- Density (Physics)
- "Do you know what Sin City is?" "Las Vegas." "How about Den Sity?" "Mass over Volume."
- In the Pen (Two-Liners)
- One ink spot walked up to another ink spot and said "Why are you crying?" The other ink spot replied "because my dad is in the pen and I don't know how long the sentence will be!"
- Pa [father] (Misc)
- A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He slides up to the bar and announces: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
- Pa Tell A (Anatomy)
- "Patella story to us!" "OK kids, how about The Magic Kneecap?"
- Pack of Cards (Book Titles)
- What We Need to Play Bridge: Paco Cards
- Page (Expressions)
- I just Googled "Missing medieval servant" and the result was "Page not found".
- Page Turner (Book Titles: Good)
- How to Read a Book: Paige Turnern
- Pain (Europe: Iberia)
- "Where does Fred hurt?" "Fred's Spain is in his lower back."
- Pain (bread) Staking (Vampires)
- To kill a French vampire you need to drive a baguette through its heart. Sounds easy but the process is painstaking.
- Pair (Fruits)
- The Apple twins are really quite a pear.
- Pair of Dice (Jokes)
- What is the gambler's heaven? Paradise.
- Pair of Docs (Tom Swifties)
- "Now patients can get a second opinion without leaving the office," said Tom paradoxically.
- Palace (Astronomy)
- The Astronomer King lives, naturally, on the asteroid Pallas.
- Pall Bearer (Book Titles: Good)
- Grave Mistakes: Paul Bearer
- Palm Springs (USA)
- Are mattresses in the California desert made with Palm Springs?
- Pam Broke (Canada)
- "Did Pam break the window?" "Yes, Pembroke it with a baseball."
- Pampers (1) (Book Titles)
- The Hidden Surprise: Pam PerzJG
- Pampers (2) (South America)
- South American prairie diapers are Pampas.
- Pan Ash (Tom Swifties)
- "I killed and cremated the Greek piper god," said Tom with panache.
- Pan Nick (Tom Swifties)
- "I accidentally cut the Greek piper god while shaving him," Tom panicked.
- Pandemic (Two-Liners)
- Punning is a disease. Were it to become contagious, it would be a pundemic.
- Pane [of glass] (Tom Swifties)
- "All right, who hurled the ball through my window?" asked Tom painfully.
- Panes Taking (Tom Swifties)
- "Yes, I stole the glass from the windows," said Tom painstakingly.
- Pants (Clothing)
- An out-of-shape tailor pants after a hard run.
- Papa You (Fruits)
- Mom: "Ted, ask Daddy if he's ill." Ted: "Papaya sick?"
- Para[chute] Metric (Tom Swifties)
- "My chute weighs only two kilograms," said Tom parametrically.
- Paramedics (Jokes)
- Why did the EMTs travel in sets of two? They wanted to be pair-a-medics.
- Parana (South America)
- Denizens of the Parana river can have a big bite.
- Parasites (Jokes)
- What's similar between a tick and the Eiffel Tower? One is a parasite, the other is a Paris site.
- Pardon Me (Book Titles)
- The Criminals Of Watergate: Barton MeeJG
- Parenthetic (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm having trouble keeping my balance," said Tom parenthetically.
- Paris (Europe: France)
- In poker, a Paris two of a kind.
- Park a (One-Liners)
- As a punslinger, I know that if I want a warm coat, all I have to do is parka car.
- Parker (One-Liners)
- Since the guy in the Spiderman suit does all sorts of acrobatic leaping and climbing, his name should be Peter Parkour.
- Parliament (Toronto)
- By all rights, the legislature buildings should be on Parliament Street.
- Parse Moan (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm doing a syntactic analysis of low, long-drawn sounds indicating discomfort," said Tom parsimoniously.
- Part With (One-Liners)
- When a bald man was given a comb for his birthday, he said "I will never part with it."
- Parting Shot (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm such a good marksman that you can throw away your hairbrush," was Tom's parting shot.
- Pass (Football)
- A quarterback's bad game in grammatical terms: Pass imperfect, future tense.
When a quarterback declines an offer, does he say "I'll pass"?
Why did the hockey player get slapped? He kept making passes at women.
- Pass The (Pasta)
- To politely ask for food at the table, say "Please pasta noodles to me."
- Pass The Dinner (USA)
- "Why is dinner at the far end of the table? Pasadena down here to me!"
- Passed [bowel movement] (Cannibals)
- A cannibal passed his brother in the woods.
- Passing Fancy (Expressions)
- Elaborate stickhandling and puck transfer is a phase hockey players go through. It's just a passing fancy.
