- Kam Loops (Canada)
- Canned ham cut in rings: Kamloops.
- Kamikaze (One-Liners)
- If a comedian's show goes down in flames, does it get called comic-kaze?
- Kangaroo (Money)
- Would a joint Indo-Australian currency be called the KangaRupee?
- Kaopectate (Book Titles)
- After The Corned Beef And Cabbage: Kay O'PectateJG
- Kareoke (Book Titles)
- Singing Solo: Carrie O'KeeB
- Katydid (Book Titles)
- Chirpin' and Jumpin': Katie DiddJG
- Keel (1) (Europe: Germany)
- The Kiel keeps a sailing ship from tipping over.
- Keel (2) (Toronto)
- A sailboat has a Keele to keep it from tipping over.
- Keep My Own Hours (Expressions)
- I like being a clockmaker. I can keep my own hours.
- Keep off the Grass (Expressions)
- A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab centre says "Keep off the Grass".
- Keep Track (Expressions)
- "You are a terrible train driver! How many trains have you derailed this year?" "I don't know, it's hard to keep track!"
- Keeper (Two-Liners)
- I met my boyfriend while visiting the zoo. There he was, in his uniform...straightaway, I knew he was a keeper.
- Kempt (Halifax)
- After coming in from the windy outdoors, her hair was messy, out of place and un-Kempt.
- Ken Doll (Book Titles: Good)
- Barbie's Companion: Kendall Husband
- Ken Says (USA)
- "What is Ken's opinion?" "Kansas it's fine by him."
- Kennebunkport (Book Titles)
- Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny BunkportJG
- Kepler (Astronomy)
- An astronomer who kepples: Kepler.
- Kermit the Frog (Jokes)
- Which Muppet was the Whiskey King? Kermit Laphroaig.
- Kernel of Corn (Book Titles)
- Military Fast: Colonel O'Cornl
- Kernel of truth (Book Titles)
- Pentagon Press Release: Colonel O'Truth and Lotta Liesl
- Key (Music)
- He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key.
- Kick (One-Liners)
- Daredevils smack a horse's rump not for the thrill, but for kicks.
- Kid (Tom Swifties)
- "I want to hear my baby bleat," Mary kidded.
- Kid Knee (Anatomy)
- What's that joint in a child's leg? A kidney.
- Kid Napping (One-Liners)
- There was a kidnapping at school, but don't worry, she woke up.
- Kill Kenny (Europe: Ireland)
- "Somebody shot at Ken? Who would want to Kilkenny?"
- Killed (One-Liners)
- Old bedspread makers never die, but they can be quilt.
- Killed Her (Money)
- The news of the stock market crash so shocked the woman that it guilder.
- Kill-o-Gram (Measures)
- Based on the tradition of the singing telegram, the Mafia hit squad has introduced the kilogram.
- Kilt (One-Liners)
- When Scots undress, they also become unbalanced because they're off-kilter.
- Kimono (Book Titles)
- Yoko's Robe: Kim OnoJG
- Kinder [German for children] (One-Liners)
- No matter how kind you are, German kids are Kinder.
- King Key (Tom Swifties)
- "This will get me into the royal bedroom," said Tom kinkily.
- Kipling (Toronto)
- Best-selling old postcard: "Do you like Kipling? I don't know, you naughty boy. I've never Kippled!"
- Kiss and Make Up (Two-Liners)
- Did you hear about the beauty salon that offers marriage counseling? It's called the Kiss and Make-Up.
- Kit (Jokes)
- How do you assemble a fox? Well, you start with a kit…
- Kit and Caboodle (Book Titles)
- A Whole Lot of Cats: Kitt N. Caboodle
- Kitchen-er (Canada)
- A professional cook could be called a Kitchener.
- Knee On (Chemistry: Elements)
- When kneeling to be knighted, a chemist must put one neon the floor.
- Kneel Before Me (Expressions)
- I am Buzz Aldrin. Second man to step on the moon. Neil before me.
- Kneel Down (Book Titles: Good)
- Ready for Knighthood: Neil DowneJG
- Kneel Son (Toronto)
- "Are you going to knight me now, Dad?" "Nielson, so that I may dub thee Sir Roderick."
- Knew It (Tom Swifties)
- "I newt!" said the salamander.
- Knicker Elastic (Book Titles)
- It's a Holdup!: Nick R. Elastic
- Knickers (Christmas)
- Is Santa Claus' brand of underwear called St. Knickers?
- Knitting (Tom Swifties)
- "I've run out of wool," said Tom, knitting his brow.
- Knocks Ville (USA)
- There are no doorbells in Knoxville.
- Knotsies (Jokes)
- How did Hitler tie his laces? In little Nazis.
- Knotting Ham (Europe: United Kingdom)
- Are macramé pigs made in Nottingham?
- Know Him (USA)
- As Bob's wife of 20 years, I think I Nome very well.
- Knowed (Astronomy)
- Incorrect past tense of "to know": Node.
- Knows (Anatomy)
- "Nobody nose the troubles I've seen..."
- Kootchie (Jokes)
- How do you tickle a rich girl? Say "Gucci Gucci Gucci!"
- Kotter (Middle East)
- A popular TV sitcom featuring the "sweathogs" was "Welcome Back Qatar."
- Kraft (Tom Swifties)
- "Have some cheese," said Tom craftily.
- Krewel (Tom Swifties)
- "Now THAT's sloppy embroidery," Tom needled cruelly.
- Kuala (Animals)
- The capital of Malaysia is Koala Lumpur.
- Kung Fu (Meat)
- The Pork Chop, Mutton Masher and Corn Pop are a few moves from the martial art "Kung Food".