- Tables Have Turned (Expressions)
- A century ago, everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Now everyone owns a car and only the rich own horses. The stables have turned.
- Tack Full (Tom Swifties)
- "Please don't sneeze with your mouth full," said the carpenter's assistant tactfully.
- Tackle (Sports)
- Fishing gear used to play football: Tackle.
- Tactical (Redefinitions)
- How to make a tack laugh.
- Tadpole (Book Titles)
- Little Bitty Froggies: Tad PoleJG
- Tae Kwon-do (Jokes)
- What do martial artists use to make bread? Tae Kwan-dough.
- Tahi Tea (Australasia)
- This is not Earl Grey tea, it's Tahiti.
- Tail or Head (Book Titles)
- Coin Tossing: Taylor HeddJG
- Tailor Swift (Book Titles)
- Rapid Hemming and Stitching: Taylor Swift
- Taint (Misc)
- A lot of money is tainted - It taint yours and it taint mine.
- Take a Shower (One-Liners)
- Kleptomaniacs were banned from the bathroom because they kept taking showers.
- Take It (One-Liners)
- The repentant kleptomaniac said "I just couldn't take it anymore!"
- Take Out [kill] (Expressions)
- I have never seen a restaurant offer a "Chuck Norris burger" for takeout. Maybe that's because you don't take out a Chuck Norris burger, it takes out you. Its Secret Sauce also has quite a kick.
- Take Personally (Jokes)
- Why was the burglar so sensitive? He took things personally.
- Take Steps (Expressions)
- How do you overcome fear of elevators? You take steps to avoid them.
- Take The Words Out [expression] (Jokes)
- How do you stop a dog from eating your books? Take the words out of his mouth.
- Take Things Literally (Expressions)
- Kleptomaniacs take things literally.
- Take Up (Sports)
- I got bored during quarantine, so I decided to take up fencing. The neighbours keep demanding that I put it back.
- Take-Aways (Mathematics)
- When the Math Department has a meeting about subtraction, are there any take-aways?
- Taken Aback (Cannibals)
- If a kleptomaniac cannibal gets surprised, does that mean he's taken aback?
- Taking Pictures (One-Liners)
- A photographer was thrown out of an art gallery because he kept taking pictures.
- Taking Something (One-Liners)
- I have kleptomania, but I'm taking something for it.
- Taking Time (One-Liners)
- Patience is required to be a clock thief because you have to take your time.
- Taliban (Jokes)
- Why can’t you take inventory in Afghanistan? Because of the tally ban.
- Tall Order (Expressions)
- "The basketball player wants two new suits by tomorrow." "Wow, that's a tall order."
- Tam Rack (Plants: Trees)
- I hang my tams on the tamarack.
- Tamper (USA)
- It is a crime to Tampa with someone else's computer files.
- Tan (Chemistry: Elements)
- Which element turns brown in the sun? Tantalum.
- Tan Gent (Mathematics)
- A (male) mathematician turned brown in the sun: Tangent.
- Tan Jeer (Africa)
- "Haw! Is that a suntan or did you fall in the mud?" This nasty comment could be called a Tangier.
- Tan You Brown (Book Titles: Good)
- What the Sun Does to Your Skin: Tanya Brown
- Tan Your Hide (Book Titles: Good)
- Preparing Leather: Tanya HydeJG
- Tangerine (One-Liners)
- The grumpiest fruit is the t-anger-ine.
- Tank (Military)
- Monogrammed grenades, for me? Tank you very much!
Two fish are in a tank. One turns to the other and asks "How do you drive this thing?"
- Tap (Jokes)
- What do you give a person with water on the brain? A tap on the head.
- Tapas (Prepared)
- People who consume tapas are indulging in a little S&M. After all, isn't spanking a form of tap-ass?
- Taps (One-Liners)
- If I were a plumber with a trumpet, would I play Taps on it?
Can you buy tapas from a plumbing supplies shop?
You can tell that poltergeists manufactured faucets when they were alive because of all the taps they make now.
- Tart [prostitute] (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't HAVE to do this for a living," said Mary tartly. "It's a business to do pleasure with you."
- Tass Mania (Australasia)
- The Geography Pun Test craze that hit the Soviet TASS reporters was called Tasmania.
- Taste Funny [strange] (Cannibals)
- Would a clown taste funny to a cannibal?