- Past (Christmas)
- How did Ebenezer Scrooge win the football game? The Ghost of Christmas passed!
- Past Tense (Two-Liners)
- You can't run through a camp site. You can only ran, because it's past tents.
- Past Your (Animals)
- What did the mama cow say to her calf? "Come inside, it's pasture bedtime!"
- Past Your Eyes (Jokes)
- Why is milk the fastest liquid on earth? Because it's pasteurized before you see it.
- Past Your Red Light (Book Titles)
- Preaching to Hell's Angels: Pastor Redlight1
- Pat [on the head] (Tom Swifties)
- "There, there," was Tom's pat answer.
- Patch (Jokes)
- How did the Great Pumpkin fix the hole in his pants? With a pumpkin patch!
- Patent (Book Titles)
- What's Your Invention?: Pat TentJG
- Path (Tom Swifties)
- "I never get lost," said the pathologist.
- Patience (Jokes)
- Why do doctors tend to be calm? Because they have lots of patients.
- Patient (Tom Swifties)
- "I've got all the work I can handle," said the doctor patiently.
- Patio Furniture (Book Titles)
- Green Lawn Chairs: Patty O'FurnitureJG
The Well-Appointed Irish Veranda: Paddy O'FurnitureJA
- Patron (Tom Swifties)
- "You have to support the right party to get ahead," said the politician patronizingly.
- Paul Bunyan (Book Titles)
- Foot Problems of Big Lumberjacks: Paul Bunion
- Pay Per View (One-Liners)
- I wanted to watch the origami competition on the TV, but it was on paper view.
- Pay So (Money)
- Down with taxes! We have to peso much that we have nothing left for ourselves!
- Paying the Price (Expressions)
- People who aren't good at haggling wind up paying the price.
- Pea Soup (Jokes)
- What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
- Peace (Vegetables)
- "All we are saying is give peas a chance."
- Peacekeepers (One-Liners)
- When things heat up in the Middle East, we should send them jigsaw puzzle boxes, since they're great piecekeepers.
- Peach (Fruits)
- The fruit magnate was a crook, so he was im-peach-ed.
- Peat (Names)
- This man is often found in bogs: Pete.
- Pecans (Mathematics)
- It takes 15 French numbered nuts to make pe-quinze.
- Ped [foot] (Tom Swifties)
- "Feet excite me," said the pedagogue.
- Pee (Tom Swifties)
- "Vere ist ze bathroom?" asked Hans peevishly.
- Pee is Silent (Jokes)
- Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the "P" is silent.
- Peek at (Animals)
- To pika someone else's test is considered cheating.
- Peek at You (One-Liners)
- People playing Pokemon Go are Peeping Toms because they're always trying to get a Pikachu.
- Peek-a-Boo (One-Liners)
- A game that you don't want to play with kids in a fireworks factory is peek-a-boom.
When the clouds alternately hide and reveal the mountain tops, we say that the mountains are playing peak-a-boo.
10-12 boos = 1 picoboo.
- Peeking (Asia: China)
- This is a Geography test! No Peking at another's paper!
- Peep (Tom Swifties)
- "I didn't look at all!" Tom peeped.
- Peer (One-Liners)
- Small boats can be vulnerable to pier pressure.
- Peer Review (One-Liners)
- I had to submit my article "Docks: An Annotated History" to a journal for pier review.
- Peer Reviewed (Expressions)
- Scientific research is more trustworthy when it comes from France because it's Pierre reviewed.
- Peg Leg (Book Titles)
- The Lady Pirate: Peg LeggJG
- Pen (Asia: Southeast)
- What does a Cambodian write with? A Phnom Penh.
- Pen Win (Hockey)
- "I won this pen in a raffle." "I guess that makes you a penguin."
- Penchant (Two-Liners)
- I walked into a stationery store saying my mantra "Pens, pens, pens." I must have a pen-chant for office supplies.
- Pencil Vain (USA)
- Pencils that are pretty and they know it come from Pennsylvania.
- Penecillin (Book Titles)
- The Miracle Drug: Penny CillinJG
- Penetration [sexual] (Tom Swifties)
- "You're wearing a diaphragm," was Tom's penetrating observation.
- Penny Pincher (Book Titles)
- Girl On a Budget: Penny Pincherk
- Penny Tent (Tom Swifties)
- "I regret buying this camping gear for only one penny!" said Tom penitently.
- Pennyroyal (Book Titles)
- Herbally Yours: Penny Royalw
- Peppermints (Book Titles)
- The Candy Store: Pepper MintzJG
- Pepperoni (Book Titles)
- Mexican/Italian Food: Pepe RoneyJG
- Per Spire (One-Liners)
- The priest started sweating when he saw the quote for repairing the church's roof because the charge was perspire.
