- A B C (Tom Swifties)
- "One can't dispute the fundamental importance of learning the alphabet," Abie ceded.
- A Band On (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm wearing my wedding ring," said Tom with abandon.
- A Bee Hive (Book Titles)
- Where Monks Get Honey: Abbey Hive
- A Bee Stung (Book Titles)
- Ouch!: A. B. Stung
- A Berlin (Book Titles)
- A Tale of German Capital: Amber Lynn Cash
- A Bozo (Book Titles)
- My Career As A Clown: Abe OzoJG
- A Bra Ham (Book Titles)
- Large Pig Brassieres: Abraham D. Cupp
- A Brace [of hares] (Tom Swifties)
- "I caught two hares," said Tom abrasively.
- A Bridge (Dentist)
- I was going to make a long-winded joke about orthodontics, but decided to abridge it.
- A Bun Dance (Redefinitions)
- Abundance: The Waltz of the Rolls.
- A Capella (Book Titles)
- Singing Without An Orchestra: A. K. PellaJG
- A Cert [brand of candy] (Tom Swifties)
- "It's not a candy mint, it's a breath mint," Tom asserted.
- A Count (Computers)
- In status, account is between a peasant and a king.
- A Cue Ball (Book Titles)
- Let's Play Billiards: A. Q. BallJG
- A Cute (Tom Swifties)
- "I like fuzzy bunnies," gurgled Tom acutely.
- A Damn Ant (Tom Swifties)
- "I've got another @#$%*! insect in my pants," said Tom adamantly.
- A Damn Shame (Book Titles)
- The Wall Failed and Caused a Flood: Adam Shame
- A Delayed (Book Titles: Good)
- Angry Commuters: Adelaide Train
- A Den (Middle East)
- Where does Geography Bear sleep? In Aden.
- A Dress (Jokes)
- What does a house wear? Address.
- A Flat Minor (Music)
- What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft? A flat miner.
- A Gate (Geology)
- How does a geologist get into a backyard? Through agate.
- A Gust of Wind (Book Titles: Good)
- It Blew Off My Hat!: Augusta Wind
- A Harbour (USA)
- A port city will always be found where there is Ann Arbor.
- A Head (Jokes)
- What did the bra say to the hat? "You go on ahead, I'll give these two a lift."
- A Jar (Jokes)
- When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.
- A King (One-Liners)
- A person in pain is like a monarch - aching all over!
"Aye, every inch!" said Lear achingly.
- A Ledge (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm halfway up the mountain," Tom alleged.
- A Lexus Car (Book Titles: Good)
- Luxury Automobile: Alexis Carr
- A Light (Jokes)
- When does a bird become a light bulb? When it alights on a branch.
- A Loo Fly (Tom Swifties)
- "England is okay, except there seems to be at least one blood-sucking insect in every outhouse," said Tom aloofly.
- A Lower (Two-Liners)
- I burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night. I should have put the oven on aloha setting.
- A Lumen, Um (Chemistry: Elements)
- Aluminum, is a measure of, uh, light intensity.
- A Man (Middle East)
- Geography prof: "I need Amman and a woman to do a report on Jordan."
- A Man to Be Reckoned With (Book Titles)
- Dirty Harry is... : Amanda B. Reckondwithz
- A Mandolin (Book Titles: Good)
- Not a Guitar!: Amanda Line
- A Meal Eaten (Book Titles: Good)
- At Last, Thanksgiving Dinner Is Over: Emile Eden
- A Meal Ticket (Book Titles)
- Confessions Of A Gold Digger: Emile TicketJG
- A Meal Ya Eat (Book Titles)
- What is dinner?: Amelia Eatt
- A Mere Pittance (Book Titles: Good)
- Not Very Expensive: Amir PittanceJG
- A Micron (Greek Letters)
- Omicron is one-millionth of a metre.
- A Minor (Music)
- What do you call an underaged musician? A minor.
- A Mousekateer (Book Titles)
- My Life With Annette: Amos KateerJG
- A Nap (Two-Liners)
- Is your iPad preventing you from falling asleep? Don't worry, there's a nap for that.
- A Net (Names)
- A fisherman can catch lots of fish with Annette.
- A Net Curtain (Book Titles)
- Pull Yourself Together!: Annette Curtainf
- A Network (Book Titles)
- Masterpieces Of Fox TV: Annette WorkJG
- A OK (Book Titles)
- Roger Wilco: A. O. KayeJG
- A Parent (Jokes)
- When does a joke become a "dad" joke? When it becomes apparent.