- Taste of (Cannibals)
- When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.
- Tasteless (Cannibals)
- Cannibals won't eat [name of comedian] because of his/her tasteless jokes.
- Tattooine Weenie (Two-Liners)
- Luke Skywalker had a tattoo of a hotdog on his arm. He called it his Tattooweenie.
- Taylor Swift [singer] (One-Liners)
- A person who sings while quickly mending clothes is a Tailor Swift.
- Tea (Golf)
- Something to drink while golfing: Tee.
- Tea More (Asia: Southeast)
- "You haven't invited me to tea for a month!" "I really should invite you to Timor often."
- Tear Aid (Tom Swifties)
- "You should be peeling onions," was Tom's tirade. (Pronounce "tirade" with the "i" short.)
- Tear Your (Animals)
- I know your dog ran away. Don't terrier self up about it.
- Tears (Jokes)
- I went to a really emotional wedding the other day. Even the cake was in tiers.
- Teller (One-Liners)
- One shouldn't discuss secrets in a bank, especially in front of the tellers.
- Teller [bank] (Tom Swifties)
- "I work at a bank," said Tom tellingly.
- Telling (Two-Liners)
- I love telling Dad jokes. Sometimes he even laughs.
- Temper [music] (Tom Swifties)
- "Sometimes I prefer 'just intonation'; sometimes I prefer Pythagorean tuning," said Tom temperamentally.
- Temperance (Toronto)
- The best place to be in a downpour is Temperance St., because it is always dry.
- Ten (Chemistry: Elements)
- The element that comes after nine: Tin.
- Ten Ants (Two-Liners)
- I just saw 10 ants frantically running around my kitchen. I felt bad, so I built them a small house. Now I’m their landlord and I collect rent from my tenants.
- Ten Done (Anatomy)
- In order to get problem tendon, you must do problem nine.
- Ten Is (Sports)
- If we can't get twelve or eleven, tennis as good as any.
- Tender [as make an offer for a contract] (Tom Swifties)
- "My bid for this contract aims to please," said Tom tenderly.
- Tender is the Night [novel] (Two-Liners)
- I made a video of myself pounding on a tough piece of meat with a mallet after sundown. I'll call it "Tenderize the Night".
- Tennis Court (Book Titles)
- Racketeering: Dennis Court
- Tennis See (USA)
- "I play Tennessee, not dangerous sports like badminton."
- Tens (Tom Swifties)
- "You gave me two less than a dozen," said Tom tensely.
- Teriyaki (Book Titles)
- Talkative Japanese: Terry Yaki
- Terminal Illness (Redefinitions)
- When you are sick at an airport (or train station, or bus station...).
- Tern (Birds)
- Motto of the Birdwatcher's Society: One good tern deserves another.
- Terrible (Book Titles)
- Bad Cow Jokes: Terry Bull8
I know many jokes about toilet paper. They're all tearable.
- Terrifying (One-Liners)
- Trade wars are more than frightening, they're tariffying.
- Terrycloth (Book Titles)
- You Wash, I'll Dry: Terry ClothJG
- Test (Tom Swifties)
- "I flunked this lousy exam," said Tom testily.
- Testimony (Book Titles)
- Trial Law: Tess TemoniJG
- Tex Has (USA)
- "Why is Tex so grouchy?" "Texas a big headache."
- Texture (Book Titles)
- Sandpapers of the West: Tex Turel
- Thar (India)
- Upon spotting the (mythological) Indian Desert Whale, you are supposed to say "Thar she blows!"
- That Girl (Book Titles)
- Who is She?: Thad GurlJG
- That's a Wrap (Expressions)
- When the last scene of the movie about N.W.A. was finished, did the director say "That’s a rap!"?
- That's My Story (Expressions)
- I accidentally glued myself to my autobiography. Unbelievable, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
- The Awfulest Pun of All (Book Titles: Good)
- The World's Deadliest Joke: Theophilus PunovalJG
- The Bait (One-Liners)
- When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate.
- The Car (Africa)
- I want to drive Dakar to work today.
- The Coat A (USA)
- "Do you want me to wash your jacket?" "Yes, give Dakota good cleaning, please."
- The End is Near (Book Titles)
- The World's Last Days: D. N. Izneer
- The Fence (Hockey)
- We had to put up defence to keep da kids out of our yard.
