- Habit Forming (One-Liners)
- Making clothes for nuns isn't addictive, but it is habit-forming.
- Had Enough (Book Titles)
- Christmas Dinner is Over at Last: Ed AnuffA
- Had It (Meat)
- "I've haddock with eating fish! I never want another one!"
- Hail Mary (Cannibals)
- Does the phrase "Hail Mary full of Grace" take on extra meaning in cannibal country?
- Hailed (Meteorology)
- "Hello!" hailed the weatherman. (Previously he had been raining.)
- Hair (Animals)
- Bald biologists say "Hare today, gone tomorrow."
- Hair Cut (Book Titles)
- German Barbershops: Herr KuttAJ
- Hair Dos (One-Liners)
- Do members of the Hairdresser's Union have to pay hair dues?
- Hair is Long (Book Titles: Good)
- Rapunzel, Rapunzel!: Harris Long
- Hair is on Backwards (Book Titles: Good)
- Toupee Embarrassment: Harrison Backwards
- Hair Net (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a spider with a rabbit? A hare net.
- Hair On (Birds)
- When the ornithologist nearly lost his toupée in the wind, he said "It's really hard to keep my heron!"
- Hair Transplant (One-Liners)
- When a rabbit goes to a new owner, it's called a hare transplant.
- Hair-a Gone (Europe: Iberia)
- What the Geographer said when he woke up bald. "Aragon!"
- Hairy Ape (Book Titles)
- The Beach Bully: Harry AypJG
- Hale (Vegetables)
- Are vegetarians healthy? Kale and hearty.
- Half (Tom Swifties)
- "I could stand to lose 50% of my body weight," said Tom affably.
- Half Off (Two-Liners)
- You can always get good discounts at topless clubs. Everything is half-off.
- Half Stein (Animals)
- It was an odd accident scene. Of the farmer's two black-and-white cows, one was unscathed, and the other was cut cleanly in two. "Well sir," said the investigator, "it looks like you have one holstein and two halfsteins."
- Half-Acid (Tom Swifties)
- "The pH of this solution is just 3.5," said Tom half-assedly.
- Half-Cocked (Tom Swifties)
- "That's the last time I skinny-dip with piranhas," said Tom half-cocked.OK
- Half-Firmed (Tom Swifties)
- "The jelly is 50% set," Tom affirmed.
- Half-Hearted (Cannibals)
- "OK, here's your portion," said the cannibal half-heartedly.
"Argh, I've just been stabbed!" said Tom half-heartedly.
- Half-Witted (Tom Swifties)
- "My I.Q. is 50% of normal," said Tom half-wittedly.OK
- Hallelujah (Book Titles)
- Handel's Messiah: Ollie LuyahJG
- Halloween (Halloween)
- If we all dressed up as angels on October 31, we could call it Haloween.
Do donkeys dress up for Hee-Halloween?
- Halt [caused by bad operation] (Tom Swifties)
- "Looks uncomputable to me," said Tom haltingly.
- Ham and Eggs (Book Titles: Good)
- The Good Breakfast: Hammond DeggsJG
- Ham String (Anatomy)
- One should use a hamstring to tie up a pig.
- Hamilton (Canada)
- The place to go to hear pigs recite Paradise Lost is Ham-Milton.
- Hammer Rabbi (One-Liners)
- I gave a carpentry tool to a Jewish religious leader and got a Babylonian king: Hammurabi.
- Hammock (Animals)
- Does one make fun of pigs while lying in a ham-mock?
- Hand (of Cards) (Cannibals)
- When cannibals play cards, they deal hands.
- Hand in It (Expressions)
- I did not design the new glove, but I definitely had a hand in it.
- Hand It Over (Book Titles)
- Theft and Robbery: Andy Tover4
- Hand It To (Expressions)
- You've really got to hand it to short people - because they probably can't reach it anyway.
- Hand Off (Undead)
- When zombies are playing football, you have to watch out for the handoff.
