What kids can teach us | Things that kids can teach us that we would rather not know |
What kids say | Kids say the darndest things. Added February 26, 2011. |
Kids talk about love | Love, seen through the eyes of children |
Kids' letters to God | Things kids say to God |
Kids and music | What kids think about music |
Unusual kids' books | Children's books you'll never see |
Strange student answers | Funny things that have been given as test answers. |
Kids' test responses | More funny test answers |
Kids' Religion Bloopers | Funny answers for questions about religion |
Kids' Deep Thoughts | Deep Thoughts, not from Jack Handey, but from kids |
God as a parent | God has no more success in child-management than we do. |
A mother's dictionary | Definitions of words from a mother's point of view |
Embarrassing moments | Embarrassing moments caused by kids. |
What Mother Taught Me | Lots of things that mother taught me |
A Parenting Test | Are you ready to become a parent? Try this "test" to see... |
If men really ruled the world | Proof that men really don't run things |
Another test for men | If you choose answer "C" for any of these, you could be in trouble |
Manspeak and Womanspeak | Manspeak and womanspeak translations |
Jokes about men | Jokes at the expense of men |
Quotes about men and women | Humour at the expense of the sexes |
Changing Oil | How men and women change their car's oil |
Men and Women: Differences | Differences between men and women in 2 different lists |
Stag Party Questions | Multiple-choice questions you can ask at a stag party |
A Mom's Letter to Santa | What a mother really wants for Christmas. |
Hints for Women | Hints for women on how to handle men, from the men. |
New Drugs for Women | Some helpful new drug ideas for women. |
This page last updated January 12, 2025.
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