- The Hoe (USA)
- To weed ta Geography garden, use Tahoe.
- The Most (Astronomy)
- This has to be Deimos boring lecture on Mars yet.
- The Old Hemming Way (Book Titles)
- How We Used to Shorten Trouser Legs: Theo Hemingway
- The Sorest (Two-Liners)
- I ate a dictionary. It gave me thesaurus throat I've ever had.
- The Truth Shall Set You Free (Dentist)
- Dentists who perform extractions get it backwards: instead of "The truth shall set you free," they set free the tooth.
- The Van (One-Liners)
- I will drive the car, while the furniture-maker will drive divan.
- The Vision (Mathematics)
- She wears glasses in Math class because it improves division.Pun.me
- Their Words (Expressions)
- People say that I'm a plagiarist. Their words, not mine!
- Then Mark (Europe: Scandinavia)
- First mark all these Geography tests, Denmark the labs.
- Theoretical (Two-Liners)
- I just found out that Einstein was real. I thought that he was just a theoretical physicist.
- There is a Green (Book Titles: Good)
- It's Springtime!: Theresa GreenJG
- There, There (Expressions)
- What do you say to comfort a friend who’s struggling with grammar? There, their, they’re.
- There's No Place Like Home (Expressions)
- What would Dorothy say if she played baseball in Oz? "There's no plate like home!"
- There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays (Christmas)
- Always serve Eggs Benedict on a hubcap because there's no plate like chrome for the hollandaise.
- Thesaurus (Jokes)
- What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
- They Ran (Middle East)
- "Officer, they smashed the windows, grabbed the jewels and then Tehran off!"
- Thingamabob (Book Titles)
- Whatchamacallit!: Thingum Bob
- This Is Not a Drill (One-Liners)
- When a disaster happened in the tool factory, the foreman held up a hammer and yelled: "Evacuate! This is not a drill!"
- Thor Axe (Anatomy)
- What the god Thor used to cut down trees: Thorax.
- Thor Old (Canada)
- "The god Thor is more than 1000 years old." "Boy, is Thorold!"
- Thoughtless (Tom Swifties)
- "I have no idea," said Tom thoughtlessly.
- Three Strikes and You're Out (Baseball)
- How does a baseball player escape from jail? Three strikes and he's out!
- Throw (One-Liners)
- I wonder if corrupt judo athletes throw their matches.
- Throw Back (One-Liners)
- Do fishing professionals participate in Throwback Thursdays?
- Throw Hands (Undead)
- When zombies want to fight, do they throw hands?
- Throw in the Towel (Expressions)
- He couldn’t work out how to fix the washing machine so he threw in the towel.
- Throw It (Anatomy)
- "Help! I'm holding a live grenade!" "Well, throat far away!"
- Throw Out (Baseball)
- The baseball team's pitcher became known as the Trash Collector because she kept throwing people out.
- Throw Rug (Book Titles)
- Scattered Small Carpets: Jethro Rugg
- Throw up Your Hands (Cannibals)
- Did you hear about the cannibal who threw up his hands in frustration?
- Throwing Matches (Two-Liners)
- Corruption is rife at the Pyromaniac Olympics. People are throwing matches everywhere!
- Thrown (Jokes)
- What happens to deposed kings? They get throne away.
- Thy Will Be Done (Expressions)
- Some people think that John Donne had a hand in William Shakespeare's Sonnets. These people say their cause is holy, because "Thy Will be Donne".
- Tick Tock (One-Liners)
- A discussion about ticks could be the sound of a grandfather clock because it is tick talk.
- Tie (One-Liners)
- Did Luke get Darth Vader a TIE for Father's Day?
Two silkworms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
- Tie Bet (Asia: China)
- Any wager made that a game will be a draw is a Tibet.
- Tie Burr (Europe: Italy)
- "We caught Mr. Burr here stealing our Geography texts." "Well, Tiber up until the police get here."
- Tie Land (Asia: Southeast)
- The best country to buy men's neckwear is Thailand.
- Tie One (Asia: East)
- Efficient Boy and Girl Scouts in Taipei will not tie two knots, just Taiwan.
- Tie Tan (Astronomy)
- Efficient Boy and Girl Scouts in Taipei will not tie two knots, just Taiwan.