- Hand Over Hand (Book Titles)
- Mountain Climbing: Andover Hand
- Handle (Music)
- It's a tough job being a musician. Are you sure you can Handel it?
- Hand-Off (Cannibals)
- When playing football with cannibals, be wary of any play that involves hand-offs.
- Handout (Cannibals)
- Do cannibals on welfare want hand-outs?
- Hands Do Little (Book Titles: Good)
- Lazy Employees: Hans Doolittleo
- Hands Down (Expressions)
- The best time on the clock is 6:30, hands down.
- Hands Free (Book Titles: Good)
- No Germans Here: Hans Frei
- Hands Up (Book Titles)
- The German Bank Robbery: Hans ZuppJG
- Handy (One-Liners)
- Learn sign language; it's very handy.
- Handy Man (Two-Liners)
- Our maintenance man lost his legs on the job. Now he's a handyman.
- Hannibal Lecter (Cannibals)
- Do cannibals deliver lectures from a Hannibal Lectern?
- Hantavirus (Undead)
- Can ghosts get sick with the hauntavirus?
- Hanukkah (Book Titles)
- Jewish Holidays: Hannah KuhhJG
- Hap [Mr Rockefeller's wife]-less (Tom Swifties)
- "Mr. Rockefeller did not bring his wife," said Tom haplessly.
- Happening (Europe: Italy)
- "Hey, dude, what's Apennine?"
- Happy [Snow White & 7 Dwarfs] (One-Liners)
- Statistically speaking, six out of seven Dwarves are not Happy.
- Happy Birthday (Book Titles)
- One Hundred Years Old: Abbie BirthdayJG
- Harbour (Toronto)
- One would expect to find docked ships on Harbord Street.
- Hard Pressed (Tom Swifties)
- "Don't make me drink that alcoholic cider," said Tom, hard-pressed.OK
"I'll have a glass of that cider," said Tom, hard-pressed.OK
- Hard to Beat (Expressions)
- A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.Pun.me
- Hard to Find (Expressions)
- I wanted to start a professional hide-and-seek team, but couldn't. Good players are hard to find.
- Hard to Put Down (Expressions)
- Did you read the book about anti-gravity? It was hard to put down.
- Hardened Criminal (Jokes)
- What do you get when you pour cement on a burglar? A hardened criminal.
- Hardens (Europe: France)
- As concrete dries, it Ardennes.
- Hard-Hitting (Expressions)
- Are documentaries about boxing supposed to be hard-hitting? (And will they be reviewed in the magazine Punch?)
- Hardy (Tom Swifties)
- "Don't rest on your laurels," said Tom hardily.
- Harmony (Music)
- People in choirs are peaceful. They like to live in harmony.
- Harp (Music)
- Yes, yes, I know I should practise my piano. Don't harp on it.
- Harrowing (One-Liners)
- Living through the accident in the farmer's field was a harrowing experience.
- Hash [cannabis] (One-Liners)
- I wonder if cannabis supporters use hashtags on social media?
- Hastily (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't need rocket boosters to help me run faster," said Tom hastily.
- Hat Her Ass (USA)
- Stella put a cap on her butt and said it came from Cape Hatteras.
- Hate Tea (North America)
- "Do you like coffee?" "Yes, but I Haiti."
- Haul This (Halifax)
- "You want me to haul that stuff away?" "Yes, I want you to Hollis to the dump."
- Haunting (Ghosts)
- The Ghost Choir sings haunting melodies.
- Have A (Asia: Southeast)
- Java 'nother cup of coffee, matey.
- Have A Long (Europe: United Kingdom)
- We may have come a long way, but we still Avalon way to go.
- Have a Nacho (North America)
- Nachos were Mr. Cho's favourite snack. When he moved to Cuba, he became known as Havana Cho.
- Have an Arrow (Vegetables)
- Why didn't the pepper shoot his bow? Because he didn't habanero.