- A Patchy (Book Titles: Good)
- My Frequently-Mended Garment: Apache Dress
- A Pear (Physics)
- The physicist's favourite Christmas carol is "The Twelve Days of Christmas" because of the partridge in ampere tree.
- A Peel (One-Liners)
- Do nude banana jokes lack appeal?
- A Pull (Fruits)
- Give a push, get apple.
- A Real (Astronomy)
- That road accident made Ariel mess.
Bird watching is oriole great outdoors activity.
My font joke was Arial stinker.
- A Roamer (One-Liners)
- My traveling stinks because I am aroma.
- A Salt Water (Jokes)
- What's the most aggressive type of fish? Assault water fish.
- A Scent (Animals)
- How do you know when a skunk agrees with you? When it gives strong assent.
Skunks climb by making ascent.
- A Serb (Tom Swifties)
- "I got this ballpoint pen from a Yugoslav friend," said Tom acerbically.
- A Shanty (Africa)
- Ashanti is a crude shack usually found in a slum.
- A Stomach (Physics)
- Billy was sent home from Physics class with atomic ache.
- A Sure (Two-Liners)
- Making a bet on what colour something will be is risky. It's not azure thing.
- A Tent (Tom Swifties)
- "Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I sleep in a wigwam; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends I sleep in a teepee," said Tom very attentively.
- A Tire (Jokes)
- What's the difference between a well-dressed man on a bicycle and a poorly-dressed man on a tricycle? Attire!
- A Trophy (One-Liners)
- The person who wastes away the most will win atrophy.
- A Verse (Tom Swifties)
- "I don't want to rewrite this in prose," said Tom aversely.
- A Wagon (Jokes)
- When can a dog be used to move stuff around? When its tail is a-waggin'.
- A Werewolf (Werewolves)
- When the Big Bad Wolf became a Buddhist and started meditating, he became even scarier. He was aware wolf.
- A Word (Tom Swifties)
- "In the beginning voz...," averred the German preacher.
- Abatoir (Music)
- I tried singing an ABBA song once, but I butchered it so badly that I was called the Abbatoir.
- Abba-Lone (Music)
- Is a single person who likes Abba an abalone?
- Abbot and Costello (Two-Liners)
- "I hear that Elvis Costello and Abba will be touring this year." "Abba and Costello? Who's on first?"
- Able and willing (Book Titles)
- I Want to Help: Abel N. Willina
- Able bodied (Book Titles)
- Drafted!: Abel BoddeedJG
- Abnormality (Book Titles)
- I'm not a Mutant: Abner MalletyJG
- About (Two-Liners)
- I'm finally going to sit and read that Stephen Hawking book. It's about time.
- Abracadabra (Book Titles)
- Say The Magic Word: Abby CadabraJG
- Absent-Minded (Tom Swifties)
- "The number of people not attending class today really bothers me," said the professor absent-mindedly.
- Abstract [art] (Tom Swifties)
- "I like modern painting," said Tom abstractly.
- Abstract [steal] (Tom Swifties)
- "Now THAT's worth stealing," said Tom abstractly.
- Abstract [thesis] (Tom Swifties)
- "This is the first step towards my thesis," said Tom abstractly.
- Abu Dhabi (Asia)
- In the Harry Potterverse, would a house elf from the Middle East be called Abu Dobby?
- Abysmal (Physical)
- To oceanographers, things are never bad, they're Abyss-mal.
- Acceleration (One-Liners)
- People who peddle ibuprofen and Tylenol keep moving faster because they're into ache-seleration.
- Accent (Two-Liners)
- I accidentally sprayed some deodorant in my mouth. Now I speak with a weird Axe scent.
- Accident (Misc)
- I didn't mean to break the atlas! It was an Occident!
When the ox charged and rammed the wall, it left a big Occident.
- Accord (Tom Swifties)
- "Let's all play an A, a C#, and an E," cried the band with one accord.
- AC-DC (Book Titles)
- Electrical Wiring Made Easy: A. C. DeeseyJG
- Ache (Measures)
- A geographer in pain is an acre.
- Aching (Europe: Germany)
- "Do you hurt real bad?" "Yeah, I'm Aachen all over."
Dull Pain: A. KingA
- Achoo [sneeze] (Jokes)
- What sounds like a sneeze and is made of leather? A shoe.
What does a nut say when it sneezes? "Cashew!"
In which American state do people sneeze a lot? Mass-achu-setts.