A chemist wanted neckwear that would turn brown in the sun, so she made it from titanium.
- Tie Your Own Shoelaces (Book Titles)
- Do It Yourself: Tyrone ShoelacesJG
- Tied (Astronomy)
- Explaining the ocean's motion left many astronomers fit to be tide.
- Tiger Is (Middle East)
- News today is from the zoo's big cat house where a Tigris still at large.
- Tight As (Halifax)
- "Is he sober?" "No, he's Titus a drum."
- Tight as a Drum (Book Titles)
- My Life on Skid Row: Titus A. DrumJG
- Tighten (Astronomy)
- I don't want NASA to Titan its budget again.
- Tim Buck Too (Africa)
- Fred and Tim are two horses. If Fred bucks, will Timbuktoo?
- Timber (Book Titles)
- Falling Trees: Tim Burr
- Tim-brrr (Tom Swifties)
- "It's cold, Timothy," said Tom with his distinctive timbre.
- Time [magazine] Less (Tom Swifties)
- "I only get Newsweek," said Tom timelessly.
- Time Has Come (Expressions)
- The next maker of a smart watch should include a comb in its box. It will be successful because it's an idea whose time has comb.
- Time on My Hands (One-Liners)
- I had clocks tattooed on my palms so I could say that I had time on my hands.
- Time to Spare (Sports)
- When a bowler is in a hurry, it's because s/he doesn't have time to spare.
- Time Will Tell (Expressions)
- Why can't you tell secrets around a clock? Because time will tell!
- Time-Consuming (Expressions)
- I ate a clock the other day. It was time-consuming, especially when I went back for seconds.
- Times (USA)
- Where is the best place in New York City to buy watches and clocks? Times Square.
- Tin Sell (Christmas)
- What decoration does a metal peddler put on a Christmas tree! Tinsel.
- Tip (One-Liners)
- I need to check my bank account before paying the bill at a restaurant so that I can tip without losing my balance.
- Tip Toes (One-Liners)
- Ballerinas are very quiet because they're always tiptoeing around.
- Tip-Off (Basketball)
- What happens when a detective who plays basketball gets a tip-off?
- Tire [automobile] Less (Tom Swifties)
- "I can't find the spare," said Tom tirelessly.
- Tired (1) (Cars)
- People are exhausted after being run over because they got tired.
- Tired (2) (Middle East)
- Exhausted people in Lebanon are Tyred out.
- Tireless (Two-Liners)
- A man has been stealing the wheels from police cruisers. The cops are working tirelessly to find him.
- Tissue (Two-Liners)
- I tripped over a Kleenex box and hurt my leg. My doctor said it was just tissue damage.
- Tit (Tom Swifties)
- "Take your hand from my blouse!" Mary tittered.
- Title (Book Titles)
- Ah, Thor!: Ty Till7
- To Be Continued (Book Titles)
- Keep them in Suspense: Toby Continued
- To Be or Not To Be (Expressions)
- When pondering the name for a child, do parents say "Toby, or not Toby? That is the question."
- To Buy us a Pig (Book Titles)
- Off To Market: Tobias A. Pigg
- To Kill A (Beverages)
- Famous novel by Harper Lee: Tequila Mockingbird.
- To Lose (Europe: France)
- Go on, take the Geography of France course. What have you got Toulouse?
- To My Toes (Fruits)
- When farmers are feeling really up, do they say "I feel good from my head tomatoes"?
- To Pay (Expressions)
- I bought a wig for a dollar. It was a small price toupée.
- To Peek At (USA)
- Topeka someone's test is considered cheating.
- To Scale (Two-Liners)
- "I built a model of Mount Everest." "Is it to scale?" "No, it's to look at."
- To Wales (Jokes)
- How do you get two whales in a car? Start in England and drive west.
- Toasty Toes (Jokes)
- Which brand of chips keeps your feet warm? Tostitoes!
- Toe Go (Africa)
- "My big toe fell off and now it's lost! Where did my Togo?"
- Tofu (Cannibals)
- We have tofu. In cannibal country, they have toefood.
- Toking [Smoking Marijuana] (One-Liners)
- I wonder if a gift of marijuana cigarettes for a job well done is a token of appreciation?
- Tolled (Misc)
- The truth may ring out like a bell, but it is seldom ever tolled.