- Have Another Look (Book Titles)
- What the Butler Saw: Ava Nutherluku
- Have Our Cake and Eat It Too (Expressions)
- "We archeologists can't be named or be married to anyone named Edith." "Why?" "Because we can't have archaic and Edith too."
- Have Our Tea (Cheeses)
- "Whose tea should I have with this cheese?" "Havarti."
- Hawn Shoe (Asia: Japan)
- Goldie Hawn buys her footwear in Honshu.
- Hay (Meat)
- Famous platitude: Make hake while the sun shines.
- Hay Stings (Europe: United Kingdom)
- "Does it hurt to poke hay in your eye?" "Yes, Hastings a lot."
- Hazel Nut (Book Titles)
- At The Bottom Of The Can: Hazel NuttJG
- Hazy and Hot (Book Titles)
- Summer in the South: A. Z. N. HotJG
- He Brews (Beverages)
- How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.
- He Clips (Astronomy)
- "Fred is an excellent hedge trimmer." "Yes, eclipse them into interesting shapes."
- He Damn (Cheeses)
- "Joe's late with the cheese shipment. Edam well better get here soon!"
- He Gypped (Africa)
- "He short-changed me!" "Yes, Egypt you all right."
- He Licks (Book Titles)
- How My Cat Keeps Himself Clean: Felix Himself
- He Lies (Book Titles)
- Joe's a Politician: Eli Always
- He Saw Her (Book Titles: Good)
- She Saw Him: Esau HerE
- He Stone Ya (Europe: Eastern)
- "Did Estonia?" "Yes, bad boy Johnny threw rocks at me again."
- Head (One-Liners)
- Are hair salon chains run by head honchos in head offices and recruit staff using headhunters?
- Head Light (Cars)
- If I were to plug my head into the socket, would I have a headlight?
- Head Lights (One-Liners)
- Silly Billy thought that head lice would help him see in the dark.
- Head Lines (Two-Liners)
- Did you hear about the new corduroy pillows? They're making headlines everywhere!
- Head of Steam (Book Titles)
- Gangway!: Hedda SteamJG
- Head Them Off at the Pass (Cannibals)
- Would "Head them off at the pass!" mean something different in a cannibal Western movie?
Why did the French executioner in the Wild West set up his guillotine in the mountains? So he could head them off at the pass.
- Heal (One-Liners)
- The motto of a combination veterinary clinic and dog obedience school could be "Here you come to heel."
- Heal 'em (Chemistry: Elements)
- What doctors do to sick chemists: Helium.
- Hear the End of It (Expressions)
- I lost my girlfriend’s audiobook, and now I’ll never hear the end of it.
- Heard (Animals)
- I wanted to tell sheep jokes to my border collie, but was afraid that he'd herd them.
- Hearing (Meat)
- A hard of hearing fisherman needs a herring aid to help him hear.
If a deaf man has time in court, is it still called a hearing?
- Heart (Anatomy)
- I don't have the heart to tell her she has angina.
- Heart Felt (Two-Liners)
- I cut a heart shape out of red felt and glued it into a greeting card so that it would be a heart-felt expression of love.
- Heart Go Out (Undead)
- If a zombie is feeling sympathetic towards some people, does his heart go out to them?
- Heartwarming (Cannibals)
- Do cannibals think that "The History of the Microwave" is a heartwarming story?
- Heatedly (Tom Swifties)
- "Quick, start a fire!" bellowed Tom heatedly.
- Heat-Ted (Tom Swifties)
- "Theodore, you will soon be promoted from editor to editor-in-chief," said the cannibal heatTedly.
- Heave Ho (Book Titles)
- Pull with All You've Got!: Eve Ho
- Heaving [vomiting] (Tom Swifties)
- "I didn't know I got airsick," said Tom, heaving it aloft.
- Heavy (Tom Swifties)
- "I've gained thirty pounds," said Tom heavily.
- Heavy-Handed (Tom Swifties)
- "These boxing gloves are too big," said Tom heavy-handedly.
- Hector (Measures)
- The Greek hero was Hector, not hectare!
