- L Is (Toronto)
- Ellis the twelfth letter of the alphabet.
- La Bra Door (Canada)
- In order to get into Victoria's Secret, one must walk through Labrador.
- La Goon (Physical)
- Pseudo-French for "the thug" is Lagoon.
- Laboratory (Chemistry)
- A Chemistry teacher gave a very skillful and inspiring lecture in class. It was a lab oratory!
- Laced (Two-Liners)
- I bought some shoes off a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.
- Lack a Daisy (Tom Swifties)
- "I have no more flowers," said Tom lackadaisically.
- Lack a Daisy [2001 A Space Odyssey] (Tom Swifties)
- "I've forgotten that song Dr. Chandra taught me," said HAL lackadaisically.
- Lack Conic (Tom Swifties)
- "No ellipses, no parabolas, and no hyperbolas," said Tom laconically.
- Lack Toes (Jokes)
- Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose.
- Lactose Intolerant (One-Liners)
- I have to eat breakfast with toast because I'm lack-toast intolerant.Pun.me
It offends me that lilacs have no feet because I am lilac-toes intolerant.
- Lady Chatterly (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm having an affair with my gamekeeper," said the lady chattily.
- Laid (One-Liners)
- How do hens lose their jobs? They get laid off.
- Lam (Meat)
- "Sam the Sheep broke out of the Pen last week." "Yep, he's on the lamb now."
- Lamb The (Greek Letters)
- Give da lambda oats and it will grow up to become a sheep.
- Lambada (Animals)
- What's a sheep's favourite Latin dance? The Lambada.
- Lame (Tom Swifties)
- "I think I've lost my leg, sir," reported Uxbridge lamely. "By God, so you have!" replied Wellington generally.
- Lance Boil (Book Titles)
- Here's Pus In Your Eye: Lance BoyleJG
- Lancelot (Names)
- Lance is an uncommon name these days, but in medieval times people were named Lance a lot!
- Land (Anatomy)
- Before operating, an endocrinologist might say "Gland ho!"
- Landslide (Geology)
- A soils scientist was elected president of the Geological Society. Apparently, she won by a landslide.
What do you call a flock of sheep tumbling down a hill? A lambslide.
- Language (Computers)
- "@#*&^!!?{! programs!" "You watch your language!"
- Lariat (Book Titles)
- Not a Lasso!: Larry Ett
- Lasagne (Book Titles)
- Italian Delicacies: Liz OnyaJG
- Lass Study (Tom Swifties)
- "I've made a study of girls," said Tom lassitudinously.
- Last Legs (Expressions)
- When your shoes are falling apart, does it mean they're on their last legs?
- Last of Mohicans (Book Titles)
- James Fenimore Cooper: Lester Moe Hickenss
- Last Thing I Need (Expressions)
- A man tried to sell me a coffin today. I said "That's the last thing I need!"
- Last, But Not Least (Expressions)
- Someone bought the only car left at the dealership. It was last, but not leased.
- Lauding 'em (One-Liners)
- Some people say my puns are sleep-inducing, but I keep laudanum anyways.
- Laughing his Head Off (Undead)
- What goes "Ha, ha, ha, plop"? A zombie laughing his head off.
- Laughing Stock (One-Liners)
- If you boil a funny bone it becomes a laughing stock.
The head honchos of Komedy Klub wanted to issues shares and go public, but were advised against it. Nobody wants to be associated with a laughing stock.
- Laundry (One-Liners)
- Can you wash grass in the lawndry?
- Lauriate (Book Titles)
- Nobel Prize Cannibals: Laurie AteJG
- Law Abider (Book Titles)
- Honest Citizen: Laura ByderA
- Law and Order (Book Titles: Good)
- Crackdown: Lauren OrderJG
- Law Suits (Jokes)
- What do lawyers wear to court? Lawsuits.
- Lawb-sters (One-Liners)
- If people in the Mob are mobsters, why aren't lawyers called lobsters?
- Lawn Mower (Book Titles: Good)
- How to Cut Grass: Lon Mooren
- Lawn, He Mow It (Book Titles: Good)
- What He Will Do to the Grass: Lonnie Mowat
- Lawrence Welk (Book Titles: Good)
- Music of the Sea: Lawrence Whelk
- Lay Low (Expressions)
- Are chickens who are hiding just laying low?