- Tolled (?) [I don't get this one!] (Tom Swifties)
- "Why are you writing elegies at THIS hour? You should be in bed, young lady," the curfew told Nell.
- Tolls (Physical)
- "For Whom the Bell Atolls", a novel by Ernest Hemingway.
- Tom [cat] (Tom Swifties)
- "I wonder what sex that cat is," said Tom.
- Tomahawk (Book Titles)
- Battle Axes: Tom A. Hawka
- Tommy Gun (Book Titles)
- Chicago Gangs Of The '30's: Tommy GunnJG
- Tomorrow (Book Titles: Good)
- The Next Day: Tom Morrow
- Tongue (Australasia)
- Doctors in the South Seas use lots of Tonga depressors.
- Tongue in the cheek (Tom Swifties)
- "I've never heard of anilingus," said Tom, tongue in cheek.
- Tongues Ten (Chemistry: Elements)
- Chemists call ten tongues tungsten.
- Tongue-Tied (Expressions)
- For April Fool's Day, I was given neckwear with a picture of a tongue on it. I couldn't speak because I was tongue-tied.
- Tons (Halifax)
- Why is an elephant like a Halifax university? Because both weigh TUNS.
- Too Long (Europe: France)
- "Your Citroen will be ready next week." "No, that is Toulon to wait!"
- Too Much on my Plate (Expressions)
- I wanted to start a new diet, but I have way too much on my plate right now.
- Too Scared (Jokes)
- Why is 4 afraid of 5? Because it's 22.
- Too Tense (Jokes)
- Why did the fraction 1/5 go to the masseur? Because it was two tenths.
Why did 1/5 get a massage? Because it was two tenths.
"Doctor, doctor! Some days I think I'm a teepee, others I think I'm a wigwam! What do I do?" "Relax, you're two tents."
- Too Tired (One-Liners)
- A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two tired.
I was annoyed at being unable to sleep due to the horn honking, but was toot ired to do anything about it.
- Took (Expressions)
- I entered the Kleptomania Championship. I took gold, silver, and bronze.
- Tool Bar (One-Liners)
- Do I have to go to a toolbar to get hammered?
- Tooth and Nail (Dentist)
- Dentists and manicurists can't get married, since they fight tooth and nail.
- Tooth Fairy (Dentist)
- To get to a dental convention on an island without an airport, the participants would have to get there on the Tooth Ferry.
- Tooth Hurty (Dentist)
- At what time do most people realize that they have to go to the dentist? Two-thirty.
- Toothpicks (Dentist)
- Dental X-Rays can clean your teeth because they're tooth-pics.
What do dentists call their X-rays? Tooth pics.
- Tops (Prepared)
- Nothing tops a plain pizza.
- Tore Us (Mathematics)
- Laughing too hard at doughnut jokes torus apart.
- Torn a Doe (Meteorology)
- Which of my deer pictures has he ripped? Oh, no! He's tornado!
- Torque (One-Liners)
- Is Peter Tork the Monkee who kept wanting to play "The Twist"?
- Torus (Astronomy)
- What astronomers call donut-shaped objects: Taurus.
- Toss in the Towel (Book Titles)
- A Boxing Cornerman's Story: Dawson DeTowelJG
- Tossing and Turning (Expressions)
- Last night I dreamed that I had to make a thousand pancakes. I was tossing and turning all night long.
- Total Recall (Expressions)
- My memory for smells is perfect - I have total reek-all.
- Totally (Two-Liners)
- Kid: "Dad, I can count my toes!" Dad: "Toe-tally!"
- Touchy (One-Liners)
- I wanted to learn Braille, but it's a touchy subject.Pun.me
- Tough Sentence (Two-Liners)
- The tongue-twister champion was just arrested. A tough sentence is expected.
- Tourist Trap (Expressions)
- If you are on a vacation, avoid any attraction called "Handcuffs". It's a two-wrist trap.
- Tow (1) (Anatomy)
- What do you do if an elephant steps on your foot? Call a toe truck.
- Tow (2) (Greek Letters)
- When the Greek driver's car broke down, he called a tau truck.
- Tow Them (Two-Liners)
- Fire hydrants are tiny totem poles. People park next to them and the cops totem away.
- Towed (Jokes)
- What happens to illegally parked frogs? They get toad away.