- Hedge (One-Liners)
- A cautious topiary artist will hedge her bets.
Should gardeners invest in hedge funds? They offer opportunities for growth.
- Hee-Haw (Ghosts)
- Is the favourite vintage TV show of ghosts Hee-Haunt?
- Heir (Jokes)
- What's the difference between Prince William and a tennis ball? Prince William is the heir to the throne, and a tennis ball is thrown in the air.
- Held Up (Expressions)
- Why was the belt arrested? It held up a pair of pants.
- Hell (Jokes)
- How do you get holy water? Boil the hell out of it.
- He'll Bop (One-Liners)
- Muhammad Ali's favourite comet could have been Hale-Bopp (you one).
- Hell Fax (Canada)
- A fax from Beelzebub could be called a Halifax.
- Hell if I know (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros? Elephino!
- Hell In (Names)
- When things go from bad to worse, she says "I'm going to Helen a hand-cart."
- Hell In A (USA)
- Archaic expression: "Going to Helena hand-cart."
- Hell in a Handbasket (Book Titles)
- Where the World is Going: Helena Handbasket
- Hell of It (Meat)
- "Why did you poach fish?" "Just for the halibut."
- Hell on Earth (Book Titles: Good)
- I Lived in Detroit: Helen Earth
- He'll Sink Ye (Europe: Scandinavia)
- Don't challenge a geographer to a boat battle. Helsinki for sure.
- Hell to Pay (One-Liners)
- If Satan had a hairpiece, would he call it Hell Toupée?
- Hellmans [brand of mayonnaise] (Two-Liners)
- Someone threw a jar of mayonnaise at me. I said, "What the Hellman?" I wonder if he was from the Mayo Clinic.
- Hello (Jokes)
- How do you greet bread? Say "Helloaf".
How do angels greet each other? They say "Halo there!"
A typical Hawaiian greeting: "Hilo there."
- Hello, Vera (Plants)
- When I encountered my friend Vera in a garden center, I greeted her with "Aloe, Vera!"
- Helmet Wearer (Book Titles)
- In The Trenches: Helmut WearerJG
- Help (Europe)
- "Do you need assistance?" "Yes, I need Alp to climb this mountain."
- Help [Beatles Album] (Expressions)
- "I'm addicted to buying Beatles albums." "It sounds like you need help." "No thanks, I already have that one."
- Help-less (Tom Swifties)
- "It's my maid's night off," said Tom helplessly.
- Hem Lock (Plants: Trees)
- "How can I keep my hem from unraveling?" "Put a hemlock on it!"
- Hem Low (Canada)
- I'll never understand women's fashions. Some years they have the Hemlo, other years the hem is high.
- Hemmorhoid (Two-Liners)
- I wanted my rapper name to be M.C. Hammerhoid, but it made me the butt of piles of jokes and it didn't sit well.
- Her Before (Misc)
- This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore.
- Her Behind (Book Titles: Good)
- The Posterior of a Woman: Herbie Hind
- Her Man Friday (Book Titles: Good)
- His Girl Thursday: Herman Friday
- Her Mitts (Misc)
- Janet's mittens wanted to be alone because they are hermits.
- Her Ring (One-Liners)
- At a fish wedding there is his ring and herring.
- Her Shell (Astronomy)
- It's not his shell, it's Herschel.
- Her Virginity (Book Titles)
- What I Took: Irv ErginityJG
- Herb Gardener (Book Titles)
- I Grow Basil and Oregano: Herb Gardiner
- Herbivore (Book Titles)
- A Bestiary of Plant Eaters: Herb AvoreJG
- Her-dle (Track and Field)
- Married to a himdel: Hurdle.
- Here (Anatomy)
- "Should I put the desk there?" "No, put it ear."
- Hereditary (One-Liners)
- Is it only me who would say that baldness is hair-edit-ary?
- Heretic (Book Titles)
- Greek Unbeliever!: Hera Tickd
- Herring (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm going after that red fish," said Tom erringly.
