- A Dictionary (One-Liners)
- Heroin, cocaine, morphine, crystal meth and more definitions can be found in your addictionary!
- Da Knees (Book Titles)
- Suntanned Legs: Denise R BrownA
- Da Video Recorder (Book Titles)
- Tape Another Channel: David E. O. RecorderA
- Dada (Jokes)
- What does a baby computer call its father? "Data!"
- Daffodil (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a flower with a pickle? A daffodill.
- Daffy Duck (Book Titles)
- Oddly-Behaving Waterfowl: Daphne Duck
- Daguerreotype (One-Liners)
- Swords and knives could be illustrated in books using dagger-otype.
- Daily Bread (Jokes)
- Deli shops buy bread from a bakery called the Deli Bread.
- Dairy (Europe: Ireland)
- This Irish city has the best milk, cheese and butter: Derry.
- Dalai (One-Liners)
- If the chief Buddhist became a surrealist painter, he could be called Salvador Dali Lama.
- Dalai Lama (Animals)
- When something is running late, it should be reported by a mascot: the Delay Llama.
What is the most famous Buddhist sandwich shop? The Deli Lama.
- Dalek [Dr Who] (Book Titles: Good)
- Charlie and the Chocolate EXTERMINATE!: Roald Dahlek
- Damascus (Asia)
- When an idiot swears, he's in Syria because it's a dumb-ass cuss.
- Damn (Two-Liners)
- I watched a documentary about beavers yesterday. It was the best dam show ever!
- Damn (1) (Jokes)
- What did the fish say when he hit a concrete wall? "Dam!"
- Damn (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm too smart to believe in Jesus Christ," said Tom with damnable cleverness.
- Damning with Faint Praise (Tom Swifties)
- "That hydroelectric facility is so beautiful I think I'll pass out!" said Tom, fainting with dam praise.
- Dan Fourth (Toronto)
- The son of Dan III and grandson of Dan II was called Danforth.
- Dancing (Jokes)
- What's even better than Ted Danson? Ted singing and Danson.
- Dandruff (Book Titles)
- We're All Flakes: Dan DruffJG
- Danzig (Europe: Germany)
- A Cole Porter favourite of geographers is "Danzig in the Dark".
- Dare He (Cheeses)
- Ralph criticized my milk and cheese? How dairy do that!
- Daring (Book Titles: Good)
- Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin RescueJG
- Dark (Tom Swifties)
- "The eclipse is starting," said Tom darkly.
"The lights have gone out," said Tom darkly.
- Darling (Australasia)
- The Australian river of love is the Darling.
- Darn It (Geology)
- If you drop a rock on your foot while in polite company, you should say "Garnet all!"
- Darth Mall (Jokes)
- Where do Sith Lords do their shopping? The Darth Maul.
- Darth Vader (One-Liners)
- Any character on Game of Thrones who runs away from Brienne could be on Star Wars, as a Tarth Evader.
- DA's [District Attorney] Office (Book Titles)
- Perry Mason's Last Case: D. A. ZoffussJG
- Database (Jokes)
- Where do I store all my Dad jokes? In a Dadabase.
- Davis Cup (Book Titles)
- Great Tennis Matches: Davis SkuppJG
- Dawson Said He'd (Canada)
- If Dawson City'd do it then he will; his word is as good as gold.
- Day Care (Ghosts)
- Where do baby ghosts go during the day? Day-Scare Centres.
- Day Off (Two-Liners)
- I can't believe that I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.
- Days Are Numbered (Expressions)
- Every calendar's days are numbered.
- DDT (Book Titles)
- Banned Pesticides: Dee-Dee Tee
- De Deuce (Tom Swifties)
- "It's time to play my wild card," Tom deduced.
- Dead Against (Expressions)
- I installed a high-voltage electric fence around my property. My neighbour is dead against it.Pun.me
- Dead Giveaway[1] (Expressions)
- A funeral home promotion could also be called a dead giveaway.