- Track Meet (Expressions)
- A singles bar for running enthusiasts could be called the Track Meet.
A delicatessen for running enthusiasts could be called the Track Meat.
- Tractor (One-Liners)
- People who criticize farm machinery are detractors.
- Trail Mix (Two-Liners)
- I made a playlist featuring musing from The Cranberries, Peanuts, and Eminem. I call it my Trail Mix.
- Trailer [movies] (Two-Liners)
- There's a movie coming out about a mobile home. I just saw the trailer.
- Trained (Jokes)
- Why do railway cars travel in straight lines? That is what they are trained to do.
- Training (One-Liners)
- Do train drivers ever get qualified or are they always in training?
- Transcendental Meditation (Misc)
- Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? He wanted to transcend dental medication.
- Transmission (Cars)
- Do ambulance mechanics wear gloves to prevent the transmission of infections to the engines?
- Transparent (Tom Swifties)
- "How do you like this negligee?" asked Mary transparently.
After they'd had kids, the Invisible Man and Invisible Woman changed their genders. They became trans parents.
- Trans-Parent (Tom Swifties)
- "OK Mom, I'm going to hypnotize you now," said Tom transparently.
- Traveling Light (Expressions)
- When the photon checked in at the hotel, the bellhop asked if he could take his bags. The photon said "No thanks, I'm traveling light."
- Travesty (Book Titles)
- I've Tasted Bad Beverages, But This Is a… : Travis Tea
- Tree (1) (Christmas)
- Would selling out a male Christmas tree seedling be considered tree-son?
- Tree (2) (Plants: Trees)
- Sixteen minus thirteen equals tree.
- Trench (Tom Swifties)
- "This dugout is infested," said Tom trenchantly.
- Trial (One-Liners)
- Do law firms soliciting clients offer a free trial?
- Triceratops (Two-Liners)
- I asked the librarian if there were any authors who wrote dinosaur novels. She said "Try Sarah Topps."
- Trick or Treat (Jokes)
- What do birds say on Halloween? "Trick or tweet!"
What do NRA supporters say for Halloween? "Trigger Treat!"
- Trifle / Try-Fling (Tom Swifties)
- "I know what to do with stale cake," said Tom triflingly. (Or: "I'm testing this boomerang," said Tom triflingly.)
- Trigonometry (Mathematics)
- The study of tree branch angles is twigonometry.
- Triple E (Africa)
- The cattle ranch with a brand like EEE is the Tripoli Ranch.
- Tri-Umph [sound you make] (Tom Swifties)
- "I punched him in the stomach three times," said Tom triumphantly.
- Trix Are for Kids (Book Titles)
- Silly Rabbit: Trixie R. Forkidsl
- Trombone and Oboe (Book Titles)
- Wind Instruments: Tom Bone and O. Bowey
- Trouble Brewing (Expressions)
- When asked to report on unrest among the brewery workers caused by malfunctioning equipment, the manager said "There's trouble brewing."
- Troubleshooting (Two-Liners)
- I went to the shooting range for the first time, but I couldn’t get my gun to fire. I had to read the trouble shooting section in the manual. Fortunately, it had bullet points.
- Trowel (Meteorology)
- The weatherman puttered in his garden, using his trowal to dig out the weeds.
- Truck (Australasia)
- Transporting things on the island of Truk comes naturally.
- Truck You Lent (Tom Swifties)
- "I've brought back the lorry I borrowed," said Tom truculently.
- Trump it (Elephant)
- Never play cards with an elephant. If you lead an ace, he'll want to trumpet.
- Trunks (Cars)
- Why is an elephant like a car? They both have trunks.
- Truth (Anatomy)
- "That's a lie!" "No, it's the tooth!"
The judge told his dentist to pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth.
- Truth or Consequences (Fruits)
- A game show for fruit fans is "Truth or Consequinces".
- Try Me Out (One-Liners)
- If I were to start a cat-lending service, its motto would be "Try Meowt".
- Tsunami (Book Titles: Good)
- The Big Wave: Sue Namic
- Tube Of (Music)
- Comes in handy when cleaning the teeth: a tuba toothpaste.
- Tuesday Weld [actress] (Book Titles: Good)
- Monday Solder: Tuesday Weld
- Tummy Ache (Book Titles)
- Banquet at McDonalds: Tommy AykJG
- Tune A (Meat)
- Yes, you can tuna fish by adjusting the scales.
