- Boutique (One-Liners)
- A good place to shop for fancy footwear is a bootique.
- Gab On (Africa)
- The Geography students were asked to shut up, but they continued to Gabon.
- Gab Row (Geology)
- All of the talkative geology students were put in one row, soon christened the "gabbro".
- Gale (Meteorology)
- The most common name of women from the Windy City: Gail.
- Gale Force (Book Titles)
- Strong Winds: Gail ForceJG
- Gall-Ant (Tom Swifties)
- "That young insect is female," said Tom gallantly.
- Gallup Poll (Jokes)
- How can one do a survey of jockeys? With a Gallop Poll.
- Gander (Canada)
- What's good for the goose is good for the Gander.
- Garden of Eden (Cannibals)
- If a good cannibal dies, does s/he go to the Garden of Eaten?
- Gardener (Toronto)
- A Gardiner is a person who maintains flowerbeds and vegetable gardens.
- Gargoyle (Jokes)
- What's a monster's favourite lubricant? Gargoil.
- Garnish (Seasonings)
- I opened my paycheck envelope and found only parsley. It looks like my celery has been garnished.
- Gathering Dirt (Two-Liners)
- Don't be worried about your TV and smart phone spying on you. Your vacuum cleaner has been gathering dirt on you for years.
I got rid of my broom and dustpan. They were just gathering dust.
- Gaul (Tom Swifties)
- "Je suis francais," Tom had the gall to claim.
- Gay (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't believe in mixed marriages," said Tom gaily.
- Gee Whiz (Book Titles)
- Good Gracious!: G. Whiz
- Gee, I'm A Tree (Mathematics)
- What a little acorn says when he grows up: Geometry!
- General (Military)
- As a general rule, it's a good idea to grovel to superior officers.
- General Grant (Jokes)
- I once won a scholarship by writing about the 18th American President. It wasn't much, just a general grant.
- Generally (Book Titles)
- How to be a Vague Soldier: General LeeA
Civil War jokes are General Lee frowned upon.
- Generator (Book Titles)
- The Source of Electricity: Jenny RatorA
- Genius (Book Titles)
- Mensa Man: Gene Yuss
- Gentille [French] (Tom Swifties)
- "Alouette, je te plumerai," sang Tom jauntily.
- Georgia (Book Titles)
- Gone With The Wind: George UhJG
- Geriatric (Book Titles: Good)
- Hockey for Grandparents: Jerry Hattricks
- Geronimo (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross an Indian with a cow? Geronimoo.
- Gesticulate (One-Liners)
- Jokes told in Sign Language are jest-iculations.
- Gesture (Two-Liners)
- Yesterday a clown held the door for me. It was a nice jester.
- Get Into It (Expressions)
- I lost interest in my tiny car. I just couldn't get into it.
- Get It (Two-Liners)
- "Your dog is so dumb, he doesn't even understand the concept of fetch." "Yeah, he just doesn't get it."
- Get it Right (Book Titles)
- Try, Try Again: Getty Trites
- Get Over It (Jokes)
- How do you overcome a fear of speed bumps? You slowly get over it.
- Get Well Soon (Expressions)
- My friend couldn't pay his water bill, so I sent him a "Get Well Soon" card.
- Gets Under the Skin (Skeletons)
- Why are skeletons so calm? Because nothing gets under their skin.
- Getting Up (Book Titles)
- I Hate Monday Mornings: Gaetan Upp
- Gig [gigabyte] (One-Liners)
- I started a band called 999 Megabytes - we haven't gotten a gig yet.
- Gilt (Tom Swifties)
- "It's just gold leaf," said Tom guiltily.
- Ginger (Tom Swifties)
- "Oh, this house tastes good!" said Hansel and Gretel, gingerly.
- Ginger [Rodgers] (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll bet Fred Astaire's dance partner spiced up his life," said Tom gingerly.OK
- Ginger Ale (Book Titles)
- Soda Pop History: Ginger Ailea
- Gingerbread (One-Liners)
- If a redhead works at a bakery, does that make him a ginger bread man?