- Dead Giveaway[2] (Expressions)
- What's the definition of a will? It's a dead giveaway.
- Dead Pan (1) (Tom Swifties)
- "I killed the Greek piper god," Tom deadpanned.
- Dead Pan (2) (One-Liners)
- Any humour coming from an undertaker's kitchen would have to be deadpan.
- Dead Ringer (Undead)
- If Marvel Comics gets desperate for a new character, they can create a zombie superhero who plays hand bells. They could call him Dead Ringer.
- Dead Tired (Undead)
- Zombies don't get exhausted, but they do get dead tired.
- Deadly (Book Titles)
- Poisonous Plants: Dudley NightshadeJG
- Deaf in It (Misc)
- I said to my doctor "I have a problem with one of my ears." He asked "Are you sure?" I replied "Yes, I'm definite."
- Deaf to Lee (Tom Swifties)
- "I won't listen to you, Leonard!" said Tom def-t-Lee.
- Deal (Seasonings)
- I only paid $2 for this handful of herbs. It's a great dill.
- Deal With (Expressions)
- When a person playing cards gets frustrated, does s/he say "I can't deal with this any more!"
- Dealt A (Greek Letters)
- "A Jack, two, six, eight and ten! You Delta lousy poker hand to me!"
- Dear (Animals)
- This stuffed animal is very deer to me.
- Dearly Departed (Plants)
- I'm thinking of opening Harold's Funeral Home for Plants, where you can say goodbye to the dearly depotted.
- De-Bait (Tom Swifties)
- "I wonder if I'd have better luck if I fished with a net," Tom debated.
- Debris (Book Titles: Good)
- What Was Left After the Tornado: Deb Reese
What happened when the cheese factory exploded? De brie flew everywhere.
- Debugger (Book Titles)
- Fixing Computer Programs: Dee BuggerJG
- Deca [10] Dent (Tom Swifties)
- "How many dings you got in your door, there, Tom?" "Ten," Tom replied decadently.
- Decaf [Decaffeinated] (Animals)
- What kind of coffee does a baby cow drink? De-calf.
- Decaffeinated (Animals)
- What do you call a cow that just had its baby? Decalfinated.
- Decay (Book Titles)
- Garlic Gone Bad: D. K. Stinky
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" was written long before the Internet Protocol people assigned '.dk' to Danish websites.
- Deceased (Book Titles)
- The Realm of the Dead: Dee SeizedC
- December (Book Titles)
- The Twelfth Month: Dee SemberJG
- Decide (Book Titles)
- Make Up Your Mind: Dee SideA
- Deciduous? (Tom Swifties)
- "Well, that tree definitely isn't a conifer," Tom decided.
- Deck a Gone! (Mathematics)
- What the Captain said when his boat was bombed: Decagon!
- Deck Lined (?) (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't want a bottle that can exist only in hyperspace," Tom declined.
- Deck the Halls (Christmas)
- A friend recently finished work on a deck. I suggested that at Christmas he could put it on a flatbed truck. Then instead of "Deck the Halls" he could sing "Haul the Decks".
- Declare (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm not going to eat any more of those pastries," Tom de-eclaired.
- Declare [a program's variable] (Tom Swifties)
- "X is an integer," Tom declared.
- Declension (Tom Swifties)
- "I've already given you the nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, and ablative, so I will say no more," Tom declined.
- Decoy (Two-Liners)
- I bought a fake koi fish for my pond. It's a dekoi.
- Decree (One-Liners)
- A First Nations dictatorship would feature rule by deCree.
- De-creed (Tom Swifties)
- "Adherents of my religion don't all have to believe the same thing," Tom decreed.
- Dee (Europe: United Kingdom)
- The Dee River in Scotland is letter-perfect.