- Tune This (Africa)
- I don't know how to Tunis piano. I'll get a pro to do it.
- Turban (Africa)
- Sikh men are required by their religion to wear a Durban on their heads.
- Turkey (Asia: Turkey)
- Do people in Istanbul eat Turkey sandwiches?
- Turn (Europe: Italy)
- One goes to Turin to change direction.
- Turn It Down (Expressions)
- When I saw the ad "Radio for sale, for $1, volume stuck on full", I thought "I can't turn down that offer!"
- Turn On You (Expressions)
- Beware of traitorous light switches - they will turn on you.
- Turn Out the Light (Jokes)
- I want to found a company that makes light switches and call it Turnout. I want it to be so successful that Deloitte will buy me out so that I can call it Turnout-Deloitte.
- Turn Pike (Animals)
- The fish going in circles is not a highway, it's a turnpike.
What kind of road makes a good shield during a medieval re-enactment battle? A turnpike.
- Turn Up (Vegetables)
- How do you find a vegetarian? Ask around, one will turnip.
- Turned Into (Two-Liners)
- Matt the Magician did an amazing quick-change trick while driving. He turned into his driveway.
- Turned On (One-Liners)
- When I get naked in the bathroom, only the shower gets turned on.Pun.me
- Turnover (Baked)
- If a pastry factory is efficient, yet has trouble with employee retention, does that mean it has a high turnover rate?
The pastry that sports teams prefer to avoid is the turnover.
- Turns Out (Two-Liners)
- I'm going to try on my reversible jacket. I want to see how it turns out.
I just bought a reversible jacket. I'm excited to see how it turns out.
- Tutankhamun (One-Liners)
- An incoming trumpeter is like a Pharaoh: tootin' comin.
- Tutti-Frutti (Book Titles)
- The Chuck Berry Story: Judy FrudyJG
- Twelve Months [in a year] (One-Liners)
- The thief that stole a calendar got twelve months.
- Twister (Meteorology)
- The party game that you shouldn't play during a tornado outbreak is Twister.
- Two Can (One-Liners)
- My friend tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realized that toucan play at that game.
- Two Left Feet (Elephant)
- Why is it so hard to teach elephants to dance? They have two left feet.
- Two Lips (Plants: Flowers)
- A person trying to seduce a gardener might say "I would like to tiptoe through your tulips."
- Two Son (USA)
- A parent in Arizona with two boys could call them Tucson.
- Two Tents (Tom Swifties)
- "Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I think I'm a wigwam; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends I think I'm a teepee," said Tom too tensely.
- Two Week (One-Liners)
- I used to be a personal trainer, but I quit after giving my too weak notice.
- Two-by-Four [lumber] (Music)
- The quartet of tuba players called themselves "Lumber" because they were a tuba four.
- Type A (Asia: East)
- I met a guy from Taiwan recently. He was really high-strung, definitely a Taipei personality.
- Type O Negative (Jokes)
- What's an editor's blood type? Typo negative.
- Typo [-graphical error] (Misc)
- A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walked into a blood bank. The rabbit said "I think I might be a Type O."
- Tyrannosaurus (Europe: Balkans)
- What kind of dinosaur can you find in Albania? A Tiranasaurus Rex.
What kind of dinosaur can you find in Iran? A Tehrannosaurus Rex.
- Tyr-Ant (Tom Swifties)
- "Why are so many of these Tom Swifties about insects?" asked the tyrant.
- U2 (Two-Liners)
- Bono and The Edge walk into a bar. The barkeep says "Not you two again!"
- Uber [ride-sharing] (Two-Liners)
- Chickens now hire a sheep to ride across the road. They call the service 'ewe'ber.
- UCLA (One-Liners)
- When the smog lifts in Los Angeles, U.C.L.A.
- UFO (One-Liners)
- A fake flying saucer is a U-eh-phony.
- Uke Lid (Mathematics)
- The top of a mathematician's ukelele is the Euclid.
- Uke Rain (Europe: Eastern)
- A downpour of ukeleles could only occur in Ukraine.
- Un Boxing (One-Liners)
- The way Christmas is, with all the unwrapping and opening, we should call it Unboxing Day.
