- (The) Fonz [Character on the TV show Happy Days] (Two-Liners)
- I'm thinking about creating a TV show called "Happy Days". It'll be about a family of printers, but its real star will be the fonts. It will be a drama, so Comic Sans.
- F Fort Less (Tom Swifties)
- "The enemy has taken stronghold F," said Tom effortlessly.
- Fabrication (One-Liners)
- All quilts are lies: complete fabrications!
- Facelift (Book Titles)
- Look Younger: Fay SliftJG
- FaceTime (Apple iPhones) (Two-Liners)
- There's a guy around town stealing iPhones. When he's caught, he will FaceTime in prison.
- Failing Health (Expressions)
- I got a D- on my medical exam. Apparently, I'm in failing health.
- Faint Heart (Tom Swifties)
- "I failed my electrocardiogram," said Tom faint-heartedly.
- Fair Banks (USA)
- The instant teller machines at the Geography Fair quickly became known as the Fairbanks.
- Fait Accompli (Cheeses)
- A cheese that is already made is a feta compli.
- Fa-la-la-la (Christmas)
- The animal that is always overlooked at Christmas is the fa-la-la-la-llama.
- Falcon (Birds)
- The Great Autumn Bird Swindle was called the falcon.
- Fall (Two-Liners)
- Humpty Dumpty had a terrible summer, but he had a great fall.Pun.me
- Fall Cons (Football)
- The Autumn Football Swindles became known as the Falcons.
- Fall Short (Expressions)
- I'll never be a champion dwarf thrower. All my efforts fall short.
- Falling Out (Two-Liners)
- Some might call a balding guy's disagreement with his hair an argument, but it was more like a falling-out.
- False (Tom Swifties)
- "That's a lie!" said Tom in falsetto.
- False Prophet (Two-Liners)
- My seismologist friend got a job predicting earthquakes. He's a real faults prophet.
- Fal-Staff-Ian (Tom Swifties)
- "Please keep Ian on salary even if he does no work; banish not sweet Ian, kind Ian, true Ian, valiant Ian from thy company," was Tom's Falstaffian plea.
- Famous (Book Titles)
- The Most Well-Known Rodent: Fay Mouse
- Fan-Attic (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm trying to get some air circulating up here just beneath the roof," said Tom fanatically.
- Fan-Fare (Tom Swifties)
- "The transit system could reduce its deficit by steeply charging those passengers on their way to rock concerts and sports events," said Tom with considerable fanfare.
- Fans (Jokes)
- How so celebrities remain cool? They have lots of fans.
Why did the stadium get hot? Because all the fans left.
- Fan-Tass (Tom Swifties)
- "The Soviet press is useful on hot days," said Tom fantastically.
- Far Away (One-Liners)
- Egypt isn't close, it's pharaoh way.
- Far Away (1) (Book Titles)
- Not Near: Farrah Way
- Far Away (2) (South America)
- Get lost! Go Paraguay from me!
- Far Go (USA)
- Is Fargo the place from which long journeys start?
- Far Out (Expressions)
- Why didn't the lifeguard save the hippie? Because he was too far out man!
- Farewell to Arms, A (Novel) (One-Liners)
- When surgeons are learning about amputations, do they have to read "A Farewell to Arms"?
- Faroe Islands (Europe: Scandinavia)
- Egypt and Denmark have something in common. In Egypt, the Pharaoh ruled for as far as his eye could see - the Pharaoh Eye-Lands. Denmark controls the Faroe Islands.
- Fast (Jokes)
- What do sprinters eat before a race? Nothing. They fast.
- Fast Asleep (Jokes)
- Why could the runner only win races while snoozing soundly? Because she was only fast asleep.
- Fasten (One-Liners)
- The tenth Fast and Furious movie should be called Fast Ten: Your Seatbelt.
- Fast-Paced (Expressions)
- Very runny glue is fast paste.
- Fat (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm 'drawing' the butter," Tom clarified fatuously.
- Father Figure (One-Liners)
- I don't have a 'dad bod', I have a 'father figure'.
- Fathom (One-Liners)
- I’m trying to work out an easy way to convert the 2 metre social distancing rule into imperial measurements, but it’s just a bit more than I can fathom.
- Fatigues (Jokes)
- What are tired Army clothes? Fatigues.
- Fault (Physical)
- Don't blame me for the earthquake! It's not my fault!
My dad always told me, "Don't be quick to find faults." Good man, terrible geologist.
- Faux Pas (Two-Liners)
- I tell Dad jokes, but I have no kids. Does this make me a faux pa?
- Favour a Bull (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't want my cow to be artificially inseminated," was Tom's favourable response.
- Fay Would (Toronto)
- What about Fay? Do you think Faywood fall for a gorilla like him?
- Fe [symbol for iron] (Chemistry: Elements)
- Iron Man's superhero chemist wife is called Fe-male.