- Give a Hand (Expressions)
- We applaud puppets by giving them a hand.
- Give It (Two-Liners)
- The Historical Society was unable to sell the old prison gallows. They couldn't even gibbet away.
- Give You Up (Expressions)
- Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his Pixar collection except one. He's never gonna give you Up.
- Glad He Ate Her (Cannibals)
- Are cannibals who like extreme sports gladiators?
- Glad It's (Names)
- That thunderstorm was really scary. I'm Gladys over now.
- Glad it's Night (Book Titles: Good)
- I Hate the Sun: Gladys Knight
- Glad to See Ya (Book Titles)
- Hiya Fella: Gladys EeyaJG
- Glam Organ (Europe: United Kingdom)
- Where in Wales will you find a church organ all decked out in sequins, ruffles and feathers? In the Vale of Glam-organ.
- Glass Cow (Europe: United Kingdom)
- A transparent silica bovine: Glasgow.
- Gleem [brand of toothpaste] (Tom Swifties)
- "Someone bumped into me while I was brushing my teeth," said Tom with a gleam in his eye.
- Glen Plaid (Book Titles)
- Scottish Kilt Patterns: Glen PladdJG
- Glock Spiel (One-Liners)
- A person making a sales pitch for Glock pistols could use a glockenspiel.
- Glowing (One-Liners)
- If I want to get a job at the nuclear power plant, I will need a glowing reference.
"Eating uranium makes me feel funny," said Tom glowingly.
- Glub (1) (Golf)
- What a golfer says when s/he sinks: Club.
- Glub (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "Help, I'm drowning!" was Tom's glib, glib, glib chortle.
- Glue 'em (Tom Swifties)
- "PLEASE don't let me fall apart," pleaded Tom gloomily.
- Gluttons for Punishment (Expressions)
- I wonder if foodies who are into a little S&M are gluttons for punishment?
- Gnomon (One-Liners)
- I used a garden gnome as the centrepiece for a sundial, since all sundials need a gnomon them.
- Go (Animals)
- Livestock hymn: "Goat Tell it on the Mountain".
- Go A (India)
- How to tell a pesky geographer to get lost: "Goa way."
- Go Back for Seconds (Expressions)
- When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds.
- Go Bee (Asia)
- In the bee races, geographers shout "Gobi, go!"
- Go For (Animals)
- I'm hungry. Let's gopher some lunch now.
- Go Inside (Mathematics)
- What one does when it rains: Coincide.
- Go on Ahead (Expressions)
- Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One said to the other, "You stay here. I'll go on ahead."
- Go Out (One-Liners)
- I once had a cat I named Campfire because he kept going out in the rain.
- Go Out on a High Note (Expressions)
- The retiring opera singer wanted to go out on a high note.
- Goal (One-Liners)
- A goalie's goal in life is to have no goals.
- Goal (1) (Geology)
- When the geologist kicked the soccer ball into the net, she scored a coal, man.
- Goal (2) (Hockey)
- My goal in life is to play in the NHL.
- Goalie (Undead)
- Undead hockey and soccer teams have ghoulies to guard the net.
- Goat [Greatest of All Time] (Animals)
- When it comes to New Mexico outlaws, Billy the Kid was the GOAT.
- Gobbling (Jokes)
- Why wasn't there any food left after the monster party? Because everyone was a goblin!
- God Helps Those Who Help Themselves (Expressions)
- A sign at a church function's buffet read "God helps those who help themselves."
- Godfather (One-Liners)
- The head of the Fish Mafia is the Codfather.
- Goin Home (Book Titles)
- Laid Off!: Gwen HomeJG
- Going Out (Jokes)
- What does one candle say to the other? "You going out tonight?"
- Golden (Canada)
- The town of Golden, British Columbia must be pretty quiet, since "Silence is Golden".
- Golf (Physical)
- The favourite sport of Geography profs is gulf.
- Gone (1) (Australasia)
- When a typhoon hits, the residents of this island read the book Guam With the Wind.
- Gone (2) (Military)
- Favourite military movie: "Gun with the Wind."