- Deep and Crisp and Even (Book Titles)
- Good King Wenceslas: Deepan Crispin Even
What is King Wenceslas' favourite pizza? One that is deep-pan, crisp and even.
- Deeply Touched (Expressions)
- The doctor told me that my prostate was OK. I was deeply touched.
- Defeat (Misc)
- Marathon runners with bad footwear suffer the agony of defeat.
- De-feet (1) (Tom Swifties)
- "Now I'll NEVER dance," said Tom defeatedly.
- De-feet (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "They had to amputate them both at the ankles," Tom said defeatedly.
- Defence (Tom Swifties)
- "I have to attend my PhD oral examination," said Tom defensively.
- De-fence (Tom Swifties)
- "Sure, I'll get rid of those jewels for you," said Tom defensively.
- Defense [de fumer] (Tom Swifties)
- "I refuse to obey that French 'No Smoking' sign," fumed Tom defensively.
- Defensive (Tom Swifties)
- "But I thought forts were a good idea," whined Tom defensively.
- Defibrillator (One-Liners)
- Can a chronic liar be cured with a defibrillator?
- De-fur (Tom Swifties)
- "Okay, you can have the gloves without lining," Tom deferred.
- De-Grade (Tom Swifties)
- "You are going to fail my class," said the teacher degradingly.
- Degree (Tom Swifties)
- "I have a B.A. in social work," said Tom with a degree of concern.
- Dehydrated (Jokes)
- When does Dr. Jekyll get thirsty? When he's de-Hyde-rated.
- Déjà Vu (One-Liners)
- Rewatching the movie Halloween gives me a feeling of déjà boo.
- Delegate (Cannibals)
- If a cannibal were to attend a political convention, would it be as a del-leg-ate?
- De-Lewd (Tom Swifties)
- "The censors took all the dirty bits out of my show," said Tom deludedly.
- Deli (India)
- This city might be a good place to find cheese and cold cuts: Delhi.
- De-Liberate (Tom Swifties)
- "I think all those feminists should be forced to work as housewives," said Tom deliberately.
- Deli-Cut (Tom Swifties)
- "People who sell fancy foods should be careful with knives," said Tom delicately.
- De-Light (Tom Swifties)
- "Oh, goody! Another blackout!" said Tom delightedly.
- De-Lighted (One-Liners)
- I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but I was delighted.Pun.me
- De-Liver (Tom Swifties)
- "Welcome to the Annual Meatcutter's Convention!" delivered Tom.
- Delivery (One-Liners)
- Dr Smith, the obstetrician, became known as "Pizza Gal" because of her speedy deliveries.
- Dell Aware (USA)
- "Mr. Dell does not know of that either." "Is Delaware of anything anymore?"
- Demon-Straight [jacket] (Tom Swifties)
- "This is how to put an imp in a restraining jacket," Tom demonstrated.
- Demonstration (One-Liners)
- When attempting to sell new Products for Torment in Hell, one always needs to provide a demon-stration.
- Demonstrative (Tom Swifties)
- "This, that, these, those, and such," said Tom demonstratively.
- De-Myrrh (Tom Swifties)
- "Wouldn't just gold and frankincense do?" the Magi demurred.
- De-Nile (Tom Swifties)
- "I CAN'T be drowning in African waters!" pleaded Tom, deep in denial.
- Dent Your (Dentist)
- Don't let anyone throw false teeth at your vehicle. They might denture car.
- Dentistry (Book Titles)
- Maple Molars: Dennis Tree
- De-phi (Tom Swifties)
- "I still think we should differentiate the magnetic flux," said Tom defiantly.
- Deported (One-Liners)
- When a ship gets kicked out of a country, it is de-ported.
- Depress (Tom Swifties)
- "I have to insert this wooden spatula in your mouth," said Tom depressingly.
- Depressed (One-Liners)
- Old tailors don't get wrinkly, they get de-pressed.