- Fear (One-Liners)
- The only thing flat-earthers fear is sphere itself.
- Fear-Less (Tom Swifties)
- "Forward march! Eins, zwei, drei, funf, eins, zwei, drei, funf!" said the German commander fearlessly.
- Fed Up (Cannibals)
- You can feel safe around an annoyed cannibal because he's already fed up.
- Fee Bull (Tom Swifties)
- "You can use my stud for 100 dollars," was Tom's feeble offer.
- Fee Fi Fo Fum (Football)
- When a New York Giants receiver drops the football, is it called a Fee-Fi-Fo-Fumble?
I have a fear of giants: Feefiphobia.
- Feel Awful (Two-Liners)
- I ate too much Middle Eastern food. Now I falafel.
- Feeling Down (Expressions)
- There's a rip in my feather pillow. I'm feeling down.
- Feelings (Jokes)
- Be kind to your dentist. S/he has fillings too.
- Feet (Anatomy)
- Medical platitude: "Big feet run in the family."
How do you measure the length of a snake? In inches, since they don't have feet.
- Felt His Presence (Christmas)
- How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker got him for Christmas? He felt his presents.
- Fend Her (Cars)
- She attacked me with a tire iron, so I had to fender off with my hubcap.
- Fentanyl (Two-Liners)
- The soft drink Fanta is an opiod. When I run out, it's a Fanta-nil situation.
- Fern Ass (One-Liners)
- The backside of a fern is really hot because it's a furnace.
- Ferrous (Chemistry)
- The amusement park ride had to be made of iron because it was a ferrous wheel.
- Fetch (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll go get the stick," said Tom fetchingly.
- Fie (Greek Letters)
- Fee phi fo fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!
- Field (Expressions)
- If your children are looking for a career, have them consider farming. There’s good money in that field.
Sports grammar: Incorrect past tense of "to feel": Field.
- Figment (Jokes)
- What kind of candy should remain in your imagination? A fig mint.
"I have created a new colour called groozle!" "There is no such colour! It's a pigment of your imagination!"
- Figure (1) (Tom Swifties)
- "I could always draw it on paper," Tom figured.
- Figure (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "I really admire Raquel Welch's acting," said Tom figuratively.
- Figures (One-Liners)
- My wife and I can't count calories and we have the figures to prove it.
- Filet Mignon [1] (One-Liners)
- If you dine on steak and find yourself a little hoarse afterwards, were you eating filly mignon?
- Filet Mignon [2] (One-Liners)
- If you had steak in the City of Brotherly Love, did you have Philly mignon?
- Fill 'Er Up (Book Titles)
- The History Of Exxon: Phil ErrupJG
- Fill In (Expressions)
- When dentists go on vacation, do they need someone filling in for them?
- Fill Us In (Book Titles)
- Hollywood Gossip: Phyllis ZinnJG
- Filling (Dentist)
- Dentist: "What type of filling would you like?" Patient: "Chocolate?"
- Filling in (Dentist)
- I needed a cavity fixed, but my dentist was away. Fortunately he had someone filling in.
- Filter Out (Book Titles)
- The Polarization Process: Phil TerroutA
- Filthy (Book Titles)
- Unclean!: Phil Thee
- Final (Chemistry)
- Chemistry exams at the end of the year are phenol exams.
- Final Frontier (Two-Liners)
- It's hard to tell in the pictures, but Mr. Spock of Star Trek has three ears: the left ear, the right ear, and the final front ear.
- Fine (Tom Swifties)
- "Albert, that illegal left turn is going to cost you twenty bucks," said the policeman finally.
- Fine Job (Expressions)
- The city's parking enforcement officers handed out lots of tickets and were commended for doing a fine job.
- Finger [Unix command] (Tom Swifties)
- "I plan to work for Digital," said Tom, giving me the finger.
- Finger Food (Cannibals)
- I suspect that cannibals have different ideas about finger food than we do.
- Finish (Europe: Scandinavia)
- Did you manage to Finnish your geography homework?
- Finish Him (Two-Liners)
- Did you know that the video game Mortal Kombat was based on Scandinavian church music? It was a Finnish hymn.
- Fire at Will (Expressions)
- When William joined the army, he came to dislike the phrase "Fire at will".
- Fired (Jokes)
- How did the human cannonball lose his job? He got fired.
- Fired Back (Tom Swifties)
- "My spinal cord has been given notice," Tom fired back.
- Fish and Chips (Jokes)
- What do sea monsters eat for lunch? Fish and ships.
What do nuclear scientists like to eat? Fission chips.
- Fist of Fury (One-Liners)
- A martial arts film involving people in animal costumes could be called Fist of Furry.
- Fitting (One-Liners)
- When a tailor dies, do his friends give him a fitting tribute?