- Hers (Canada)
- The male snake hissed, the female snake Hearst.
- Hey Why Not (Book Titles)
- Who Cares?: A. Y. NottJG
- Hey Would You Feed Me (Book Titles)
- Hunger In America: Heywood JafeedmeJG
- Hey You (Book Titles)
- How to Get Attention: A. U. OverthereJG
- Hey, Man (North America)
- "Hey, dude! What's happening?" "Cayman, I'm doing Geography Pun Tests!"
- Hi, Fong (Asia: Southeast)
- How to greet Fong in Vietnam: "Haiphong!"
- Hi, Nan (Asia: China)
- How to greet Nan in China. "Hainan!"
- Hi, Ronnie! (Redefinitions)
- Irony - How Harry and Hermione greeted Ron at Hogwarts.
- Hick Cups (Jokes)
- What do hillbillies drink from? Hiccups.
- Hide (One-Liners)
- Leather armour is the best for sneaking around, since it's made of hide.
- Hi-de-ho (Book Titles)
- Cab Calloway's Garden: Heidi HoJG
- Hiding (Music)
- You're not telling the truth! What are you Haydn from me?
- High C (One-Liners)
- Novice sailors make bad singers because they can't hit the high seas.
- High False (Tom Swifties)
- "I am NOT on drugs," said Tom in a high falsetto.
- High Handed [raise hand] (Tom Swifties)
- "May I leave the room?" asked the schoolboy, high-handedly.
- High Jean (Tom Swifties)
- "I cut off the bottoms of my trousers so they wouldn't drag in the mud," said Tom hygienically.
- High Overhead (One-Liners)
- Running a store that sells hats made from marijuana hemp is expensive because there's high overhead.
- High Pot In Use (Mathematics)
- A tall coffee pot perking is a Hypotenuse.
- High Road (Africa)
- The sore mummy needed a Cairo-practor.
- Higher Land (Europe: Ireland)
- Ireland is the geographical opposite of Lowerland.
- Higher Power (Religion)
- Atheists don't solve exponential equations because they don't believe in higher powers.
- High-Five (One-Liners)
- Do marijuana supporters cheer a victory with high-fives?
- Hilarious (Book Titles)
- Funny Women: Hillary Uss.
Mountains are funny because they are hill areas.
- Hilary [Sir Edmond] (Tom Swifties)
- "I climbed Mount Everest," said Tom hilariously.
- Hill Billy [goat] (Redefinitions)
- Hillbilly: A male mountain goat.
- Him A Lay A (Asia)
- Himalaya down to sleep, he pray the Lord his soul to keep.
- Hindsight is 20-20 (Expressions)
- We should rename the year after 2019 "Hindsight" because Hindsight is 2020.
- Hip (Anatomy)
- "Those jeans are real cool, man." "Yeah, dude, I'm real hip today."
- Hip-Hop (Anatomy)
- What kind of music do chiropractors like? Hip Pop.
- Hip-Not (Tom Swifties)
- "Hey, like, sailing the seven seas is really far out, man," said Tom hypnotically.
- Hippo Critical (Tom Swifties)
- "Boy, that's an ugly hippopotamus!" said Tom hypocritically.
- Hire 'Em and Fire 'Em (Book Titles)
- Human Resources Manager: Hiram N. FiremJG
- His and Hers (Hot Cross Puns)
- When a make snake charmer married a female mortician, their bath towels read Hiss and Hearse.
- His Panic (Jokes)
- Why did the Mexican take anxiety medication? To help deal with Hispanic attacks.
- Hist [Alger] (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm no communist," Alger hissed.
- Hitch [get married] (One-Liners)
- Has something been forgotten when a wedding goes off without a hitch?
- Hits (One-Liners)
- Muhammad Ali could have gone into the recording industry. All his songs would have been hits.
- Ho, Bart (Australasia)
- How does Santa Claus greet Bart Simpson? "Ho, ho, Hobart, you've been a naughty boy this year!"