- De-Rice (Tom Swifties)
- "No pilaf for me, please," said Tom derisively. (Or: "Get off my lap," said Gary Hart derisively.)
- De-Ride (Tom Swifties)
- "Get off the horse," Tom derided Mary.
- Derriere (One-Liners)
- Cow farts come from the dairy air.
- Descent (Mathematics)
- Who is ready for a dix-cent into the madness of French number puns?
- De-Scribe (Tom Swifties)
- "This is how he murdered the mystery writer," Tom described.
- De-Script (Tom Swifties)
- "Let me improvise this part," said Tom descriptively.
- De-Seat (Tom Swifties)
- "Let's play musical chairs," said Tom deceitfully.
- De-See (Tom Swifties)
- "What's wrong with a few tea leaves?" asked Tom deceivingly.
- De-septive (Tom Swifties)
- "Let me clean out this poison tank," said Tom deceptively.
- Desert (Baked)
- "My cake ran away!" "Funny, why would it want to dessert you?"
- Deserter (Prepared)
- What do you call a person who can't stick to a diet? A desserter.
- Despairingly (Tom Swifties)
- "I've only got two of a kind," said Tom despairingly.
- De-Spare (1) (Tom Swifties)
- "I haven't put air in my fifth tire," said Tom despairingly.
- De-Spare (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "I will never get the hang of bowling!" wailed Tom despairingly.
- Desperados (One-Liners)
- Were bandits during the Great Depression called despairados?
- Despicable (Astronomy)
- The astronomer wasn't just loathesome, he was de-Spica-ble.
- Dessert (Physical)
- The evil Geography department head was overthrown and exiled to the Sahara. It was considered his just Desert.
- Details Are Sketchy (Expressions)
- A cartoonist was found dead in his home. Details are sketchy.
- Deter Gent (Book Titles: Good)
- Clean Clothes Repel Men: Dieter Gents
- Detergents (One-Liners)
- I hear it's easy to convince ladies to not eat Tide pods, but it's hard to deter gents.
- Determine (Tom Swifties)
- "It's best to find a new word for this," Tom determined.
- Deux Ex Machina (Expressions)
- I banished all of the fighting Transformers when I played a card from my pocket. It was a deuce ex machina.
- Developed (Misc)
- He had a photographic memory that was never developed.
- Devil (Jokes)
- What kind of eggs do evil chickens lay? Deviled eggs.
- De-Vote (Tom Swifties)
- "I saw that man remove my ballot from the box," said Tom devotedly.
- Dialect (Tom Swifties)
- "British English, of course," Di elected to say.
- Diamonds (Baseball)
- Marilyn Monroe on baseball: "Diamonds are a girl's best friend."
- Diapers (Book Titles)
- Baby Mess-Trappers: Di PerrsA
- Dicing with Death (Expressions)
- The Grim Reaper came for me last night, and I beat him off with a vacuum cleaner. Talk about Dyson with death.
- Dictate (Tom Swifties)
- "My word is final!" Tom dictated to his secretary.
- Dictator (Book Titles: Good)
- Tyrant of the Potatoes: Dick Tater
- Dictionary (Book Titles)
- Webster's Words: Dick Shunnary3
- Did a Number on It (Expressions)
- The math professor went crazy with the blackboard. He did a number on it.
- Die (Misc)
- When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she'd dye.
- Die a Log (Jokes)
- A lumberjack went into a magic forest to cut a tree. Upon arrival, he started to swing at the tree, when it shouted "Wait! I'm a talking tree!" The lumberjack grinned and replied "And you will dialogue."
- Die Fledermaus (Music)
- The struggle over unplugging an inflatable Christmas mouse display could be turned into a comic opera called Deflator Mouse.
- Die Late (Two-Liners)
- Did you know that the pupils are the last thing to stop moving when you cease living? Yes, they dilate.
- Die Laughing (Expressions)
- When you put an S in front of laughter, you get slaughter. No wonder people die laughing.