- Five (Europe: United Kingdom)
- Scottish Geographer counting: "... two, three, four, Fife,..."
- Flaccid (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm just not attracted to you," said Tom flaccidly.
- Flag-Rant (Tom Swifties)
- "You should *never* burn the Stars and Stripes!" cried Tom flagrantly.
- Flamingo (One-Liners)
- When the 15th letter of the alphabet is on fire, it becomes a bird: a flamingo.
- Flash (Two-Liners)
- My grocery store presents flash offers to me. Will the local camera shop as well?
- Flash Freeze (Redefinitions)
- What happens when you expose yourself while in Antarctica.
- Flat (Music)
- I opened the garage door and saw that my bike tires needed tuning because they were a bit flat.
- Flat (1) (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't like steamrollers!" said Tom flatly.
- Flat (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "This must be Nebraska," Tom stated flatly.
- Flat Tire (Book Titles)
- Blowout!: Vlad TireJG
- Flatly (Tom Swifties)
- "Here's an epenthetic stamp," said Tom f'lat'ly.
"I am the Lord of the Dance," said Michael Flatley.SH
- Flatten 'em (Chemistry: Elements)
- "I'll knock down these buildings!" "You mean you'll platinum?"
- Flattery (Physical)
- A plateau is a high form of flattery.
"Your steam roller will not persuade me. Flattery will get you nowhere!"
- Flaws (Dentist)
- The dentist's character isn't perfect: he has his floss.
- Fleece [swindle] (Animals)
- Beware of sheep scammers. They're always trying to fleece you.
- Fleet (1) (Military)
- "Those Navy people sure can run fast!" "Yes, they're very fleet of foot."
- Fleet (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "Ships ahoy!" said Tom fleetingly.
- Flexible (One-Liners)
- Should yoga instructors be prepared to work flexible hours?
- Flies (1) (Jokes)
- What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck.
- Flies (2) (Misc)
- Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
- Flint (USA)
- Flint, Michigan is the "Sparks from Rocks Capital of the World".
- Flip (Sports)
- You shouldn't be flippant in judo class.
- Flip Ant (Tom Swifties)
- "I love trying to make insects fly," said Tom flippantly.
- Flippant (Tom Swifties)
- "When do I turn over the pancakes?" asked Tom flippantly.
- Float (One-Liners)
- Is a person in a life jacket factory who fills in for others called a float?
- Flood (Jokes)
- With what did Noah illuminate the Ark? Flood lights.
- Floor (Chemistry: Elements)
- The element that can be walked on is fluorine.
- Floor Right (Geology)
- If I don't get this fluorite, when someone walks in he'll fall through to the basement.
- Floors (Asia: Southeast)
- Geography classrooms have ceilings, walls and Flores.
- Florida (USA)
- An American state that produces both fluoride and flooring is Florida.
- Florist (Book Titles)
- Raising Flowers By Hand: Flo WristJG
- Flounder (Meat)
- Joe tried to win the fishing derby, but floundered instead.
- Flu (Jokes)
- What's a chimney sweep's most common ailment? The flue.
- Flush (Book Titles)
- Down the Drain: W.C. Flush
- Flush [poker hand] (Jokes)
- Why are toilets so good at poker? They always get a flush.
- Flu-Went (Tom Swifties)
- "You're losing your grippe!" said Tom fluently.
- Fly Fishing (Misc)
- A man and his son were fishing in a lake, whose water was rough because it was a windy day. He made a bad cast and the hook snagged in the little hole in the tag of his pants zipper. His son said "Is this why it's called fly fishing?"
- Fly off the Handle (Witches)
- Why don't witches like to ride their brooms when they're angry? They're afraid of flying off the handle.
- Flying Colours (Expressions)
- While taking the pilot's exam, she flew through a rainbow and passed with flying colours.
- Fold Under Pressure (Expressions)
- I do well at origami competitions because I fold under pressure.
- Folded (One-Liners)
- There was a company that sold paper to origami enthusiasts, but it folded.
- Fondle (Tom Swifties)
- "I wouldn't mind running my fingers over THOSE!" said Tom fondly.
- Fool (Cars)
- A person who sniffs gas isn't an idiot, he's a fuel.
- Foot (Anatomy)
- Why can't a nose be twelve inches long? Because then it would be a foot!
- Foot Loose (Undead)
- Should you be worried if a zombie starts singing "Footloose"?
- Foot the Bill (Expressions)
- What's the difference between a philanthropist and an orthopedist? A philanthropist foots the bill, while an orthopedist bills the foot.
- For Giving and Not Forgetting (Christmas)
- The Christmas of Reconciliation was memorable because Christmas is forgiving and not forgetting.
- For Long (Measures)
- Buy this horse now, because it won't be this cheap furlong!
- For Most Of My Life (Asia: East)
- I have been studying Geography Formosa my life.