- Gone with the Wind (Jokes)
- A company that makes really large wind chimes could be called "Gong with the Wind".
- Gonna (Africa)
- I studied really hard for this test and I know I'm Ghana get a good mark.
- Good (Vegetables)
- "Mama, I ate all my pumpkin and squash!" "Gourd for you, sweetie!"
- Good for What Ails You (Expressions)
- French for garlic is l'ail. So it's true that garlic is good for what l'ails you.
- Good Taste (Cannibals)
- Cannibals only eat fully-dressed fashion designers because of their great taste in clothes.
- Good to the Last Drop (Expressions)
- Maxwell House is the skydivers' coffee because it's good to the last drop.
- Goodness Gracious (Tom Swifties)
- "Oh my goodness!" said Tom graciously.
- Goodyear [brand of tire] (Two-Liners)
- I had a happy childhood. My dad used to put me in tires and roll me downhill. Those were Goodyears.
- Google (Redefinitions)
- Kugel: A Jewish search engine.
- Gorgeous (One-Liners)
- Some river valleys are absolutely gorges.
- Gorgon Zola (Cheeses)
- Emile Zola's mythical monster Halloween costume was really cheesy because he became a Gorgonzola.
- Gorgonzola (Cheeses)
- The cheese that will turn you to stone is Gorgon-zola.
The most Vice-Presidential cheese is Al Goregonzola.
- Got (Jokes)
- What happened to the man who shoplifted a calendar on New Year's Eve? He got 12 months.
- Got Over It (Expressions)
- I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.Pun.me
- Got Your Back (Cannibals)
- If a cannibal says he's got your back, would you feel reassured?
- Gotham [Batman Universe] (Jokes)
- Why will a pig dressed in black never be bullied? Because Batman has promised to protect Goth ham.
- Goulash (Prepared)
- If you encounter a ghoul, kill and burn it. Then you can have ghoul ash for dinner.
- Grab It and Run (Book Titles)
- We Do Theft Cases: Grabbitt & RunA
- Grace (Tom Swifties)
- "For the meal we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful," said Tom gracefully.
- Grade Roads (Book Titles)
- Civil Engineering Projects: Grady Rhodes
- Graft (Plants)
- If a gardener were to be imprisoned for a financial crime, it would be for graft.
- Grainy (One-Liners)
- I tried taking high-resolution photos of local farmland, but they all turned out really grainy.
- Grand (Jokes)
- When does a Dad joke cost $1000? When it's a Granddad joke.
- Grand [piano] (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't have to stand upright," said Tom grandly.
- Grand Slam (Sports)
- A Grand Slam is a big win or score in a sport, not closing a piano lid too hard.
- Grandma (Greek Letters)
- Gamma is married to Grandpa.
- Granny Smith [apple] (Fruits)
- My Grandma always used to say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I don't know if that's true, or just one of Granny's myths.
- Grant Money (Book Titles)
- The National Science Foundation: Grant MoneyJG
- Grant Wishes (Book Titles: Good)
- Genie in a Bottle: Grant Wishes
- Granted (Geology)
- Of all things, we must never take rocks for granite.
- Graphite (Geology)
- When geologists fight with charts, it's called a graphite.
- Grapple (Meteorology)
- It is sometimes difficult to graupel with the difficulties of cold rain formation.
- Grasshopper (Animals)
- Marijuana has been proven to cause animals to mutate! A rabbit jumped into a pot field and became a grass-hopper!
- Grate (Tom Swifties)
- "My dime rolled into the sewer," cried Tom gratefully.
- Grater (Cheeses)
- I cut my finger while shredding cheese, but I think that I have greater problems.
- Grating [cheese] (Tom Swifties)
- "Where's the cheese?" asked Tom gratingly.
- Grave (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll try to dig up a couple of friends," said Tom gravely.
- Gravity (Physics)
- "Is it very serious?" "Yes, it is a matter of the utmost gravity."
- Gravy (Undead)
- What do zombies put on their Halloween roasts? Grave-y. (And we shouldn't ask what the roast is…)
- Great (Fruits)
- I think eating raisins is a grape idea.