- Percent Off (One-Liners)
- Would you go to a hair salon if it offered a 10% off sale?
- Perch (Animals)
- Two birds are sitting on a perch and one says "Do you smell fish?"
- Perennial [pland] (Tom Swifties)
- "What's the best time to plant peonies?" was Tom's perennial question.
- Perestroika (Book Titles)
- Events In The Soviet Union: Perry StroikaJG
- Period [menstrual] (Anatomy)
- PMS jokes aren't funny. Period.
"It's a bloody mess," said Mary periodically.
- Periodical (Tom Swifties)
- "Now where did I put that magazine?" Tom asked periodically.
- Periodontal (Book Titles)
- Irish Dentistry: Perry O'DontalJG
- Perk (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll brew some more coffee," said Tom perkily.
- Persecution (Book Titles)
- Oppression of the Masses: Percy KyutionA
- Person (Two-Liners)
- The sexton and the vicar have disappeared! Should we file a missing parsons report?
- Peruse (South America)
- "One Peru two peruse" is the motto of a South American book club.
- Perverse (Tom Swifties)
- "I write poetry about cats!" said Tom purr-versely.
- Pet Ant (Tom Swifties)
- "Daddy, could I please have an ant farm for Christmas?" asked Tom petulantly.
- Petals (Cars)
- The prettiest parts of car flowers are the pedals.
- Pete Moss (Book Titles: Good)
- The Bog: Pete MaasJG
- Peter [penis] Dragging (Book Titles)
- A Trail in the Sand: Peter DragonJG
- Peter Out (Book Titles)
- Slowly Fades: Peter OutA
- Peter Rabbit (Book Titles: Good)
- In Farmer MacGregor's Garden: Peter AbbottJG
- Peter, Paul, and Mary (Music)
- My favourite allergy song is "Blowin' in the Wind" by Peter Pollen Mary
- Pew or Pee-Yew (Jokes)
- What happens when you fart in church? You have to sit in your own pew.
- Pheromones (Book Titles)
- Animal Scents: Farrah MonesJG
- Philadelphia (Book Titles)
- Home of the Liberty Bell: Phil A. Delphial
- Philharmonic (Book Titles)
- All About Orchestras: Phil Harmonic
- Philistine (Book Titles: Good)
- We Have No Use for the Fine Arts: Phyllis Stein
- Philodendron (Book Titles)
- Exotic Irish Plants: Phil O'Dendron
- Philosopher (Two-Liners)
- Cleaning your teeth makes you wise. A floss-opher.
- Philosophically (Tom Swifties)
- "I think I'll put new stuffing in that old settee," said Tom fill-a-sofa-cally.
- Phlegmatic (Tom Swifties)
- "I wonder what's causing this rasp in my voice," said Tom phlegmatically.
- Physical (Two-Liners)
- A man hit another on the head with a pop bottle, killing him. In court, the defendant claimed he was influenced by the song "Let's Get Fizzy-Kill".
- Physician (Beverages)
- What kind of doctor is Dr. Pepper? A Fizz-ician.
- Pi (Baked)
- A mathematician's favourite food: Pie.
When I look at my digital watch and see it's 3:14:15, I know it's time for pie.
- Pick (Measures)
- When it comes to selecting a unit of volume, I never know which one to peck!
- Pick Hardy (Europe: France)
- Hardy wanted to be selected for the trip to northern France, so he shouted "Picardy!"
- Pick It (One-Liners)
- If your nose was on strike, would you picket?
- Pick It Up (Expressions)
- What training do you need to be a garbage collector? None. You pick it up as you go along.
- Pick On (Two-Liners)
- The various anti-bullying initiatives are great, but not totally inclusive. Let's stop picking on fruit trees!
- Pick Too (Canada)
- Freddy got to pick apples! I want to Pictou!
- Pick Up (Two-Liners)
- When at the pharmacy collecting some pills, I held the little bag and said to it, "Hey, baby, what's your sign?" To the pharmacy person, I asked "Is this the way to pick up my prescription?"
- Pick Up [lift] (Music)
- I'm having trouble learning the piano. It's a hard instrument to pick up.
- Picks L (Computers)
- She never picks m or n for her variables, she always pixel.
- Pie (Greek Letters)
- I'd like to have some apple pi for dessert.
"I brought the dessert," said Tom piously.
- Pie Right (Geology)
- At the circus, a clown threw a fake rock at another and got a pyrite in his face.
