- A Bun Dance: Abundance: The Waltz of the Rolls.
- Androgynous: Androginous: when all hard liquors look the same.
- Appetite (2): What you call a situation when you buy an App that's a size too small for your iPhone.
- Aspect: What you get when you turn your back on a chicken.
- Audit Tea: Oddity: What to serve to agents of the Revenue Department when they are asking difficult questions about your taxes.
- Avoid a Bull: Avoidable: What a matador attempts to do.
- Benign: What you will be after you are eight.
- Chin-Chilla: Chinchilla: What you get when you eat ice cream too messily.
- Counter Culture: What you get when you put a Petri dish on the kitchen counter.
- Disgruntled: The mood of a pig that has lost its voice.
- Economist: Economist: A discount fog.
- Euthenasia: That which grows up and becomes adults in Asia.
- Exorcism: Mexorcism: What right-wing Americans want to do with illegal immigrants.
- Flash Freeze: What happens when you expose yourself while in Antarctica.
- Frustration: Frustriation: Anger that the paper will not tear on the dotted line.
- Google: Kugel: A Jewish search engine.
- Hi, Ronnie!: Irony - How Harry and Hermione greeted Ron at Hogwarts.
- Hill Billy [goat]: Hillbilly: A male mountain goat.
- Insulation: Soundproofing is dinsulation.
- Jew Dough: Judo: What you can find in a kosher bakery.
- Jew Lip: Julep: Backtalk given to a rabbi.
- Jig Saw: If you need to cut wood while dancing, use a jigsaw.
- Light Wait: Lightweight: The time between flipping the switch and the bulb turning on.
- Marmalade: Bread spread for the obsequious: Smarmalade.
- Matrix: April Fool's pranks one month late: Matrix.
- Medicate: Medicate: What the cannibals did to the doctor.
- Nudity: A little song to sing when the old ditty gets stale and boring.
- Official: Oafficial: An idiot in a position of minor power.
- Plum Met: Plummet: A fruity encounter.
- Pseudo Ku: Sudoku: a false Ku. (I find this puzzling.)
- Psycho Graphic: I thought that "psychographic" referred to the new logo of the mental hospital. I guess I was wrong.
- Responder: A person who thinks before answering is a res-ponder.
- Roomin' Aunt: Ruminant: when your father's sister comes to say for a while.
- Row Cocoa: Rococo: What to drink while propelling a small boat.
- Sub Bourboun: Suburban: A bourbon that doesn't quite reach the (Maker's) mark.
- Sublime: Sublime: An inferior citrus fruit.
- Tactical: How to make a tack laugh.
- Terminal Illness: When you are sick at an airport (or train station, or bus station...).