- Greed (Tom Swifties)
- "Yes, I love money!" Tom agreed.
- Greek (Music)
- You're musically illiterate? Yep. All those notes and things are Grieg to me.
- Green Land (North America)
- Watching Mr. Green fly isn't as scary as watching Greenland.
- Greg or Ian (Jokes)
- Monday: Greg. Tuesday: Ian. Wednesday: Greg. Thursday: Ian. This is a Gregorian calendar.
- Gregarious (Book Titles)
- Put'er There, Pal!: Greg GariousJG
- Greg-Gary (Tom Swifties)
- "Let's invite Greg and Gary," said Tom gregariously.
- Grimm [Brothers] (Tom Swifties)
- "I collect fairy tales," said Tom grimly.
- Grin and Bear It (Book Titles)
- Lawyers of Suffering: Grin and Barrett
How do strippers deal with adversity? They grin and bare it.
- Grind (One-Liners)
- A hand-cranked coffee mill is the perfect gift for people who think work is a grind and a grind is work.
- Grinned (Tom Swifties)
- "I admit to being amused by your long joke with the stupid punchline," said Tom, chagrined.
- Grisly (Jokes)
- How about the bear that was hit by an 18-wheeler and splattered all over the place? They said it was a grizzly accident.
- Grit (Tom Swifties)
- "I've got sand in my food," said Tom grittily.
- Gross [144] (Tom Swifties)
- "I can eat one hundred and forty-four," Tom boasted grossly.
- Grosser (Two-Liners)
- A vegan once told me that people who sell meat are disgusting. I told him that people who sell fruit and vegetables are grocer.
- Ground (Jokes)
- What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
"Why does my coffee taste like mud?" "I don't know. It was ground a few minutes ago."
- Ground-Breaking (Jokes)
- What was the most ground-breaking invention? A shovel.
- Grouse [bird] (Tom Swifties)
- "Bad marksmanship," the hunter groused.
- Growing (Two-Liners)
- I don't understand why there aren't more farmers. Isn't it supposed to be a growing industry?
- Grown (One-Liners)
- Some people think that puns are juvenile, but I prefer to think of them as full-groan.
- Grumpy (Tom Swifties)
- "I am so one of the seven dwarfs!" he said grumpily.
- Gruyère (Cheeses)
- It's kind of cheesy to say that a cloudy sky is gruyere than a clear sky.
- Guacamole (Tom Swifties)
- "Mash that avacado and add some seasoning," said Tom guacamole.
- Guest (Tom Swifties)
- "I must be on a visit," Tom guessed.
- Guilty (Book Titles)
- I Wuz Framed!: Gil TeeJG
- Guinea (Africa)
- I do not want to be a Guinea pig for your experiments.
- Gulag (Undead)
- A Russian prison for the undead would be called a ghoulag.
- Gulp (Tom Swifties)
- "And to think I swallowed that lie, hook, line and sinker!" Tom gulped.
- Guns (Anatomy)
- Killer dentists shoot people with gums.
- Gush (Tom Swifties)
- "I've been having an incontinence problem," Tom gushed.
- Gust (One-Liners)
- Does the Wind Giant eat his food with gusto?
- Gustatorial (Book Titles)
- The World's Best Recipes: Gus TatorialJG
- Gut ["cat gut"] (Tom Swifties)
- "That may cause my violin strings to snap," was Tom's gut reaction.
- Guy And A (South America)
- A Guyana girl may become husband and wife.
- Guy Fawkes Day (One-Liners)
- If you see a fox, name it Guy, so you can have an instant Guy Fawkes Day.
- Guy-less (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't have a boyfriend," said Mary guilelessly.
- Gymnasium (Book Titles)
- The Scent Of A Man: Jim NasiumJG
- Gymnastics (Book Titles)
- Flips and Tumbles: Jim Nasticsg
- Gyp Some (Geology)
- The con man tried to gypsum mineralogists with a fake ruby, but he got caught.
- To Have Guts (Cannibals)
- Is a courageous cannibal said to have guts?