- For Rest (Plants)
- "Do you go to the woods for exercise?" "No, I go forest."
- For Ward (Hockey)
- "Ward wants you to get some food from the store." "Ok, I'll do it forward."
- Force (Physics)
- A force is one step greater than a threece.
- Ford (Cars)
- Without a bridge, the best place to drive across a river is at a Ford.
- Fore Cast (Golf)
- I thought a forecast is what you get when you break a leg on the golf course.
- Foregone Conclusion (Golf)
- I shanked a golf ball deep into the rough. That it was lost was a fore-gone conclusion.
- Forest Fire (Book Titles)
- Rangers In The Night: Forrest FyarJG
- Fore-Warn (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm no good at golf. I know I'm going to hit another bad shot," Tom forewarned.
- Forge (Tom Swifties)
- "Now all I have to do for this banknote is engrave the portrait," Tom forged ahead.
- Forgery (Jokes)
- What's the similarity between a blacksmith and a counterfeiter? They're into forgery.
- Forlornly (Tom Swifties)
- "I must do something about the dying grass in my yard," said Tom for-lawnly.
- Formidable [French word] (Misc)
- An amazing French ant is un fourmidable.
- Fortune Teller (Jokes)
- What do you call an overweight psychic? A four-chin teller.
- Forty-Five (Music)
- What music concert costs only 45 cents? 50-Cent featuring Nickelback.
- Fouls (Baseball)
- The pitcher became known as "Chicken" Little because batters kept hitting fouls off him.
- Four-Abode (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't know how much longer I'll need only three of my houses," said Tom forebodingly.
- Fourth (Jokes)
- How many golfers does it take to change a light bulb? Fore!
"I will NOT finish in fifth place," Tom held forth.
- Fourth Coming (Tom Swifties)
- "The last of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse is on his way," said Tom, forthcoming.OK
- Fourth Right (Tom Swifties)
- "I got the first three wrong," said Tom forthrightly.
- Framed (Jokes)
- Why did the picture go to jail? Because it was framed.
- France Is (Names)
- "I'm going to Cannes in January." "The south of Frances very nice at that time of year."
- France is Crowded (Book Titles: Good)
- French Overpopulation: Francis Crowded
- Frank (1) (Money)
- "I must be franc with you. Your monetary policy plan will not work."
- Frank (2) (Names)
- If nothing else, Frank is always honest with you.
- Frank (3) (Tom Swifties)
- "I do NOT have a multiple personality disorder," said Tom, trying to be frank.
- Frank Opinion (Book Titles)
- I Say So!: Frank O. Pinion2
- Frankenstein (Two-Liners)
- We all know Albert Einstein was a genius, but his brother Frank made a monster.
- Frankfurter (Book Titles)
- Hot Dog!: Frank Furter
- Frankly (Book Titles)
- To Be Honest: Frank Leea
- Free Bee (Two-Liners)
- A man walks into a pet store and asks for a dozen bees. The clerk carefully counts 13 bees out onto the counter. 'That’s one too many!' says the customer. The clerk replies 'It’s a freebie.
- Free of Charge (One-Liners)
- The dead batteries were given out free of charge.
- Freed A (Names)
- I organized the breakout that Frieda few friends of mine.
- Freed a Convict (Book Titles: Good)
- The Great Escape: Freida Convict
- Freon (Chemistry)
- The Chemistry Nightclub has a cover charge when there are entertainers, but it's freon nights when there aren't.
- Fresh Ground (Two-Liners)
- "Waiter, this coffee tastes like mud!" "Yes, it's fresh ground."
- Fretful (Tom Swifties)
- "I can't play the guitar because my fingers are too big," said Tom fretfully.
- Front (1) (Meteorology)
- Given a choice, a weatherman always enters by the front door.
- Front (2) (Toronto)
- Why travel the back streets, when we have Front Street?
- Frontier (Jokes)
- How many ears do Star Trek fans have? Three: the left ear, the right ear, and the final front ear.
- Frostbite (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.
Why did the snowman call his dog Frost? Because Frost bites.
- Frugal (Tom Swifties)
- "Dance in lane," said the sign frugally.
- Fruit (Music)
- Underwear for musicians: Flute of the Loom.
Do apple pickers get to enjoy the fruits of their labours?
- Fruitful (Tom Swifties)
- "I just ate three apples!" said Tom fruitfully.
- Fruitless (Tom Swifties)
- "Please pass me the oranges," was Tom's fruitless request.
- Frustration (Redefinitions)
- Frustriation: Anger that the paper will not tear on the dotted line.
- Full of Himself (Cannibals)
- An egotistical cannibal is full of himself.
- Function (Mathematics)
- Why did the mathematician only work from home? She could only function in her domain.
- Fur (Plants: Trees)
- Some evergreens are always warm because they have fir coats.