- Acid (Tom Swifties)
- "This salad dressing has too much vinegar," said Tom acidly.
- Ack-Ack (Anti-Aircraft) (Animals)
- With what do monkeys shoot down airplanes? A macaque gun.
- Acorn (Nuts)
- Is a nut that toots when you hurt an ache-horn?
- Acoustics (Two-Liners)
- The sound from a musician on stage bounces off the auditorium walls to surround the audience. The sound from a pigeon on stage does not, because a coo sticks.
- Acquire (Two-Liners)
- "How much would it cost to buy a singing ensemble?" "You mean 'a choir'?" "Fine, how much to acquire a singing ensemble?"
- Act Like a Nut (Expressions)
- If you want to catch a squirrel just climb a tree and act like a nut.
- Acting (Canada)
- One can expect to find an active drama society in Acton.
- AD Calendar (Book Titles)
- In Year One: A. D. CalendarJG
- Ad Here (Expressions)
- Advertisers will place ads anywhere, even on promotional glue guns. They say "Put your adhere!"
- Ad Lib (Africa)
- Do people who can speak extemporaneously come from ad-Libya?
- Ad Nauseum (Book Titles)
- And so on and so forth: Ed Nauseumx
- Ada Laid (Australasia)
- "Where did Ada put the book?" "Adelaide the book on the table."
- Adam-Ant (Tom Swifties)
- "I insist on naming the first male insect," said Tom adamantly.
- Add Annoyed (Anatomy)
- A doctor who is irritated by addition is adenoid.
- Add Them Up (Book Titles: Good)
- I Love Mathematics: Adam Up
- Add Thems (Mathematics)
- I wonder if mathematicians belong to the Add'Ems Family?
- Adder (Animals)
- A snake that's good at math is an adder.
- Adding (Middle East)
- He's so dumb that if he tried Aden two and two together, he'd get 22.
- Address (Misc)
- To get into the Witness Protection Program, she got married. This way she got a new name and a dress.
- Addressing (Vegetables)
- My salad is dry. This is a problem that needs a dressing.
- Adele [singer] (Jokes)
- Did you know that my computer sings? It's a Dell.
- Admit (Tom Swifties)
- "There's room for one more," Tom admitted.
- Adrift (Jokes)
- When is a boat like snow? When it's a drift.
- Advance (Tom Swifties)
- "Here's your allowance for the next two weeks," Tom advanced.
- Adverse (Two-Liners)
- Test audiences always hate advertisements with poetry. They have adverse reactions to them.
- Advice (One-Liners)
- Someone suggested that I put advertisements on my clamps, but I thought that was bad advice.
- Ad-vice (Tom Swifties)
- "Those hookers are putting notices in the personals," Tom advised.
- AEIOU (Book Titles)
- Vowel Promissory Notes : A. E. I. O'You
- Aerial (Names)
- I had a favourite antenna. I loved it so much I named it Ariel.
- Affirmative (One-Liners)
- Nodding your head is an example of affirmative action.
- Afraid of That (Expressions)
- "Do you have any books on phobias?" "Sorry, no we don't." "I was afraid of that."
- After Math (Mathematics)
- Aftermath comes History, then Geography and Chemistry.
- Aftermath (Mathematics)
- Did the invention of calculus have an aftermath?
- Agree With (Cannibals)
- Cannibals don't like argumentative people. The flavour doesn't agree with them.
- Agrees (Europe: Balkans)
- I don't want an argument. I'll be much happier if he a-Greece with me.
- Ahead (Two-Liners)
- I have a deep admiration for busts. They're really ahead of their time.
- AI Expert (Book Titles)
- Robotics Handbook: A. I. ExpertJG
- Aimlessly (Tom Swifties)
- "Why can't I kill any of those Rebel scum?" asked Tom the Stormtrooper aimlessly.
- Air Inside (Book Titles: Good)
- Why Tires aren't Flat: Erin Side
- Airily (Tom Swifties)
- "The atmosphere is primarily nitrogen and oxygen," breathed Tom airily.
- Airing (Tom Swifties)
- "I just hung my sheets on the clothesline," said Tom erringly.
- Al Dente (Book Titles)
- Cooking Spaghetti: Al Dente
What do dentists eat for supper? Pasta al dente.
- Al Fell For (Vegetables)
- "Were you able to trick Alf?" "Yes, alfalfa it hook, line and sinker."
- Al Fresco (Book Titles)
- Outdoor Activities: Alf Resco6
- Al Is On (Names)
- "Hey Moe! Where's Al?" "Alison the roof fixing a leak!"