- Lay Of the Land (Two-Liners)
- Surveyors like Star Wars. They're always looking at the Leia the land.
- Lay Us (Asia: Southeast)
- "Now we Laos down to sleep; we pray the Lord our souls to keep."
- Layer Cake (Baked)
- When the heroes and villains are having dinner in their hideouts, do they have lair cake for dessert?
- Layered (One-Liners)
- A style of dressing that makes you resemble a Scottish noble: the Laird Look.
- Lazy Bones (Book Titles: Good)
- Get Off Your Butt and Work!: Lacey Bones
- Lead (Chemistry: Elements)
- A chemist can be lead to water, but cannot be made to drink.
The most gullible element is easily lead.
- Lead On (Europe: Iberia)
- If Macbeth had been in Spain, his final challenge would have been: "Leon Macduff! ..."
- Leader (Measures)
- Weights and measures inspectors like to play follow the litre.
- Leads (Europe: United Kingdom)
- My Geography prof Leeds a double life.
A British city has gone missing. Police are currently looking for Leeds.
- Leaf Raker (Book Titles)
- Nordic Groundskeepers: Leif RakerJG
- Leaking (Book Titles: Good)
- The Palace Roof has a Hole: Lee King
- Leaky Faucet (Book Titles)
- You Drip!: Lee K. Fawcetteb
- Leap (One-Liners)
- Do high jumpers perform better in leap years?
- Leap of Faith (Expressions)
- A priest, a rabbi and an imam went skydiving. They called it a leap of faith.
- Leapt On (Physics)
- "The particle physicist jumped on the bandwagon?" "No, he lepton it."
- Lear [jet] (Tom Swifties)
- "She even flies her own jet," Tom leered.
- Lease a Car (Book Titles: Good)
- Hertz, Don't It?: Lisa CarrJG
- Least Spoken (Jokes)
- What's the least spoken language? Sign language.
- Leave Me (South America)
- "Go away! Get lost! Scram! Lima alone!"
- Leaves (1) (Hockey)
- The way some players behave on the ice Leafs much to be desired.
- Leaves (2) (Plants)
- When a tree needs to move, it packs up its trunk and leaves.
- Led Zeppelin (Music)
- I got a model of a dirigible and when I put little lights on it, it began to play "Stairway to Heaven". It was an LED Zeppelin.
- Lederhosen (One-Liners)
- Firefighter Chiefs prefer to wear leader-hosen.
- Leg (Anatomy)
- At last, the runners have entered the last leg of the marathon.
- Leg Up (Cannibals)
- The competitive cannibal is said to have a leg up on the competition.
- Legendary (One-Liners)
- The Mythical Cheese is legendairy.
Did you know that the Roman Army sold milk wherever it went? It was Legion-Dairy.
- Legends (One-Liners)
- Stories about my feet are not myths. They're leg-ends.
- Leggo My Eggo (Expressions)
- I made a waffle out of plastic blocks just so that I could say "Lego my Eggo!"
- Leia [Princess] (Basketball)
- The Star Wars character who was most into basketball was Princess Lay-Up.
- Lemmon (Cars)
- Would you buy a car from the actor Jack Lemon?
- Lemon (Mathematics)
- A sour citrus fruit: Lemma.
- Len Sing (USA)
- "Len is a terrific musician." "Yes, but can Lansing?"
- Lend a Hand (Book Titles)
- Volunteer's Guidebook: Linda HandJG
Cannibals are good friends. They're always ready to lend a hand when you need help.
- Lenin (One-Liners)
- A Soviet-era brand of fabric was called Vladimir Linen.
- Len's Down (Toronto)
- "Hey Fred, where's Len?" "Lansdowne by the creek, fishing."
- Leotard (Book Titles)
- Tight Situation: Leah TardJG
- Leroy (Money)
- "Bad, bad, lira Brown, baddest man in the whole damn town..."
- Les Misérables (Tom Swifties)
- "You call this a musical?" said Les miserably.