- Piece Of (1) (Baked)
- All I want is a pizza the action.
- Piece Of (2) (Europe: Italy)
- All I want is a Pisa the action.
- Pieces (Fruits)
- I dropped the ceramic apricot and it broke into a thousand peaches!
- Pier Sing (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm just sittin' on a dock of the bay...," Tom sang piercingly.
- Pie-romaine-ia (Vegetables)
- A person in Bucharest who is overly fond of burning pies made from lettuce has pyromania.
- Pig Meant (Two-Liners)
- "I loved my stuffed pig so much that I dyed it purple!" "I didn't know that pigment so much to you."
- Piggy Bank (Book Titles: Good)
- Save Your Money!: Peggy Bank
- Pig's Tie (Jokes)
- Where does one go to get neckwear that looks like bacon? A pigsty!
- Pikachu (Jokes)
- How do Pokémon sneeze? They say Pikachoo!
- Pile It (Two-Liners)
- People who fly airplanes are great at flattery. They really know how to pilot on.
- Pilot (First TV Episode) (Two-Liners)
- We're making a TV show on people who fly airplanes. We're currently filming the pilot.
- Pilot Project (Expressions)
- Could the work of the Wright brothers be considered a pilot project?
- Pilots (Mathematics)
- Why do mathematicians like airplanes? They use pi-lots.
- Pine (Plants: Trees)
- If a tree loses its neighbours, will it pine away from loneliness?
- Pink Slip [for getting fired] (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a banana with a red silk dress? A pink slip.
- Pinocchio (Pasta)
- Gepetto first tried to make a boy out of dough, calling him Pi-gnocchi-o.
- Pints (Measures)
- A half-sized quartz watch is a pintz watch.
- Piously (Tom Swifties)
- "3.1415926 is a number made in Heaven," said Tom piously.
- Pipe [programming] (Tom Swifties)
- "|" Tom piped.
- Pirate (Jokes)
- What do you call 3.14 rats? One pirate.
- Pirouette (One-Liners)
- Is one of the dance steps in a water ballet a pirou-wet?
- Pitch Fork (Music)
- What does a farmer use to tune her piano? A pitch fork.
- Pitchblende (Tom Swifties)
- "Eating uranium can cause atomic ache," said Tom with a high-pitched voice. (Uranium is found in pitchblende, for those of you who find the antecedent a little obscure.)
- Pitcher (Baseball)
- Nothing beats the baseball field heat better than a tall cold pitcher of lemonade.
- Pits Burg (USA)
- Because of the big holes in the roads, the city was called Pittsburgh.
- Placid[o Domingo] (Tom Swifties)
- "I've just been lulled by the sound of the world's greatest tenor," said Tom placidly.
- Plagiarize (Two-Liners)
- Don't name a song "Jar-Eyes". In English, they teach you to never play Jar-Eyes.
- Plain (Physical)
- The flat grasslands are not fancy, they're plain.
"I'm going to sue my real estate agent for not warning me the prairies were so flat," said Tom plaintively.
- Plan It (Astronomy)
- If you want an astronomical experiment to succeed, you have to planet carefully.
- Plane (Football)
- Why do football players make terrible pilots? They always break the plane before a touchdown.
- Plane Lee (???) (Tom Swifties)
- "Sailing on this lake is easy," said Tom plainly.
- Plank (Physics)
- This piece of wood is not a board, it is a Planck.
- Plaque (Dentist)
- The employee of the month at the dentist office gets a little plaque.
- Plaster (Jokes)
- What did the painter say to the wall? "One more crack and I'll plaster you!"
- Plate [baseball] (Cannibals)
- Cannibals and baseball make an interesting mix. You never know who'll wind up on home plate!
- Platypus (One-Liners)
- Give a cat a kilt and you'll have a plaidypuss.
- Play Dough (One-Liners)
- If a female deer were frisking and frolicking, would we call her Play Doe?
- Play on Words (Misc)
- I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
- Playing (Jokes)
- Why did Willie Nelson get hit by a car? He was playing On The Road Again.
- Pleasantries (Plants: Trees)
- I met my friend at the Arbor Day celebration. We exchanged pleasant trees.
- Please (Jokes)
- What was the politest dinosaur? The Plesiosaur.
- Plot Thickens (Expressions)
- As I suspected, someone has been adding soil to my garden. The plot thickens.
- Pluck (Tom Swifties)
- "I practised three hours on my guitar," said Tom pluckily.
- Plucky (One-Liners)
- People who prepare poultry may not be brave, but they are plucky.
- Plum Met (Redefinitions)
- Plummet: A fruity encounter.