- Died (Two-Liners)
- Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food colouring. The doctor says I'm OK, but I feel like I've dyed a little inside.
- Dill Emma (One-Liners)
- If Emma found herself in a pickle, would that be a form of dilemma for her?
- Di-Luted (Music)
- Why don't lute players ever perform in pairs? The sound would become diluted.
- Dim Sum (One-Liners)
- Addition in a dark Chinese restaurant is "dim sum".
- Dine (Physics)
- "Would you like to have dinner with us?" "Yes, I'd be happy to dyne with you."
- Diner (Money)
- A person eating at a restaurant is called a dinar.
- Diploma (Tom Swifties)
- "Of course you graduated," said Tom diplomatically.
- Diplomatic Immunity (Jokes)
- Why do ambassadors never get sick? Diplomatic immunity.
- Direction (Physics)
- The movie Speed (1994) incorrectly credits Jan de Bonts as director. If Speed had had any direction, it would have been called Velocity.
- Dirty (Two-Liners)
- Some people stole my soap. The dirty bastards.
- Dis-Appoint (Tom Swifties)
- "I was removed from office," said Tom disappointedly.
- Dis-Arm (Tom Swifties)
- "All I want is 20,000 machine guns," said the dictator disarmingly.
- Dis-Array (Tom Swifties)
- "DIS[1], DIS[2], ... DIS[n] (n > 2)," Tom said in total disarray.
- Disaster (1) (Misc)
- Did you hear about the woman who backed into an airplane propeller? Disaster!G
- Disaster (2) (Plants: Flowers)
- After someone talked trash about my flower garden, he caused a 10-car crash. It was a diss-aster.
- Disbarred (Jokes)
- What happened to the lawyer who was thrown out of a saloon? He was disbarred.
- Disc-Closed (Tom Swifties)
- "There are no more I/O operations to do today," Tom disclosed. (Or: "This slipped object is hard to find," the surgeon disclosed.)
- Dis-Concert (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll not have you punk rockers making music in MY auditorium," said Tom disconcertingly.
- Disconcerting (One-Liners)
- Being ejected from an orchestral performance is neither unsettling nor disturbing, it's disconcerting.
- Dis-Console (Tom Swifties)
- "Someone stole my computer terminal," said Tom disconsolately.
- Dis-Consulate (Tom Swifties)
- "Let me out of this embassy," said Tom disconsolately.
- Dis-Cord (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm a frayed knot," said Tom discordantly.
- Dis-Cover (Tom Swifties)
- "And dat bay is not green," Tom discovered.
- Discuss (Track and Field)
- Track and field atheletes are chatterboxes, always willing to discus anything.
- Dis-Cussed (Tom Swifties)
- "Dat is not duh @#$%*! way to do it," Tom discussed.
- Disgruntled (Redefinitions)
- The mood of a pig that has lost its voice.
- Dis-Gust (Tom Swifties)
- "Boy, that sure took the wind out of my sails!" said Tom disgustedly.
- Dis-Joint (Tom Swifties)
- "I have to wear this cast for another six weeks," said Tom disjointedly.
- Dis-May (Tom Swifties)
- "Oh no, it'll soon be June," Tom said in dismay.
- Dis-Miss (Tom Swifties)
- "That's the woman!" Tom said dismissively.
- Dis-Organ (Tom Swifties)
- "I just got a sex change," said Tom, feeling rather disorganized.
- Dis-Orient (Tom Swifties)
- "I just got kicked out of China!" said Tom, rather disoriented.
- Dis-Quiet (Tom Swifties)
- "Turn the record player down," said Tom disquietingly.
- Diss Crete (Europe: Balkans)
- "Crete is boring" + "Crete is ugly" = 2, at least in discrete mathematics.
- Dis-Stain (Tom Swifties)
- "Out, out, damned spot!" said Lady Macbeth distainfully. "Look what you did to the rug, you naughty dog!"