- Ho, ho, ho (Christmas)
- I saw Santa Claus in the gardening centre yesterday. He was checking out the ho-ho-hoes.
- Hobo (1) (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross the Green Giant with Robin Hood? A Hoe-Bow.
- Hobo (2) (Music)
- A wandering, penniless musician, often called a bum is an Oboe.
- Hoes (Cars)
- The mechanic's a master gardener. Look how he hose the soil and gets the weeds.
- Hog's Head (Measures)
- A measurement freak would say "In a hogshead!" instead of "In a pig's eye!"
- Hogwarts (One-Liners)
- Do donkeys learn magic at Hee-Hogwarts?
- Hold Up (One-Liners)
- A bank robber, impatient at the slow pace of the delivery of the money, shouts "Hey, what's the holdup?"
- Hole in One (1) (Golf)
- If a golf pro were to get a strike in bowling, would s/he call it a "bowl in one"?
- Hole in One (2) (Golf)
- Why did the golfer get new socks? Because s/he got a hole in one!
- Holidays (1) (Book Titles: Good)
- Stunned Over Christmas: Holly Daze
- Holidays (2) (Christmas)
- Season's greetings from your florist: "Happy holly-days."
- Hollow (Tom Swifties)
- "I feel empty inside," Tom hollered.
- Holly (Astronomy)
- Astronomers' Christmas carol: Have a Halley Jolly Christmas!
- Hollyhock (Book Titles: Good)
- Raptor-Shaped Flowers: Holly Hawks
- Hollywood (Book Titles)
- Tinseltown Tales: Holly WoodJG
- Holy Oak (USA)
- The Church of the Sacred Acorn can be found in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
- Home (Physics)
- A cowboy turned physicist likes to sing "Ohm on the Range."
- Homer (1) (Baseball)
- If baseball had been played in ancient Greece, would Homer have written "Casey at the Bat?"
- Homer (2) (Book Titles)
- Poetry in Baseball: Homer
- Homicide (Prepared)
- Charlie the Chickpea was found crushed to death. It was ruled a hummus-cide
- Honda (Ghosts)
- Is the ghosts' favourite brand of car a Haunta?
- Honeycomb (Jokes)
- Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honey comb.
- Hood (Cars)
- The "Front-End Vandal" was really just a petty hood-lum.
- Hoopla (Basketball)
- Basketball excitement: Hoopla.
- Hooray (1) (Computers)
- Three cheers for hacking! Hip, hip array!
- Hooray (2) (Africa)
- "Let's hear it for Zimbabwe! Hip, hip, Harare!"
- Hootenanny (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross an owl with a goat? A hootenanny.
- Hop Scotch (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a kilt? Hopscotch.
- Hope (Canada)
- A familiar cliché of interior British Columbia: "Where there's life, there's Hope."
- Hope [Bob] (Tom Swifties)
- "Troops, I guess there won't be a Christmas show this year," said Tom hopelessly.
- Hopefully (Cannibals)
- "Which of you should I eat first? Faith or Charity?" asked the cannibal Hopefully.
- Hopelessly (Tom Swifties)
- "Will there be a puff of white smoke? Nevermore!" sighed Edgar Allan Popelessly.
- Hop-Scotch (One-Liners)
- Is hop-Scotch a drinking game for frogs and rabbits?
- Horn Pain (Canada)
- A headache caused by awful trumpet playing is called a Hornpayne.
- Horns (Jokes)
- Why do cows wear cowbells? Because their horns don't work.
- Horse (1) (Jokes)
- What do you call a veterinarian with laryngitis? A hoarse doctor.
- Horse (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "Let's go to the races!" said Tom hoarsely.
- Horse and Buggy (Book Titles: Good)
- Life Before Cars: Orson BuggyJG
- Horse Jumping (One-Liners)
- Bouncing on a trampoline when you have laryngitis is hoarse jumping.