- Lesbian (Book Titles: Good)
- Gay Vegetables: Les Bean
- Less is More (Book Titles)
- The Shrinking Society: Les IsmoorJG
- Less Riches (Book Titles)
- Bad Investment: Les Richesj
- Lesser of Two Evils (Expressions)
- Two boll weevils grew up in South Carolina. One went to Hollywood and became a famous actor. The other stayed behind in the cotton fields and never amounted to much. The second one, naturally, became known as the lesser of two weevils.
- Let 'Er Rip (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross alphabet soup with a laxative? Letter Rip.
- Let Out (Two-Liners)
- A tailor let out my pants. I had to chase them all over the yard before I caught them.
- Let Us (Vegetables)
- Why won't you lettuce in to tell you Knock-knock jokes?
- Let Us Pray (Expressions)
- Two skunks wandered into a church service and said "Let us spray."
- Lethal Weapon (Book Titles)
- More Mindless Violence: Lee FullweaponA
- Levels (One-Liners)
- Stairs and ladders are fun on so many levels.
- Leviathan (Jokes)
- How can skinny jeans also be huge? If they're Levi-a-thins.
- Levitation (Book Titles)
- Jewish Mysticism: Lev Itationl
- Lexicon (Book Titles: Good)
- A Dictionary of Swindles: Lexi Kahn
- Liability (One-Liners)
- A criminal's best asset is his also his lie ability.Pun.me
- Liar (Music)
- The least truthful musical instrument is the lyre.
- Libby A (Africa)
- "Libby wants a book." "Okay, give Libya Geography text."
- Libido (Book Titles)
- Heat Makes Me Rise: Libby Dough
- Lid (Europe: United Kingdom)
- To close the jar, tighten the Lydd.
- Lies (Jokes)
- How does a politician / lawyer sleep? First he lies on one side, then he lies on the other side.
- Lieutenants (Book Titles)
- Theft Among Arthropods: The Lieutenantsl
- Lift Off (Book Titles)
- Rocket Launch: Cliff Toff
- Lift the Spirits (Ghosts)
- An elevator makes ghosts happy because it lifts the spirits.
- Light (Christmas)
- How can you make Santa Claus light? Stick his finger in the socket.
- Light [beer] (Tom Swifties)
- "This bud's for you," said Tom lightly.
- Light Sleeper (Jokes)
- Why did the little fella sleep on the chandelier? Because he was a light sleeper.
- Light Snack (Jokes)
- Why did the monster eat a light bulb? Because he needed a light snack.
- Light Wait (Redefinitions)
- Lightweight: The time between flipping the switch and the bulb turning on.
- Lightening (Meteorology)
- Knowledge of thunderstorm mechanics can often be en-lightning.
- Lighter [that ignites something] (Jokes)
- What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? The hippo is heavy and the Zippo is a little lighter.
- Light-Headed (Expressions)
- I put a flashing light on my bike helmet to help me be seen at night. Instead, it made me dizzy because I was light-headed.
- Lily Livered (Book Titles)
- Joys of Cowardice: Lily LivardJG
- Limb (Plants)
- Some people are willing to go out on a limb to conserve forests.
- Limb Burger (Cheeses)
- What is a cannibal's favourite cheese? Limburger.
- Limbo (Undead)
- Do zombies do the limb-o dance at parties?
- Lime Stoned (Geology)
- Snorting powdered citrus fruit got the geologist limestoned.
- Limp (Anatomy)
- Does a lame doctor walk with a lymph?
- Limply (Tom Swifties)
- "Please save the branches of our trees," said Tom limply.
- Line (Fruits)
- A straight lime is the shortest distance between two points.
- Linguine (One-Liners)
- If I made a hotdog out of pasta, should it be called a ling-weenie?
- Links (Animals)
- Biologists are always hunting for the missing lynx in the evolutionary process.
- Linoleum (Book Titles)
- Irish Flooring: Lynn O'Leum
- Lion Will Eat You (Book Titles)
- Meals On Safari: Lionel EechaJG
- Lip [disrespect] (Cannibals)
- Don't sass cannibals. They don't take lip from anybody.
- Lips (Anatomy)
- Morty The Mouth's favourite song: "Tip Toe, Through the Two Lips".