- Dis-Stress (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm tearing my hair out over this problem," said Tom distressingly.
- Distinctive (One-Liners)
- Don't talk smack to a skunk because it has a diss-stinktive aroma.
- Dis-Tract (Tom Swifties)
- "Quick! Hide all the religious pamphlets!" said Tom distractingly.
- Disturbing the Peace (Vegetables)
- I was arrested at the supermarket and charged with harassing the vegetables. I got it knocked down to disturbing the peas.
- Diverse (One-Liners)
- People who leap into water head first are a divers bunch.
- Dive-vulge (Tom Swifties)
- "I need a Latin Bible suitable for reading under water," Tom divulged.
- Dixie (Book Titles)
- I'm Not Just Whistling: Dick See
- Dizzy Spell (Jokes)
- What happens when you spin around while playing Scrabble? You get dizzy spells.
- Do (Meteorology)
- I hate water condensation problems! I never know what to dew.
- Do Anything for a Buck (Expressions)
- My friend found a deer stuck in a fence. It took him 3 hours, but he was able to rescue it. He’ll do anything for a buck.
- Do Buy (Middle East)
- "Should I get a new atlas?" "Oh yes, Dubai one. Yours is 20 years old!"
- Do It Yourself (One-Liners)
- When the scientist wanted to clone a deer, he bought a doe it yourself kit.
- Do it Yourself (One-Liners)
- I could not find a singing partner so I bought a duet-yourself kit.
- Do with My Eyes Closed (Expressions)
- Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I can do it with my eyes closed.Pun.me
- Do You Wanna (North America)
- Mexican bums say "Tijuana give me some money?"
- DOA (Book Titles)
- Didn't Make it to the Hospital: D. O. Way
- Doc(tor) (Jokes)
- Where do you take your boat when it gets sick? The boat dock.
- Docked (Jokes)
- If you make the wrong decision bringing your ship into port, your salary will be docked.
- Dodge City (USA)
- It's very hard to hit people in Dodge City.
- Dogged (1) (Tom Swifties)
- "I've got to reach Kenilworth tonight," said Tom, trotting doggedly onward.
- Dogged (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "Well I'll be an S.O.B.!" said Tom doggedly.
- Dogmatic (Tom Swifties)
- "Female canines often scratch the parasites on the coats of their young," said Tom dogmatically.
- Dole (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm on welfare," said Tom dolefully.
- Dolphins (Football)
- Sailors watch this team while at sea to bring luck: Dolphins.
- Don (Canada)
- The Don river is the place to be at sunrise.
- Don Lands (Toronto)
- I have a cat named Don. Donlands on his feet when he falls.
- Don Mills (Toronto)
- Tom mills barley, but Don Mills wheat.
- Done Das (Toronto)
- "Ask Mr. Das if he's finished yet." "Are you Dundas?"
- Done Dee (Europe: United Kingdom)
- "Ask Dee if she's finished." "Are you Dundee?"
- Done Eating (Australasia)
- After finishing a meal, a geographer says "I'm Dunedin."
- Donnybrook (Book Titles)
- Fistfights: Donny BrookeJG
- Don't Cry for Me, Argentina [Song] (Book Titles: Good)
- Don't Cry for Me: Marge and Tina
- Don't Know Why (One-Liners)
- I'm super-friendly with 25 letters of the alphabet, but I don't know why.
- Don't Move (Expressions)
- An armed man ran into a realtor's office and yelled "Don't move!"
- Don't Sweat the Petty Things (Expressions)
- Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.
- Don't Yell (Book Titles)
- Shhh!: Danielle SoloudJG
- Doobie (Tom Swifties)
- "I wonder what syllables I should sing these sixteenth notes to," said Ward Swingle dubiously.
- Door (Cars)
- You unlocked the car for me! You're a-door-able!
