian Rhapsody: If I were to open a sandwich shop with a Queen (the rock group) theme, could I call it Bohemian Wrapsody?
- Boing: When airplane manufacturers are on pogo sticks, they say "Boeing, Boeing, Boeing!"
- Boing: When a trampoline team flies to its engagements, its plane of choice is a Boeing.
- Boom (Of a Sailboat): Do sailors who work in fireworks factories avoid the boom while drinking pop?
- Boomer: Should baby boomers be allowed to run fireworks factories?
- Boot: Do cobblers have to go to boot camp after enlisting in the armed forces?
- Bouncer: Nobody gets rowdy at the Trampoline Tavern because they have lots of bouncers.
- Boutique: A fancy little shop specializing in marine supplies is a boatique.
- Boutique: A good place to shop for fancy footwear is a bootique.
- Bow Tie: While on board a ship, I wear a boat-tie.
- Break In: Preparing new shoes for use is like being a burglar, since you have to break them in.
- Break Into: Musical theatre is a great place for burglars. People are always breaking into song.
- Breaking News: New info on the Monarch of the Donkeys is bray king news.
- Britney Spears: Western France was known for its singing pikemen, the Brittany Spears.
- Broadloom: If my carpet gets heavily soiled, should I call it broadloam?
- Broker: They're called stock brokers because you're seldom richer after you deal with them.
- Brouhaha: If beer had bubbles of nitrous oxide, it would be noisy in a funny way because it would be a brewhaha.
- Bug [illness]: I told my doctor that I am hearing buzzing in my ears, but he said it's just a bug going around.
- Burnout: Do overstressed firefighters suffer from burnout?
- Bust [women's]: I predict that the movie I'm making about building a bra out of Lego will be a blockbuster.
- Cabaret: Cab[0], cab[1], … , cab[n] is very entertaining because it's a cab array.
- Called to the Bar: The places where lawyers join their professional association should be saloons, since it's where they're called to the bar.
- Canna Pay: Free party snacks are provided for those who canapé.
- Capitalize: I am very good at starting sentences, but I don't like to capitalize on it.
- Caps: The correct way to spell "hats" is HATS because it's all caps.
- Capsized: When you flip a boat over in the water, you can fit it on your head because it is cap-sized.
- Carpet: If you take your dog for a drive, it will turn into a rug because it's a carpet.
- Carrier [Letter]: The doctor asked me if I had symptoms of Mailman's Disease and I told him "No, I'm just a carrier."
- Cartoons: I always get animated when I listen to musical pieces in the car, because they're car-tunes.
- Cashmere: Shops that sell fine woolens are good at turning mere cash into cashmere. Especially in Kashmir.
- Casualty: People in the armed forces prefer formal tea over casual tea.
- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: The first draft of Tennessee Williams' play about a dysfunctional family featured a squabble over a Japanese sword and was called "Katana Hot Tin Roof".
- Caved: My friends kept pressuring me to go spelunking, so I finally caved.
- Centrifuge: A perfume-free merry-go-round is a scent-refuge.
- Chance: I always wanted to be a Gregorian monk, but I never got the chants.
- Check [chess term]: My career as a chess grandmaster was kept in check by my incompetence.
- Chevrolet: The car that cures heartburn is a Chevrolaid.
- Chimpanzee: The flower preferred by Jane Goodall is the chimp pansy.
- Circulation: The magazine about ceiling fans went out of business due to low circulation.
- Classless: You are so classless that you could be a Marxist utopia.
- Clipper: The favourite ships of barbers and hairstylists are clippers.
- Closed: When the strip club isn't open their sign reads 'Sorry, we're clothed'.
- Collect Himself [expression]: When the shocked IRS agent was convicted of tax evasion, he had to take time to collect himself.
- Comeback: The Boomerang Champ had a mid-season slump, but eventually made a comeback and won again.
- Comic Strip: Would a picture of a clown removing his/her clothes be a comic strip?
- Communication: If you ever get locked out of your house, talk to your lock calmly, because communication is key.
- Concession: When negotiators go to the fair, do they avoid the concession stands?
- Contact [lenses]: My phone has to wear glasses ever since it lost its contacts.
- Countdown: Do we name an enumeration of feathers a countdown?
- Counterfeiters: People who install kitchens are into fake money because they're counter-fitters.
- Coupon: If you want to buy chicken housing at a discount, can you use coop-ons?
- Course: A series of university lectures on hydrology could be called the "Water Course".
- Covered: My insurance company said if my tent is stolen while I'm camping, I won't be covered.
- Creeps: Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes.
- Crook: Shepherds could be master criminals, since they work with crooks every day.
- Crop: I wonder if farmers crop their photographs?
- Cure: Is concrete sick before it's cured?
- Cure Rating: Doctors and museums have one thing in common: they are judged on their curating.