- Plumb (Fruits)
- Why are empty fruit stands crooked? Because they are out of plum.
- Plus (Europe: Switzerland)
- What's great about living in Switzerland? Well, the flag is a big plus.
- PO ["Piss Off"] (Chemistry)
- Phosphates are annoying. They PO many of the elements.
- Poached Eggs (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a dog with a chicken? A hen that lays pooched eggs.
- Poe, a Tree (One-Liners)
- If you ever see Edgar Allen Poe about to collide with a tree, warn him by yelling "Poetry!"
- Poe-Shun (One-Liners)
- I reject Edgar Allen and his ravens with a special drink - a potion.
- Poetic (Tom Swifties)
- "Nevermore will I read 'The Raven'," said Tom poetically.
- Poetic Justice (Expressions)
- Judge O'Malley liked to deliver his verdicts as sonnets, so he became known as the Poetic Justice.
- Poetry (One-Liners)
- "The Raven" is but one example of Edgar Allen Poetry.
- Poetry in Motion (Expressions)
- A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.
- Point [of ice pick] (Tom Swifties)
- "Argh, I've just been stabbed with an ice pick," said Tom pointedly.
- Point [stretching - expression] (Tom Swifties)
- "It has zero height, zero width, and -- well, maybe I'll allow it to have a bit of depth," said Tom, stretching the point.
- Point Out [expression] (Tom Swifties)
- "The exit is right there," Tom pointed out.
- Pointedly (Tom Swifties)
- "Vertex!" said Tom pointedly.
- Pointless (Expressions)
- Attempting to write with a broken pencil is pointless.
"My pencil is dull," said Tom pointlessly.
- Poise (Measures)
- To be the "dancing measurer", you need lots of poise and coordination.
- Polar Bear (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross an Eskimo with a pig? A polar boar.
- Pole (One-Liners)
- I recently took a poll and 100% of people were annoyed when the tent collapsed.
- Pole [North] (Europe)
- If a person really likes the song "Top of the World", does it mean s/he has Polish ancestry?
- Pole Vault (Jokes)
- Where do track and field athletes keep their valuables? In a pole vault.
I thought a pole vault was something you find in a bank in Warsaw.
- Policy (Book Titles)
- Maritime Rules: Paula Seei
- Policy Maker (Book Titles)
- Corporate Regulations: Paula C. Maker
- Political (Book Titles)
- Laughing In The White House: Polly Tickle
- Polly Gone (Mathematics)
- An expression representing the loss of a parrot: Polygon.
- Polly No Meal (Mathematics)
- When the mathematician's parrot gets hungry, it turns into a polynomial.
- Polyester (Book Titles)
- Artificial Clothing: Polly Ester
- Pomegranate (Fruits)
- A rock-hard fruit is a pomegranite.
- Pom-pom (Anatomy)
- Cheerleaders with great hands are known as palm-pom girls.
- Pond (Tom Swifties)
- "Ah, what could be better than sitting by my miniature lake and listening to the wind blow through the tree leaves?" asked Tom ponderously.
- Ponzi Scheme (One-Liners)
- If a chess player were to set up a swindle, would it be called a pawnzi scheme?
- Poo My (Animals)
- When I see a cougar coming towards me, it makes me want to puma pants.
- Poop On (Seasonings)
- My friend spent a lot of time washing his car, only to put a blob of mustard on the hood. "If I put my Gray Poupon the car, maybe the birds won't," was his rationalization.
- Poo-poo (Tom Swifties)
- "Unlike other bears, mine does not crap in the woods!" Christopher Robin pooh-poohed.
- Poor (Two-Liners)
- My daughter is deciding between being a bartender and a barista for her career. I think they're both pour choices.
- Pop (One-Liners)
- Advice for fathers who play with balloons: "Don't drink, Pop."
- Pop [soda] (Tom Swifties)
- "Ack, there's no cola!" was the cry which popped out of Tom.
- Pop Open (Undead)
- When a zombie wakes up, do its eyes pop open?
- Pop Quiz (Beverages)
- We're going on a class trip to the Coca-Cola factory. I hope there's no pop quiz.
- Pops (One-Liners)
- When Larry went to clown college, he wanted to be called Bobo, but due to his spectacular failures with balloon animals, he was called Pops.
- Popular (Plants: Trees)
- Raising taxes while cutting services never makes a government poplar.
- Porch (Cars)
- I'll mix me a mint julep and sit out on the front Porsche and watch the world go by.
- Porcupine (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a pig with a cactus? A porkerpine.
- Pork Chops (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a ham with a karate expert? Pork chops.