- Door Is Always Open (Expressions)
- My spouse wanted to talk to me about our high heating bills. I said "My door is always open."
- Door is Open (Book Titles: Good)
- Come on in!: Doris Open
- Dora the Explorer [kids' TV show] (One-Liners)
- A kids' TV show about a magical hat that goes on educational journeys could be called "Fedora the Explorer". Its catchphrase could be "You can stay here, I'll go on ahead."
- Do-Si-Do [a square dance step] (One-Liners)
- Getting Covid vaccines out to people is a dose-se-do.
- Double You (Book Titles)
- The Cloning Service: W. Today
- Double-07 [James Bond's ID] (Jokes)
- What do you call James Bond taking a bath? Bubble 07.
- Double-Tap (One-Liners)
- Assassin dancers prefer to double-tap.
- Doubling (Europe: ireland)
- The Irish economy should always be in good shape, since its capital is always Dublin.
- Doubting [Thomas] (Tom Swifties)
- "I won't believe that you're the resurrected Jesus until I've felt the nail-holes in your wrists," said Tom doubtingly.
- Down (1) (Jokes)
- What grows up while growing down? A goose.
- Down (2) (Names)
- When she stepped on the riverboat's scales, a smart-alec sang "Weigh Dawn upon the Swannee River..."
- Down Cast (Tom Swifties)
- "I tried to set my broken orbital bones with feathers, but failed," said Tom with downcast eyes.
"That was a sad one-man Broadway show," said Tom, downcast.OK
- Down in the Mouth (Dentist)
- Why does a dentist seem moody? Because he always looks down in the mouth.
- Down to Earth (Expressions)
- I met some aliens from outer space. They were pretty down to earth.
- Down-Cast (Tom Swifties)
- "I dropped my brace over the balcony," said Tom downcastly.
- Dracula (One-Liners)
- If a railway engineer were to become a vampire, would he be called Count Trackula?
- Drag-ster (One-Liners)
- Is a cross-dressing race car driver a dragster?
- Drain (Names)
- The sink is clogged! Quick, call Dwayne the plumber!
- Drain Pipe (Book Titles: Good)
- Plumb Good: Dwayne PipeJG
- Drained Right Out (Book Titles: Good)
- Where's the Water?: Dwayne Dwight Out
- Dramatic (Tom Swifties)
- "All actors must die!" proclaimed Tom dramatically.
- Draw (One-Liners)
- A reality TV contest between two cartoonists ended in a draw.
Despite the cartoonist's claim of being retired, she was able to draw a crowd wherever she went.
- Draw Blood (Jokes)
- Why do nurses like red crayons? Sometimes they have to draw blood.
- Drawer (One-Liners)
- Bureaus and dressers are for artists because they're full of drawers.
Do artists who sketch store their supplies in drawers?
- Drawers (Animals)
- Lions put their clothes in dresser droars.
- Drawn (Jokes)
- Why were horse-drawn vehicles so ugly? Because horses can't draw. They can't even hold pens.
- Drawn Out (One-Liners)
- Cartoonists' feuds can be really long and drawn-out.
- Dream Job (One-Liners)
- To be a mattress tester is my dream job.
- Dressing (Fruits)
- Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.
- Drew (Names)
- Before he died, Drew was a good artist.
- Drew Blood (Book Titles)
- En Garde!: Drew BloodJG
- Dribble (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm pretty good at basketball," said Tom, dribbling.
- Dries (Jokes)
- What gets wet the more it dries? A towel.
- Drill (Jokes)
- What rank does a dentist in the army hold? A drill sergeant.
- Drill Team (Dentist)
- Dentists in a shared-practice office called themselves "The Drill Team".
- Drink Your Milk (Misc)
- How would a Jewish boy react to being told to "Drink yarmulke"?
- Drive (Cars)
- A golfer who can't drive can't get to the golf course, let alone play the game well.
- Drive [golf] (Golf)
- Do golf club restaurants have drive-through windows?