- Alarm (Tom Swifties)
- "Fire!" yelled Tom alarmingly.
- Alarm Clock (Hot Cross Puns)
- What do you get when you cross a chicken with a bell? An alarm cluck.
- Alarmist (Book Titles)
- Cry Wolf: Al Armist6
- Albatross (Book Titles)
- Sea Birds: Albert Ross6
- Albequerque (Book Titles)
- New Mexico Tour Book: Albie KerkyJG
- Albert A (Canada)
- "What should we give Albert?" "If we give Alberta pun test, he'll kill us."
- Alcatraz (Animals)
- What's the Prison for Deer called? Elkatraz.
- Ale and Thus (Plants: Trees)
- He took his first sip of ailanthus began his long slide into alcoholism.
- Alert (Canada)
- One must be Alert to drive a car safely at high speed.
- Algebra (Mathematics)
- What did the mermaid wear to math class? An algae-bra.
- Algol (Computers)
- A programmer's favourite star is Algol.
- Algonquin (Provincial Park) (Canada)
- While camping at an Ontario provincial park, we ran out of beer. I turned to my friend Quinn and said "Algonquin!"
- Algorithm (One-Liners)
- A Vice-President playing the bongos is mathematical because he's an Al Gore Rhythm.
- Alice in Wonderland (Book Titles: Good)
- Lewis Carroll: Alison WonderlandJG
- Alice Springs (Australasia)
- Alice may seem dormant now, but when she has a cause, Alice Springs into action.
- Alienated (Expressions)
- "Are you OK with a Vulcan helping you?" "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" "I was afraid that you'd feel alien aided."
- Alimony (Book Titles)
- Soak Your Ex-Husband: Ali Money6
- Alkaseltzer (Book Titles)
- Oh What A Relief It Is: Al KaseltzerJG
- All and Sundry (Book Titles)
- And the Other People: Allan Sundry
- All Bite (Geology)
- If we albite rocks, we'll all lose our teeth.
- All For (Greek Letters)
- Alpha one and one for all!
- All He (Names)
- Ollie ever wanted was a chance to better his life.
- All In (Toronto)
- Allen the Family was a TV sitcom featuring Archie Bunker.
- All My Children (Canada)
- The Lac St. Jean (Quebec) region's favourite soap opera is "Alma Children".
- All My Heart (Book Titles: Good)
- I Love You!: Alma Hart
- All My Money (Book Titles)
- I Wuz Robbed!: Alma MoneyJG
- All Ness (Toronto)
- Elliot Ness' job seemed simple. Alness had to do was put Al Capone in jail.
- All Of (Fruits)
- Santa's 10th reindeer was called Olive the Other Reindeer.
- All of a Sudden (Book Titles: Good)
- Without Warning: Oliver Sudden
- All Out (Baseball)
- Baseball teams should try hard to win, but they shouldn't go all out.
- All Over the Web (Jokes)
- Have you seen the picture of Spiderman getting blown up? It's all over the Web.
- All Pine (Plants: Trees)
- If a mountain slope is totally covered in pine trees, is it described as alpine?
- All right (Jokes)
- Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? He's all right now.
- All Sass (Europe: France)
- "I cannot sass you for even one second?" "No! Alsace is forbidden!
- All the Wrong Places (One-Liners)
- Star Wars burlesque has me looking for love in Alderaan places.
- All True (Tom Swifties)
- "Everything Albert says is so obvious," said Tom altruistically.
- All your Eggs in One Basket (Expressions)
- "I want 2 rubber seals, 3 plastic seals and one metal seal." "Don't put all your begs in one gasket!"
- Allergies (One-Liners)
- Wouldn't it be better if we could ah-choose some ergies instead of allergies?
- Alley (Jokes)
- What kind of cats like to go bowling? Alley cats.
- Alligator (Book Titles: Good)
- Crocodile Dundee: Ali Gator
- All-Out (Plants)
- Any operation against weeds is an all-out assault.
- Allowed (Jokes)
- Why isn't whispering permitted in class? Because it's not aloud.
- All's Well (Expressions)
- The favourite Shakespeare quote in the Middle East: "Oil's well that end's well."
- Alma Ate A (Asia)
- "What did Alma eat?" "Alma Ata whole pizza all by herself!"
- Almagest (Book Titles: Good)
- Funny Astronomy Texts: Alma Jest
- Aloha (One-Liners)
- Laughing out loud is forbidden in Hawaii because it's a low ha state.