- Porterhouse (Book Titles)
- How to Cook a Steak: Porter Housen
- Portly (One-Liners)
- The overweight guy got the nickname "Harbour" because he was portly.
- Pose (Tom Swifties)
- "To be a model or not to be," was the question Mary posed.
- Posing (Europe: Germany)
- It seems that all politicians are doing these days is Posen for pictures.
- Positive (Expressions)
- Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says "I've lost my electron." The other says "Are you sure." The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive."
- Possess (???) (Tom Swifties)
- "Zzzz," said Tom possessively.
- Post [horse racing] (Tom Swifties)
- "Of course I can do the rising trot," was Tom's posted reply.
- Posted (Two-Liners)
- "What's the status of the mail?" "I'll keep you posted."
- Postulant (Tom Swifties)
- "That religious person couldn't have been on time," Tom postulated. (The pun is on "postulant".)
- Pot Calls the Kettle Black (Jokes)
- Why did the cows return to the marijuana field? It was the pot calling the cattle back.
- Pot Luck (One-Liners)
- Do people in the marijuana business throw pot-luck parties?
- Potential (Physics)
- "She has an average of 98% in all her Physics courses." "Yes, she has great potential."
- Pots Dam (Europe: Germany)
- Where would you be if you blocked a river with three huge turkey roasters? Potsdam.
- Poultergeist (Jokes)
- What's a haunted chicken? A poultry-geist
- Pre-Caries (Tom Swifties)
- "I haven't had any tooth decay yet," said Tom precariously.
- Precedence [of math operations] (Tom Swifties)
- "Multiplication before addition," said Tom, citing precedents.
- Precipitation (Tom Swifties)
- "Looks like rain," said Tom precipitously.
- Pre-Cosh [math] (Tom Swifties)
- "Since in this statement 'Y = COSH(X)', X is invariant, let's pre-compute Y before we enter the loop," said Tom precociously.
- Pregnant (Tom Swifties)
- "Oh dear, I forgot to take my pill," said Mary pregnantly.
- Prepare (One-Liners)
- A peeled apple that's ready to eat has been pre-pared for you.
- Pre-Scent (Tom Swifties)
- "There's no need to perfume this after purchase," said Tom during his presentation.
- Present (Christmas)
- "Why did you give me a clock for Christmas?" "Because there's no present like the time!"
- Present [replacing r with l, language stereotype] (Tom Swifties)
- "It's a gift from an Oriental friend," said Tom pleasantly.
- Press Your Luck (Expressions)
- Don't iron your rabbit's foot - you don't want to press your luck!
- Pressed (Clothing)
- "I can't stay long! I'm really pressed for time!"
- Pressed and Ironed (Book Titles: Good)
- Neat Shirts: Preston Ironed
- Pressing (Two-Liners)
- Dry cleaners are always busy. They have pressing business.
- Pressure (Two-Liners)
- I had to quite my job as a deep-sea diving instructor. The pressure was too much.
Neil Diamond was named Neil Cole until the pressure got to him.
- Presume (Tom Swifties)
- "How about a quick one before the Indy 500?" Tom prezoomed to ask.
- Pre-Ten [o'clock] (Tom Swifties)
- "It's 9:59," said Tom pretentiously.
- Pre-Tend (Tom Swifties)
- "That's all been taken care of," Tom pretended.
- Pretty Light (Jokes)
- How much does a rainbow weigh? Not much. It's pretty light.
- Pretty Nuts [expression] (Two-Liners)
- Police have reported a man going into local craft stores and dipping his testicles in glitter. It's pretty nuts.
- Prey (Tom Swifties)
- "I hope this is enough to feed my family," prayed the wolf.
- Pride (Tom Swifties)
- "I know what a bunch of lions is called," said Tom with pride.
- Pride Cometh Before the Fall (Expressions)
- We ought to rename summer "pride" because pride cometh before the fall.
- Primate (One-Liners)
- Your friend the crowbar is an ape because it's a pry mate.
- Prince (Halifax)
- Snow White at the photo shop: "Some day my Prince will come."
- Principal (Money)
- "It's not school that I hate, it's the principle of the thing."
- Prison (Jokes)
- Where do bad rainbows go? Prism. It's a light sentence.
- Private (Military)
- No peeking there! That's private!
"I've been demoted from corporal," said Tom privately.
- Private Parts (Book Titles)
- Keep 'Em That Way: Private Partsl
- Pro Gram (Computers)
- A person in favour of metric weights is program.
- Pro Motion (Tom Swifties)
- "I vote to move forward," said Tom promotionally.OK
- Pro Motor (Tom Swifties)
- "I support mechanization," said the promoter.