- Lips Were Sealed (Expressions)
- He didn't tell his mother that he had eaten some glue. His lips were sealed.Pun.me
- Lisp (Computers)
- When thomeone talkth like thith, he hath a Lisp.
- Lisp [programming language] (Tom Swifties)
- "I like writing artificially intelligent programs," Tom lisped.
- List Less (Tom Swifties)
- "Gentlemen: Please send me your catalogue," wrote Tom, listlessly.
- Litter [chair carried by servants] (Tom Swifties)
- "I want to be carried in a covered couch," said Tom literally.
- Litter Ate (Tom Swifties)
- "Is it true that some animals will eat their own babies?" asked Tom literately.
- Littering (Animals)
- When the dog gave birth to puppies next to the side of the road, it was cited for littering.
- Little Company (Two-Liners)
- I was feeling lonely, so I started a small business. Now I have a little company.
- Little Horse (Tom Swifties)
- "I want a pony!" said Tom a little hoarsely.
- Little House on the Prairie (One-Liners)
- A story about a pony on the pampas could be called "Little Horse on the Prairie".
- Little in Common (Expressions)
- Dwarfs and midgets have very little in common.
- Little Patient (Two-Liners)
- "Doctor, I'm shrinking!" "Well, you'll have to be a little patient."
- Little Rock (USA)
- A piece of gravel in Arkansas is a Little Rock.
- Live Only A (Europe: Eastern)
- My downtown apartment is great! I Livonia few minutes from work!
- Liver (Anatomy)
- A person who lives can be called a liver.
- Liver Pool (Europe: United Kingdom)
- England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.
- Livid (Chemistry)
- Organic chemists get lipid with rage.
- Liz Bun (Europe: Iberia)
- Liz opened a Portuguese bread shop, calling it the "Lisbon".
- Loaf (Baked)
- Silly Billy was told he was well-bred because he was always loafing around.
- Loafer (Jokes)
- What kind of shoes do lazy people prefer? Loafers.
- Locks (One-Liners)
- Can a woman on a boat in Scotland drop locks of her hair in the locks between lochs, while eating bagels with lox and picking the locks on her door?
- Loco Motives (Jokes)
- Did you hear about the Mexican train killer? He had locomotives.
- Loft (Tom Swifties)
- "Choir up!" commanded the church conductor loftily.
- Log Rhythm (Mathematics)
- The musical beat for cut tree limbs: Logarithm.
- Logger (Jokes)
- What is the preferred beer of lumberjacks? Lager.
- Lone Ranger (One-Liners)
- A bank employee becomes a Western hero when she is the Loan Arranger.
- Long (Anatomy)
- Combat medic's marching song: "It's a Lung Way to Tipperary".
- Long Sentence (One-Liners)
- If the judge loves the sound of his/her voice, expect a long sentence.Pun.me
- Long Time, No See (Expressions)
- In Plantagenet England there was a rule that said that if bishops grew their herbs to excessive sizes, they would be stripped of their diocese. Hence the origin of the phrase "long thyme no see."
- Longer (Baked)
- I asked the bakery if they had shortbread. They told me they don't make it any longer.
- Loo Pins (One-Liners)
- Lupins are what you find on a lavatory's bulletin board.
- Look Out (Book Titles)
- Danger!: Luke Out
- Looked Surprised (Two-Liners)
- I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
- Looking Into (Two-Liners)
- I've never owned a telescope. It's something worth looking into.
- Looking into It (Expressions)
- A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.
- Loop [programming] (Tom Swifties)
- "No, you have to do it again," reiterated Tom loopily.
- Loose Elastic (Book Titles: Good)
- Fallen Underwear: Lucy LasticJG
- Loose Fur (One-Liners)
- Can we name shedding pets after the fallen angel Lucifer?
- Lorentz (Toronto)
- "No, no! Lorentz studied human behavior. Lawrence wrote poetry!"
- Lorna Doon (Book Titles: Good)
- Scots in the Desert: Lorna Dune
- Lorry Driver (Book Titles)
- I Guide Large Vehicles in England: Laurie Driver
- Lose Your Head (Undead)
- When a zombie gets really angry, does it lose its head?