- Drive-In Theatre (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a movie with a swimming pool? A dive-in theater.
- Driver (Golf Club) (Golf)
- When a bunch of golfers go out on the town, do they have a designated driver?
- Driving (One-Liners)
- Are Uber and Lyft driving taxis out of business?
- Driving Me Nuts (Expressions)
- A pirate walked into a bar with a car's steering wheel between his legs. The bartender says, "Sir, why is there a steering wheel between your legs?" The pirate replied "I know. It's driving me nuts!"
- Dromedary (Animals)
- A camel that takes the smallest slight and blows it up into a Big Hairy Deal is a drama-dary.
Camels in a certain part of Ireland are drome-Derrys.
- Drone [male bee] (Tom Swifties)
- "All I ever do is work," Tom droned.
- Drop a Line [communicate] (Expressions)
- The best way to communicate with fish is to drop them a line.
- Drop Out (One-Liners)
- Do skydiving schools have a lot of dropouts during the Fall semester?
- Dropped the Ball (Expressions)
- If the New Years Eve guys in New York foul up during the show, we could say that they dropped the ball.
- Drum (Music)
- Advertising the concert is a good way to drum up business.
- Drunk On (One-Liners)
- "Did you know that you can get as drunk on water as you can on land?" - W.C. Fields
- Dry (Tom Swifties)
- "There's too much vermouth in my martini," said Tom dryly.
- Dry [non-alcoholic] (Tom Swifties)
- "I never go into saloons," said Tom dryly. "I've seen too many of my friends enter them optimistically and leave them mistyoptically."
- Dry Den (Canada)
- All other things being equal, a bear prefers a Dryden to a wet den.
- Dry Run (Two-Liners)
- To practice for the marathon, I jogged in the desert. It was a dry run.
- Dryly (Tom Swifties)
- "Barman, three German beers," said Hans dryly.
- Dryly (1) (Tom Swifties)
- "I like deserts," said Tom dryly.
- Dubiously (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm really not sure about this legalized marijuana thing," said Tom doobieously.
- Duck (Tom Swifties)
- "Look out for that bird!" cried Tom, ducking.
- Duff Fur In (Toronto)
- "Where should I put the fur of these duffs?" "Put the Dufferin the box so that nobody will steal it."
- Dug (Names)
- This man worked all his life in the mines: Doug.
- Dug Graves (Book Titles: Good)
- Life Six Feet Under: Doug GravesJG
- Dullar (Money)
- "Are his financial senses getting sharper?" "No, they're getting dollar."
- Dumb-Founded (Tom Swifties)
- "Why would anyone want to start an Institute for the Mute?" asked Tom dumbfoundedly.
- Dumbledore (Jokes)
- How do you find the gym at Hogwarts? You look for the dumbbell door.
- Dummies (Jokes)
- Which book did the ventriloquist read to train himself? Ventriloquism for Dummies.
- Dunkin' (Canada)
- The act of dipping a doughnut into one's coffee is defined by geographers as Duncan.
- Dunkin Doughnuts (Book Titles)
- I Like Coffee: Duncan Doughnuts
- Duplicate (One-Liners)
- Kate named her clone Dupli Kate.
- Dust and Cook (Book Titles: Good)
- Housework: Dustin Cookn
- Dusty Roads (Book Titles: Good)
- Highway Travel: Dusty Rhodes
- Duty (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll pay off that customs official," said Tom dutifully.
- Dye 'Em (One-Liners)
- When we want to change the colour of coins, do we dime?
- Dying (Jokes)
- Why are there fences around cemeteries? Because people are dying to get in.
- Dyne (Tom Swifties)
- "Why use SI units? The old c.g.s. units are my friends," said Tom dynamically.
- The Descent of Man (One-Liners)
- If Darwin had written a book about the evolution of deodorant, would it have been called "The De-Scent of Man"?