- Pro Pain (Chemistry)
- A chemistry prof in favour of torture is propane.
- Pro Pose (Tom Swifties)
- "Stand over there so I can take your picture," proposed Tom.
- Pro Teen (Chemistry)
- A chemistry teacher in favour of teenagers is protein.
- Pro Ton (Physics)
- Someone in favour of 2000-pound weights is proton.
- Pro Tractor (One-Liners)
- If you want to find the right angle to be in favour of farm machinery, you will need a protractor.
- Pro Vocative [verb case] (Tom Swifties)
- "Why shouldn't there be a special case for addressing people?" asked Tom provocatively.
- Pro-Bing [Crosby] (Tom Swifties)
- "Crosby is my favourite singer. Is he yours?" asked Tom probingly.
- Problem (Tom Swifties)
- "The roof is leaking again," said Tom problematically.
- Process of Elimination (Expressions)
- The best way to evaluate laxatives is by a process of elimination.
- Profess (Tom Swifties)
- "I teach at a university," Tom professed.
- Profit (Misc)
- Elijah could not work for charities because they are non-prophet organizations.*
- Profits Through the Roof (Two-Liners)
- I started a company selling land mines disguised as prayer mats. Prophets are going through the roof.
- Pro-Found (Tom Swifties)
- "Ah, HERE's the silver lining!" said Tom profoundly.
- Pro-Fuse (Tom Swifties)
- "These @#$%*! circuit breakers!" swore Tom profusely.
- Prognosis (Europe: Eastern)
- "The Czech capital's economy will grow this year" is a good Prague-nosis.
- Progressive Conservatives (One-Liners)
- If Stephen Harper and his Tories changed their minds about legalizing marijuana, they could be called the Pro-Grassive Conservaties.
- Project (Tom Swifties)
- "This movie will be very popular," Tom projected.
- Prom Miss (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll take Mary to the dance," Tom promised.
- Prompt [computers] (Tom Swifties)
- "23% " replied Tom promptly.
- Proper Gander (Tom Swifties)
- "THIS is the real male goose," said Tom as he produced the propaganda.
- Property (Jokes)
- Why do Marxists only drink decaf tea? Because proper tea is theft.
- Pros and Cons (Expressions)
- I was dithering about experimenting to see which weighed more, a truck of books or 12 prison inmates. After weighing the prose and cons, I decided to go ahead with it.
- Prune (Fruits)
- The preferred fruit of the topiary artist is the prune.
- Pruning (Plants)
- What's one way of getting forcibly escorted from a garden centre? Asking for a bag of dehydrated plums so that you can do some pruning.
- Pseudo Ku (Redefinitions)
- Sudoku: a false Ku. (I find this puzzling.)
- Pseudonym (Book Titles)
- Fake Names in the Fabric Industry: Sue Denim
- Psi-Star [mathematics] (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll never understand quantum mechanics," Tom sighed starrily.
- Psoriasis (Jokes)
- What's the link between a skin condition and eye drops? The skin condition is psoriasis and eye drops are a sore eye assist.
- Psycho Graphic (Redefinitions)
- I thought that "psychographic" referred to the new logo of the mental hospital. I guess I was wrong.
- Psychopath (Jokes)
- How do crazy people go through the forest? They take the psycho path.
- Psychosis (Book Titles)
- Nuts about You!: Cy Cosis
- Ptomaine [food poisoning] (Tom Swifties)
- "It's usually just food poisoning," said Tom mainly.
- Pub Crawl (Two-Liners)
- Jazz singer Diana Krall once played at the Fox & Fiddle, the Bear & Firkin, and the Moose & Mansion. She called the mini-tour the "Pub Krall".
- Puck (Hockey)
- Robin Goodfellow never liked playing hockey, because he was always the Puck.
"I love hockey," said Tom puckishly.
- Pulitzer Prize (One-Liners)
- The author of "Astonished Chickens" won the Pullet Surprise.
I am certain that my literary and erudite description of the "tug my finger" joke will win the Pull It Surprise.
- Pull Hard (Book Titles)
- Tug of War: Paul Hard
- Pull It (Military)
- If you can't push it, you must bullet.
- Pull it Off (Expressions)
- I came up with a complex striptease routine, but I don't know if I can pull it off.
- Pull Off (Expressions)
- I don't know why people have a problem with wigs. It's a look anyone can pull off.
- Pull Over (Jokes)
- What is a police officer's favourite type of sweater? A pullover.
- Pumpkin Pie (Jokes)
- What do you get when you divide the diameter of a jack-o-lantern by its circumference? Pumpkin Pi.