- Alone (One-Liners)
- Borrowed money is always by itself because it’s a loan.
What kind of time isn't free? A loan time.
- Aloud (Tom Swifties)
- "There's no need for silence," Tom allowed.
- Altar (Astronomy)
- Where astronomers get married: the Altair.
- Am Herst (Canada)
- You are himst, I Amherst.
- Amalgam (Dentist)
- The collection of dentist jokes was an amalgam of bad puns.
- Amazement (Two-Liners)
- When I learned what a labyrinth was, I was astonished. It's what a maze meant.
- Amazing (South America)
- Favourite hymn of Brazil: "Amazon Grace".
- Ambassa Door (Jokes)
- What's the best way to get into an embassy? Through the ambassador!
- Ambidextrous (Seasonings)
- I can eat sugar with both hands because I'm ambidextrose!
- AM-FM (Book Titles)
- Morning Radio: A. M. EffemJG
- Amour (Asia)
- The French geographer's Asian river of romance is the Amur.
- Amp (Tom Swifties)
- "It's a unit of electric current," said Tom amply.
- Amsterdam (Europe: Netherlands)
- A good city to buy gerbils, mice and guinea pigs is Hamsterdam.
- An (Names)
- Where to go bowling with Henry VIII: Anne Boleyn alley.
- An Abortion (Book Titles)
- Unwanted Babies: Anna Bortion8
- An Apple Is (Canada)
- "Mommy, what's an apple?" "Annapolis a large, red fruit."
- An Archer (Book Titles: Good)
- I Shoot Arrows: Anne Archer
- An Ear (Two-Liners)
- We just bought an authentic Van Gogh coffee table. We know it's authentic because there's a bit of veneer missing.
- An Eater (Names)
- When a woman sits down to a meal, she can be called Anita.
- An Ion (Physics)
- If you add electrons to a neutral atom, you'll get anion.
- An M (Asia: Southeast)
- When writing the alphabet, one must put Annam after the letter "l".
- An Ounce (Tom Swifties)
- "It weighs one-sixteenth of an pound," Tom announced.
- Anaconda (Book Titles)
- Snakes of the World: Anna Conda
- Anakin Skywalker (Jokes)
- Who wears the Darth Vader costume in the stores? Manikin Skywalker.
- Analgesic (Book Titles)
- Pain Relief: Ann L. Gesick6
- Analog (Book Titles)
- Modern Tree Watches: Anna Log
- Anchor A (Asia: Turkey)
- It is generally not a good idea to Ankara boat until the engine is turned off.
- Anchorage (USA)
- An Anchorage is a place ships can stop out in the ocean.
- Anchovy (Book Titles)
- I Like Fish: Ann Chovie
- And Over (USA)
- A task is repetitive if you have to do it over Andover.
- Androgynous (Redefinitions)
- Androginous: when all hard liquors look the same.
- Android (Book Titles)
- Robots: Anne Droid
- Andy's (South America)
- The classic TV show for mountaineers was Amos and Andes.
- Angioplasty (Book Titles)
- The Irish Heart Surgeon: Angie O'PlastyJG
- Angrier (Two-Liners)
- My girlfriend doesn’t like it when I mess with her red wine. So I added fruit and lemonade to it, and she's sangria than ever.
- Angry (One-Liners)
- The colour of rage is angreen.
- Angst (Physics)
- The unit of measure of anxiety is the Angst-rom.
- Ann Drew (Book Titles: Good)
- What Anne Did with Her Pencils: Andrew Pictures
- Anna to Me (Anatomy)
- "...My Anna lies over the ocean; Oh bring back my anatomy..."
- Anna Told Ya (Asia: Turkey)
- "What did Anna tell me?" "Anatolia to meet her at two o'clock."
- Annie (Seasonings)
- The next show for Little Spicerack Productions will be Little Orphan Anise.
- Annoy (Asia: Southeast)
- The Vietnam War used to Hanoi the Americans.
- Anonymous (Book Titles)
- The Unknown Rodent: A. Nonny Mouse
- Anorexia (Book Titles)
- Eating Disorders: Anna RexiaJG
A pullover coat will make you thinner because it gives you anorak-sia.
- Ant on Knee (Names)
- What do you a call a man with an ant on his knee? Antony.
