Pun Dictionary: K Entries

Kam Loops (Canada)
Canned ham cut in rings: Kamloops.
Kamikaze (One-Liners)
If a comedian's show goes down in flames, does it get called comic-kaze?
Kangaroo (Money)
Would a joint Indo-Australian currency be called the KangaRupee?
Kaopectate (Book Titles)
After The Corned Beef And Cabbage: Kay O'PectateJG
Kareoke (Book Titles)
Singing Solo: Carrie O'KeeB
Katydid (Book Titles)
Chirpin' and Jumpin': Katie DiddJG
Keel (1) (Europe: Germany)
The Kiel keeps a sailing ship from tipping over.
Keel (2) (Toronto)
A sailboat has a Keele to keep it from tipping over.
Keep My Own Hours (Expressions)
I like being a clockmaker. I can keep my own hours.
Keep off the Grass (Expressions)
A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab centre says "Keep off the Grass".
Keep Track (Expressions)
"You are a terrible train driver! How many trains have you derailed this year?" "I don't know, it's hard to keep track!"
Keeper (Two-Liners)
I met my boyfriend while visiting the zoo. There he was, in his uniform...straightaway, I knew he was a keeper.
Kempt (Halifax)
After coming in from the windy outdoors, her hair was messy, out of place and un-Kempt.
Ken Doll (Book Titles: Good)
Barbie's Companion: Kendall Husband
Ken Says (USA)
"What is Ken's opinion?" "Kansas it's fine by him."
Kennebunkport (Book Titles)
Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny BunkportJG
Kepler (Astronomy)
An astronomer who kepples: Kepler.
Kermit the Frog (Jokes)
Which Muppet was the Whiskey King? Kermit Laphroaig.
Kernel of Corn (Book Titles)
Military Fast: Colonel O'Cornl
Kernel of truth (Book Titles)
Pentagon Press Release: Colonel O'Truth and Lotta Liesl
Key (Music)
He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key.
Kick (One-Liners)
Daredevils smack a horse's rump not for the thrill, but for kicks.
Kid (Tom Swifties)
"I want to hear my baby bleat," Mary kidded.
Kid Knee (Anatomy)
What's that joint in a child's leg? A kidney.
Kid Napping (One-Liners)
There was a kidnapping at school, but don't worry, she woke up.
Kill Kenny (Europe: Ireland)
"Somebody shot at Ken? Who would want to Kilkenny?"
Killed (One-Liners)
Old bedspread makers never die, but they can be quilt.
Killed Her (Money)
The news of the stock market crash so shocked the woman that it guilder.
Kill-o-Gram (Measures)
Based on the tradition of the singing telegram, the Mafia hit squad has introduced the kilogram.
Kilt (One-Liners)
When Scots undress, they also become unbalanced because they're off-kilter.
Kimono (Book Titles)
Yoko's Robe: Kim OnoJG
Kinder [German for children] (One-Liners)
No matter how kind you are, German kids are Kinder.
King Key (Tom Swifties)
"This will get me into the royal bedroom," said Tom kinkily.
Kipling (Toronto)
Best-selling old postcard: "Do you like Kipling? I don't know, you naughty boy. I've never Kippled!"
Kiss and Make Up (Two-Liners)
Did you hear about the beauty salon that offers marriage counseling? It's called the Kiss and Make-Up.
Kit (Jokes)
How do you assemble a fox? Well, you start with a kit…
Kit and Caboodle (Book Titles)
A Whole Lot of Cats: Kitt N. Caboodle
Kitchen-er (Canada)
A professional cook could be called a Kitchener.
Knee On (Chemistry: Elements)
When kneeling to be knighted, a chemist must put one neon the floor.
Kneel Before Me (Expressions)
I am Buzz Aldrin. Second man to step on the moon. Neil before me.
Kneel Down (Book Titles: Good)
Ready for Knighthood: Neil DowneJG
Kneel Son (Toronto)
"Are you going to knight me now, Dad?" "Nielson, so that I may dub thee Sir Roderick."
Knew It (Tom Swifties)
"I newt!" said the salamander.
Knicker Elastic (Book Titles)
It's a Holdup!: Nick R. Elastic
Knickers (Christmas)
Is Santa Claus' brand of underwear called St. Knickers?
Knitting (Tom Swifties)
"I've run out of wool," said Tom, knitting his brow.
Knocks Ville (USA)
There are no doorbells in Knoxville.
Knotsies (Jokes)
How did Hitler tie his laces? In little Nazis.
Knotting Ham (Europe: United Kingdom)
Are macramé pigs made in Nottingham?
Know Him (USA)
As Bob's wife of 20 years, I think I Nome very well.
Knowed (Astronomy)
Incorrect past tense of "to know": Node.
Knows (Anatomy)
"Nobody nose the troubles I've seen..."
Kootchie (Jokes)
How do you tickle a rich girl? Say "Gucci Gucci Gucci!"
Kotter (Middle East)
A popular TV sitcom featuring the "sweathogs" was "Welcome Back Qatar."
Kraft (Tom Swifties)
"Have some cheese," said Tom craftily.
Krewel (Tom Swifties)
"Now THAT's sloppy embroidery," Tom needled cruelly.
Kuala (Animals)
The capital of Malaysia is Koala Lumpur.
Kung Fu (Meat)
The Pork Chop, Mutton Masher and Corn Pop are a few moves from the martial art "Kung Food".

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