- Pumps (Clothing)
- "My boat is leaking!" "Use your shoes. After all, they're pumps."
- Pun Intended (Two-Liners)
- Pun enters a room and kills 10 people. Pun in, ten dead.
- Pun Jab (India)
- If someone hits me after I tell a Geography joke, I would call it a Punjab.
- Punch (One-Liners)
- I wonder if Muhammad Ali's favourite drink and magazine was Punch?
- Punch [expression] (Tom Swifties)
- "Oh boy, I'm head of the refreshment committee!" said Tom, pleased as punch.
- Pungent (One-Liners)
- My word play stinks because I am a pun gent.
- Punk Rock (Music)
- I heard of a band of crocodiles who sing parody songs. They're a pun croc band.
- Pup in Da Cooler (Mathematics)
- A dog sitting in a refrigerator: Perpendicular.
- Pupils (Misc)
- Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils?
- Purple (Europe: Eastern)
- I wonder if the favourite colour of Polish cat lovers is pur-Pole?
Why aren't police paddy-wagons painted "perp"le?
A cat's favourite colour is purrple.
- Purple Rain (Jokes)
- For Halloween, I will get a brain gelatine mold, fill it with grape Jello, and dedicate it to Prince. It'll be a Purple Brain.
- Purpose (Animals)
- Pity the ex-mariner, now without any porpoise in life.
- Purse (Australasia)
- A Geography student turned into a petty crook-- a Perth snatcher.
- Put on Hold (Expressions)
- My career as a switchboard operator was put on hold.
- Puts Food on the Table (Expressions)
- Some people say being a waiter is a bad job, but it puts food on the table.
- Putting on Airs (Expressions)
- Why are people involved with royal successions always so snooty? Because they're all about putting on heirs.
- Putting on the Ritz (Golf)
- A green at an ultra-posh golf resort was so fancy that it got dubbed "The Ritz". The Management was Not Impressed when the patrons began singing and dancing "Putting on the Ritz."
If I dip a Ritz cracker into chocolate pudding, should I sing "Puddin' on the Ritz"?
- Puzzle (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't know what's wrong with the jigsaw," puzzled Tom.OK
- Pyra Knees (Europe)
- A group of mountaineers has three sets of knees, their left knees, their right knees and their Pyranees.
- Pyromaniac (One-Liners)
- If I get hot throwing pies at people who are using oars, does that make me a pyromaniac?
- Qualify (Animals)
- "I want to study animals in Australia!" "Fill out this form to see if you Koala-fy for a government grant!"
- Quality (Animals)
- Steep some eucalyptus leaves in hot water to get a high koala-tea drink.
- Quarter (Money)
- "Here's 25 cents. Now you can't say I give no quarter in my business deals."
- Quarter Back (Football)
- I loaned you 25 cents last week. I want my Quarterback right now.
- Quartet (Music)
- A female quart: Quartette.
- Quarts (Geology)
- There are four quartz to the gallon.
- Quaver [music] (Tom Swifties)
- "I have to sing a run of eighth-notes," said Tom quaveringly.
- Queasy (One-Liners)
- I think that I'm a good cook, but others claim that I put the queasy in cuisine.
- Queen of Sheba (Two-Liners)
- At an Agricultural Fair, I passed by a farmer who was proudly standing next to his prize-winning ewe named Princess. My suggestion of calling her the Queen of She-baa was not well received, as the farmer tried to ram his fist into my head.
- Queer (Tom Swifties)
- "Hi sailor, new in town?" Tom queried.
- Quercus [Latin name for oak]?? (Tom Swifties)
- "I had to hide my acorns," said Chris querulously.
- Quest (Tom Swifties)
- "Why would anyone want to play a role-playing game?" Tom questioned.
- Quibble (Tom Swifties)
- "That quadruplet doesn't seem to get along with his brothers and sister," said Tom quibblingly.
- Quiche (Music)
- Who better to write a pop song about quiche than Kesha?
- Quicks (Tom Swifties)
- "This is the fastest way to get drunk," said Tom quixotically.
- Quicksilver (Tom Swifties)
- "Be careful with that silver stuff. It's mercury!" said Tom quickly.
- Quill & Quire (One-Liners)
- Is the literary magazine for singers Quill & Choir?
- Quinn Pool (Halifax)
- Where does Mr. Quinn do his swimming? In the Quinpool.
- Quintessence (Book Titles)
- The Very Model of a Modern Major General: Quinn TessenceJG
- Quintuplet (Book Titles)
- Third of Five: Quinn Tuplet
- Quiver (Sports)
- The prospect of getting a new container for my arrows has me quivering with excitement.