Pun Dictionary

This is a project that I have been wanting to do for a long time: documenting every pun in the English language. Ambitious? Definitely. Misguided? Oh, yes. 8-) Will I ever be able to get them all? I doubt it, but it will be fun to try. I'm starting with my own very large collection drawn from all of my humour files, and I'll see what everyone else sends me. Or what I can come up with myself. First launched April 1, 2007.

Select a Link to See the Entries
A Entries B Entries C Entries D Entries E Entries
F Entries G Entries H Entries I Entries J Entries
K Entries L Entries M Entries N Entries O Entries
PQ Entries R Entries S Entries TU Entries VZ Entries

Puns by Category index page.

The entire Pun Dictionary as a PDF document to read and enjoy!

Other Puns and Jokes Sites

Be sure to check out the Funny Puns at Pun.me!

Corona Virus Jokes

Animal Jokes

Recent Updates

I decided to create this to make it easier for people to see the new jokes. 8-) Updates occur irregularly and without warning. 8-) Total in the collection is now 5,160!

July 1, 2024
A What did the bra say to the hat? "You go on ahead, I'll give these two a lift."
B Aircraft Maneuvers: Beryl Roll
D Swords and knives could be illustrated in books using dagger-otype.
F My grocery store presents flash offers to me. Will the local camera shop as well?
R I invested in boomerangs. They have a high rate of return.

June 15, 2024
C My friends kept pressuring me to go spelunking, so I finally caved.
G Why will a pig dressed in black never be bullied? Because Batman has promised to protect Goth ham.
PQ What is a police officer's favourite type of sweater? A pullover.
R I'm thinking of starting an a flight company exclusively for balding people. I will call it 'Receding Airline'.
TU I have kleptomania, but I'm taking something for it.

May 9, 2024
F "I am the Lord of the Dance," said Michael Flatley.SH
G Civil Engineering Projects: Grady Rhodes
S "Whenever I think of the 80's, I think of a boom box." "That's just a stereo type!"
S Shout out to the people who don't know the opposite of the word "in".
S What do you get when you cross a snail with a porcupine? A slowpoke.

March 9, 2024
A "Are you OK with a Vulcan helping you?" "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" "I was afraid that you'd feel alien aided."
A Avoidable: What a matador attempts to do.
A My salad is dry. This is a problem that needs a dressing.
C Mother bears are experts at childbearing.
F I'm thinking about creating a TV show called "Happy Days". It'll be about a family of printers, but its real star will be the fonts. It will be a drama, so Comic Sans.
I "When I moved out, I got a locket with my picture in it." "You were independent?"
N Feelings of wistfulness around food are called noshtalgia.
N I Make Hands Pretty: Nell Polish
N I am giving away my legless parrot. No perches necessary.
R The new auto body shop that just opened comes highly wreck-a-mended.

January 4, 2024
A "Do you have any books on phobias?" "Sorry, no we don't." "I was afraid of that."
C How can funeral homes raise their prices and blame it on the cost of living?
N Astronaut 1: "I can't find any cream for my coffee!" Astronaut 2: "In space, no one can here use cream."
N People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
O If I were an Army Drill Instructor, I could shout "Descending! That's an order!".

December 18, 2023
B Do people who work in fireworks factories wear their hair in bangs?
B Do sailors who work in fireworks factories avoid the boom while drinking pop?
C What do crows apply to keep them looking youthful? Cawsmetics.
C When to Apply the Heimlich Maneuver: Joe King
N Why was E the only letter to get a Christmas present? Because all of the other letters were not E.

December 4, 2023
B At the start of a competition at a wedding, should you say "May the best man win?"
C Thieves stole a truck that had a cargo of soap. They made a clean getaway.
D "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" was written long before the Internet Protocol people assigned '.dk' to Danish websites.
D Don't let anyone throw false teeth at your vehicle. They might denture car.
H When zombies are playing football, you have to watch out for the handoff.
N An unemployed jester is nobody's fool.
PQ The best way to evaluate laxatives is by a process of elimination.
PQ What training do you need to be a garbage collector? None. You pick it up as you go along.
R "I didn't have time to jog today." "You say that every day." "Yes, it's a running joke."
R Any game that involves dice is a roll-playing game.

October 19, 2023
A Laughing out loud is forbidden in Hawaii because it's a low ha state.
B Should baby boomers be allowed to run fireworks factories?
C "Let's go get some lettuce," said Tom crisply.TW
D I bought a fake koi fish for my pond. It's a dekoi.
D My spouse wanted to talk to me about our high heating bills. I said "My door is always open."
F My wife and I can't count calories and we have the figures to prove it.
G I opened my paycheck envelope and found only parsley. It looks like my celery has been garnished.
I An excellent self-help slogan: Please cancel my subscription to your issues.
M If people make you sick, maybe you should cook them longer.
M One day, I'm going to start collecting highlighters. Mark my words!
O Remember folks, it isn't a yawn, it's a bore-gasm!
R What do you call an unhappy android? A woe-bot.
S I think that my wife is putting glue on my firearms. She denies it, but I'm sticking to my guns.
S It doesn't make any cents, but volunteering is rewarding.
TU Rapid Hemming and Stitching: Taylor Swift

September 21, 2023
S Before Thing got his role in the Addams Family, he was a stagehand. [Note: "Thing" was a disembodied hand.]

September 14, 2023
A "Why can't I kill any of those Rebel scum?" asked Tom the Stormtrooper aimlessly.
D The movie Speed (1994) incorrectly credits Jan de Bonts as director. If Speed had had any direction, it would have been called Velocity.
M If I could choose to have a super power, it would be invisibility. I just want to make myself clear.
S When a hairdresser is in a hurry, does she take shortcuts?

July 8, 2023
C I used a leafy vegetable to make wine. I call it Chard-onnay.
C There is a new breakfast cereal out for mathematicians called Toasty Numerals. It's for people who like crunching numbers.
C What do you get when you cross a soft drink with a car? Coca-Corolla.
I If this dress isn't right for you, it sarong.
R The Kraken: I'd like to renew my apartment lease, please. Landlord: Re-lease the Kraken!


Many thanks to the following people who have contributed to the dictionary!

Sonny Scott, Linda Lew, Owen Kaminoff, Jacob Adler.

This page last updated .