- Ant on My Knee (Book Titles)
- Bit on the Leg: Anton Marnies
- Antagonize (Book Titles)
- How to Annoy: Aunt Agonize
- Ante Bellum (Book Titles)
- Life Before The Civil War: Aunty BellumJG
- Anthem (Book Titles)
- National Songs: Ann Them
- Anthrax (Book Titles)
- Animal Illnesses: Ann Thrax3
- Antibodies (One-Liners)
- Ants don't get sick because they have anty bodies.
A zombie hunter has to have a strong immune system and be full of anti-bodies.
- Anticlimax (Tom Swifties)
- "Orgasms are overrated," said Tom anticlimactically.
- Antigravity (Book Titles: Good)
- Artificial Weightlessness: Andy Gravity
- Anti-Money (Chemistry: Elements)
- A chemist in favour of barter is antimony.
- Antique (Book Titles)
- Keeping Old Furniture Looking Good: Ann Teakn
- Antlers (Book Titles: Good)
- Uncle Buck: Ant Lerzn
- Anxiety (One-Liners)
- Studying hieroglyphics is worrisome and leads to much ankhziety.
Brontophobia is the fear of thunder. Maybe we should call it bang-ziety?
- Any Longer (One-Liners)
- The company that makes yardsticks isn't going to make them any longer.
- Any Means Necessary (Expressions)
- "How should we stop the Mad Punster?" "By any means necessary!" "But any doesn't mean necessary!"
- Any More (Book Titles: Good)
- Is That It?: Annie MooreA
- Anybody (Cannibals)
- Cannibals aren't picky when it comes to getting volunteers. Any body will do.
- Anybody Home (Book Titles)
- Home Alone III, The Sequel: Annie BuddyhomeJG
- Aphrodite (One-Liners)
- If the Greek goddess of love had had big, poofy hair, would she have been called Afrodite?
- Apiary (Book Titles)
- Bee Stings Are in the Hand of the Bee Holder: A. P. AiryJG
- Apocalypse (Two-Liners)
- Hockey Night in Canada has been suspended for the pandemic. It's really the end of the world - the Apuckalypse!
- Apollo (Tom Swifties)
- "We had trouble with the propulsion systems for those moon flights," said the NASA engineer apologetically.
- Apologize (Book Titles)
- Oh, God, I'm Sorry: Apollo Jize
- Appeal (Tom Swifties)
- "Here's the story of the Liberty Bell," Tom told us appealingly.
- Appear (Australasia)
- I hate surprise Geography tests. They just Apia out of nowhere.
- Appendix (Anatomy)
- An item frequently found removed from a medical text is the appendix.
- Appetite (1) (Geology)
- The mineral Apatite is the expression of hunger.
- Appetite (2) (Redefinitions)
- What you call a situation when you buy an App that's a size too small for your iPhone.
- Applaud (One-Liners)
- When praising a computer program, I app-laud it.
- Applause (One-Liners)
- The Rules for Clapping are called Applaws.
- Apple (Computers)
- When a programmer's work begins to bear fruit, it's usually an Apple.
- Apple Loose (Animals)
- A bunch of apples on the floor is like a horse: Appaloosa.
- Apple-Lauding (Tom Swifties)
- "My compliments to the company that makes the Macintosh computer," said Tom applaudingly.
- Apply (Fruits)
- "Silly Billy, why did you put some fruit on your face?" "I was told to apple-eye myself!"
When I want to work hard, I hold an apple to my eye so I can apple-eye myself.
I wonder if ballet dancers have to a-plié to join a company, or just audition.
- Appreciate (Tom Swifties)
- "I'm of greater value to you every day," said Tom appreciatively.
- Appropriate (Tom Swifties)
- "I'll take that," said Tom appropriately.
- Apricot (Fruits)
- The dried fruit thief was eventually apri-caught.
- April Showers (Book Titles)
- May Flowers: April Showers
- Apt [abbrev for apartment] (Tom Swifties)
- "2 bdrm furn w 5 appl," said Tom aptly.
- Aquarius (Geology)
- The people who are the best at digging rocks from the ground are born under the sign of Aquarrius.
- Aqueous (Tom Swifties)
- "All right -- we'll use a water solution," Tom acquiesced.
- Arachnid (One-Liners)
- A Baghdad spider is an Iraqnid.
- Arbor Eat'em (Plants)
- Carnivorous trees grow in an arboretum.
- Arby Eyes (Baseball)
- Mr. Arby needs his RBIs to see with.
- Arch [Golden arches] (Tom Swifties)
- "I always eat at McDonald's," said Tom archly.
- Archipelago (Book Titles)
- Where to Find Islands: Archie Pelago
- Architect (One-Liners)
- Noah was an engineer and an ark-itect.