- Horse Rider (Book Titles: Good)
- Jockeying for Position: Horace Rider
- Horse Whisperer (Animals)
- "I'm so good with horses that I'm called the Horse Whisperer." "Oh yeah? When I get laryngitis, I become a hoarse whisperer!"
- Horsepower (Jokes)
- What is the basic unit of measurement for laryngitis? One hoarsepower.
- Hospitable (Tom Swifties)
- "Have a ride in my new ambulance," said Tom hospitably.
- Hot (Tom Swifties)
- "These pants are not short enough," said Mary hotly.
- Hot Cross Buns (Jokes)
- What do you get when you drop boiling water down a rabbit hole? Hot cross bunnies.
- Hot Dog (Meat)
- The newest entry into the world of fast-food cuisine is the haute dog.
- Houston (USA)
- The American city of colours is Hueston.
- How Are Ye? (USA)
- "I'm fine thanks, Hawaii?"
- How Are You (Book Titles: Good)
- I'm Fine: Howard Yu2
- How Is Her (Military)
- "I just talked to Judy in the hospital." "Oh? howitzer broken leg?"
- How Would I Know (Book Titles)
- Who Killed Cock Robin?: Howard I. Know
- Hubris (Book Titles)
- I Laugh at the Gods!: Hugh Briss
- Hue (Asia: Southeast)
- Corruption in the Vietnam government raised a great Hue and cry.
- Hue and Cry (Book Titles)
- Lots of Excitement: Hugh N. Cry
- Huge Ass (Book Titles: Good)
- Big Fart!: Hugh Jass
- Huge Nose (Jokes)
- What's similar between Cyrano de Bergerac and French Protestants? The French Protestants are Huguenots, and Cyrano had a huge nose.
- Huge Step Forward (Expressions)
- My doctor said that I need more exercise and suggested that I start with lunges. That's a huge step forward.
- Hugh's Ton (USA)
- The 2000-pound weight belonging to Hugh was called Houston.
- Hugs the Shore (Expressions)
- When does a boat show affection? When it hugs the shore.
- Hullaballoo (One-Liners)
- When economists started making a lot of noise about inflation, I called it a hullaballoon.
- Hullabaloo (Jokes)
- What is the noisiest colour? Hulla-blue.
- Hum Bug (Christmas)
- After a tragic accident, the rock group "Singing Insect" became known as the "Humbug".
- Humanity (Animals)
- To support a conservation effort, I "adopted" a manatee. I decided to name him Hugh so that I could say "Oh, the Hugh Manatee!"
- Humdinger (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a hummingbird with a doorbell? A humdinger.
- Humerus (Tom Swifties)
- "The doctors had to remove a bone from my arm," said Tom humorlessly.
- Humidity (One-Liners)
- When Hume Cronyn sang a little tune about moisture, was it called a Hume-ditty?
- Humourous (Anatomy)
- Why don't people find bone jokes humerus?
- Hump-Free (Book Titles: Good)
- No Camels Here!: Humphrey Zoo
- Hungry (Europe: Eastern)
- I haven't eaten for a day! I'm really Hungary!
- Hurry Cain (Meteorology)
- Exhortation used to promote speed from Cain: Hurricane!
- Hurry it Up (Book Titles)
- Get Moving, Slowpoke!: Harriet Upp
- Hurts a Lot [ursa = bear] (Jokes)
- What did the man say after he was swatted by a bear? "It ursa lot."
- Huskily (Tom Swifties)
- "Dogs are a great menace!" barked Tom huskily.
- Husky (Animals)
- My sled dog puppy isn't fat, he's just a little husky.
"I just ate that Eskimo's dog," said Tom in a husky voice.
- Hydro Gin (Chemistry: Elements)
- The power company's special cocktail: Hydrogen.
- Hypo [dermic] (Tom Swifties)
- "We need a 10-gauge needle," Tom hypothesized.
- Hysterectomy (Tom Swifties)
- "Doctor, why do you have to remove my womb?" asked Mary hysterically.
- Right Hook [boxing] (Sports)
- My pirate friend has taken up boxing. You should see his right hook.