- Un-Account (Tom Swifties)
- "The bank doesn't even want me as a depositor," said Tom unaccountably.
- Un-Assume (Tom Swifties)
- "Let me see if I can prove that," said Tom unassumingly.
- Un-Bear (Tom Swifties)
- "Get Smoky out of here!" said the warden unbearably. (Or is it: "There'll be no strippers in my town," said the sheriff unbareably?)
- Unbeatable (One-Liners)
- You probably shouldn't buy eggs at an "unbeatable price".
- Unchecked (One-Liners)
- What would happen if the Plaid Plague Pandemic were left unchecked?
- Unclear (One-Liners)
- The meaning of opaque is unclear.
- Un-Comfort (Tom Swifties)
- "Alas, I am inconsolable!" said Tom uncomfortably.
- Un-Conditioner (Tom Swifties)
- "Have some shampoo," was Tom's unconditional offer.
- Un-Con-Vince [con=convict] (Tom Swifties)
- "I know you won't take my advice, Mr Van Gogh, but after cutting your ear off, I think you should go to jail," said Tom unconvincingly; "-- or perhaps sign yourself in to a home," he added noncommittally.
- Undefeated (Two-Liners)
- When a boxer was asked about the secret of his 10-0 record, he replied "I make my socks out of underwear. That way I will always be undie-feeted."
- Under Pressure (Tom Swifties)
- "I must put air in my tires," said Tom under pressure.OK
- Under wraps (Mummies)
- Why do mummies make excellent spies? They're good at keeping things under wraps.
- Undercover (Jokes)
- What does a spy do when he gets cold? She goes undercover.
- Under-Hand (Tom Swifties)
- "No, it didn't go up my sleeve," said Tom underhandedly.
- Underwear (One-Liners)
- Lingerie stores sell under-wares.
- Unexpected (Tom Swifties)
- "I am your surprise guest!" said Tom unexpectedly.OK
- Unfairly (Tom Swifties)
- "Carnivals are noisy and useless," griped Tom unfairly.
- Unfolds (Two-Liners)
- Breaking news: A man claims to have learned how to do origami backwards. More on this story as it unfolds.
- Un-Fortune [cookie] (Tom Swifties)
- "My cookie is empty," said Tom unfortunately.
- Un-Grandma (Tom Swifties)
- "No one got's to never go teasin' hisn's momma's momma with a feather," said Tom ungrammatically.
- Un-Herring (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't think I'll have the pickled fish today," said Tom unerringly.
- Union (Vegetables)
- Ssh! It's time for the President's State of the onion speech!
- Universe Tea (Toronto)
- The favourite tea of astronomers who study the cosmos is University.
- Unkind [not really a pun...] (Tom Swifties)
- "You should never use a double negative, but it's okay this time," said Tom not unkindly.
- Un-Person (Tom Swifties)
- "But a totalitarian government could remove all trace of my ever having existed!" said Tom unpersonably.
- Unravel (Music)
- I tried to do some knitting while listening to "Bolero". Unfortunately, it snagged on something and unRaveled.
- Un-Seam (Tom Swifties)
- "Oops, I've ripped my pants!" was Tom's unseemly comment.
- Unspeakable (One-Liners)
- Do psychopathic mimes commit unspeakable crimes?
- Un-Steady [boyfriend] (Tom Swifties)
- "I want to date other women," said Tom unsteadily.
- Un-Waiver (Tom Swifties)
- "No, I won't give you a note saying your excused," said Tom unwaveringly.
- Up [in elevator] (Tom Swifties)
- "Please get in the elevator," said Tom uppishly.
- Up in the Air (Jokes)
- Why are meteorologists always nervous? Their future is always up in the air.
- Up to a Point (Expressions)
- Egyptian pyramid builders were good, but only up to a point.
- Upheld (Tom Swifties)
- "The roof is about to collapse," Tom upheld.
- Up-Roar [of lion] (Tom Swifties)
- "The lion has its head caught in the skylight," said Tom uproariously.
- Us Pray (Birds)
- We of the Church of the Holy Water Raptor, let osprey.
- U-Station (Anatomy)
- The Ear Train comes into the eustachian.
- Utter (One-Liners)
- My first attempt at milking a cow was an udder disaster.
- Waste (Jokes)
- Why are fitness instructors like garbage collectors? They do waist management.