People who design dog houses are barkitects.
- Archives (Jokes)
- Where did Noah keep his bees? In the ark hives.
- Archly (Tom Swifties)
- "I do not have flat feet!" said Tom archly.
- Ardent (Two-Liners)
- To promote Valentine's Day passion, make a letter R out of something and press it into a soft spot of your amour. It will make him/her R-dent.
- Are (One-Liners)
- I wonder if young pirates in love say, "I love you just the way you arrrr."?
- Are Gone (Chemistry: Elements)
- "Have the evil Chemistry Punsters left?" "Yes, they argon."
- Are There Any More (Book Titles)
- The Empty Cookie Jar: Arthur Anymoreu
- Are, Son (Two-Liners)
- "Dad, are we pyromaniacs?" "Yes, we arson."
- Area 51 (Jokes)
- What do aliens sing in operas? Aria 51.
- Aren't (Fruits)
- Orange you going to get your homework done?
- Aren't Much to Look At (Expressions)
- The Invisible Man married the Invisible Woman. Their kids aren't much to look at, either.
- Aretha Franklin (Names)
- The office manager hung an illuminated Christmas wreath on the wall. I said "So, you hung up Franklin?" Puzzled response. "A-wreath-a Franklin?"
- Argument [computer program] (Tom Swifties)
- "It's an actual parameter, not a formal parameter," was Tom's argument.
- Ark (Mathematics)
- That which Noah built. Arc.
- Ark Tick (Misc)
- "How can you tell that this ark is a clock?" "I can hear the Arctic."
- Arm and a Leg (Cannibals)
- How about the cannibal who complained about the price of gas, saying it cost an arm and a leg to fill the tank?
- Arm and Hammer (Book Titles: Good)
- Keep it Clean!: Armand Hammer
- Arm Dale (Halifax)
- "Is it wise to give Dale a gun?" "If we don't Armdale, how can he fight in the war?"
- Arm Is this (Undead)
- When the zombie armies finish fighting and declare a cease-fire, do any of them ask "Who's armistice?"
- Armies (Military)
- Where does a general keep his armies? In his sleevies.
- Arms (Anatomy)
- "The enemy is coming! To arms! To arms!" "But I already have two arms!"
- Arms Race (Undead)
- I wonder what an arms race would be like in Zombie Territory? One would come in dead last.
- Aroma (Fruits)
- When does a tomato have a smell? When it's a Roma!
- Around (Jokes)
- Balls have got to be one of the oldest toys. They've been around for a long time.
- Arr, Matey (Cannibals)
- What does a cannibal pirate say? "Arrrrmmm atey"
- Arrest (Tom Swifties)
- "You have the right to remain silent," said Tom arrestingly.
- Arse Tornoff (Book Titles)
- Nail in the Bannister: R. Stornoff
- Arson (Two-Liners)
- "You two are pyromaniacs, and it looks like your boy is too!" "Well, he is our son Orson."
- Arson Nick (Chemistry: Elements)
- Nick the chemist was also a pyromaniac. He was known in the underworld as "Arsenic".
- Artful (Tom Swifties)
- "I've had it up to here with Post-Modern Expressionism," said the goat artfully.
- Arthritis (Book Titles)
- Inflammation, Please!: Arthur ItisJG
- Artichoke (Book Titles)
- Vegetable Arrangements: Arty Chokep
- Artificial (Book Titles)
- It's a Fake!: Artie FishulC
- Artistic (Book Titles)
- Misunderstood: Art TisticJG
- Arty Choke (Vegetables)
- If artichoke, apply Heimlich maneuver.
- Arugula (Vegetables)
- A posh fund-raising soirée to support orphaned kangaroos needed a logo. I suggested a leafy vegetable: A Roo Gala.
- As Low (Europe: Scandinavia)
- Stealing candy from a baby? I never thought he'd sink Oslo as that.
- As Of (Europe: Russia)
- "Because you students have been getting bad grades, Azov now you will be getting more homework!"
- As One (Africa)
- When the Egyptians spoke in unison, they spoke Aswan.
- As We Go (USA)
- We think that the best way to pay for a vacation in New York's Finger Lakes region is to pay Oswego.
- Ash (Plants: Trees)
- The ash tree remains after a forest fire.
- Asia Minor (Book Titles: Good)
- Turkish Minerals: Asa Minerl
- Ask (Animals)
- Ox a silly question, get a silly answer.