- Loser (Book Titles)
- Tear Up Those Betting Slips: Lou ZerrJG
- Losers (Music)
- If people who work are called workers, why aren't people who play the blues called bluesers?
- Loses an Eye (Mathematics)
- Square root of -4 = 2. For mathematicians, it's all fun and games until someone loses an i.
- Losing (Asia: Philippines)
- The team has been defeated 18 times in a row. They're on a real Luzon streak.
- Loss for Words (Expressions)
- I misplaced my dictionary. Now I'm at a loss for words.
- Lost a Lot (Animals)
- We ocelot of money in the stock market crash.
- Lost at Sea (Jokes)
- Why can't pirates recite the alphabet? They get lost at C.
- Lost Her (Canada)
- I found the love of my life, I Gloucester and I found her again.
- Lost It [go nuts] (Expressions)
- I had a pun about insanity but then I lost it.
- Lost My Case (One-Liners)
- I tried to sue the airline for losing my luggage, but apparently I lost my case.
- Lot Of (Names)
- "I won a million bucks in the lottery!" "That's a Lotta money! Can I have some?"
- Lot of Dust (Book Titles)
- Good Housekeeping: Lotta Dust
- Lot of Noise (Book Titles)
- Punk Rock Rulez!: Lotta NoyzeJG
- Lots (Europe: Eastern)
- People in Poland have Lodz of problems to deal with now.
- Lou Can (Canada)
- "But can Lou survive all those Pun Tests?" "If anybody can do it, Lucan."
- Loud and Clear (Book Titles: Good)
- The Ham Radio Primer: Loudon ClearJG
- Louisiana (Book Titles)
- Mardi Gras Time: Lou IsianaJG
- Love (Baseball)
- When she accidentally beaned him with her catcher's mitt, he knew it was glove at first sight.
Never date a tennis player. Love means nothing to them.
- Love [tennis - zero score] (Tom Swifties)
- "What's the score in the Stevie Wonder - Ray Charles tennis game?" asked Tom lovingly.
- Loved at All (Expressions)
- Tis better to have loved a short person than never to have loved a tall.
- Loved her Still (Expressions)
- She was only a whiskey-maker, but he loved her still.
- Low (Jokes)
- Why are there no floods in Paris? Because the water is always l'eau.
- Low Blow (Expressions)
- When his ears were criticized, the MMA fighter responded with a sucker punch. It was a lobe low.
- Low Cost (Jokes)
- How can you tell that grasshoppers are poor? They live in locust housing.
- Low Fat (Baked)
- Putting my hair in a bun is a prerequisite for losing weight with a loaf hat diet.
- Lowest (Names)
- I got 6% in a Math test once. It was the Lois mark the teacher ever gave!
- Lowest Denominator (Book Titles)
- I Love Fractions: Lois Denominator
- Loyalty (Australasia)
- Friends from the Loyalty Islands will always stand by you.
- Loyola [founder of Jesuits] (Tom Swifties)
- "I always pray to St. Ignatius," said Tom loyally.
- Luau (Book Titles)
- Hawaiian Parties are Amazing!: Lou Wow
- Lucifer (One-Liners)
- Pet hair that is lying around the house is devilish because it is Loose Fur.
A devilishly sticky brand of adhesive is Glucifer.
- Luck Now (India)
- I need to throw ten sixes to win. Boy, do I need Lucknow.
- Luke Has Measles (Book Titles)
- He's Contagious!: Lucas Measles
- Lukewarm (Book Titles)
- Not So Hot: Luke WarmJG
- Lumber (Tom Swifties)
- "I chop down trees for a living," said Tom lumberingly.
- Lumberjack (Two-Liners)
- I dreamed that I was running around a forest cutting down trees. Does this mean that I'm a slumberjack?
- Lunatic (One-Liners)
- People who go nuts over lighter-than-air travel are balloonatics.
- Lunch (Astronomy)
- Sign on NASA scientist's door: "Out to launch."
- Lund (Europe: United Kingdom)
- When finished a lecture, Professor Lund says "London."
- Lute (Music)
- A pirate's favourite musical instrument is the loot.
- Lying (Animals)
- This beast cannot tell the truth because it is a lion.
- Win-Free (Sports)
- What do the [losing team name] and Oprah have in common? They're both win-free.