Pun Dictionary

This is a project that I have been wanting to do for a long time: documenting every pun in the English language. Ambitious? Definitely. Misguided? Oh, yes. 8-) Will I ever be able to get them all? I doubt it, but it will be fun to try. I'm starting with my own very large collection drawn from all of my humour files, and I'll see what everyone else sends me. Or what I can come up with myself. First launched April 1, 2007.

Select a Link to See the Entries
A Entries B Entries C Entries D Entries E Entries
F Entries G Entries H Entries I Entries J Entries
K Entries L Entries M Entries N Entries O Entries
PQ Entries R Entries S Entries TU Entries VZ Entries

Puns by Category index page.

The entire Pun Dictionary as a PDF document to read and enjoy!

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Be sure to check out the Funny Puns at Pun.me!

Corona Virus Jokes

Animal Jokes

Recent Updates

I decided to create this to make it easier for people to see the new jokes. 8-) Updates occur irregularly and without warning. 8-) Total in the collection is now 5,220!

March 15, 2025
B "I can't get any breaks!" is not what you want to say when you're driving.
D When an idiot swears, he's in Syria because it's a dumb-ass cuss.
L I haven't kept my subscription to Scrabble Club. Now they're sending me threatening letters.
S A comedian faced down a bully because someone told him to standup for himself.
TU Now for our next band, please welcome The Subtractions. Take it away, boys!

January 11, 2025
F I do well at origami competitions because I fold under pressure.
F When dentists go on vacation, do they need someone filling in for them?
K If a comedian's show goes down in flames, does it get called comic-kaze?
TU "I built a model of Mount Everest." "Is it to scale?" "No, it's to look at."
TU When a boxer was asked about the secret of his 10-0 record, he replied "I make my socks out of underwear. That way I will always be undie-feeted."

January 1, 2025
A When is a boat like snow? When it's a drift.
H "We archeologists can't be named or be married to anyone named Edith." "Why?" "Because we can't have archaic and Edith too."
L Putting my hair in a bun is a prerequisite for losing weight with a loaf hat diet.
L How can you tell that grasshoppers are poor? They live in locust housing.
PQ What was the politest dinosaur? The Plesiosaur.

November 15, 2024
B Think of the effort I could save by buying birthday candles at a blow-out sale.
C I tried to walk like an Egyptian, but now I need to see a Cairo practor.
E Supervillains shouldn't be upset when their doomsday devices don't work. It's not the end of the world.
F I don't have a 'dad bod', I have a 'father figure'.
H I Grow Basil and Oregano: Herb Gardiner
I The favourite Beatles song of lizards is 'Iguana Hold Your Hand'.
L I was feeling lonely, so I started a small business. Now I have a little company.
PQ Neil Diamond was named Neil Cole until the pressure got to him.
PQ Why do football players make terrible pilots? They always break the plane before a touchdown.
R I got my son an alarm clock that swears at him instead of beeping. He's in for a rude awakening.

October 14, 2024
B Counterfeiting: Beau Gus Cash
E Why do the French have only one egg for breakfast? Because in France, one egg is an oeuf.
L The most gullible element is easily lead.
PQ Why do Marxists only drink decaf tea? Because proper tea is theft.
PQ 10-12 boos = 1 picoboo.

September 26, 2024
B A fireworks and a brassiere-making company hoped to increase business by merging, but the result was boom and bust.
B I wonder if "Breakfast of Champions" means something different in Zombie Country.
D Why were horse-drawn vehicles so ugly? Because horses can't draw. They can't even hold pens.
E Do oxen turn into horses on the Equine-ox?
H I wanted to tell sheep jokes to my border collie, but was afraid that he'd herd them.
R I recall playtime in elementary school from the recesses of my mind.
R This cookbook is only to be used after earthquakes, tornadoes, or hurricanes. It's called Recipes for Disaster.
S The four seasons are all different. Summer warmer than others.
S Why did I name my pack mule "Sound"? Because Sound carries.
TU "The basketball player wants two new suits by tomorrow." "Wow, that's a tall order."

August 24, 2024
B Would you buy bubble solution from a blow-out sale?
D The doctor told me that my prostate was OK. I was deeply touched.
F There's a rip in my feather pillow. I'm feeling down.
S Scientists have created artificial vocal cords. The results speak for themselves.

August 18, 2024
A I wonder what an arms race would be like in Zombie Territory? One would come in dead last.
H My doctor said that I need more exercise and suggested that I start with lunges. That's a huge step forward.
R "I have a rice paddy that is 1,760 yards long," said Tom with a wry smile.PR
R As a baker's apprentice, I try to rise to the occasion.
S I always remember my teacher telling me that I had twigs for brains. It sticks in my mind.

August 5, 2024
A I can eat sugar with both hands because I'm ambidextrose!
B Nobody gets rowdy at the Trampoline Tavern because they have lots of bouncers.
B The movie Twisters is taking the theatres by storm.
F When surgeons are learning about amputations, do they have to read "A Farewell to Arms"?
N Welcome to Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous. I see some new faces today, and I am really disappointed.
TU Corruption is rife at the Pyromaniac Olympics. People are throwing matches everywhere!

July 1, 2024
A What did the bra say to the hat? "You go on ahead, I'll give these two a lift."
B Aircraft Maneuvers: Beryl Roll
D Swords and knives could be illustrated in books using dagger-otype.
F My grocery store presents flash offers to me. Will the local camera shop as well?
R I invested in boomerangs. They have a high rate of return.

June 15, 2024
C My friends kept pressuring me to go spelunking, so I finally caved.
G Why will a pig dressed in black never be bullied? Because Batman has promised to protect Goth ham.
PQ What is a police officer's favourite type of sweater? A pullover.
R I'm thinking of starting an a flight company exclusively for balding people. I will call it 'Receding Airline'.
TU I have kleptomania, but I'm taking something for it.

May 9, 2024
F "I am the Lord of the Dance," said Michael Flatley.SH
G Civil Engineering Projects: Grady Rhodes
S "Whenever I think of the 80's, I think of a boom box." "That's just a stereo type!"
S Shout out to the people who don't know the opposite of the word "in".
S What do you get when you cross a snail with a porcupine? A slowpoke.

March 9, 2024
A "Are you OK with a Vulcan helping you?" "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" "I was afraid that you'd feel alien aided."
A Avoidable: What a matador attempts to do.
A My salad is dry. This is a problem that needs a dressing.
C Mother bears are experts at childbearing.
F I'm thinking about creating a TV show called "Happy Days". It'll be about a family of printers, but its real star will be the fonts. It will be a drama, so Comic Sans.
I "When I moved out, I got a locket with my picture in it." "You were independent?"
N Feelings of wistfulness around food are called noshtalgia.
N I Make Hands Pretty: Nell Polish
N I am giving away my legless parrot. No perches necessary.
R The new auto body shop that just opened comes highly wreck-a-mended.

January 4, 2024
A "Do you have any books on phobias?" "Sorry, no we don't." "I was afraid of that."
C How can funeral homes raise their prices and blame it on the cost of living?
N Astronaut 1: "I can't find any cream for my coffee!" Astronaut 2: "In space, no one can here use cream."
N People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
O If I were an Army Drill Instructor, I could shout "Descending! That's an order!".


Many thanks to the following people who have contributed to the dictionary!

Sonny Scott, Linda Lew, Owen Kaminoff, Jacob Adler.

This page last updated .