- Ask Her (Physical)
- If you esker no questions, she'll tell you no lies.
- Ask It (One-Liners)
- A mortician teacher might say "If you have a question, just casket!"
- Ask Us (Asia)
- We've studied hard for this test. If you Oxus a question, we'll get the answer right away.
- Ask You (Two-Liners)
- "Why is everything crooked?" "I was going to askew the same thing."
- Aspect (Redefinitions)
- What you get when you turn your back on a chicken.
- Aspire (One-Liners)
- I strive to be a church steeple because its a spire.
- Ass Ass (Jokes)
- What has two butts and kills people? An assassin.
- Ass Pen (Plants: Trees)
- A wooden donkey corral is made from aspen.
- Ass Tear (One-Liners)
- A move that causes the seat of your pants to rip as you tap-dance is called the Astaire.
- Assembling Cabinet (Two-Liners)
- The CEO of IKEA was elected Prime Minister of Sweden. He's currently assembling his cabinet.
- Asshole (One-Liners)
- Wishing wells are rude because they're a bunch of ask-holes.
- Assist Her (Jokes)
- How do you help your female sibling? A sister.
- Ass-nine (Tom Swifties)
- "One of the ten finalists in the 'London derriere' contest had to drop out," said Tom asininely.
- Ass-Scent (Tom Swifties)
- "Yes, I agree to smell like a donkey," Tom assented.
- Asthma (Mathematics)
- People who get wheezy and short of breath when confronted with an equation have mathsma.
- At Large (Two-Liners)
- A shipment of weight loss pills was stolen this morning. The suspects are still at large.Pun.me
- At Last (Misc)
- There you are! Atlas I have found you!
- Atmosphere (One-Liners)
- Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? The food is great, but it has no atmosphere.
- Atom Bomb (Book Titles)
- Nuclear Explosives: Adam Baumo
- Attic Coke Can (Canada)
- An empty can of Coca-Cola in an attic is an Atikokan.
- Attract Her (Jokes)
- How do you get a country girl's attention? A tractor.
- Audit Tea (Redefinitions)
- Oddity: What to serve to agents of the Revenue Department when they are asking difficult questions about your taxes.
- August (Misc)
- What type of wind can you expect in the eighth month of the year? August!
- Auld Lang Syne (Christmas)
- As New Year's Eve draws to a close, the follically challenged gather to sing of memories of their lost hair: Bald Lang Syne.
- Aunt Eater (One-Liners)
- Never give your uncle an anteater.
- Aunt Elope (Animals)
- Did your antelope with your uncle before they married?
- Aunty Freeze (Cars)
- What happens to Aunty Marge when she falls in the snow? Antifreeze.
- Aussie [Australian] Food (Jokes)
- What do you call Australian fish? Aussie food.
- Author (1) (Names)
- This dude writes books: Arthur.
- Author (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "I wrote the book on that subject," said Tom authoritatively.
- Automatic (1) (Book Titles: Good)
- The Industrial Revolution: Otto Mattick
- Automatic (2) (Tom Swifties)
- "Don't give me the gears!" said Tom automatically.
- Available (Two-Liners)
- "Ring this chime when you are ready. It's the availa-bell."
- Ave Her [Have her] (Tom Swifties)
- "She's mine," averred the Cockney chauvinist.
- Avenue (Jokes)
- When is a street like a meeting place? When it's a venue.
- Aviary (Book Titles)
- Bird Brains: A. V. AiryJG
"What do ants and bees use for cattle?" asked Tom avidly.
- Avocado (Jokes)
- What do you get when you cross a fruit with an extinct bird? An avocadodo.
- Avoid a Bull (Redefinitions)
- Avoidable: What a matador attempts to do.
- Away For (Jokes)
- Why did the cookie cry? Because his father was a wafer so long.
- Awful (Baked)
- That's the worst pancake ever made! It's absolutely waffle!
- Awk [Unix text utility] (Tom Swifties)
- "{sum += $2} END {print sum}," said Tom awkwardly.
- Axe 'Em (Mathematics)
- What one does to trees that are in the way: Axiom
- Axe Sent (Tom Swifties)
- "The executioner has received the tool he needs," said Tom with a heavy accent.
- Axes [plural of axis] (Mathematics)
- With what do mathematicians chop wood? Axes.
- Axle Grease (Book Titles)
- Car Repairs: Axel GreaseJG
- Customarily (Tom Swifties)
- "By convention!" cussed Tom airily.
- He Stir (Chemistry)
- How does Fred mix the solution? Ester.